what is different between republican and conservative ?

republican have atheist member ? how many % ?
Bear in mind this is from a politically biased third-hand source: Revealed: The Percentage of Atheists Who Identified as ‘Republican’ in New Poll — and the Secular Plan to Harness Political Power

I could not find the source survey, which would be much more preferable. The Blaze has a real shitty habit of not linking to survey sources.

But they did include a graphic directly from the survey done by the Freedom from Religion Foundation.

With all that said, one percent of the atheists surveyed self-identified as Republicans.

what is different between republican and conservative ?

What is a conservative? The members of the clown car all try to convince the public that they are the most conservative, but non one defines what that means.
Well, you gotcher fiscal conservative, and you gotcher social conservative.

Unfortunately, a lot of bigots who call themselves conservatives spend a lot of time on here slamming blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, Muslims and other minorities, thus giving the horribly wrong impression to the uninitatied the impression that is how all social conservatives think.

And then you gotcher folks who think they are fiscal conservatives who would not know a fiscally conservative idea if it bit them in the balls (or the mons).
what is different between republican and conservative ?
A Republican is a member of a political party.

A conservative is on the right wing of the political belief spectrum.

Sometimes, there is overlap.

There is 100% overlap. Can you name one self proclaimed conservative who would ever vote Democratic?

I'm a conservative and I have voted Democrat in local and state elections.
I used to be a republican, but got tired of the republican party being spineless, going against what conservatives believe and want for the nation. I call those part of the establishment...some call them RINOs or republican in name only

I was a democrat when I voted in my first presidential election (JFK). I became a republican when Ronald Reagan ran and when George HW Bush was elected, I became an independent which I stayed until last year when I switched back to republican.

Politics in this country is now a "business" and a very healthy business at that. To the tune of hundreds of millions each year. You take people like McCain, Reid, McConnell and the rest - they work for the "corporation" called politics.

It's no different on the democrat side. Those assholes are just as bad. That's why the process has become so convoluted and reactionary that it turns our stomachs. today it feels like it is us (the American people) against the monsters that make up our "government". They purposefully make it so challenging, that we simply give up. I give you the 85,000 page tax code or the 200,567 pages of "OBarryCare".

They protect themselves by burying the details. "Surely you can't get rid of US!!! Who would translate all these laws for you little people!?!"

This government (and it's slaves) need to be taken down three or four notches. "Government" is nothing more than code for "Heroin" for those in power.
what is different between republican and conservative ?

What is a conservative? The members of the clown car all try to convince the public that they are the most conservative, but non one defines what that means.
Well, you gotcher fiscal conservative, and you gotcher social conservative.

Unfortunately, a lot of bigots who call themselves conservatives spend a lot of time on here slamming blacks, Mexicans, homosexuals, Muslims and other minorities, thus giving the horribly wrong impression to the uninitatied the impression that is how all social conservatives think.

And then you gotcher folks who think they are fiscal conservatives who would not know a fiscally conservative idea if it bit them in the balls (or the mons).

I call those bigots/sexists/racists callous conservatives and callous fits them quite well.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
A Republican is a member of a political party.

A conservative is on the right wing of the political belief spectrum.

Sometimes, there is overlap.

There is 100% overlap. Can you name one self proclaimed conservative who would ever vote Democratic?

I'm a conservative and I have voted Democrat in local and state elections.

a good example is Indiana, a very red state but Evan Bayh won elections easily, of course he was a blue dog
what is different between republican and conservative ?
The more a Republican lies, the more CON$ervative they are.
Hillary Clinton is no conservative republican
Exactly, she is not only NOT a big enough liar to be a CON$ervative, but also not even a big enough liar to be a Republican.
Thank you for your observation.

You're out of your mind, she's one of the biggest liars out there
A republican is a member of a political party.

A conservative is someone who has a conservative ideology.

It's an apples to oranges comparison.
I call those bigots/sexists/racists callous conservatives and callous fits them quite well.

You just described the DNC platform....difference being that GOPers tell folks they're on their own while Rats promise folks the moon and stars.... and then leave them on their own.
Did you know that one of the first "liberal" parties (classical liberalism) was actually QUITE conservative and believed in small government and less taxation? Also social liberties and freedoms. Isn't that fascinating?


You'll call me a liar, but I recall a time when republicans and democrats actually got along. They actually ACHIEVED things for this country because they all had one thing in common - fiscal responsibility and patriotism. So much for the "good old days".
Did you know that one of the first "liberal" parties (classical liberalism) was actually QUITE conservative and believed in small government and less taxation? Also social liberties and freedoms. Isn't that fascinating?


History is fascinating, if for no other reason than to recognize how things have changed and how many definitions from the past no longer apply.
Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government.

The philosophy emerged as a response to the Industrial Revolution and urbanization in the 19th century in Europe and the United States.

It advocates civil liberties with a limited government under the rule of law, private property, and belief in laissez-faire economic policy.

Classical liberalism is built on ideas that had already arisen by the end of the 18th century, such as selected ideas of Adam Smith, John Locke, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo.

It drew on a psychological understanding of individual liberty, the contradictory theories of natural law and utilitarianism, and a belief in progress.

Both modern American conservatism and social liberalism split from Classical Liberalism in the early 20th century.

At that time conservatives adopted the Classic Liberal beliefs in protecting economic civil liberties.

Conversely social liberals adopted the Classical Liberal belief in defending social civil liberties.

Neither ideology adopted the pure Classical Liberal belief that government exists to protect both social & economic civil liberties.


That is from the link I posted since I know most of you don't click on links. ;)
what is different between republican and conservative ?

Republicans are members of the Republican political party.

Conservatives have a philosophy of individual Rights, limited Government, and a belief in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Republicans do not necessarily believe in those things....they can also, like the democrats, believe in growing the government for the sake of their own power.

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