What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

You realize that income taxes are paid by employers, right? So, how does it make sense to continue to tax companies MORE if they have more onshore employees working for them? Doesn't that disincent what we want? Jobs?

The ideal tax is the Fair Tax. You tax the source of all taxes, the economy, flatly once and eliminate the IRS entirely

Income tax is not paid by employers it is withheld from employees' paychecks and sent into the treasury by the employer on behalf of each employee


So income taxes aren't part what employers have to pay employees? The money doesn't come from their employer's customers? How does that work? Where does it come from then? It just appears in paychecks from nowhere?

I have an issue with the way the fair tax works

It's ridiculous to charge a higher tax then cut a check to each and every person in the country once a month. They call it a prebate . That is a ridiculously expensive endeavor.

If they would reduce the rate and not give any back I could get behind the idea but until they do that I can't support it

I prefer no prebate as well, but you have "an issue" with the Fair Tax and reject it, but you want to keep the Gestapo IRS and reporting to the government every dollar you earn from every source as if it's any of their f'ing business? Since your standard is "an issue," that isn't "an issue" for you?

What about that the Fair Tax makes people who work in cash industries and don't pay income taxes now at all taxpayers sharing the load?

What about that the Fair Tax removes the incentive to move employees offshore and automate to avoid all the employee taxes (Social Security, Medicare, employee income taxes, unemployment, ...)

What about that the Fair Tax levels the playing field between US and foreign corporations who don't have to pay corporate taxes now?

And again, why should US companies be punished with MORE taxes for onshore jobs? Isn't that just butt stupid?

You need to learn about payroll and how it works

If I pay an employee 2000 bi weekly his net pay is 1439
I withhold federal taxes of 316
FICA taxes of 149
State taxes of 91 ( varies by state obviously)

None of those are paid by me the employer all I do as the employer is send that money withheld to the state and federal treasuries

The only expense I pay is the matching contributions for FICA but that is calculated into my payroll costs

I'm being realistic in saying that we won't be able to abolish the income tax so if that is the case then we should put our efforts into making it a flat tax from dollar one

A flat tax would allow us to gut the IRS almost completely
I didn't say they aren't available....only that they benefit more

Why because they use them and other people don't

Whose fault is that?
The issue is that the wealthy receive more benefit than the poor which was my assertion that the wealthy receive more benefits from our government than the poor do

The issue is that those benefits are available to anyone and everyone if they want to use them

The "rich" do not have exclusive rights to any of the benefits you listed they just use them

It's no different than you complaining that businesses use roads to move goods you can use roads to move goods too you just choose not to it's not anyone's fault but your own
You moved the goal posts

I was questioned what benefits the wealthy receive from government

They don't receive more benefits than anyone else
Everyone has the same benefits it's just that some people refuse to use them

Tell me do you think a person who uses a free public library and then gets better grades and a free ride to college is somehow getting an unfair share of benefits than the person who plays X box all day and can't get into community college?

Now you are just being idiotic

Yes, they RECIEVE more benefits

Those who do not use them do not RECIEVE those benefits
Why because they use them and other people don't

Whose fault is that?
The issue is that the wealthy receive more benefit than the poor which was my assertion that the wealthy receive more benefits from our government than the poor do

The issue is that those benefits are available to anyone and everyone if they want to use them

The "rich" do not have exclusive rights to any of the benefits you listed they just use them

It's no different than you complaining that businesses use roads to move goods you can use roads to move goods too you just choose not to it's not anyone's fault but your own
You moved the goal posts

I was questioned what benefits the wealthy receive from government

They don't receive more benefits than anyone else
Everyone has the same benefits it's just that some people refuse to use them

Tell me do you think a person who uses a free public library and then gets better grades and a free ride to college is somehow getting an unfair share of benefits than the person who plays X box all day and can't get into community college?

Now you are just being idiotic

Yes, they RECIEVE more benefits

Those who do not use them do not RECIEVE those benefits

The benefits are there for everyone to use
You're just pissed that you chose not to use them

Just like you'd be pissed at the kid who used the free library and got better grades than you because you chose not to

Or perhaps you'd be pissed at the guy who called the cops to find the person who stole his car but you never got your car back because you didn't call the cops

There's a word for that

The issue is that the wealthy receive more benefit than the poor which was my assertion that the wealthy receive more benefits from our government than the poor do

The issue is that those benefits are available to anyone and everyone if they want to use them

The "rich" do not have exclusive rights to any of the benefits you listed they just use them

It's no different than you complaining that businesses use roads to move goods you can use roads to move goods too you just choose not to it's not anyone's fault but your own
You moved the goal posts

I was questioned what benefits the wealthy receive from government

They don't receive more benefits than anyone else
Everyone has the same benefits it's just that some people refuse to use them

Tell me do you think a person who uses a free public library and then gets better grades and a free ride to college is somehow getting an unfair share of benefits than the person who plays X box all day and can't get into community college?

