what is different between republican and conservative ?

I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

But I wasn't go to do it by hanging!!! Do you think I'm some kind of barbarian?

I'm sure you has something more entertaining in mind.
I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)
ok . kill them with poison or Lethal injection or gas or electrocution :biggrin::biggrin:

+ based on Methods of Execution Used in Capital Punishment

New Hampshire5 Lethal injection or hanging
These words have both lost their true meaning over time.

"Is there not, my friend, reason to believe, that the principles of Democratic Republicanism are already better understood than they were before; and that by the continued efforts of Men of Science and Virtue, they will extend more and more till the turbulent and destructive Spirit of War shall cease?—The proud oppressors over the Earth shall be totally broken down and those classes of Men who have hitherto been the victims of their rage and cruelty shall perpetually enjoy perfect Peace and Safety till time shall be no more."
-- Samuel Adams; letter to Thomas Jefferson (Nov, 18th 1801)
I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

But I wasn't go to do it by hanging!!! Do you think I'm some kind of barbarian?
you think american was barbarian 70 years ago ?


I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

But I wasn't go to do it by hanging!!! Do you think I'm some kind of barbarian?
you think american was barbarian 70 years ago ?



I'm against the death penalty for a number of reasons, Dani.
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

But I wasn't go to do it by hanging!!! Do you think I'm some kind of barbarian?
you think american was barbarian 70 years ago ?



I'm against the death penalty for a number of reasons, Dani.

me too .it was joke.
im atheist.if you kill rapist or killer.no problem for them.its good sleep
but if they have life in prison with hard work and bad food. it is very bad for them
I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

I have a question for you....when are you Iranians going to drag the dictator mullahs out into the streets and hang their asses?
when american going to drag the tea party member and fan out into the streets and hang their asses :biggrin:

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

But I wasn't go to do it by hanging!!! Do you think I'm some kind of barbarian?

Actually, hanging if done properly, is a very effective, virtually painless way to die, it's not barbaric at all.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
A Republican is a member of a political party.

A conservative is on the right wing of the political belief spectrum.

Sometimes, there is overlap.

There is 100% overlap. Can you name one self proclaimed conservative who would ever vote Democratic?

I'm a conservative and I have voted Democrat in local and state elections.

a good example is Indiana, a very red state but Evan Bayh won elections easily, of course he was a blue dog

Very true, Bulldog, like many liberals are clueless bigots.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
The more a Republican lies, the more CON$ervative they are.
Hillary Clinton is no conservative republican
Exactly, she is not only NOT a big enough liar to be a CON$ervative, but also not even a big enough liar to be a Republican.
Thank you for your observation.

You're out of your mind, she's one of the biggest liars out there

Hell, most liberals know she is a lying POS, but will vote for her anyway.
A Republican votes for Rubio. A conservative for Cruz.

Insane people for Trump
I have been asking myself a similar thing: What's the difference between a Democrat and a liberal? Both Gullible fools bent on forcing their ideals on everyone come hell or high water?
We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

We don't hang people here anymore. :)

No, but you did threaten to kill me the other day.

But I wasn't go to do it by hanging!!! Do you think I'm some kind of barbarian?
you think american was barbarian 70 years ago ?



I'm against the death penalty for a number of reasons, Dani.

me too .it was joke.
im atheist.if you kill rapist or killer.no problem for them.its good sleep
but if they have life in prison with hard work and bad food. it is very bad for them

That would explain why few ever just accept their fate and fight to stay alive through every appeal possible.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Republican are those that ascribe to the party and their platform. Conservative is an Ideology that believes in small government, not increasing taxes and believe that all able bodies people should contribute to the economy by working and not using the welfare system as a career choice.

Establishment Republicans are those that believe in big government--just their kind of big government.

Conservaties and Libertarians are those who believe the larger the government--the smaller the citizen.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
The more a Republican lies, the more CON$ervative they are.
Hillary Clinton is no conservative republican
Exactly, she is not only NOT a big enough liar to be a CON$ervative, but also not even a big enough liar to be a Republican.
Thank you for your observation.

You're out of your mind, she's one of the biggest liars out there
And yet infinitely more honest than the most honest Republican CON$ervative, if there were such a thing as an honest Republican CON$ervative
what is different between republican and conservative ?
Retards in the USA have twisted the meaning of R and D (no difference today, so I won't even bother explaining that) and liberal and conservative.

Conservative about what issues? Liberal about what issues?

Reality definition: Left wing extreme = totalitarian/authoritarian; Right wing extreme = anarchist
USA meaning: Whatever someone else tells you another person is.

See, in the USA, many groupies follow what their team cheerleaders tell them to think and believe.

Don't think for yourself in the USA, otherwise a groupie will label you their enemy. Can't have any of that critical thinking or independent thinking shit going on.
republican have atheist member ? how many % ?
Bear in mind this is from a politically biased third-hand source: Revealed: The Percentage of Atheists Who Identified as ‘Republican’ in New Poll — and the Secular Plan to Harness Political Power

I could not find the source survey, which would be much more preferable. The Blaze has a real shitty habit of not linking to survey sources.

But they did include a graphic directly from the survey done by the Freedom from Religion Foundation.

With all that said, one percent of the atheists surveyed self-identified as Republicans.


Ayn Rand just rolled over.
what is different between republican and conservative ?
The more a Republican lies, the more CON$ervative they are.
Hillary Clinton is no conservative republican
Exactly, she is not only NOT a big enough liar to be a CON$ervative, but also not even a big enough liar to be a Republican.
Thank you for your observation.

You're out of your mind, she's one of the biggest liars out there

Hell, most liberals know she is a lying POS, but will vote for her anyway.
That's because the Republicans and CON$ervatives are infinitely bigger lying pieces of shit than she is, so they vote for the lesser of two evils. This is what the Right doesn't get, no matter how bad Clinton can be, Republicans and CON$ are much, much worse!!!!

Only the Right can make Clinton look good by comparison!!!

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