what is different between republican and conservative ?

what is different between republican and conservative ?
Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
Yeah, sure it is... all evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

...Liberals have no concept of conservativism, it's like asking a child to explain relativity...
MOST folks are unable to serve-up anything more than a man-on-the-street meme on those definitions, anyway.

So what?

...OP: Bear in mind that discussing ideologies you must take the culture into account. a conservative in the people's republic of north korea isn't the same as a conservative in the US. The US is founded on a completely different set of principles...
Doesn't make much difference to the Average American.
What evidence. Your internet farts aren't evidence. You don't know what the average American is apparently. Go figure.
Whoa... you're a hostile, nasty wee little boggit, aren't you?

The sure sign of a rigid, inflexible dogmatic mind...

The kind that is being shoved aside, this season, on BOTH sides of the aisle...

No WONDER you're so pissy... I would be too, if my "kind" was being shoved out of the way, both Left and Right.

It should be fascinating, watching you whine and cry, as your precious Establishment types scramble to maintain relevancy in the eyes of The People, this season.

Now... are we done throwing rocks at each other?
You're a wee little smarmy fuck aren't you? Got tired of slapping the puppy around? The only thing being shoved is your head up your ass. You responded with nothing but insults, don't be coy.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,

Or Right to Work states, gun ownership, States Rights, and healthcare insurance????

Right to Work States
is a euphemism for Union Busting;
Guns must be kept out of the hands of some, to protect the innocent;
Obamacare reformed health care in American, tell us oh wise and wonderful con, what is wrong with it (in detail),

State's Right's, what does that really mean?

You don't know what states rights are? Why do you think we are called the United States of America? Do you know what the original idea was?

I do. Then, the right to enslave other human beings. Today, the right to suppress the voting rights of citizens and the right to put as many roadblocks as possible to make abortion more emotionally difficult for women.
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

If you are sick of the republican party, quit being one.

Swish, that wasn't the question. And you're about 25 years late with that advice

If you expect me to take your silly runaway slave question seriously, you're dumber than I thought. If you support the right wing, you are republican. I completely understand anyone who is sick of them though.

Right, I'm pro-choice, think drugs, prostitution, euthanasia, gambling and other morality laws should be repealed, we should get out of wars in other countries to dictate their governments and we should slash the military by 1/3 to 1/2 and make it defense focused. Which you say is to "support the right wing."

On the other hand, you're a retard, why wouldn't you?
...What evidence...
What evidence?


This question was asked seriously, rather than tongue-in-cheek?

What evidence?

Jeb Bush went into this season as the Heir Apparent, according to the RNC-Establishment... the Anointed Scion of the Right.

Most of the pundits and most of the media and most of the skewed early polls all served-up such a perspective.

Jeb's rejection by the party rank-and-file, and the elevation of Trump, Cruz and Rubio, to vastly superior positions, is prima facie evidence in its own right.

For anyone not married to Establishment politics-as-usual, anyway, with eyes to see, and ears to hear, and an objective mind, to interpret with.

You, on the other hand, seem to be in Denial.

Your problem, not mine.
It was not that long ago that there was such a thing as a conservative Democrat. They carried the party through most of the 20th century. Sadly, they were purged from the Democrat party by the radical left. Now they wander in independent limbo, and mostly vote for Republican Congress critters.

Conservatives like the status quo and tolerate it far longer than is wise or safe.

Republicans are taking their party back from Conservative ruling elites.
That's just stupid...
Yeah, sure it is... all evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

...Liberals have no concept of conservativism, it's like asking a child to explain relativity...
MOST folks are unable to serve-up anything more than a man-on-the-street meme on those definitions, anyway.

So what?

...OP: Bear in mind that discussing ideologies you must take the culture into account. a conservative in the people's republic of north korea isn't the same as a conservative in the US. The US is founded on a completely different set of principles...
Doesn't make much difference to the Average American.
What evidence. Your internet farts aren't evidence. You don't know what the average American is apparently. Go figure.
Whoa... you're a hostile, nasty wee little boggit, aren't you?

The sure sign of a rigid, inflexible dogmatic mind...

The kind that is being shoved aside, this season, on BOTH sides of the aisle...

No WONDER you're so pissy... I would be too, if my "kind" was being shoved out of the way, both Left and Right.

