What hospital bed shortage?

You can lobby all you want but if a Nurse or Doctor refuses there isn’t much you can do and to train someone take two to four years of schooling... For Nursing...

No kidding? Really?

That's why the US imports those awesome two year RN's from overseas to work here.

And it's not the Docs or nurses who 'refuse' anything.
We're talking about ICU beds!

You better read what you wrote and I was responding to it, so you need to educate yourself seeing many have refused and the importing of Nurses you lack knowledge off because they have to prove their credentials while also take a test here!

Now get smart with me again because it was you responding to G.T. post with no knowledge of what is going on with the medical community!


I better do what? lmao @ you!
I need to do what? lmao @ you!

Let's see what happens to a nurse if they refuse to care for a Covid pt.

From the American Nurses Association:

^^^ Nope, nothing there about refusing care. Bunch of Ethics and Standards that nurses need to adhere to.

Let's try another one!
This looks more promising. It's from Washington State Nurses Assc.

WSNA Overview

Can an employer force a nurse to work on a designated “COVID-19” floor?

Staffing - Can my employer require mandatory overtime?

Now get smart with me again....

I will, thanks!
Every single time I see you post nothing about what you 'know'.

Wonderful to know a moderator like you can troll and nurses and doctors have refused to work but a lying person like you will deny this because you can not handle the truth and tell other posters they should just leave the thread!

You are a damn joke since becoming a moderator and I will point out facts from your damn lies!

Oh look an article that disproves your nonsense as usual but seeing it is not from OAN or Newsmax you will lie and deny and proclaim it is fake news to hurt your beloved Orange Messiah!

Now you have been attacking me so I will break the rules just because you want to get rid of anyone that disagree with your pathetic nonsense and lies, so go for it troll because I have tired of your nonsense and attacks!

Nurses and Doctors are being requested to come out of retirement because of a shortage and many in the profession would take the risk of losing their license than be exposed to the virus but a know it all like yourself believe there is no damn shortage because the small hick town you live in has no Covid and has hospital beds, so there is no pandemic in your mental midget mind!

Now disprove me again and let see how you will troll behind your moderator badge!

Sorry you had to go on such a long rant - but the OP is about ICU hospital beds.

I was kind enough to segue around the OP and entertained your off topic issues about nursing staff.

I appreciate the link you provided - what you don't realize is in your own link you disproved what you posted earlier.

"... recruiting students and new graduates who have yet to earn their licenses"
You better read what you wrote and I was responding to it, so you need to educate yourself seeing many have refused and the importing of Nurses you lack knowledge off because they have to prove their credentials while also take a test here!

You have been disproved again.

Now what?
"They" cite HOSPITAL ICU beds - they don't say 'Hospitals w/ Covid filled ICU beds'.

In the County I live in, EVERY LTC (Nursing Home) facility was mandated way back in March to establish a wing strictly for Covid patients. The cost wasn't cheap.
Yet ALL of those isolation wings remain empty.
Yep the whole world shut down their economies in every corner of the globe to hurt Trump. You got us.lol
us need help with comprehension there dumb fuck?

wth are you posting about?
You can lobby all you want but if a Nurse or Doctor refuses there isn’t much you can do and to train someone take two to four years of schooling... For Nursing...

No kidding? Really?

That's why the US imports those awesome two year RN's from overseas to work here.

And it's not the Docs or nurses who 'refuse' anything.
We're talking about ICU beds!

You better read what you wrote and I was responding to it, so you need to educate yourself seeing many have refused and the importing of Nurses you lack knowledge off because they have to prove their credentials while also take a test here!

Now get smart with me again because it was you responding to G.T. post with no knowledge of what is going on with the medical community!


I better do what? lmao @ you!
I need to do what? lmao @ you!

Let's see what happens to a nurse if they refuse to care for a Covid pt.

From the American Nurses Association:

^^^ Nope, nothing there about refusing care. Bunch of Ethics and Standards that nurses need to adhere to.

Let's try another one!
This looks more promising. It's from Washington State Nurses Assc.

WSNA Overview

Can an employer force a nurse to work on a designated “COVID-19” floor?

