What does the "far left" want for America?

First does anyone find this thread ironic coming from the party that uses the terms radical right wingers, right wing extremist, Tea Party terrorist on a fairly regular basis? As for what the far left wants in my opinion it wants a country where the government can have as much control as possible without creating an actual police state.

I can't recall calling the tea party a terrorist organization (I do believe the NRA is, however). As for my use of "radical" for the right wing, that's true, and a radical is generally an extremist.

Your misuse of the word "ironic" is ironic, since most would agree that the far left includes the set of anarchists, and anarchists are not supportive of a police state.

Only in Commiefornia is personal freedom, lower taxes, lower government spending, and limited government considered "radical."

Since you are both ignorant and a liar it does no good to respond to you reasonably.
First does anyone find this thread ironic coming from the party that uses the terms radical right wingers, right wing extremist, Tea Party terrorist on a fairly regular basis? As for what the far left wants in my opinion it wants a country where the government can have as much control as possible without creating an actual police state.

I can't recall calling the tea party a terrorist organization (I do believe the NRA is, however). As for my use of "radical" for the right wing, that's true, and a radical is generally an extremist.

Your misuse of the word "ironic" is ironic, since most would agree that the far left includes the set of anarchists, and anarchists are not supportive of a police state.

The NRA is a terrorist organization? And you tried to tell me I was nutz?

Also, the claim that leftwing "anarchists" don't support a police state is a lie. These so-called "anarchists" are only opposed to existing governments. They don't hesitate to set up something even worse to take its place. Every self-style leftwing "anarchist" I ever met was indistinguishable from a Stalinist.

Nuts and ignorant. In my never ending effort to educate the ignorant, below is a definition of Anarchy:

Anarchy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
First does anyone find this thread ironic coming from the party that uses the terms radical right wingers, right wing extremist, Tea Party terrorist on a fairly regular basis? As for what the far left wants in my opinion it wants a country where the government can have as much control as possible without creating an actual police state.

I can't recall calling the tea party a terrorist organization (I do believe the NRA is, however). As for my use of "radical" for the right wing, that's true, and a radical is generally an extremist.

Your misuse of the word "ironic" is ironic, since most would agree that the far left includes the set of anarchists, and anarchists are not supportive of a police state.

Calling the NRA a terrorist organization alone makes you an idiot.
It's Mr. Catcher to you. And, what is a San Francisco habit? No doubt something only a bigot would offer.

Bigot,no...homophobe......arf arf

If by "arf arf" you admit to being a homophobe (a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality) I have to wonder why?

Don't be hating on people who get queasy thinking about homosexuals, they're born that way, just like homosexuals are born with their sexuality. It's wrong of liberals and homosexuals to hate people for how they are born.
First does anyone find this thread ironic coming from the party that uses the terms radical right wingers, right wing extremist, Tea Party terrorist on a fairly regular basis? As for what the far left wants in my opinion it wants a country where the government can have as much control as possible without creating an actual police state.

I can't recall calling the tea party a terrorist organization (I do believe the NRA is, however). As for my use of "radical" for the right wing, that's true, and a radical is generally an extremist.

Your misuse of the word "ironic" is ironic, since most would agree that the far left includes the set of anarchists, and anarchists are not supportive of a police state.

Calling the NRA a terrorist organization alone makes you an idiot.

And you wonder why I don't take anything you post seriously. I made an allegation, a reasonable person would ask why, not resort to name calling.
I can't recall calling the tea party a terrorist organization (I do believe the NRA is, however). As for my use of "radical" for the right wing, that's true, and a radical is generally an extremist.

Your misuse of the word "ironic" is ironic, since most would agree that the far left includes the set of anarchists, and anarchists are not supportive of a police state.

Calling the NRA a terrorist organization alone makes you an idiot.

And you wonder why I don't take anything you post seriously. I made an allegation, a reasonable person would ask why, not resort to name calling.

Because you are equating a 2nd amendment rights organization with people who blow things up and shoot people based on ideology. The allegation in and of itself is idiotic, and thus the originator is an idiot.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

One of the most ignorant things I ever read.

Spoken like a true semiliterate.
Standard progressive dismissal of something they don't like to hear.

So my typing for no real content Rdweeb. Go play in traffic.

Look at the nonsense you wrote. You have the nerve to say such foolishness is something I don't want to hear? No one really cares to hear "stupid".

Look at this part:

Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible

Who the fuck are you talking about? Can you put a name to these "secret" people?

Blah Blah Blah, Rdean sucks off goats, blah blah blah.

The "secret" people are democrats, I thought you would figure it out. The higher you go in government the less a person is accountable to those they represent. They can rely on blocks of low info/fellow traveler voters to make sure they are not taken out of office.

I made my position clear, you chose to respond with nonsense and political hackery.

Again, you suck off goats.

The "secret" people are Democrats? OK, name them.
The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

One of the most ignorant things I ever read.

Spoken like a true semiliterate.

You don't think that's stupid? Only a tard could possibly believe anyone would want that. Uh, excuse me, an "ignorant" tard.
First does anyone find this thread ironic coming from the party that uses the terms radical right wingers, right wing extremist, Tea Party terrorist on a fairly regular basis? As for what the far left wants in my opinion it wants a country where the government can have as much control as possible without creating an actual police state.

I can't recall calling the tea party a terrorist organization (I do believe the NRA is, however). As for my use of "radical" for the right wing, that's true, and a radical is generally an extremist.

Your misuse of the word "ironic" is ironic, since most would agree that the far left includes the set of anarchists, and anarchists are not supportive of a police state.

Calling the NRA a terrorist organization alone makes you an idiot.

Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

ever see the movie "THE KILLING FIELDS"?
Look at the nonsense you wrote. You have the nerve to say such foolishness is something I don't want to hear? No one really cares to hear "stupid".

Look at this part:

Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible

Who the fuck are you talking about? Can you put a name to these "secret" people?

Blah Blah Blah, Rdean sucks off goats, blah blah blah.

The "secret" people are democrats, I thought you would figure it out. The higher you go in government the less a person is accountable to those they represent. They can rely on blocks of low info/fellow traveler voters to make sure they are not taken out of office.

I made my position clear, you chose to respond with nonsense and political hackery.

Again, you suck off goats.

The "secret" people are Democrats? OK, name them.

Just look at the current democratic leadership. You are the one who used the word secret, the rest of us know who they are.
I can't recall calling the tea party a terrorist organization (I do believe the NRA is, however). As for my use of "radical" for the right wing, that's true, and a radical is generally an extremist.

Your misuse of the word "ironic" is ironic, since most would agree that the far left includes the set of anarchists, and anarchists are not supportive of a police state.

Calling the NRA a terrorist organization alone makes you an idiot.

And you wonder why I don't take anything you post seriously. I made an allegation, a reasonable person would ask why, not resort to name calling.

If you claimed you were Napoleon, would a reasonable person ask you why you thought that? No, they would just make a circle motion with their index finger around their ear.


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