what is different between republican and conservative ?

what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,

Or Right to Work states, gun ownership, States Rights, and healthcare insurance????
My quick take: Republicans want an efficient, well-run government that respects the free market system but recognizes the need for regulation to preserve capitalism by preventing monopolistic practices and maintaining consumer trust. Conservatives are anti-government and believe in the self-regulation of the free market system.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,

If only liberals weren't, for the most part, anti 2nd amendment. I also don't like the idea that some liberals are for open borders, and some of their ideas are just way out there.

What I don't like about conservative ideology is probably a longer list though. :D
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,

Or Right to Work states, gun ownership, States Rights, and healthcare insurance????

Right to Work States
is a euphemism for Union Busting;
Guns must be kept out of the hands of some, to protect the innocent;
Obamacare reformed health care in American, tell us oh wise and wonderful con, what is wrong with it (in detail),

State's Right's, what does that really mean?
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,

Or Right to Work states, gun ownership, States Rights, and healthcare insurance????

Right to Work States
is a euphemism for Union Busting;
Guns must be kept out of the hands of some, to protect the innocent;
Obamacare reformed health care in American, tell us oh wise and wonderful con, what is wrong with it (in detail),

State's Right's, what does that really mean?

You don't know what states rights are? Why do you think we are called the United States of America? Do you know what the original idea was?
what is different between republican and conservative ?

Fiscal Conservative?

Social Conservative?

A Progressive once was a Republican... ( Teddy Roosevelt )

So be more specific in your question mate because there is so many differences!
What is the difference between a person more concerned about labels than the ones concerned about the real problems we face?
what is different between republican and conservative ?

Good question. I am an independent but a fiscal conservative. Meaning Government spending is important to me. I don't get into Social issues.

The evangelical wing of the Republican party has tried to make politics into church service.
What is the difference between a person more concerned about labels than the ones concerned about the real problems we face?

I have to agree...

I am a social Liberal but a fiscal Conservative. I could not be bothered by the idea of someone being married but the state should not fund it... If a woman want a abortion so be it but do not ask the taxpayer to pay for his stupidity of getting pregnant...

Labels are for those that believe their conservatism is the better version, and to me as long as the individual cares about righting the mistakes is more important to me... God, I wish we had another Newt and Bill to run this country!
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,
What I find is what I said.
Parties have different ideologues within them..........Conservatism has different beliefs within the group..........some more in line with the founders tending to Libertarian..........to some who have leaned so far left that they are called RINO's........Republican in name only.

The RINO's of today were Democrats during JFK.
Conservatives are republicans who are embarrassed to admit what they are.

I'm curious why you're so intent on driving those of us who aren't leftists all into the Republican party. I'd think you'd want to encourage us to split from them.

Not that I give a shit what you want me to do, you're an idiot. Just curious though why you want to drive libertarians like me and conservatives who are sick of the Republicans back.

The idea of runaway slaves just bothers you too much?
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,

Or Right to Work states, gun ownership, States Rights, and healthcare insurance????

Right to Work States
is a euphemism for Union Busting;
Guns must be kept out of the hands of some, to protect the innocent;
Obamacare reformed health care in American, tell us oh wise and wonderful con, what is wrong with it (in detail),

State's Right's, what does that really mean?

You ask about Commie Care and States Rights in the same response and can't figure it out? Does it have to hit you in the face or something?

What's wrong with Commie Care, well for one, I like millions of others lost my employers insurance because of it. Two, I'm going to file my taxes today, and guess what I can't write off because of Commie Care? That's right, my medical expenses. Three, our founders never envisioned the day when the federal government would be able to force you to buy something at the threat of taking YOUR hard earned money away. Four, now that people have to buy their own insurance, they do so with after-tax money whereas before when it was an employer benefit, it was a before tax benefit. Five, Commie Care was never meant to make sure everybody had coverage, Commie Care was designed to make as many more people dependent on the government as possible. Don't believe me, just listen to the White House when they brag they conned 14 million Americans into signing up. Only a Commie or liberal would celebrate 14 million more government dependents. Six, Commie Care was an out and out lie to begin with. Need more?????
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Seems to me the difference between "Republican" and "conservative" is essentially the same as "Democrat" and "progressive".

The "conservatives" and "progressives" are on the wings.

Interesting, do you find that progressives seek to expand freedom and liberty, and conservatives seek to restrict them?

Examples: Gay / Lesbian Marriage, voting rights, abortion,

Or Right to Work states, gun ownership, States Rights, and healthcare insurance????

Right to Work States
is a euphemism for Union Busting;
Guns must be kept out of the hands of some, to protect the innocent;
Obamacare reformed health care in American, tell us oh wise and wonderful con, what is wrong with it (in detail),

State's Right's, what does that really mean?

Part two:

Right to work means having a choice. Liberals don't like choice--they never have. Choice means freedom. The more choices you have, the more freedom you have.

Gun ownership is protected by a thing called the US Constitution. We need our guns for self-defense since liberal judges turned out jails into playgrounds and there is little deterrent to crime. We must fight crime ourselves with a strong enough deterrent such as death. If somebody attacks me on the street, they are going away in a cot with an pound extra of lead.

Liberals don't mind guns so much, they hate the idea of people being able to defend themselves without the government. Each party would like to get more voters and expand their base. One of the largest bases of the Democrat party are victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. If liberals were ever able to disarm Americans, we would all be victims of the criminal element. Big Crime. And how does one fight Big Crime? The same way we have to fight Big anything else: more government.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
A con doesn't want to give up freedom or give the government anymore control

A rep wants to take freedom and control, just a little bit slower than the dems

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