Staffing - Can my employer require mandatory overtime?

Now get smart with me again....

I will, thanks!
Every single time I see you post nothing about what you 'know'.

Wonderful to know a moderator like you can troll and nurses and doctors have refused to work but a lying person like you will deny this because you can not handle the truth and tell other posters they should just leave the thread!

You are a damn joke since becoming a moderator and I will point out facts from your damn lies!

Oh look an article that disproves your nonsense as usual but seeing it is not from OAN or Newsmax you will lie and deny and proclaim it is fake news to hurt your beloved Orange Messiah!

Now you have been attacking me so I will break the rules just because you want to get rid of anyone that disagree with your pathetic nonsense and lies, so go for it troll because I have tired of your nonsense and attacks!

Nurses and Doctors are being requested to come out of retirement because of a shortage and many in the profession would take the risk of losing their license than be exposed to the virus but a know it all like yourself believe there is no damn shortage because the small hick town you live in has no Covid and has hospital beds, so there is no pandemic in your mental midget mind!

Now disprove me again and let see how you will troll behind your moderator badge!

Sorry you had to go on such a long rant - but the OP is about ICU hospital beds.

I was kind enough to segue around the OP and entertained your off topic issues about nursing staff.

I appreciate the link you provided - what you don't realize is in your own link you disproved what you posted earlier.

"... recruiting students and new graduates who have yet to earn their licenses"
You better read what you wrote and I was responding to it, so you need to educate yourself seeing many have refused and the importing of Nurses you lack knowledge off because they have to prove their credentials while also take a test here!

You have been disproved again.

Now what?

I didn’t go off topic actually and it was you and G.T. that went off topic but of course you feel the need to lie and blame others for your subject changing nonsense as usual.

Now what do you have to say and it is fact there is a nursing shortage and you are full of it about who went off subject...
Of all the ugliness sprayed out by Trumpism over the last four years, near the top of the list is the way they've ignored what's really happening in our hospitals.
show the evidence! dude for every nurse you pull out of your ass, i can pull one that says the opposite. so really, you have decided what is what which isn't your forte.
I did show the evidence, and as expected, you think it's fake news.

You have been conned. That's not my problem. MAGA.
no you didn't. there is no video in those. none.


if they speak up, they get fired. interesting. why?
Because this is all a big commie conspiracy. I'm a commie.
you have no idea of the one world order that's going on here? interesting. I thought you followed news. interesting.
I'm a commie!
so what's the issue?
Of all the ugliness sprayed out by Trumpism over the last four years, near the top of the list is the way they've ignored what's really happening in our hospitals.
show the evidence! dude for every nurse you pull out of your ass, i can pull one that says the opposite. so really, you have decided what is what which isn't your forte.
I did show the evidence, and as expected, you think it's fake news.

You have been conned. That's not my problem. MAGA.
no you didn't. there is no video in those. none.


if they speak up, they get fired. interesting. why?
Because this is all a big commie conspiracy. I'm a commie.
you have no idea of the one world order that's going on here? interesting. I thought you followed news. interesting.
I'm a commie!
so what's the issue?
No issue!
You can lobby all you want but if a Nurse or Doctor refuses there isn’t much you can do and to train someone take two to four years of schooling... For Nursing...

No kidding? Really?

That's why the US imports those awesome two year RN's from overseas to work here.

And it's not the Docs or nurses who 'refuse' anything.
We're talking about ICU beds!

You better read what you wrote and I was responding to it, so you need to educate yourself seeing many have refused and the importing of Nurses you lack knowledge off because they have to prove their credentials while also take a test here!

Now get smart with me again because it was you responding to G.T. post with no knowledge of what is going on with the medical community!


I better do what? lmao @ you!
I need to do what? lmao @ you!

Let's see what happens to a nurse if they refuse to care for a Covid pt.

From the American Nurses Association:

^^^ Nope, nothing there about refusing care. Bunch of Ethics and Standards that nurses need to adhere to.

Let's try another one!
This looks more promising. It's from Washington State Nurses Assc.

WSNA Overview

Can an employer force a nurse to work on a designated “COVID-19” floor?

