What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

I know enough to know that the two of you disagree on this one point. I've been debating with the both of you for months and in that time I've learned that you think blacks can be racist - which you just said in this thread - and that IM2 thinks blacks can't be racist at all.

So young black men will join gangs and murder other black men for control of drug territory but spitting on people is morally beneath them?

You just said in this thread that blacks can be racist but it never occurred to you that he might have spit on me for that reason?

And whites have been practicing racist behavior consistently for over 400 years but that black man could not have spit on you because you said simethig racist or whites treated him like shit on that job.. The more you post the more I see that man had to endure a whole lot of white racism on that job. Because young white men join gangs and kill each other. On top of that, they provide the drugs to everyone else.

All of this is irrelevant to the idea of black men having too much morality and character to spit on someone but have no qualms about murdering other black men.

You always try to turn it into a contest but you're simply too short sighted to see that it's way more complicated than that.
I think you have hit on something with the "contest" For example, if whites have lynched 100 blacks due to racism, IM2 seems to believe that blacks get to lynch 100 whites +1 before the blacks can be racist.

Except Ghost rider is the one making this a contest. His blacks are racist too argument is exactly that.

This is not a contest for me and never was. I saw a lot of anger at whites when I came here and a lot of rhetoric suggesting that only whites can be racist. I did not agree with this view so I related my story as an example. That's when you started all this nonsense about power and authority and systems and the whole "blacks can't be racist because they don't have the power.." bullshit (after you first called me a liar without cause or evidence of course). Ever since then, no matter what I say, it's "400 years..." and "Blacks never made laws and policies..." "Blacks don't have control of...".

It has always been a contest of victimhood with you and is the very foundation of your entire view about whites and racism.

Power is not a prerequisite to racism.

I'm curious when Asclepias and IM2 will finally take this simple test and post the unedited results regarding their racism or lack of racism. My guess is that IM2 has taken the test, since I posted it before, and hated the results so he just rails that he wouldn't ever take that test. I wonder why?

Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites. This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously, we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matters.

If you are curious about yourself, take this test. The test does NOT use questions, which you could answer the way you THINK you should. Actually, it is fun. You can choose from a number of different tests but they only take about 15 minutes.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.

It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit
First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?

And what? We are supposed agree on everything?

Nope. That's not my point. The point is that the two of you disagree on a fundamental aspect of racial issues: the ability or possibility of blacks being racist. Now, if I were any less jaded than I am about how some blacks approach racial issues, I would wonder why this point never came up between you. But, being as jaded as I am from debating the two of you, I know exactly why it never came up.

You want to make a claim in order to build straw men based on false equivalences. But like I said, for you to even try making blacks racist, you have to deny whites have a continuing 400 year practice of racist behavior and that what blacks are doing is a reaction to that behavior.
How do you know if we have never discussed this point before?

I don't. I'm just making an assumption which is what you guys do to me all the time.

Who told you we disagree?

If by "disagree" you mean having discussed it, no one. But if by "disagree" you have a difference of opinion, well, you do.

If we do disagree what made you think its something fundamental?

You don't think that the question as to whether or not blacks can be racist is fundamental? Seriously?

It is a fundamental distinction because if the black person cannot be racist then the white person is always at fault or always the racist in every situation. If, however, the black person can, in fact, be racist, it changes the rules and parameters of the entire game. This then allows for the possibility that the black person citing racism just might be wrong. It also allows for the possibility that a black person can practice racism by denying a white person a job or show favoritism to black students or employees or whatever. But this is a possibility that people like IM2 just can't entertain.
Thats good. As long as you understand its just an assumption i will allow it.

So neither of us have told you that we disagree. Why do you think we disagree then?

Because one says blacks can be racist and the other doesn't. Haven't you been paying attention? You believe the exact opposite of each other on the issue of blacks being racist and whatever word you choose to describe it and whether or not you discussed it, you and he have opposing views on this.

Correct. Blacks being racist or not has zilch to do with white racism.

Blacks being racist has everything to do with it. It means that blacks can do the exact same shit whites did. Given enough time - say 50 to 100 years - if the anti-white sentiment in this country takes hold and there is a large shift in the majority race in political offices, theoretically whites could start losing liberties.
Apparently there are already black folks out there that think whites are the weaker race. How many of these people are there? How many other blacks will they win over to this way of thinking? How long before whites are seen as a threat or a competition and laws and policies are passed?

