what is different between republican and conservative ?

what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid. Liberals have no concept of conservativism, it's like asking a child to explain relativity.

OP: Bear in mind that discussing ideologies you must take the culture into account. a conservative in the people's republic of north korea isn't the same as a conservative in the US. The US is founded on a completely different set of principles.

For the US, conservatives believe is changing what needs to be changed and not fixing what isn't broke. It's a ideology of look before you leap. You weigh the consequences of doing xyz. Will it achieve your goals? At what cost? Is the cost too high for the end result? When people mature they tend to become more conservative, it comes from an increased understanding of the world around you.

Republicans are party members and are all over the map as far as what they believe, most are more conservative than liberals. Liberals pretty much own the Democratic party these days. So much so there's little to no distinction between them and socialists.

Liberalsim is a leap before you look ideology, based on emotion. They are devout and adhere to their beliefs in a religious manner. Results, cost, the impact to others are things they do not consider. If it feels right, it's right. If something tugs on their heart strings they want to make a law. Liberals are anything but liberal, they are highly intolerant to opposing views and throw temper tantrums in the face of them. Liberals are adults that never grew up.
The more a Republican lies, the more CON$ervative they are.
Hillary Clinton is no conservative republican
Exactly, she is not only NOT a big enough liar to be a CON$ervative, but also not even a big enough liar to be a Republican.
Thank you for your observation.

You're out of your mind, she's one of the biggest liars out there

Hell, most liberals know she is a lying POS, but will vote for her anyway.
That's because the Republicans and CON$ervatives are infinitely bigger lying pieces of shit than she is, so they vote for the lesser of two evils. This is what the Right doesn't get, no matter how bad Clinton can be, Republicans and CON$ are much, much worse!!!!

Only the Right can make Clinton look good by comparison!!!

Lie on eddie, lie on
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
Yeah, sure it is... all evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

...Liberals have no concept of conservativism, it's like asking a child to explain relativity...
MOST folks are unable to serve-up anything more than a man-on-the-street meme on those definitions, anyway.

So what?

...OP: Bear in mind that discussing ideologies you must take the culture into account. a conservative in the people's republic of north korea isn't the same as a conservative in the US. The US is founded on a completely different set of principles...
Doesn't make much difference to the Average American.

And it is the Republican-leaning element within the Average American demographic that is engaged in a Populist Rebellion against its Establishment (ruling elites).

Will that momentum be sustained throughout 2016?

No clue.

Has it been profound and substantive and omnipresent and persistent throughout 2015, and early 2016?

Yep... like nothing we've seen in Living Memory.

...For the US, conservatives believe is changing what needs to be changed and not fixing what isn't broke. It's a ideology of look before you leap. You weigh the consequences of doing xyz. Will it achieve your goals? At what cost? Is the cost too high for the end result? When people mature they tend to become more conservative, it comes from an increased understanding of the world around you...
Yes. Winston Churchill was correct about youth and age and liberalism and conservatism.

As for the rest, you describe 'Caution" - a trait resident in the minds of vast numbers of people regardless of their political leanings. You deal in false stereotypes yourself.

...Republicans are party members and are all over the map as far as what they believe, most are more conservative than liberals. Liberals pretty much own the Democratic party these days. So much so there's little to no distinction between them and socialists...
We have a core of lifelong Pubs. We have a core of lifelong Dems. And we have a vast, wiggling mass that goes one way or the other, based on the circumstances du jour.

...Liberalsim is a leap before you look ideology, based on emotion. They are devout and adhere to their beliefs in a religious manner. Results, cost, the impact to others are things they do not consider. If it feels right, it's right. If something tugs on their heart strings they want to make a law. Liberals are anything but liberal, they are highly intolerant to opposing views and throw temper tantrums in the face of them. Liberals are adults that never grew up.
For the most part, I agree with your assessment of Liberals, but if you engage in stereotyping for one side, you must expect it directed at the other side, as well.

But I stand by my original observation.

The rank-and-file wriggling mass in the middle, that are registered Republicans, have served-up a Populist Rebellion against their more Conservative core, and are in the process of seizing the party out from Conservative control. One need look no further than the daily news on your television set to realize the truth of that conclusion.

This should inform the slow, plodding Core that their approach isn't working, and that they need to tweak the mission and related tactics and timing and force, in order to remain in business without breaking away and hanging-up a new shingle - an alternative that would be doomed to failure and an ignominious political death.

Bottom line... Conservatives can't survive, politically, without the middle-ground rank-and-file, and that very rank-and-file is presently engaged in Rebellion.

Bon apetit... enjoy.
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what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
There is a Populist Rebellion underway on BOTH sides of the aisle.

On the Left, it is Bernie Sanders who is benefiting from the Rebellion.

On the Right, it is Donald Trump who is benefiting from the Rebelion.

And neither the DNC nor the RNC know whether to shit or go blind or wind their watches... each observing their rank-and-file rejecting their Anointed Scion.

Interesting... nay, fascinating... times.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
There is a Populist Rebellion underway on BOTH sides of the aisle.

On the Left, it is Bernie Sanders who is benefiting from the Rebellion.

On the Right, it is Donald Trump who is benefiting from the Rebelion.

And neither the DNC nor the RNC know whether to shit or go blind or wind their watches... each observing their rank-and-file rejecting their Anointed Scion.

Interesting... nay, fascinating... times.
I love it when career politicians cry....
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
Yeah, sure it is... all evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

...Liberals have no concept of conservativism, it's like asking a child to explain relativity...
MOST folks are unable to serve-up anything more than a man-on-the-street meme on those definitions, anyway.

So what?

