What Does Trump Mean By ‘Make America Great Again’?


Being a world leader in education, space and tech, first require something that the trump fans are in horror of; A College Education.
Almost all the Trump supporters in this forum have a college education, tits. What does that do to your idiot theory?
I like how not one Trump supporter has yet to answer the question. It must either be an empty slogan for the ignorant or there really is a racial message.

Unfair trade agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT....Trump killed the TPP which would have been the final nail on the coffin of the middle class. He has stopped the land grabbing of the BLM and has reversed some of the off-limits land that they acquired that Barrypuppet signed off on.

Yep, Trump is keeping his promises to make America a friendly place to bring back manufacturing jobs while putting things in place to reverse policies that has made America a bad place to do so and this all goes back to the formation of the Club Of Rome and their "Sustainable Development" plan.....so much that you have no clue about. Trump is a thorn in the side of the globalist POS that started the dismantling of the middle class in the late 1960's when it reached it's apex. I could school you but I doubt that you have the ability to learn.......it's simply easier to be pissed that leftardism has been replaced by national pride....it has to gall the fuck out of those of your ilk.

Trump is simply fucking this country up.
How, by cutting your goverment check?

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You've really got to do better than this for a comeback. Your boy's got a 32 percent approval rating. He sucks.
I like how not one Trump supporter has yet to answer the question. It must either be an empty slogan for the ignorant or there really is a racial message.

Unfair trade agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT....Trump killed the TPP which would have been the final nail on the coffin of the middle class. He has stopped the land grabbing of the BLM and has reversed some of the off-limits land that they acquired that Barrypuppet signed off on.

Yep, Trump is keeping his promises to make America a friendly place to bring back manufacturing jobs while putting things in place to reverse policies that has made America a bad place to do so and this all goes back to the formation of the Club Of Rome and their "Sustainable Development" plan.....so much that you have no clue about. Trump is a thorn in the side of the globalist POS that started the dismantling of the middle class in the late 1960's when it reached it's apex. I could school you but I doubt that you have the ability to learn.......it's simply easier to be pissed that leftardism has been replaced by national pride....it has to gall the fuck out of those of your ilk.

Trump is simply fucking this country up.
How, by cutting your goverment check?

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

You've really got to do better than this for a comeback. Your boy's got a 32 percent approval rating. He sucks.
You failed to explain how Trump is fucking this country up.
I like how not one Trump supporter has yet to answer the question. It must either be an empty slogan for the ignorant or there really is a racial message.

Unfair trade agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT....Trump killed the TPP which would have been the final nail on the coffin of the middle class. He has stopped the land grabbing of the BLM and has reversed some of the off-limits land that they acquired that Barrypuppet signed off on.

Yep, Trump is keeping his promises to make America a friendly place to bring back manufacturing jobs while putting things in place to reverse policies that has made America a bad place to do so and this all goes back to the formation of the Club Of Rome and their "Sustainable Development" plan.....so much that you have no clue about. Trump is a thorn in the side of the globalist POS that started the dismantling of the middle class in the late 1960's when it reached it's apex. I could school you but I doubt that you have the ability to learn.......it's simply easier to be pissed that leftardism has been replaced by national pride....it has to gall the fuck out of those of your ilk.

Trump is simply fucking this country up.
How, by cutting your goverment check?

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

You've really got to do better than this for a comeback. Your boy's got a 32 percent approval rating. He sucks.
You failed to explain how Trump is fucking this country up.

I don't need to. I will do as you conservatives do. Your boy has a 32 percent approval rating. He stinks at a historic level.
Donald Trump’s now ubiquitous slogan, “Make America Great Again!”, is often chanted at rallies, but rarely scrutinized in public discourse. What era in America’s past is Mr. Trump referring to when he says “Again”?

Would Mr. Trump prefer America return to the days of slavery, Jim Crow and labor exploitation in unsafe factories, mines, foundries and plantations? How about the late 19th century when “Robber Barons” monopolized one industry after another? Is he longing for the days when women were second-class citizens and couldn’t vote, until securing this right less than 100 years ago, only to still be paid lower wages than their male colleagues for performing the same jobs and faced with consumer and educational discrimination?

Or is Trump referring to a time when the US was less of a giant empire than it is today?