In my particular case, if blacks cannot be racist, then this means the guy that spit on me is a chickenshit with no honor (which does nothing to help your argument that whites are the weaker race).
If blacks can be racist then this opens the possibility that, if he was wrong that I was being racist or that I was harassing him, then he spit on me because I'm white which makes him a racist chickenshit with no honor.

My posts on racism have absolutely nothing to do with a Black person being racist. Its always about how whites are racists due to various insecurities that have caused them to legislate themselves a head start because they cant compete without assistance. This system is called racism.

This is where you go off the rails in your reasoning. Whites would have done just fine even with black competition. They didn't legislate themselves a head start because they couldn't compete without assistance, they just thought the black man was inferior. The same way you think whites are inferior.
So then what you're saying is that if a white guy denies a job to a black person for a white person it's practicing racism, but if a black guy denies a white person a job in favor of a black guy, it is not practicing racism because the black guy's race doesn't have control of the system?
Bingo. The white guys actions fall in line not only with the control dynamic but also with the prevalence of denying Blacks a job in favor of whites.

And the black guy's do not? Does the black employer not have control?

Basically what you're saying is that practicing racism is okay but practicing a lot of racism is morally wrong. Does that about sum it up?
Correct. The Black guy can be put out of business by whites easily. His business exists in the system controlled by whites.

Don't be stupid. A black employer has control over his company, ergo, he can practice racism.

Nope. Thats actually only something an idiot would suggest. Practicing racism is something only whites can do and like most things whites do its wrong.

You're an ignorant racist pig.
Youre being an idiot. Unless a Black employer doesnt have to abide by the rules of the white owned system then he doesnt have control over his company hence he cant practice racism. Even if he did one Black employer doesnt a system make.

You're being an idiot. The white employer is bound by the same equality laws as the black man.

Dont get frustrated. Get a better, more logical argument.

I don't need a better argument, I need a more intelligent listener.
Bingo. The white guys actions fall in line not only with the control dynamic but also with the prevalence of denying Blacks a job in favor of whites.

And the black guy's do not? Does the black employer not have control?

Basically what you're saying is that practicing racism is okay but practicing a lot of racism is morally wrong. Does that about sum it up?

Your argument is based on hypotheticals. "But if a black guys does this" is not the same as " when a white guy did this." We are taking abut a proven record of white racist behavior, you are arguing a bunch of what ifs.

White fragility.
I'm beginning to think that the reality whites subscribe to forces them to try and equate things that simply are not the same. They have trouble with simple concepts like history and facts.

Racism = racism. What's not the same here?
Racism ≠ reaction to racism. Your equation is incorrect. Thats what is not the same. :rolleyes:

If one's reaction to racism is to be racist (such as calling whites the weaker race or spitting on a white guy) then yes, it is the same.
I know enough to know that the two of you disagree on this one point. I've been debating with the both of you for months and in that time I've learned that you think blacks can be racist - which you just said in this thread - and that IM2 thinks blacks can't be racist at all.

So young black men will join gangs and murder other black men for control of drug territory but spitting on people is morally beneath them?

You just said in this thread that blacks can be racist but it never occurred to you that he might have spit on me for that reason?

And whites have been practicing racist behavior consistently for over 400 years but that black man could not have spit on you because you said simethig racist or whites treated him like shit on that job.. The more you post the more I see that man had to endure a whole lot of white racism on that job. Because young white men join gangs and kill each other. On top of that, they provide the drugs to everyone else.

All of this is irrelevant to the idea of black men having too much morality and character to spit on someone but have no qualms about murdering other black men.

You always try to turn it into a contest but you're simply too short sighted to see that it's way more complicated than that.
I think you have hit on something with the "contest" For example, if whites have lynched 100 blacks due to racism, IM2 seems to believe that blacks get to lynch 100 whites +1 before the blacks can be racist.

What IM2 invariably does in these discussions is to, when all else fails, point out that whites practiced racism more often and for a longer period of time. In his contorted view, a black guy who spits on a white guy (this happened to me years ago) because the guy is white is not racism, but it is racism when a white person spits on a black person because more whites have spit on blacks for a longer period of time.

This is like saying that if I kill three people over the course of three days, it's not morally wrong because another guy killed a hundred people over a hundred days. There's no moral reasoning to this argument whatsoever. It's nothing more than morality by numbers. It is the most moronic thing I've ever encountered on a discussion forum.
No its nothing like that. How you came up with that is bizarre.

