Zone1 What Is Baptism Of The Spirit?

Yes. Far worse. What she does has nothing to do with the topic and the facts. And, ignoring the plain truth about the necessity of baptism in the Bible is putting yourself above the Lord. We are to warn our neighbors.
Again. You have yet to tell me where I have ever said anything against your ordinances. Nor have I EVER ignored the import of Baptism or any other Sacrament for that matter. What are you talking about and why the slander?

Talk to me about this, not Ding. If you misunderstood something, that is one thing--but when you deliberately lie I am calling you out. Stop being so cowardly.
Again. You have yet to tell me where I have ever said anything against your ordinances. Nor have I EVER ignored the import of Baptism or any other Sacrament for that matter. What are you talking about and why the slander?

Talk to me about this, not Ding. If you misunderstood something, that is one thing--but when you deliberately lie I am calling you out. Stop being so cowardly.
I may be confusing you with Sue.
What if somebody gets saved on their deathbed though? They don't exactly have time to get baptized. The thief on the cross who repented never did.
Have you heard of baptism for the dead?
Paul to the Corinthians spoke on the resurrection and justified that there is a resurrection otherwise there would be no need for baptisms for the dead.

1 Corinthians 15:29
29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?
Nice chatting with ya.
Like I said. Weak. If you knew someone was being fed a line of sacred bull about not having to be baptized and would end up dying spiritually or not receiving their full reward in heaven, would you tell them? And, your answer is no. Weak.
1Corinthians 15:29...In a old version of the Catholic Encyclopedia I read in 1978, they had a blurb about baptisms for the dead and that they once did the ordinance but lost how to do it. Another sign of the apostacy of the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ went to the spirits who had died during the age of Noah prior to the flood. He preached and taught them. Why would he do that if their was no hope of salvation and repentance for them? That's why The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints baptizes vicariously for those who have died. Instead of shrugging off Biblical scriptures, Joseph Smith and prophets after him enquired about these verses and also visions they were given. This begs the question, "Why baptize for the dead if the dead not rise at all?"
What if somebody gets saved on their deathbed though? They don't exactly have time to get baptized. The thief on the cross who repented never did.
The thief(s) weren't promised salvation. Jesus was referring to the time of his millennial rule, the second resurrection, and the White Throne Judgment period.
It would be unfair for God to require baptism for salvation and not give those who never hear the gospel a chance to be baptized. As Cougarbear has mentioned, Jesus, after his death but before his resurrection went among the spirits of those who have died and set up the preaching of the gospel unto those who are dead.

1 Peter 3:18-20
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

1 Peter 4:6
6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

Baptism along with other ordinances of the gospel can only be performed in this life and not in heaven or in the world of the spirits of the dead. For this reason the ordinance of baptism for the dead was instituted and practiced by former day members of Christ's church and also in his church in the latter-days. This will be a great work that will occur also during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.
Like I said. Weak. If you knew someone was being fed a line of sacred bull about not having to be baptized and would end up dying spiritually or not receiving their full reward in heaven, would you tell them? And, your answer is no. Weak.
Believe whatever you want, buddy.
I've heard this phrase before. Does it have anything to do with ceremonial baptism? Or is it something entirely different?
There are only "2" instances in the N.T. where Baptism (total immersion) of the Holy Spirit occurred, both are recorded in Acts of the Apostles. Acts 2 and Acts 10. The scriptures define 2 types of essential to conversion, water baptism, the other is a Gift as promised by the Christ......called baptism of the Holy Spirit. Both instances were a sign/wonder/miracle to confirm TRUTH. Jesus promised His apostles that a helper would come to lead them into all truth.......that promise was confirmed in Acts 2....Jesus had promised them that He the helper, the Holy Spirit would endow them with knowledge and power from Heaven ........something the World Can NOT RECEIVE (John 14:17).

Find an example where anyone is saved without water does not exist. Some point to the thief on the cross, but Jesus, being God incarnate, saved this man prior to the N.T. perfect law of liberty went into effect after His Death. Thus water baptism is required unless you expect God to personally save you as was the case under the Law of Moses, where animals were annually sacrificed to carry sin over from year to year. There is not one instance where anyone is saved prior to water baptism as required by the doctrine presented by Jesus Christ.

There are but 2 instance of Holy Spirit total immersion...i.e, spiritual baptism in the Bible. One when the Spirit fell upon the Apostles in Acts 2 and another instance when Gentiles were confirmed as being included in the N.T covenant of Christ at the house of a Roman Soldier, Acts 10....but even then Peter reminded them in order to be conveyed into the kingdom of God/Church....the requirement for water baptism must be followed. (Acts 10:47-48)
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There are only "2" instances in the N.T. where Baptism (total immersion) of the Holy Spirit occurred, both are recorded in Acts of the Apostles. Acts 2 and Acts 10. The scriptures define 2 types of essential to conversion, water baptism, the other is a Gift as promised by the Christ......called baptism of the Holy Spirit. Both instances were a sign/wonder/miracle to confirm TRUTH. Jesus promised His apostles that a helper would come to lead them into all truth.......that promise was confirmed in Acts 2....Jesus had promised them that He the helper, the Holy Spirit would endow them with knowledge and power from Heaven ........something the World Can NOT RECEIVE (John 14:17).

Find an example where anyone is saved without water does not exist. Some point to the thief on the cross, but Jesus, being God incarnate, saved this man prior to the N.T. perfect law of liberty went into effect after His Death. Thus water baptism is required unless you expect God to personally save you as was the case under the Law of Moses, where animals were annually sacrificed to carry sin over from year to year. There is not one instance where anyone is saved prior to water baptism as required by the doctrine presented by Jesus Christ.

There are but 2 instance of Holy Spirit total immersion...i.e, spiritual baptism in the Bible. One when the Spirit fell upon the Apostles in Acts 2 and another instance when Gentiles were confirmed as being included in the N.T covenant of Christ at the house of a Roman Soldier, Acts 10....but even then Peter reminded them in order to be conveyed into the kingdom of God/Church....the requirement for water baptism must be followed. (Acts 10:47-48)
What denomination do you belong to?
What denomination do you belong to?
Why does that matter? He gave you Biblical scriptures to prove his point. I would say though, being in paradise is not being in one of the glories of Heaven Paul wrote in first Corinthians chapter 15. Paradise is a waiting place where good people go to await their judgment and resurrection. So, baptism is still required. Thus 1Corinthians 15:29 becomes very important. Something almost all of Christiandome ignores. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not ignore.

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