What Happened to Church?

Your righteous indignation would carry more weight if your mission wasn't to condemn respect for people of faith. It seems that you can dish it out but are not very good at taking what you dish out.
I never said that I cared about the insults. I'm just pointing out the Christians who insult me non-stop, like you.

You're just dancing around, shrieking, "I think Christians should be THIS, and you're not living up to the standards I've decided that I get to set for something I don't believe in!"

Doesn't seem to be seeping into your brain at all that your pronouncements on the subject could not be less valued.
Then why are you responding to me if you don't value my opinion?

Because you're still trying to hijack my thread, and I'm still preventing it.
Actually, if you want her to stop you are going to have to summon a moderator.

Heck, it wasn't but a short time from Jesus' Ascension that they were trying to silence the believers by killing them. It never works, BTW.

it worked in the 4th century after their crucifixion when you wrote your christian bible, taking credit for what you had nothing to do with ... primarily the use of christ to insure your false agenda would be construed with that of the 1st century.
My grandfather left the Amish as a young man. I know about focus on the external at the expense of the internal. What you do in the outside doesn't help much when God sees the heart clearly.
Does that apply to me as well?

What do you think?

You have just stumbled into one of the answers too your trolling question. Congratulations. Now ignore it.
You can't answer the question, got it.
Taz is a militant atheist. She condemns respect for people of faith and believes it is her mission to subordinate religion.

Taz is a bitter child who has spent her life acting out her rage at some disappointment she suffered in her past.
More insults, what a FUCKING SURPRISE!!!!!

Perhaps is you didn't ACT like a bitter child who has spent her life acting out her rage at some disappointment she suffered in her past, you wouldn't be called that.
Another so-called Christian coming to fling insults. Just like Jesus would, I suppose.

If you knew anything real about Jesus, you'd know He insulted people quite a bit.

However, I am not the Son of God. HE manages to love you; I'm still at the "If you say I must, Lord" stage. A more apt comparison might be the Apostle Paul, who was not a famously nice or tactful person at any point in his life.
You're more like Don Rickles without the funny. :biggrin:
More insults, what a FUCKING SURPRISE!!!!!
Your righteous indignation would carry more weight if your mission wasn't to condemn respect for people of faith. It seems that you can dish it out but are not very good at taking what you dish out.
I never said that I cared about the insults. I'm just pointing out the Christians who insult me non-stop, like you.

You're just dancing around, shrieking, "I think Christians should be THIS, and you're not living up to the standards I've decided that I get to set for something I don't believe in!"

Doesn't seem to be seeping into your brain at all that your pronouncements on the subject could not be less valued.
Then why are you responding to me if you don't value my opinion?

Because you're still trying to hijack my thread, and I'm still preventing it.
I'm asking questions about today's church. My questions are just too hard for you. Admit it.
Your righteous indignation would carry more weight if your mission wasn't to condemn respect for people of faith. It seems that you can dish it out but are not very good at taking what you dish out.
I never said that I cared about the insults. I'm just pointing out the Christians who insult me non-stop, like you.

You're just dancing around, shrieking, "I think Christians should be THIS, and you're not living up to the standards I've decided that I get to set for something I don't believe in!"

Doesn't seem to be seeping into your brain at all that your pronouncements on the subject could not be less valued.
Then why are you responding to me if you don't value my opinion?

Because you're still trying to hijack my thread, and I'm still preventing it.
Actually, if you want her to stop you are going to have to summon a moderator.
My grandfather left the Amish as a young man. I know about focus on the external at the expense of the internal. What you do in the outside doesn't help much when God sees the heart clearly.
Does that apply to me as well?

What do you think?

You have just stumbled into one of the answers too your trolling question. Congratulations. Now ignore it.
You can't answer the question, got it.

I'm guiding you into finding the answer for yourself.
Pork chops are off topic? Really?

The entire subject of giving is off topic precisely because you are attempting to use it to divert and distract. It has nothing to do with the OP.

Since you don't go to church, you're not even qualified to comment on the thread.
You go to church and are clearly not fit to comment on anything, period. Now stfu, I'm not even talking to you.