It should be fascinating, watching you whine and cry, as your precious Establishment types scramble to maintain relevancy in the eyes of The People, this season.

Now... are we done throwing rocks at each other?
You're a wee little smarmy fuck aren't you? Got tired of slapping the puppy around? The only thing being shoved is your head up your ass. You responded with nothing but insults, don't be coy.
Don't get your panties in a bunch, Princess, and don't try over-thinking it... you really aren't up to the challenge.

Your inability to acknowledge the Populist movement and its impact upon both Left and Right this election season is your cross to bear, not your fellow bloggers' .
It was not that long ago that there was such a thing as a conservative Democrat. They carried the party through most of the 20th century. Sadly, they were purged from the Democrat party by the radical left. Now they wander in independent limbo, and mostly vote for Republican Congress critters.
Progressives killed the blue dog...
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

If you are sick of the republican party, quit being one.

Swish, that wasn't the question. And you're about 25 years late with that advice

If you expect me to take your silly runaway slave question seriously, you're dumber than I thought. If you support the right wing, you are republican. I completely understand anyone who is sick of them though.

Right, I'm pro-choice, think drugs, prostitution, euthanasia, gambling and other morality laws should be repealed, we should get out of wars in other countries to dictate their governments and we should slash the military by 1/3 to 1/2 and make it defense focused. Which you say is to "support the right wing."

On the other hand, you're a retard, why wouldn't you?

Then why would you support republican candidates who obviously disagree with you on all those things?
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

My guess, you vote for the Republican Candidate.
...Trump exists because Republicans want a crazy candidate. Nobody is forcing anyone to support him.

Personally, I believe that Trump exists because a really huge chunk of the American People are fed-up with the Liberal agenda that has been shoved down America's throat in the past seven-plus years, and because they have lost confidence in the Republican Establishment as the mechanism by which that agenda can be reversed.

If "crazy" comes as part of the package, well, then, so be it; so long as the goddamned agenda gets reversed.

Just a guess, but not a bad one.
...Trump exists because Republicans want a crazy candidate. Nobody is forcing anyone to support him.

Personally, I believe that Trump exists because a really huge chunk of the American People are fed-up with the Liberal agenda that has been shoved down American's throat in the past seven-plus years, and because they have lost confidence in the Republican Establishment as the mechanism by which that agenda can be reversed.

Again, Trump only exists because the right wants a crazy candidate. Nobody is forcing repubs to support him. There are plenty of less crazy candidates.
...Trump exists because Republicans want a crazy candidate. Nobody is forcing anyone to support him.

Personally, I believe that Trump exists because a really huge chunk of the American People are fed-up with the Liberal agenda that has been shoved down American's throat in the past seven-plus years, and because they have lost confidence in the Republican Establishment as the mechanism by which that agenda can be reversed.

Again, Trump only exists because the right wants a crazy candidate. Nobody is forcing repubs to support him. There are plenty of less crazy candidates.
You just can't bring yourself to admit that America is rejecting the Liberal agenda, can you? That's OK. It's a "given" with most analytical folks, regardless.
I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

If you are sick of the republican party, quit being one.

Swish, that wasn't the question. And you're about 25 years late with that advice

If you expect me to take your silly runaway slave question seriously, you're dumber than I thought. If you support the right wing, you are republican. I completely understand anyone who is sick of them though.

Right, I'm pro-choice, think drugs, prostitution, euthanasia, gambling and other morality laws should be repealed, we should get out of wars in other countries to dictate their governments and we should slash the military by 1/3 to 1/2 and make it defense focused. Which you say is to "support the right wing."

On the other hand, you're a retard, why wouldn't you?

Then why would you support republican candidates who obviously disagree with you on all those things?

Who are you referring to? I rarely vote Republican
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

My guess, you vote for the Republican Candidate.

Well, since 1988 you would be right once and wrong five times. That's about average for you, isn't it?
That's just stupid...
Yeah, sure it is... all evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

...Liberals have no concept of conservativism, it's like asking a child to explain relativity...
MOST folks are unable to serve-up anything more than a man-on-the-street meme on those definitions, anyway.

So what?

...OP: Bear in mind that discussing ideologies you must take the culture into account. a conservative in the people's republic of north korea isn't the same as a conservative in the US. The US is founded on a completely different set of principles...
Doesn't make much difference to the Average American.
What evidence. Your internet farts aren't evidence. You don't know what the average American is apparently. Go figure.
Whoa... you're a hostile, nasty wee little boggit, aren't you?

