What if there is a recording of Trump using "N" word?

I don't much care, either way.

I wouldn't put it past the crude, uncooth boor, but I really don't much care.
And this, boys and girls, is the indifference which consents to evil by its silence.
Oh, blow it out your a$$, snowflake.

I neither care-for nor support The Creature in the Oval Office; nor do I really give a tinker's damn what he has to say, half the time.

It's just that I'm sssooooo phukking sick-and-tired of listening to you LibTard bitches whine and emote that I've gone numb.

And I've got more important stuff to do than pi$$ and moan about something for which there is no substantive evidence.

But, then again, I'm not a LibTard, drinking the Kool-Aid, and throwing monkey-poo around my cage at the slightest provocation.

You Drama Queens really DO need to get a life.
On a side I can't stand "THE "N" WORD", makes us sound like such pussies. And then add hypocrisy, as some are excused and who knows what to think. It's human stupidity.

But I don't like the word ****** either. It's dehumanizing. EDIT: Ha ha, big ass N word was sanitized.

Personally, if Trump's big mouth was an issue he'd have lost me some time ago. Words don't bother me so much. I prefer the tangible, and Trump gets things done. Doesn't mean I excuse him, and I'll be she's trash anyway. I'd think differently if he demonstrated more than progressive race rhetoric.
Naw, he needs to save something for his last year in office.

Then drop that n-bomb everywhere and watch the progressives explode.

It'll be a blood (no pun intended) bath.

Trumps father was in the klan

It’s just what he grew up with
Youve been giving black people a pass for "being products of their environment" for a long time now. How does it feel to have to give Trump the same consideration? :laugh:
Does anyone honestly believe that the word isn’t in Donald Trump’s vocabulary though???? Really?
Does anyone honestly believe that the word isn’t in Donald Trump’s vocabulary though???? Really?
Yes. Really. Why is that hard for you to understand? Oh. Wait. Is it because its in YOUR vocabulary and since you are supposedly not a racist.........well....get where I'm going with this?
There is literally nothing Trump could do that would cause him to lose support among his key demographic.

His 5th Avenue comment was right all along.
Does anyone honestly believe that the word isn’t in Donald Trump’s vocabulary though???? Really?
Yes. Really. Why is that hard for you to understand? Oh. Wait. Is it because its in YOUR vocabulary and since you are supposedly not a racist.........well....get where I'm going with this?

Well, you’re an idiot if you believe that. Sorry…its like when the Senate asks justices nominated for the Supreme court what they think of Roe and they say, “I haven’t thought about it.” Clearly they are lying; just like Trump did and you are now.
His numbers will go up with his base for one of two reasons: 1) they use the word themselves and will admire him for it, or 2) they will applaud him for "trolling"....aka, #BIPOL
How silly is it that we are saying "the word" or "the n word"?
Like no one will ever know what we intended....

Just beyond stupid. Politically correct insanity. Bad or not masking 5 letters changes nothing but your feelings. Ridiculous
Non Issue, more bull shit to stir the pot with, no one on this board can claim they've never used the word...
I used it once....in 6th grade.....will never ever ever use it again. My mother (raised in TX) was mortified.

I hate that word. Never used it. Hate it. There's a couple other words I hate and have never used but, I own to this, I've been known to say some really blue language. Oh yeah.

But that word--nope. Hate it.
On a side I can't stand "THE "N" WORD", makes us sound like such pussies. And then add hypocrisy, as some are excused and who knows what to think. It's human stupidity.

But I don't like the word ****** either. It's dehumanizing. EDIT: Ha ha, big ass N word was sanitized.

Personally, if Trump's big mouth was an issue he'd have lost me some time ago. Words don't bother me so much. I prefer the tangible, and Trump gets things done. Doesn't mean I excuse him, and I'll be she's trash anyway. I'd think differently if he demonstrated more than progressive race rhetoric.
A Muslim runs a car into a crowd, Trump calls it "an act of terror."

A Nazi runs a car into a crowd, Trump says some Nazis are "very fine people". His values and actions prove him unable to unequivocally condemn.

What more do you need to figure out?

Where would we be without your insights?
...again--they focus on something that is not important--not critical at the expense of the important items = stupidity

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