Staffing - Can my employer require mandatory overtime?

Now get smart with me again....

I will, thanks!
Every single time I see you post nothing about what you 'know'.

Wonderful to know a moderator like you can troll and nurses and doctors have refused to work but a lying person like you will deny this because you can not handle the truth and tell other posters they should just leave the thread!

You are a damn joke since becoming a moderator and I will point out facts from your damn lies!

Oh look an article that disproves your nonsense as usual but seeing it is not from OAN or Newsmax you will lie and deny and proclaim it is fake news to hurt your beloved Orange Messiah!

Now you have been attacking me so I will break the rules just because you want to get rid of anyone that disagree with your pathetic nonsense and lies, so go for it troll because I have tired of your nonsense and attacks!

Nurses and Doctors are being requested to come out of retirement because of a shortage and many in the profession would take the risk of losing their license than be exposed to the virus but a know it all like yourself believe there is no damn shortage because the small hick town you live in has no Covid and has hospital beds, so there is no pandemic in your mental midget mind!

Now disprove me again and let see how you will troll behind your moderator badge!

Sorry you had to go on such a long rant - but the OP is about ICU hospital beds.

I was kind enough to segue around the OP and entertained your off topic issues about nursing staff.

I appreciate the link you provided - what you don't realize is in your own link you disproved what you posted earlier.

"... recruiting students and new graduates who have yet to earn their licenses"
You better read what you wrote and I was responding to it, so you need to educate yourself seeing many have refused and the importing of Nurses you lack knowledge off because they have to prove their credentials while also take a test here!

You have been disproved again.

Now what?

I didn’t go off topic actually and it was you and G.T. that went off topic but of course you feel the need to lie and blame others for your subject changing nonsense as usual.

Now what do you have to say and it is fact there is a nursing shortage and you are full of it about who went off subject...
you know why there's a nursing shortage? hahahahahahahahahaha they released them. dude, you should really educate yourself before letting the world know you're stupid.
Of all the ugliness sprayed out by Trumpism over the last four years, near the top of the list is the way they've ignored what's really happening in our hospitals.
show the evidence! dude for every nurse you pull out of your ass, i can pull one that says the opposite. so really, you have decided what is what which isn't your forte.
I did show the evidence, and as expected, you think it's fake news.

You have been conned. That's not my problem. MAGA.
no you didn't. there is no video in those. none.


if they speak up, they get fired. interesting. why?
Because this is all a big commie conspiracy. I'm a commie.
you have no idea of the one world order that's going on here? interesting. I thought you followed news. interesting.
I'm a commie!
so what's the issue?
No issue!
then you know it's a one world order. good. no need to question my comments.
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Why not address the facts that healthmyths presented?

it does not look like a hospital bed crisis based on the actual numbers
The map is not the territory....a small hospital serving a community of 50,000....100+ miles from the next hospital--is totally at risk to be inundated..yeah...when they get full...the parade of ambulances and sick people head down the road..but that sort of domino effect has a lot...and I mean a lot, of counties worried. Rural counties..poor counties. If your area is lucky..and not feeling the full effects..count your blessings, and know that you are the exception..not the rule.

I get that you want to downplay this--but anyone who's out in the middle of it...knows different.
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Why not address the facts that healthmyths presented?

it does not look like a hospital bed crisis based on the actual numbers
The map is not the territory....a small hospital serving a community of 50,000....100+ miles from the next hospital--is totally at risk to be inundated..yeah...when they get full...the parade of ambulances and sick people head down the road..but that sort of domino effect has a lot...and I mean a lot, of counties worried. Rural counties..poor counties. If your area is lucky..and not feeling the full effects..count your blessings, and know that you are the exception..not the rule.

I get that you want to downplay this--but anyone who's out in the middle of it...knows different.
There are widely separated hospitals in sparsely populated regions of the west

But they are used to isolation and we can relocate patients as needed
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Why not address the facts that healthmyths presented?

it does not look like a hospital bed crisis based on the actual numbers
The map is not the territory....a small hospital serving a community of 50,000....100+ miles from the next hospital--is totally at risk to be inundated..yeah...when they get full...the parade of ambulances and sick people head down the road..but that sort of domino effect has a lot...and I mean a lot, of counties worried. Rural counties..poor counties. If your area is lucky..and not feeling the full effects..count your blessings, and know that you are the exception..not the rule.