Or, more optimistically, in the nineteen sixties and early seventies when America had its highest real wages and a large trade surplus? Has anyone heard him say he wanted to return America to that prominence that peaked in the nineteen sixties?

He surely doesn’t want to raise wages for workers. On the campaign trail last year he said wages were too high and has not championed raising the frozen federal minimum wage (at $7.25 an hour) since.

He has spoken often about revising trade agreements to reduce our trade deficit, but he’s not going to take on the opposition of the emigrating giant global corporations to reduce our trade deficit.

Maybe he wants to go back to the America before there was Medicare and Medicaid, before dangerous cars had to be recalled, before food had to be labelled, before unions existed to collectively bargain with large companies in the auto, steel and oil industries?

Does he miss the days when there were segregated restaurants, hotels, trains and buses? What about when people could smoke in your space on airplanes, in college lecture halls, hospital waiting rooms, cafes, offices and just about all public spaces, no matter the presence of children and asthmatics? Or when people with disabilities faced physical exclusion and career discrimination?

More benignly, perhaps Mr. Trump is longing for the days when there was less soil erosion, fewer toxic chemicals in the environment and more family farms. Or when there was far less obesity and diabetes and less aggressive marketing to children of fast food full of fat, sugar and salt. If so, he sure is not going to Make America Great with the corporatists he’s appointed to run the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Agriculture.

Does he want to Make America Great Again by returning to the days when there were fewer people in prisons per capita, fewer non-violent drug offenders serving long sentences, including juveniles, fewer if any private corporate prisons? If so, he is going to have problems with his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. What about when casino gambling was highly restricted and only legal in Nevada? It’s unlikely Mr. Trump would have wanted to prohibit gambling in his Atlantic City Casinos before they failed or went bankrupt. With his flurry of statements and Tweets endorsing sexual harasser and accused pedophile, defeated Senate candidate Roy Moore, Trump, given his boastful aggression toward women, certainly does not want to return to an America when such widely publicized misbehavior would have kept men from even running for office.

More: What Does Trump Mean By 'Make America Great Again'?

I have no idea what he means. I doubt he knows what he means, either. Do you? What hasn't anyone confronted him on what he means? What time period in the past does he want to take us back to?
“What Does Trump Mean By ‘Make America Great Again’?”


It’s a lie, meaningless, empty rhetoric.

America is currently great.

Indeed, Trump is a threat to America’s greatness.
I don’t hate anyone... but this is pretty good. Lol
The first picture is accurate.

Yeaaahhhhh, that was the fabian socialists rally cry when anyone criticized the marxist clown that was the Barrypuppet...they couldn't defend his actions...they simply called people "racists" for disagreeing with the Barrypuppet that was nothing but an easily manipulated pawn of the deep state. When all else fails? Deflect and cast aspersions..........
Actually quite wrong. Years ago I drove a tourist bus and I had some American tourists who were bad mouthing Obama about the TARP bailout. I pointed out to them that it was actually Bush the bailed out the banks. The direction of the conversation then went on Obama's bail out of the auto industry. I then pointed out again, that it was Bush himself that lended GM and Chrysler over 17 billion dollars without the approval of congress. They still went on about how bad of a president he was but they were wrong about everything they said about him. Their colorful language about the man matched many I've seen here and other countless forums to show that the hatred for the man was only skin deep.
I don’t hate anyone... but this is pretty good. Lol
The first picture is accurate.
You’re delusional?
The proof is right here in these forums. One trump supporter actually stated there was no such thing as white privilege. That's just being stupid and racist.

Aside from being a fact, you mean?
Like I stated, stupid and racist.
I don’t hate anyone... but this is pretty good. Lol
The first picture is accurate.
You’re delusional?
The proof is right here in these forums. One trump supporter actually stated there was no such thing as white privilege. That's just being stupid and racist.

Aside from being a fact, you mean?
Like I stated, stupid and racist.
Typical leftist - you think facts are stupid and racist.
No problem with college education if they are teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. The problem is people going to college are wasting resources on studies you can't make money doing, like art appreciation or women's studies. History majors are good for one thing, teaching other History majors. You liberals seem to think all college degrees are equal, they're not. Some are a complete and total waste of time and money.