If racism is in fact as the dictionaries define it then it is exactly like that. Racism and racist acts are not defined in any way, shape or form as you and IM2 so quaintly believe. Racism is an assessment of another person based on their skin color. A racist act is defined as an act towards a person of that race because of their skin color. That's it. If I spit on a black man because he's black, that's a racist act that stems from racism.

That's it. There is nothing else to the basic essence and meaning of these two terms beyond that. To say otherwise is moral relativism.
What IM2 invariably does in these discussions is to, when all else fails, point out that whites practiced racism more often and for a longer period of time. In his contorted view, a black guy who spits on a white guy (this happened to me years ago) because the guy is white is not racism, but it is racism when a white person spits on a black person because more whites have spit on blacks for a longer period of time

This is like saying that if I kill three people over the course of three days, it's not morally wrong because another guy killed a hundred people over a hundred days. There's no moral reasoning to this argument whatsoever. It's nothing more than morality by numbers. It is the most moronic thing I've ever encountered on a discussion forum

None of this is true. But you are just too stupid to understand that blacks and whites do not share the same lived experience. And that what you call racism in blacks is a response the racism we get from whites. Id think ta being black I can say that as an expert. And you can't..

When whites spit on blacks it was done after a bunch of racial slurs. Your story doesn't contain that. And that is why I was asking for evidence. Your story has a complication in the form of a workplace incident involving the black worker. So he could have been angry about that.

Rider, we are about the same age. I have worked jobs like the one you described and have been the only black on a job or worked with one other black. In this situation whites such as you tend to push the racist envelope. I worked at a moving company and heard kunta kente and other racist jokes daily. Much less other racist comments. But of course you worked at the most racially tolerant place in American history and the only racists were the 2 blacks who worked there.

So what I'm saying is, can the bullshit. Because that's what it is. Your whining lacks moral reasoning and is truly the definition of what imbecilic and moronic is.
I know enough to know that the two of you disagree on this one point. I've been debating with the both of you for months and in that time I've learned that you think blacks can be racist - which you just said in this thread - and that IM2 thinks blacks can't be racist at all.

So young black men will join gangs and murder other black men for control of drug territory but spitting on people is morally beneath them?

You just said in this thread that blacks can be racist but it never occurred to you that he might have spit on me for that reason?

And whites have been practicing racist behavior consistently for over 400 years but that black man could not have spit on you because you said simethig racist or whites treated him like shit on that job.. The more you post the more I see that man had to endure a whole lot of white racism on that job. Because young white men join gangs and kill each other. On top of that, they provide the drugs to everyone else.

All of this is irrelevant to the idea of black men having too much morality and character to spit on someone but have no qualms about murdering other black men.

You always try to turn it into a contest but you're simply too short sighted to see that it's way more complicated than that.
I think you have hit on something with the "contest" For example, if whites have lynched 100 blacks due to racism, IM2 seems to believe that blacks get to lynch 100 whites +1 before the blacks can be racist.

Except Ghost rider is the one making this a contest. His blacks are racist too argument is exactly that.

This is not a contest for me and never was. I saw a lot of anger at whites when I came here and a lot of rhetoric suggesting that only whites can be racist. I did not agree with this view so I related my story as an example. That's when you started all this nonsense about power and authority and systems and the whole "blacks can't be racist because they don't have the power.." bullshit (after you first called me a liar without cause or evidence of course). Ever since then, no matter what I say, it's "400 years..." and "Blacks never made laws and policies..." "Blacks don't have control of...".

It has always been a contest of victimhood with you and is the very foundation of your entire view about whites and racism.

Wrong. Black Victimhood is a lie made up by a white college drop out. What I saw when I came here was over1,000 threads of white racist hatred of blacks.

NOTHING you have experienced is even remotely close to racism.

"That's when you started all this nonsense about power and authority and systems and the whole "blacks can't be racist because they don't have the power.." bullshit (after you first called me a liar without cause or evidence of course). Ever since then, no matter what I say, it's "400 years..." and "Blacks never made laws and policies..." "Blacks don't have control of...".

None of this is nonsense and if you had ever faced racism you would understand that. I am right. You are not. And that's the bottom line.
You have no clue what me and IM2 agree on. That much is obvious.