Tell us again what you think is the topic of this thread, then compare it to the topics you incessantly bring up and your lack of qualifications to talk about the changes in the modern church.
Speaking of "changes in the modern church", how much does one drop in the collection plate these days?

Speaking of things you've already been told to stop spamming the thread with . . .

But why does nobody want to answer? Just say $20. And it's over.
I don't know. If He is God, He could certainly do it.

I'm not very concerned about kangaroos. I'm more concerned about church and faith and God. Do you have questions like that, or just silly gotcha questions?
I'm trying to figure out if the bible is true.

I do not believe you.

You have decided that if you can "disprove" some aspect of the Bible, you don't have to accept any part of it and thus can live as selfishly and sinfully as you want with no guilt.

No, Taz has decided if she can ask inane questions about some aspect of the Bible enough, she can convince someone that that somehow disproves it.

I don't think it's about her wanting to live selfishly and sinfully, though. I think . . . she was hurt somehow, and decided to blame God for it. All of this is just her acting that out. The idea of other people believing in something she feels let her down enrages her. That's why she's psychologically incapable of ever letting people discuss believing in God in any way, shape, or form without having to disrupt it with her caperings and foolishness.
"caperings and foolishness"!!!!! :rofl:

I DO have an influence on you!!!! :biggrin:

Because I can see you acting like a clown to try to evade the truth?
What truth?
Your righteous indignation would carry more weight if your mission wasn't to condemn respect for people of faith. It seems that you can dish it out but are not very good at taking what you dish out.
I never said that I cared about the insults. I'm just pointing out the Christians who insult me non-stop, like you.

You're just dancing around, shrieking, "I think Christians should be THIS, and you're not living up to the standards I've decided that I get to set for something I don't believe in!"

Doesn't seem to be seeping into your brain at all that your pronouncements on the subject could not be less valued.
Then why are you responding to me if you don't value my opinion?

Because you're still trying to hijack my thread, and I'm still preventing it.
I'm asking questions about today's church. My questions are just too hard for you. Admit it.

And I've given you answers that you don't want to hear.
They weren't forced to abort the females. You know nothing. As usual.

Okay, both of you. Putting a stop to the "forced abortion" tangent. Go start a thread for it, if that's what you want.
Just tell dingbat that he's wrong. You know he is.

You have obviously mistaken me for your waitress; I don't take orders.
But it could be god wanting you to wake dingbat up. You never know...

If God has something to say to me, He'll say it. Just because He once communicated through the jawbone of an ass doesn't mean it's standard.
That's what I say, if god wants me to know he's real, he'll contact me directly. WE AGREE!!!!!!
The entire subject of giving is off topic precisely because you are attempting to use it to divert and distract. It has nothing to do with the OP.

Since you don't go to church, you're not even qualified to comment on the thread.
You go to church and are clearly not fit to comment on anything, period. Now stfu, I'm not even talking to you.

Tell us again what you think is the topic of this thread, then compare it to the topics you incessantly bring up and your lack of qualifications to talk about the changes in the modern church.
Speaking of "changes in the modern church", how much does one drop in the collection plate these days?

Speaking of things you've already been told to stop spamming the thread with . . .

But why does nobody want to answer? Just say $20. And it's over.

I've already told you why. Go back and look it up.
Your righteous indignation would carry more weight if your mission wasn't to condemn respect for people of faith. It seems that you can dish it out but are not very good at taking what you dish out.
I never said that I cared about the insults. I'm just pointing out the Christians who insult me non-stop, like you.

You're just dancing around, shrieking, "I think Christians should be THIS, and you're not living up to the standards I've decided that I get to set for something I don't believe in!"

Doesn't seem to be seeping into your brain at all that your pronouncements on the subject could not be less valued.
Then why are you responding to me if you don't value my opinion?

Because you're still trying to hijack my thread, and I'm still preventing it.
Actually, if you want her to stop you are going to have to summon a moderator.

Is it a she? interesting
You just failed His first test. Want a do-over? :biggrin:

Did you miss the part where your opinions matter to no one?
They matter to god, don't they?

No. You do, but the garbage spewing from you does not.
Aww, I matter. So nice of you to say.