First off, I'm not a democrat and certainly not a democratic liberal. I lean left on social issues. As per your statements, "social issues" (teaching) seems to be your crux. Fair enough. I don't agree with many of them myself. You might you misunderstand what college is all about or public schools for that matter.

At a municipal level, all public grade schools and high schools are separated up in districts by their own state laws. Each district has an elected "school board". It is these boards that decide on the curriculum those schools have. As a taxpayer in a district , a person has a right to attend school board meeting and object to anything they feel is wrong. I'd say 99% of most people don't do this yet complain about it.

At a county level, the same applies to public vocational schools and 2 year colleges. Same thing.

Public universities at the state level are different animals. It comes down to each states charter and laws. While a taxpayer may voice their objections at certain things, money rules at this level. Now here's the important point, a college can usually sponsor and offer any kind of class they want. However, no student is obligated to take these courses. In reality, the greatest majority stick to classes they are majoring in (prerequisites) or related to the degree they are pursuing. Unless the course is underwritten, (benefactor, grants) if there in no interest in the course by the students or the course cannot pay for itself, they drop it.
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Oh for Chrissakes, it means fixing the damage that Obama deliberately caused with his racial shit-stirring and muslim fellatio. Idiot.
I don’t hate anyone... but this is pretty good. Lol
The first picture is accurate.
You’re delusional?
The proof is right here in these forums. One trump supporter actually stated there was no such thing as white privilege. That's just being stupid and racist.
Being an American Indian I don’t see where there is white privilege in this country, in fact I see quit the opposite.
Affirmative action/political correctness has destroyed the Indian nations.
I don’t hate anyone... but this is pretty good. Lol
The first picture is accurate.

Yeaaahhhhh, that was the fabian socialists rally cry when anyone criticized the marxist clown that was the Barrypuppet...they couldn't defend his actions...they simply called people "racists" for disagreeing with the Barrypuppet that was nothing but an easily manipulated pawn of the deep state. When all else fails? Deflect and cast aspersions..........
Actually quite wrong. Years ago I drove a tourist bus and I had some American tourists who were bad mouthing Obama about the TARP bailout. I pointed out to them that it was actually Bush the bailed out the banks. The direction of the conversation then went on Obama's bail out of the auto industry. I then pointed out again, that it was Bush himself that lended GM and Chrysler over 17 billion dollars without the approval of congress. They still went on about how bad of a president he was but they were wrong about everything they said about him. Their colorful language about the man matched many I've seen here and other countless forums to show that the hatred for the man was only skin deep.
Bush was/is a progressive, just like the shit stain Obama...
The first picture is accurate.
You’re delusional?
The proof is right here in these forums. One trump supporter actually stated there was no such thing as white privilege. That's just being stupid and racist.

Aside from being a fact, you mean?
Like I stated, stupid and racist.
Typical leftist - you think facts are stupid and racist.

You stated no facts.
I don’t hate anyone... but this is pretty good. Lol
The first picture is accurate.
You’re delusional?
The proof is right here in these forums. One trump supporter actually stated there was no such thing as white privilege. That's just being stupid and racist.
Being an American Indian I don’t see where there is white privilege in this country, in fact I see quit the opposite.
Affirmative action/political correctness has destroyed the Indian nations.

This is a load of garbage. Plus I doubt if you are full blooded original Native American.
Did you sleep through the election?

no. but she's not delusional like you.

everyone knows Make America great again meant "make America white again".

which is why the bigot brigade loves him

Is that what he meant? I guess I just missed all the speeches where he was talking about getting rid of all the brown people, huh?

It is what he meant and you didn't miss anything. You want to lie in this forum knowing that no matter what proof gets shown to you that you will deny it. He came out racist when he said Mexicans are rapists and murderers. But you'll have an excuse as to why what he said was not racist.
Obama and the Democrats are turning American into a third world banana republic left wing dictatorship.
Trump is trying to bring back the rule of law and our representative democracy.
Obama and the Democrats are turning American into a third world banana republic left wing dictatorship.
Trump is trying to bring back the rule of law and our representative democracy.

Yeah. sure. right. Like the rule of law where you can't say science based, transgendered or vulnerable if you work at the CDC.

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