I know enough to know that the two of you disagree on this one point. I've been debating with the both of you for months and in that time I've learned that you think blacks can be racist - which you just said in this thread - and that IM2 thinks blacks can't be racist at all.

I think thats already been pointed out to you. Black people dont just go around spitting on people unless they are mentally ill or you did something to them.

So young black men will join gangs and murder other black men for control of drug territory but spitting on people is morally beneath them?

You just said in this thread that blacks can be racist but it never occurred to you that he might have spit on me for that reason?

And whites have been practicing racist behavior consistently for over 400 years but that black man could not have spit on you because you said simethig racist or whites treated him like shit on that job.. The more you post the more I see that man had to endure a whole lot of white racism on that job. Because young white men join gangs and kill each other. On top of that, they provide the drugs to everyone else.

All of this is irrelevant to the idea of black men having too much morality and character to spit on someone but have no qualms about murdering other black men.

You always try to turn it into a contest but you're simply too short sighted to see that it's way more complicated than that.

It is relevant, very much so. It is also tp say that you have no right to say he shit you did we whites di ad have dine far worse things. I know how complicated things are, you are the one who doesn't. That is why you hang on to this notion of black racism without considering the complexity of how 4 centuries of continuing white racism plays into the manner in which we react to whites..

I can tell when you get piqued because the misspellings increase.

Anyway, this may or may not explain the reason some blacks react to white racism the way they do but that in no way means that the reaction is right, moral or fair.

It does explain it. Period. Whites like you are pathetic. The reaction is just. What causes the reaction is the problem.
Anyway, this may or may not explain the reason some blacks react to white racism the way they do but that in no way means that the reaction is right, moral or fair.

This is one of the dumbest comments in the history of mankind.
And what? We are supposed agree on everything?

Nope. That's not my point. The point is that the two of you disagree on a fundamental aspect of racial issues: the ability or possibility of blacks being racist. Now, if I were any less jaded than I am about how some blacks approach racial issues, I would wonder why this point never came up between you. But, being as jaded as I am from debating the two of you, I know exactly why it never came up.

You want to make a claim in order to build straw men based on false equivalences. But like I said, for you to even try making blacks racist, you have to deny whites have a continuing 400 year practice of racist behavior and that what blacks are doing is a reaction to that behavior.
How do you know if we have never discussed this point before?

I don't. I'm just making an assumption which is what you guys do to me all the time.

Who told you we disagree?

If by "disagree" you mean having discussed it, no one. But if by "disagree" you have a difference of opinion, well, you do.

If we do disagree what made you think its something fundamental?

You don't think that the question as to whether or not blacks can be racist is fundamental? Seriously?

It is a fundamental distinction because if the black person cannot be racist then the white person is always at fault or always the racist in every situation. If, however, the black person can, in fact, be racist, it changes the rules and parameters of the entire game. This then allows for the possibility that the black person citing racism just might be wrong. It also allows for the possibility that a black person can practice racism by denying a white person a job or show favoritism to black students or employees or whatever. But this is a possibility that people like IM2 just can't entertain.
Thats good. As long as you understand its just an assumption i will allow it.

So neither of us have told you that we disagree. Why do you think we disagree then?

Because one says blacks can be racist and the other doesn't. Haven't you been paying attention? You believe the exact opposite of each other on the issue of blacks being racist and whatever word you choose to describe it and whether or not you discussed it, you and he have opposing views on this.

Correct. Blacks being racist or not has zilch to do with white racism.

Blacks being racist has everything to do with it. It means that blacks can do the exact same shit whites did. Given enough time - say 50 to 100 years - if the anti-white sentiment in this country takes hold and there is a large shift in the majority race in political offices, theoretically whites could start losing liberties.
Apparently there are already black folks out there that think whites are the weaker race. How many of these people are there? How many other blacks will they win over to this way of thinking? How long before whites are seen as a threat or a competition and laws and policies are passed?

In my particular case, if blacks cannot be racist, then this means the guy that spit on me is a chickenshit with no honor (which does nothing to help your argument that whites are the weaker race).
If blacks can be racist then this opens the possibility that, if he was wrong that I was being racist or that I was harassing him, then he spit on me because I'm white which makes him a racist chickenshit with no honor.

My posts on racism have absolutely nothing to do with a Black person being racist. Its always about how whites are racists due to various insecurities that have caused them to legislate themselves a head start because they cant compete without assistance. This system is called racism.