Everyone matters to God. In some cases, it takes God to look deeply enough to see the value.
So if I matter to god, why won't he contact me?
Okay, both of you. Putting a stop to the "forced abortion" tangent. Go start a thread for it, if that's what you want.
Just tell dingbat that he's wrong. You know he is.

You have obviously mistaken me for your waitress; I don't take orders.
But it could be god wanting you to wake dingbat up. You never know...

If God has something to say to me, He'll say it. Just because He once communicated through the jawbone of an ass doesn't mean it's standard.
That's what I say, if god wants me to know he's real, he'll contact me directly. WE AGREE!!!!!!
He has. Many times.
I never said that I cared about the insults. I'm just pointing out the Christians who insult me non-stop, like you.

You're just dancing around, shrieking, "I think Christians should be THIS, and you're not living up to the standards I've decided that I get to set for something I don't believe in!"

Doesn't seem to be seeping into your brain at all that your pronouncements on the subject could not be less valued.
Then why are you responding to me if you don't value my opinion?

Because you're still trying to hijack my thread, and I'm still preventing it.
Actually, if you want her to stop you are going to have to summon a moderator.

Is it a she? interesting
Yes. It’s pretty obvious she has an ax to grind.
My grandfather left the Amish as a young man. I know about focus on the external at the expense of the internal. What you do in the outside doesn't help much when God sees the heart clearly.
Does that apply to me as well?

Are you actually looking for reassurance that the God you make a hobby out of mocking still loves you despite your buffoonery?
Why, he wouldn't? I've challenged god to show me that he's real, but yet he hides still. I'm trying to call him out. Yet still he hides.
More insults, what a FUCKING SURPRISE!!!!!

Wasn't an insult, dear. Was a factual observation. Sorry if it touched a nerve.
I bet Jesus went around insulting people and then saying "sorry brah, it's the truth". Ya, somehow I can see that happening. Carry on.

Actually, Jesus as well as His apostles were rather well-known for making uncomfortable observations that people took offense at because they didn't like the truth.

If you're "insulted" by the simple statement that you are angry at God and acting that out, that's really not my problem.
Ya, Jesus and his gang sound like they were a snarky bunch. Thanks for clearing that up.

The truth doesn't have to be nice. It just has to be true.

And despite what non-Christians think, "niceness" is not the focus or purpose of Christianity. It is, at best, an ancillary effect in some people.
So how do you know that anything in the bible is true? Like Jesus walking on water.
I'm trying to figure out if the bible is true.

the 4th century christian bible is a political agenda disguised as a religion patronizing 1st century events to advance its own agenda rather than the aspirations derived from that period, the christ being a primary example.

I mean, Paul went from persecution to an apostle, but then, he was really an outlier.

and has been used for that purpose from that time to the present encapsulated by congregational hegemony without cause ...

I can't decide if leftist religiophobes are just too stupid to understand the phrase "off-topic", or if they just think their calling to evangelize the world with the news that they hate God makes them above the rules.

I take that back. I can decide. Leftists are always too smugly sanctimonious to think that they're subject to the same restrictions as the peasantry.
Taz is a militant atheist. She condemns respect for people of faith and believes it is her mission to subordinate religion.

Taz is a bitter child who has spent her life acting out her rage at some disappointment she suffered in her past.
Taz is the poster Mudda. She is a lesbian and lashes out against Christians and Christianity. I suspect she is married and raising a child with her wife. She is quite passionate on the subject of gay marriage and parenting and will engage in serious discussion on that subject. Otherwise, she is only trying to anger and push buttons. So I agree with your assessment that she is bitter and angry.

That explains a lot, thanks
I never said that I cared about the insults. I'm just pointing out the Christians who insult me non-stop, like you.

You're just dancing around, shrieking, "I think Christians should be THIS, and you're not living up to the standards I've decided that I get to set for something I don't believe in!"

Doesn't seem to be seeping into your brain at all that your pronouncements on the subject could not be less valued.
Then why are you responding to me if you don't value my opinion?

Because you're still trying to hijack my thread, and I'm still preventing it.
Actually, if you want her to stop you are going to have to summon a moderator.

Ceci's done it several times already. I get the warnings. Too bad I don't care. Neither do the mods, really. :biggrin:

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