What Happens If Republicans Get Total Control ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The question more precisely (but to big for an OP title) is >> If by January 2017, we find ourselves in a country where Republican control the presidency + both houses of Congress (and increasing leverage in the SCOTUS), what will happen then ?

I suspect first the pandering we've seen lately (to Hispanics, immigrants, et al) will disappear in heartbeat) The Republican party will be solidly against the things it has been all along >> immigration (esp. illegal), Islamization, affirmative action, abortion, excessive gun control, etc. It will be for what it's been for > death penalty, strong military,
law enforcement, etc. I would guess most Americans would support them on these positions. (as would I)


What would this Republican govt do regarding our monthly SOCIAL SECURITY & VA PAYMENTS ? Would they be cut ? Stay the same ? This may be what has been preventing Republicans from winning scores of elections, including the White House. The nagging fear that if they get power, our financial lifelines may go down the tubes.

??????????????? :eek::dunno::omg:
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When the GOP takes complete control of congress after the midterms (not if, but when), I'm hoping they can finally approve a budget which eventually eliminates the deficit. Paul Ryan's plan is a good one. It provides for a balanced budget within 10 years, with no cuts to Veteran's benefits nor social security.
The democrats will lash out categorically attacking all republicans, refuse to accept the authority of the elected representatives and promise blood in the streets. The offices of the republicans will be vandalized, state and federal buildings will be destroyed. There will be numerous impeachment actions demanded. Much like what democrats did when Scott Walker was elected governor of Wisconsin.
Neither side is willing to accept the authority of the other.
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It will be payback time for the liberal progessive scum.
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Oh please, there's no chance in hell of keeping the Senate in 2016 for the GOP.

The President is a loooong shot.

You'll keep the House due to Gerrymandering, and nothing more.
Oh please, there's no chance in hell of keeping the Senate in 2016 for the GOP.

The President is a loooong shot.

You'll keep the House due to Gerrymandering, and nothing more.

This isn't about what WILL happen. It's about what would happen IF..............

Please stay within the hypothetical of the TOPIC.
The question more precisely (but to big for an OP title) is >> If by January 2017, we find ourselves in a country where Republican control the presidency + both houses of Congress (and increasing leverage in the SCOTUS), what will happen then ?

I suspect first the pandering we've seen lately (to Hispanics, immigrants, et al) will disappear in heartbeat) The Republican party will be solidly against the things it has been all along >> immigration (esp. illegal), Islamization, affirmative action, abortion, excessive gun control, etc. It will be for what it's been for > death penalty, strong military,
law enforcement, etc. I would guess most Americans would support them on these positions. (as would I)


What would this Republican govt do regarding our monthly SOCIAL SECURITY & VA PAYMENTS ? Would they be cut ? Stay the same ? This may be what has been preventing Republicans from winning scores of elections, including the White House. The nagging fear that if they get power, our financial lifelines may go down the tubes.

??????????????? :eek::dunno::omg:

Last time when they had the White House and both Houses, they did nothing...
Oh please, there's no chance in hell of keeping the Senate in 2016 for the GOP.

The President is a loooong shot.

You'll keep the House due to Gerrymandering, and nothing more.

This isn't about what WILL happen. It's about what would happen IF..............

Please stay within the hypothetical of the TOPIC.

Okay. The GOP will do the same thing as always, they'll suddenly "moderate" and stop all their looney conservative agendas except a select few they push through under the counter.

We've seen it with Both Bushes and Reagan, we've seen it in the government shutdowns of 95/96, anytime the GOP has the power they suddenly don't want to push their "agenda" because it would be too damaging to them to actually enact.

So unless by some insanity Ted Cruz gets the White House and Steve King is the Speaker of the House, we'll see another Bush Jr presidency.
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The US will conquer Russia, China and most of the Middle East.
The US taxpayer will then pay to renew their infrastructure.