This is where you go off the rails in your reasoning. Whites would have done just fine even with black competition. They didn't legislate themselves a head start because they couldn't compete without assistance, they just thought the black man was inferior. The same way you think whites are inferior.
I disagree. Youre white so you have no clue what it is he is saying. I agree with IM2.

Nope. Whites were racists long before they begin to bring Africans to the US. Sorry but your own historians have documented this. Blacks being racist has nothing to do with whites implementing their system of racism.

My case doesnt need any help. Its a fact whites implemented a system to not only benefit themselves but to deprive other races from attaining success. Thats weak sauce everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Then you throw in the fact that our tremendous Blackness was able to still achieve and whites in a fit of jealous rage would attack and burn these affluent Black communities to the ground. Again this is your white fear and weakness prompting these attacks. I know it fucks with your heads. I know its embarrassing for you but thats what happens when you are fundamentally flawed and weak as a race. You have to hold back the very people you claimed were inferior to you. :rolleyes:

History tells us otherwise. Whites have never done fine without help and I mean massive help. You were still living in caves and eating each other in savage fashion when you were educated by Blacks in Egypt. Whites were so weak and dumb you couldnt even invent your own alphabet and came up with probably the dumbest counting system known to mankind. After you fucked up and lost the knowledge the Egyptians gave you your race fell apart again and damn near regressed back to a neanderthal like existence during the Dark Ages. This time Islamic Blacks came over and showed you that bathing was actually a good thing and that water didnt contain evil spirits. They taught you fashion, music, science, erected castles, showed you how build toilets etc. When you criminal whites were sent to N. America Blacks had to help you yet again. You were too weak to work in the fields and too dumb to grow the crops you wanted so you stole Black people from Africa to show you how and provide the muscle. Even the greatest accomplishment you whites love to tout wouldnt have occurred if a group of Black women hadnt charted the way to the moon for you. So you weakness is exposed at every turn. You know it. I know it. Worst of all you know I know you know it. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
And whites have been practicing racist behavior consistently for over 400 years but that black man could not have spit on you because you said simethig racist or whites treated him like shit on that job.. The more you post the more I see that man had to endure a whole lot of white racism on that job. Because young white men join gangs and kill each other. On top of that, they provide the drugs to everyone else.

All of this is irrelevant to the idea of black men having too much morality and character to spit on someone but have no qualms about murdering other black men.

You always try to turn it into a contest but you're simply too short sighted to see that it's way more complicated than that.
I think you have hit on something with the "contest" For example, if whites have lynched 100 blacks due to racism, IM2 seems to believe that blacks get to lynch 100 whites +1 before the blacks can be racist.

What IM2 invariably does in these discussions is to, when all else fails, point out that whites practiced racism more often and for a longer period of time. In his contorted view, a black guy who spits on a white guy (this happened to me years ago) because the guy is white is not racism, but it is racism when a white person spits on a black person because more whites have spit on blacks for a longer period of time.

This is like saying that if I kill three people over the course of three days, it's not morally wrong because another guy killed a hundred people over a hundred days. There's no moral reasoning to this argument whatsoever. It's nothing more than morality by numbers. It is the most moronic thing I've ever encountered on a discussion forum.
No its nothing like that. How you came up with that is bizarre.

If racism is in fact as the dictionaries define it then it is exactly like that. Racism and racist acts are not defined in any way, shape or form as you and IM2 so quaintly believe. Racism is an assessment of another person based on their skin color. A racist act is defined as an act towards a person of that race because of their skin color. That's it. If I spit on a black man because he's black, that's a racist act that stems from racism.

That's it. There is nothing else to the basic essence and meaning of these two terms beyond that. To say otherwise is moral relativism.
Racism is in fact a system based on race. In order to implement racism you have to have a consensus of the group implementing it. In order for that group to implement racism that group needs to have power. Nothing a white person says could ever change that fact. It is what it is. :rolleyes:
And the black guy's do not? Does the black employer not have control?

Basically what you're saying is that practicing racism is okay but practicing a lot of racism is morally wrong. Does that about sum it up?

Your argument is based on hypotheticals. "But if a black guys does this" is not the same as " when a white guy did this." We are taking abut a proven record of white racist behavior, you are arguing a bunch of what ifs.