...OP: Bear in mind that discussing ideologies you must take the culture into account. a conservative in the people's republic of north korea isn't the same as a conservative in the US. The US is founded on a completely different set of principles...
Doesn't make much difference to the Average American.
What evidence. Your internet farts aren't evidence. You don't know what the average American is apparently. Go figure.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
There is a Populist Rebellion underway on BOTH sides of the aisle.

On the Left, it is Bernie Sanders who is benefiting from the Rebellion.

On the Right, it is Donald Trump who is benefiting from the Rebelion.

And neither the DNC nor the RNC know whether to shit or go blind or wind their watches... each observing their rank-and-file rejecting their Anointed Scion.

Interesting... nay, fascinating... times.
Hillary is the only anointed politician. The real rebellion will start if Bernie wins the states but Hillary wins the nomination. Trump exists because of obama, he doesn't have a majority GOP support yet.
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

If you are sick of the republican party, quit being one.
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

If you are sick of the republican party, quit being one.
Most normal people are sick of career politicians...
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
There is a Populist Rebellion underway on BOTH sides of the aisle.

On the Left, it is Bernie Sanders who is benefiting from the Rebellion.

On the Right, it is Donald Trump who is benefiting from the Rebelion.

And neither the DNC nor the RNC know whether to shit or go blind or wind their watches... each observing their rank-and-file rejecting their Anointed Scion.

Interesting... nay, fascinating... times.
Hillary is the only anointed politician. The real rebellion will start if Bernie wins the states but Hillary wins the nomination. Trump exists because of obama, he doesn't have a majority GOP support yet.

Trump exists because Republicans want a crazy candidate. Nobody is forcing anyone to support him.
I would say republican is a political party. Conservative is a political ideology. I am more a conservative than a republican.

Democrats on the other hand are in the vast majority, Liberals...the ideology and party are one in the same...similar to communism.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
There is a Populist Rebellion underway on BOTH sides of the aisle.

On the Left, it is Bernie Sanders who is benefiting from the Rebellion.

On the Right, it is Donald Trump who is benefiting from the Rebelion.

And neither the DNC nor the RNC know whether to shit or go blind or wind their watches... each observing their rank-and-file rejecting their Anointed Scion.

Interesting... nay, fascinating... times.
Hillary is the only anointed politician. The real rebellion will start if Bernie wins the states but Hillary wins the nomination. Trump exists because of obama, he doesn't have a majority GOP support yet.

Trump exists because Republicans want a crazy candidate. Nobody is forcing anyone to support him.

EXCLUSIVE- Pat Buchanan: Donald Trump's Rise Is Rejection of a Quarter Century of Bush Republicanism - Breitbart
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
There is a Populist Rebellion underway on BOTH sides of the aisle.

On the Left, it is Bernie Sanders who is benefiting from the Rebellion.

On the Right, it is Donald Trump who is benefiting from the Rebelion.

And neither the DNC nor the RNC know whether to shit or go blind or wind their watches... each observing their rank-and-file rejecting their Anointed Scion.

Interesting... nay, fascinating... times.
I love it when career politicians cry....
Agreed. I'm enjoying-the-hell outta this...
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

If you are sick of the republican party, quit being one.

Swish, that wasn't the question. And you're about 25 years late with that advice
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
Yeah, sure it is... all evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

...Liberals have no concept of conservativism, it's like asking a child to explain relativity...
MOST folks are unable to serve-up anything more than a man-on-the-street meme on those definitions, anyway.

So what?

...OP: Bear in mind that discussing ideologies you must take the culture into account. a conservative in the people's republic of north korea isn't the same as a conservative in the US. The US is founded on a completely different set of principles...
Doesn't make much difference to the Average American.
What evidence. Your internet farts aren't evidence. You don't know what the average American is apparently. Go figure.
Whoa... you're a hostile, nasty wee little boggit, aren't you?

The sure sign of a rigid, inflexible dogmatic mind...

The kind that is being shoved aside, this season, on BOTH sides of the aisle...

No WONDER you're so pissy... I would be too, if my "kind" was being shoved out of the way, both Left and Right.

It should be fascinating, watching you whine and cry, as your precious Establishment types scramble to maintain relevancy in the eyes of The People, this season.

Now... are we done throwing rocks at each other?
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what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
There is a Populist Rebellion underway on BOTH sides of the aisle.

On the Left, it is Bernie Sanders who is benefiting from the Rebellion.

On the Right, it is Donald Trump who is benefiting from the Rebelion.

And neither the DNC nor the RNC know whether to shit or go blind or wind their watches... each observing their rank-and-file rejecting their Anointed Scion.

Interesting... nay, fascinating... times.
Hillary is the only anointed politician. The real rebellion will start if Bernie wins the states but Hillary wins the nomination. Trump exists because of obama, he doesn't have a majority GOP support yet.
Hillary is the Anointed Scion on the Left.

Jeb was supposed to be the Anointed Scion on the Right - until the party rank-and-file began to reject him at the polls, and then, at the caucuses and primaries.

That rejection spurred the present Populist Rebellion.

It also gave courage to the Left, to begin rejecting their OWN Anointed Scion; demonstrating that it can be done.

The Left is more regimented and more lemming-like in its ideological practices, but, apparently, even lemmings can be provoked to abandon the Gang Toidy.

As Uncle Bernie's extraordinary success demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt.
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Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

If you are sick of the republican party, quit being one.

Swish, that wasn't the question. And you're about 25 years late with that advice

If you expect me to take your silly runaway slave question seriously, you're dumber than I thought. If you support the right wing, you are republican. I completely understand anyone who is sick of them though.

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