Rinse, wash and hand over Congress to the Dimocraps.
Democrats are afraid that if republicans take control the democrats will have to stop killing off the veterans to save money. The more vets that die, the more money for parties.
What Happens If Republicans Get Total Control ? = Jobs,less tax, stronger military, keystone pipeline, real respect fot the USA world wide, strong support for tiny Israel, anti-abortion,anti- sexual perversion, IN GOD WE TRUST!
The question more precisely (but to big for an OP title) is >> If by January 2017, we find ourselves in a country where Republican control the presidency + both houses of Congress (and increasing leverage in the SCOTUS), what will happen then ?

I suspect first the pandering we've seen lately (to Hispanics, immigrants, et al) will disappear in heartbeat) The Republican party will be solidly against the things it has been all along >> immigration (esp. illegal), Islamization, affirmative action, abortion, excessive gun control, etc. It will be for what it's been for > death penalty, strong military,
law enforcement, etc. I would guess most Americans would support them on these positions. (as would I)


What would this Republican govt do regarding our monthly SOCIAL SECURITY & VA PAYMENTS ? Would they be cut ? Stay the same ? This may be what has been preventing Republicans from winning scores of elections, including the White House. The nagging fear that if they get power, our financial lifelines may go down the tubes.

??????????????? :eek::dunno::omg:

It will make no difference at all just like it made no difference the last time they had it all. They will pander to illegal immigrants just like they did the last time they ran the show. They are already saying they wont repeal Obama care and they will do nothing different then the Democrats have since they ran the show. The only thing different will be that instead of the govrenment controlling the public because we are to stupid to know better, Republican will control our lives because Gowd told them we are to stupid to know better. As for the supreme court, they have a pretty shitty record at picking judges. I point to John Roberts as an example.
The question more precisely (but to big for an OP title) is >> If by January 2017, we find ourselves in a country where Republican control the presidency + both houses of Congress (and increasing leverage in the SCOTUS), what will happen then ?

I suspect first the pandering we've seen lately (to Hispanics, immigrants, et al) will disappear in heartbeat) The Republican party will be solidly against the things it has been all along >> immigration (esp. illegal), Islamization, affirmative action, abortion, excessive gun control, etc. It will be for what it's been for > death penalty, strong military,
law enforcement, etc. I would guess most Americans would support them on these positions. (as would I)

What would this Republican govt do regarding our monthly SOCIAL SECURITY & VA PAYMENTS ? Would they be cut ? Stay the same ? This may be what has been preventing Republicans from winning scores of elections, including the White House. The nagging fear that if they get power, our financial lifelines may go down the tubes.

??????????????? :eek::dunno::omg:
What have the republicans worked for since Obama came to office: POWER. I suspect the first thing they would do is to pass laws making it more difficult for Democrats and liberals to vote. That way they can insure that no one can take that power away from them. Isn't that going on in some of the red states where governors are working to require photo ID's before a person could vote. How about adding this roadblock: All voting Americans must go to a government location and take a loyality oath before being allowed to vote. In the Democratic districts there would be few places to take that oath but in republican districts they would be all over the place. Who is going to stop this from happening? The second thing they would do is overturn the two term limit on being president. With that rule overturned the republicans will have been successful in turning the US from a democracy into a dictatorship. Those on the right who finally realize what they done will try to oppose the presidency but it will be to late and they will be quickly rounded up by the army and imprisoned for crimes against the state. Any judges who would opppose what was going on would be removed from office. After all, with a republican Congress, Presidency, and Supreme Court firmly in charge, who is going to stop them from getting rid of all Democratic or liberal judges? In short, those who want to know what would happen if republicans had total control of the federal government need only look at Russia. The rich would control the government and it would be financed by the poor and middle class. Say goodby to all those social safety nets the republicans have worked to repeal since FDR. Social Security, gone! Medicare, gone! Medicade, gone! ACA, gone! Unemployment insurance, gone! SNAP benefits for the poor, gone! EPA, gone! Democracy, gone!
What Happens If Republicans Get Total Control ? = Jobs,less tax, stronger military, keystone pipeline, real respect fot the USA world wide, strong support for tiny Israel, anti-abortion,anti- sexual perversion, IN GOD WE TRUST!

What about SOCIAL SECURITY & VA BENEFITS ?????????

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