White fragility.
I'm beginning to think that the reality whites subscribe to forces them to try and equate things that simply are not the same. They have trouble with simple concepts like history and facts.

Racism = racism. What's not the same here?
Racism ≠ reaction to racism. Your equation is incorrect. Thats what is not the same. :rolleyes:

If one's reaction to racism is to be racist (such as calling whites the weaker race or spitting on a white guy) then yes, it is the same.
Nope its not the same. Its called understanding that the best defense is a potent and tremendous offense. I for one will not sit back and just block your racism. I am going to go on the offensive by spitting on you or telling you about how weak you are to place obstacles in the path of the people you claim are inferior. If you had your shit together you wouldnt have a problem with me. The problem you have with me is one of your own creation and endeavors to keep it going. The difference is so apparent that its laughable you think they are the same. :rolleyes:
I'm curious when Asclepias and IM2 will finally take this simple test and post the unedited results regarding their racism or lack of racism. My guess is that IM2 has taken the test, since I posted it before, and hated the results so he just rails that he wouldn't ever take that test. I wonder why?

Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites. This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously, we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matters.

If you are curious about yourself, take this test. The test does NOT use questions, which you could answer the way you THINK you should. Actually, it is fun. You can choose from a number of different tests but they only take about 15 minutes.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.

It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit
What race is the person that made this test? Why is it so important to you that I take this test? When white people ask Black people to take tests its usually so white people can get some relief from their overwhelming insecurity complex or to deprive the Black people of some right.
I’m thinking you and Asclepias are just looking for attention, IM2.
if this is true why are you giving it to us? Obviously you are seeking our attention. :rolleyes:
I was trying to understand why you two are whining. You both act like you don’t have the same opportunities everyone has.

I’m also trying to understand the hate you have towards a man who worked hard to make it easier for blacks to find a job. A man who is now respected and appreciated by a growing # of blacks.

Don’t you care about other black people?
Pointing out your racism isnt whining. Its an alert system. Stop trying to get my attention. I know you suffer from insecurity but get some help for it. :rolleyes:
While you two look to blame others for your failures, all I can do is wish you both the best. :)

The only people looking to blame others for their failures are you white racists. There are threads here full of examples that prove it. Both A and I have done better than you. If you had to go through what we did to get where we are today, your ass would have quit as a teenager, folded up and spent the rest of your life in a fetal position sucking your thumb.

Why do you hate white people so much that you spend the twilight years of your life arguing with strangers on forum boards? Why so much hate, IM2? Why are you such a racist? Crazy stuff.
if this is true why are you giving it to us? Obviously you are seeking our attention. :rolleyes:
I was trying to understand why you two are whining. You both act like you don’t have the same opportunities everyone has.

I’m also trying to understand the hate you have towards a man who worked hard to make it easier for blacks to find a job. A man who is now respected and appreciated by a growing # of blacks.

Don’t you care about other black people?
Pointing out your racism isnt whining. Its an alert system. Stop trying to get my attention. I know you suffer from insecurity but get some help for it. :rolleyes:
While you two look to blame others for your failures, all I can do is wish you both the best. :)

The only people looking to blame others for their failures are you white racists. There are threads here full of examples that prove it. Both A and I have done better than you. If you had to go through what we did to get where we are today, your ass would have quit as a teenager, folded up and spent the rest of your life in a fetal position sucking your thumb.

Why do you hate white people so much that you spend the twilight years of your life arguing with strangers on forum boards? Why so much hate, IM2? Why are you such a racist? Crazy stuff.

Post a racist comment I have said.

Let's see, whites my age and older are here every day saying racist crap and all you see is me rebutting them and you call that hate. You're a stupid fuck junior.
I was trying to understand why you two are whining. You both act like you don’t have the same opportunities everyone has.

I’m also trying to understand the hate you have towards a man who worked hard to make it easier for blacks to find a job. A man who is now respected and appreciated by a growing # of blacks.

Don’t you care about other black people?
Pointing out your racism isnt whining. Its an alert system. Stop trying to get my attention. I know you suffer from insecurity but get some help for it. :rolleyes:
While you two look to blame others for your failures, all I can do is wish you both the best. :)

The only people looking to blame others for their failures are you white racists. There are threads here full of examples that prove it. Both A and I have done better than you. If you had to go through what we did to get where we are today, your ass would have quit as a teenager, folded up and spent the rest of your life in a fetal position sucking your thumb.