The sure sign of a rigid, inflexible dogmatic mind...

The kind that is being shoved aside, this season, on BOTH sides of the aisle...

No WONDER you're so pissy... I would be too, if my "kind" was being shoved out of the way, both Left and Right.

It should be fascinating, watching you whine and cry, as your precious Establishment types scramble to maintain relevancy in the eyes of The People, this season.

Now... are we done throwing rocks at each other?
You're a wee little smarmy fuck aren't you? Got tired of slapping the puppy around? The only thing being shoved is your head up your ass. You responded with nothing but insults, don't be coy.
Don't get your panties in a bunch, Princess, and don't try over-thinking it... you really aren't up to the challenge.

Your inability to acknowledge the Populist movement and its impact upon both Left and Right this election season is your cross to bear, not your fellow bloggers' .
You tried to change the conversation for me, it doesn't work that way. I make those decision, not some smarmy simpleton banging away on his feces coated keyboard.
Yeah, sure it is... all evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

MOST folks are unable to serve-up anything more than a man-on-the-street meme on those definitions, anyway.

So what?

Doesn't make much difference to the Average American.
What evidence. Your internet farts aren't evidence. You don't know what the average American is apparently. Go figure.
Whoa... you're a hostile, nasty wee little boggit, aren't you?

The sure sign of a rigid, inflexible dogmatic mind...

The kind that is being shoved aside, this season, on BOTH sides of the aisle...

No WONDER you're so pissy... I would be too, if my "kind" was being shoved out of the way, both Left and Right.

It should be fascinating, watching you whine and cry, as your precious Establishment types scramble to maintain relevancy in the eyes of The People, this season.

Now... are we done throwing rocks at each other?
You're a wee little smarmy fuck aren't you? Got tired of slapping the puppy around? The only thing being shoved is your head up your ass. You responded with nothing but insults, don't be coy.
Don't get your panties in a bunch, Princess, and don't try over-thinking it... you really aren't up to the challenge.

Your inability to acknowledge the Populist movement and its impact upon both Left and Right this election season is your cross to bear, not your fellow bloggers' .
You tried to change the conversation for me, it doesn't work that way. I make those decision, not some smarmy simpleton banging away on his feces coated keyboard.
I did no such thing.

You're hallucinating.

But you're such a dogmatic hack and such a rude, dumb shit that it's difficult to care.

Off to the 'ignore' list with you, Princess.
What evidence. Your internet farts aren't evidence. You don't know what the average American is apparently. Go figure.
Whoa... you're a hostile, nasty wee little boggit, aren't you?

The sure sign of a rigid, inflexible dogmatic mind...

The kind that is being shoved aside, this season, on BOTH sides of the aisle...

No WONDER you're so pissy... I would be too, if my "kind" was being shoved out of the way, both Left and Right.

It should be fascinating, watching you whine and cry, as your precious Establishment types scramble to maintain relevancy in the eyes of The People, this season.

Now... are we done throwing rocks at each other?
You're a wee little smarmy fuck aren't you? Got tired of slapping the puppy around? The only thing being shoved is your head up your ass. You responded with nothing but insults, don't be coy.
Don't get your panties in a bunch, Princess, and don't try over-thinking it... you really aren't up to the challenge.

Your inability to acknowledge the Populist movement and its impact upon both Left and Right this election season is your cross to bear, not your fellow bloggers' .
You tried to change the conversation for me, it doesn't work that way. I make those decision, not some smarmy simpleton banging away on his feces coated keyboard.
I did no such thing.

You're hallucinating.

But you're such a dogmatic hack and such a rude, dumb shit that it's difficult to care.

Off to the 'ignore' list with you, Princess.
Let me know when you are done sniffing your feces coated fingers.
I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

I see. So you equate our Tea Party to the freaks running your country into a military confrontation with us over their hatred of Israel? There are two things here....either you aren't an Iranian or you're terrified to speak against the perverts running your country for fear of arrest and torture.
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?

My guess, you vote for the Republican Candidate.

Well, since 1988 you would be right once and wrong five times. That's about average for you, isn't it?

It's obvious you don't vote for a Democrat, thus by default I suspect you don't vote, or vote for the Libertarian if one is on the ballot.

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