I get that you want to downplay this--but anyone who's out in the middle of it...knows different.
My sister is making rounds due to lack of doctors. She is mainly administrative for the past ten years. Many doctors and nurses working out side their expertise right now to fill in for sick or quarantined medical professionals. This is reality. The good news is I see my niece alot lately because my sister is at work all the time . Lucky for me this all happened during my month off
SoooOoOoo fucking stupid? Leonard hospital in Albany isn't full because there's ten open beds in a different state or in a county 200 miles away?

What a sick lack of humanity. I've BEEN in a hospital with Nurses crying their eyes out out in the break lounge because they're INUNDATED.

and that's magically not true because some old, kooky addled partisan on the internet say so mmm kayyy

Sorry your Albany nurses feel overwhelmed.

Lobby the Hospital Admins for more nursing staff.

The hospitals are raking in plenty of Federal monies to cover the costs.
They're not my hospitals, that was an example to point out the retarded-level lakkalogic of the OP


Welp, your example failed.

Still, lobby ANY and ALL Hospital Admins for more nursing staff. (Only convenient if in YOUR neck of the woods, of course)

OBVIOUSLY - if you complain about Leonard hospital in Albany - many will believe it's close to home for you.

Welp? WTF kid of made-up word is that? Try learning English before you post again! I hate stupid!
The hospitals are lying, the doctors are lying, the nurses are lying, the local media is lying, the major media is lying, the Democrats are lying, the scientists are lying....

Sure is a good thing we have Trumpsters around to keep us up to speed on Da Troof 'n stuff.
Dec. 10, Spokane County WA, 1275 total hospital beds, beds in use (covid) 154, avg. age of fatalities 77. Death rate 1.4%. Hospital beds used 12%. Source, KHQ.com. This is from one of your MSM, so you can trust dis truf, moron. Don't let that piece of sky hit you as it falls.
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Why not address the facts that healthmyths presented?

it does not look like a hospital bed crisis based on the actual numbers
The map is not the territory....a small hospital serving a community of 50,000....100+ miles from the next hospital--is totally at risk to be inundated..yeah...when they get full...the parade of ambulances and sick people head down the road..but that sort of domino effect has a lot...and I mean a lot, of counties worried. Rural counties..poor counties. If your area is lucky..and not feeling the full effects..count your blessings, and know that you are the exception..not the rule.

I get that you want to downplay this--but anyone who's out in the middle of it...knows different.
Knows what?
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Why not address the facts that healthmyths presented?

it does not look like a hospital bed crisis based on the actual numbers
The map is not the territory....a small hospital serving a community of 50,000....100+ miles from the next hospital--is totally at risk to be inundated..yeah...when they get full...the parade of ambulances and sick people head down the road..but that sort of domino effect has a lot...and I mean a lot, of counties worried. Rural counties..poor counties. If your area is lucky..and not feeling the full effects..count your blessings, and know that you are the exception..not the rule.

I get that you want to downplay this--but anyone who's out in the middle of it...knows different.
There are widely separated hospitals in sparsely populated regions of the west

But they are used to isolation and we can relocate patients as needed
Really? Elaborate please.
You were talking about reloacting patients...explain....you want to send patients out of state or from one hospital system to another?
Why not?
Delays in treatment..lack of supplies, unforeseen logistical issues--such as weather and traffic--all heighten the risks.

A case in point is Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d'Alene ID. Because of the Covid cases taking up so much room...non-Covid heart attacks are being routed to Spokane Wa hospitals. Some have died. Now, maybe they would have passed anyway..a heart attack is no joke. But that 20 minutes in transport....sure didn't help any.

It is, perhaps ironically, the middle of the country that is having the most problems. The raw numbers are lower..but the percentages of hospital intensive care beds used are highest.

Not all hospital beds are equal--and the number of both ventilators and of staff are finite.

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