Why do you hate white people so much that you spend the twilight years of your life arguing with strangers on forum boards? Why so much hate, IM2? Why are you such a racist? Crazy stuff.

Post a racist comment I have said.

Let's see, whites my age and older are here every day saying racist crap and all you see is me rebutting them and you call that hate. You're a stupid fuck junior.

You insinuate that white people can only be successful because of "handouts". Though no one knows what these handouts are exactly, that only white people get. I've certainly never seen them.

That's like saying blacks can only be successful through quotas and affirmative action. I think most people would agree that the implications of that line of thought are pretty prejudiced. One might even call them racist.

Besides I do call out white racists on here all the damn time, so don't gimme that bull. You only see what you want to see.
Pointing out your racism isnt whining. Its an alert system. Stop trying to get my attention. I know you suffer from insecurity but get some help for it. :rolleyes:
While you two look to blame others for your failures, all I can do is wish you both the best. :)

The only people looking to blame others for their failures are you white racists. There are threads here full of examples that prove it. Both A and I have done better than you. If you had to go through what we did to get where we are today, your ass would have quit as a teenager, folded up and spent the rest of your life in a fetal position sucking your thumb.

Why do you hate white people so much that you spend the twilight years of your life arguing with strangers on forum boards? Why so much hate, IM2? Why are you such a racist? Crazy stuff.

Post a racist comment I have said.

Let's see, whites my age and older are here every day saying racist crap and all you see is me rebutting them and you call that hate. You're a stupid fuck junior.

You insinuate that white people can only be successful because of "handouts". Though no one knows what these handouts are exactly, that only white people get. I've certainly never seen them.

That's like saying blacks can only be successful through quotas and affirmative action. I think most people would agree that the implications of that line of thought are pretty prejudiced. One might even call them racist.

Besides I do call out white racists on here all the damn time, so don't gimme that bull. You only see what you want to see.
I disagree. No one really knows what white people are capable of on their own. This is due to the fact that they have a head start given to them by the implementation of a racist system designed to hold others back while at the same time garnering the vast majority of resources and opportunities for themselves. Mind you this is after they declared others inferior to whites.

Blacks on the other hand have been successful despite this unequal environment to the point that whites literally burned affluent Black communities to the ground out of jealousy and fear. So you cant say Blacks are only successful through quotas and affirmative action specifically because we've done it without AA and also because AA has been beneficial to white women more than any other demographic.
And whites have been practicing racist behavior consistently for over 400 years but that black man could not have spit on you because you said simethig racist or whites treated him like shit on that job.. The more you post the more I see that man had to endure a whole lot of white racism on that job. Because young white men join gangs and kill each other. On top of that, they provide the drugs to everyone else.

All of this is irrelevant to the idea of black men having too much morality and character to spit on someone but have no qualms about murdering other black men.

You always try to turn it into a contest but you're simply too short sighted to see that it's way more complicated than that.
I think you have hit on something with the "contest" For example, if whites have lynched 100 blacks due to racism, IM2 seems to believe that blacks get to lynch 100 whites +1 before the blacks can be racist.

What IM2 invariably does in these discussions is to, when all else fails, point out that whites practiced racism more often and for a longer period of time. In his contorted view, a black guy who spits on a white guy (this happened to me years ago) because the guy is white is not racism, but it is racism when a white person spits on a black person because more whites have spit on blacks for a longer period of time.

This is like saying that if I kill three people over the course of three days, it's not morally wrong because another guy killed a hundred people over a hundred days. There's no moral reasoning to this argument whatsoever. It's nothing more than morality by numbers. It is the most moronic thing I've ever encountered on a discussion forum.
No its nothing like that. How you came up with that is bizarre.

If racism is in fact as the dictionaries define it then it is exactly like that. Racism and racist acts are not defined in any way, shape or form as you and IM2 so quaintly believe. Racism is an assessment of another person based on their skin color. A racist act is defined as an act towards a person of that race because of their skin color. That's it. If I spit on a black man because he's black, that's a racist act that stems from racism.

That's it. There is nothing else to the basic essence and meaning of these two terms beyond that. To say otherwise is moral relativism.

If you took what you claim was racism to the courts, you'd lose because you'd have no proof the act was caused because of your race. You could spit on a black man because he robbed you. This is why there must be proof. Racism is the belief you are superior to another person on the basis of race.

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