What does the "far left" want for America?

Quote: Originally Posted by martybegan
The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.
Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

One of the most ignorant things I ever read.

Spoken like a true semiliterate.

You don't think that's stupid? Only a tard could possibly believe anyone would want that. Uh, excuse me, an "ignorant" tard.

I see the display of semiliteracy by one who states "One of the most ignorant things I ever read" escapes you and if you don't believe politicians of any stripe eagerly do whatever serves their electability - including buying votes from the public coffer - you aren't just stupid, you're brain dead.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold

You want the destruction of America because it stands in the way of your vision of a world wide collective
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold

You want the destruction of America because it stands in the way of your vision of a world wide collective

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

dear, since Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson and Friedman the battle as been defined as being between freedom and government. Conservatives are for freedom and the left is for govt authority. Simple enough?
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold

You want the destruction of America because it stands in the way of your vision of a world wide collective

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
This is comprehensively paranoid, ignorant and ridiculous.

Liberalism and 'socialism' are not 'the same.'

Liberals are now and have always been staunch advocates of capitalism and free markets.

Liberals are private business owners, buy stocks and bonds, and engage in commerce just like all other Americans.

What's likely confusing you is the fact that liberals are pragmatists, and unlike most conservatives, don't adhere blindly to political and economic dogma; rather, liberals predicate their policy positions on facts and evidence and what's likely to be successful based on the facts and evidence, not on what conforms to sanctioned dogma.

Indeed, Americans will never accept 'socialism,' and that certainly includes liberal Americans.
Liberalism and 'socialism' are not 'the same.'

of course they are!! Obama is a liberal yet he had 3 commie parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and open communist. He supports sinigle payer and to a lesser degree Obamacare. Our liberals spied for Stalin, a communist, and gave him the bomb.

the only liberal program is bigger and bigger govt. When Barry took offfice the govt was bigger than ever and yet his only idea was to make dramatically bigger still

The liberal idea is anti American which explains why our liberals sopied for Stalin!

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.-Thomas Jefferson

Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold

You want the destruction of America because it stands in the way of your vision of a world wide collective

One of your dumber comments - one of many.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold

You want the destruction of America because it stands in the way of your vision of a world wide collective

One of your dumber comments - one of many.
of course if it was dumb you'd be able to say why rather than call names like a child
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true.

You're such a hypocritical partisan fuck, aren't you?
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold

You want the destruction of America because it stands in the way of your vision of a world wide collective

One of your dumber comments - one of many.
of course if it was dumb you'd be able to say why rather than call names like a child

If it wasn't dumb you would have posted evidence that I want to see the destruction of America and that I hold a vision of a world wide collective. I don't, thus you're both a liar and dumb.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true.

You're such a hypocritical partisan fuck, aren't you?

No, I'm not. The evidence is overwhelming that you're an asshole. I'm not impressed with your record of posts either; nothing substantive or reasonable - sometime I wonder if you're really Stephanie and trying to pass as a man.
Read Orwells "Animal Farm" and that is where the narcissistic left is going. They are so convinced that they are correct and that the federal government must grow more powerful to run our nation ...that one day they will wake up and see its too late and they have created an authoritarian Marxist state.
No, I'm not. The evidence is overwhelming that you're an asshole. I'm not impressed with your record of posts either; nothing substantive or reasonable - sometime I wonder if you're really Stephanie and trying to pass as a man.

Says the partisan hack that relies on logical fallacies as a debate tool. Like a 5th grader.
No, I'm not. The evidence is overwhelming that you're an asshole. I'm not impressed with your record of posts either; nothing substantive or reasonable - sometime I wonder if you're really Stephanie and trying to pass as a man.

Says the partisan hack that relies on logical fallacies as a debate tool. Like a 5th grader.

LOL, "Like a 5th grader"; no evidence and a personal attack = ad hominem.
Read Orwells "Animal Farm" and that is where the narcissistic left is going. They are so convinced that they are correct and that the federal government must grow more powerful to run our nation ...that one day they will wake up and see its too late and they have created an authoritarian Marxist state.

Squealer ^^^
The "far left" wants real world solutions for real world problems. Solutions based on science and hard data. As Carl Rove called us, "the reality based community".

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