Now you are just being idiotic

Yes, they RECIEVE more benefits

Those who do not use them do not RECIEVE those benefits

The benefits are there for everyone to use
You're just pissed that you chose not to use them

Just like you'd be pissed at the kid who used the free library and got better grades than you because you chose not to

Or perhaps you'd be pissed at the guy who called the cops to find the person who stole his car but you never got your car back because you didn't call the cops

There's a word for that


Yes...If only you were a billionaire, you could get these benefits too

Not my fault
The issue is that those benefits are available to anyone and everyone if they want to use them

The "rich" do not have exclusive rights to any of the benefits you listed they just use them

It's no different than you complaining that businesses use roads to move goods you can use roads to move goods too you just choose not to it's not anyone's fault but your own
You moved the goal posts

I was questioned what benefits the wealthy receive from government

They don't receive more benefits than anyone else
Everyone has the same benefits it's just that some people refuse to use them

Tell me do you think a person who uses a free public library and then gets better grades and a free ride to college is somehow getting an unfair share of benefits than the person who plays X box all day and can't get into community college?

Now you are just being idiotic

Yes, they RECIEVE more benefits

Those who do not use them do not RECIEVE those benefits

The benefits are there for everyone to use
You're just pissed that you chose not to use them

Just like you'd be pissed at the kid who used the free library and got better grades than you because you chose not to

Or perhaps you'd be pissed at the guy who called the cops to find the person who stole his car but you never got your car back because you didn't call the cops

There's a word for that


Yes...If only you were a billionaire, you could get these benefits too

Not my fault

Excuses excuses

You don't have to be a billionaire to use the roads for your business or apply for a patent or any of those other things you mentioned

You just chose not to and now you're whining because those who chose to use what's there for everyone are doing better than you
As long as you keep pushing a tax scheme where some people pay for more than they get from govt, and others pay for less than what they get, you will never find agreement that it's "fair".
You realize that income taxes are paid by employers, right? So, how does it make sense to continue to tax companies MORE if they have more onshore employees working for them? Doesn't that disincent what we want? Jobs?

The ideal tax is the Fair Tax. You tax the source of all taxes, the economy, flatly once and eliminate the IRS entirely

Income tax is not paid by employers it is withheld from employees' paychecks and sent into the treasury by the employer on behalf of each employee


So income taxes aren't part what employers have to pay employees? The money doesn't come from their employer's customers? How does that work? Where does it come from then? It just appears in paychecks from nowhere?

I have an issue with the way the fair tax works

It's ridiculous to charge a higher tax then cut a check to each and every person in the country once a month. They call it a prebate . That is a ridiculously expensive endeavor.

If they would reduce the rate and not give any back I could get behind the idea but until they do that I can't support it

I prefer no prebate as well, but you have "an issue" with the Fair Tax and reject it, but you want to keep the Gestapo IRS and reporting to the government every dollar you earn from every source as if it's any of their f'ing business? Since your standard is "an issue," that isn't "an issue" for you?

What about that the Fair Tax makes people who work in cash industries and don't pay income taxes now at all taxpayers sharing the load?

What about that the Fair Tax removes the incentive to move employees offshore and automate to avoid all the employee taxes (Social Security, Medicare, employee income taxes, unemployment, ...)

What about that the Fair Tax levels the playing field between US and foreign corporations who don't have to pay corporate taxes now?

And again, why should US companies be punished with MORE taxes for onshore jobs? Isn't that just butt stupid?

You need to learn about payroll and how it works

If I pay an employee 2000 bi weekly his net pay is 1439
I withhold federal taxes of 316
FICA taxes of 149
State taxes of 91 ( varies by state obviously)

None of those are paid by me the employer all I do as the employer is send that money withheld to the state and federal treasuries

The only expense I pay is the matching contributions for FICA but that is calculated into my payroll costs

I'm being realistic in saying that we won't be able to abolish the income tax so if that is the case then we should put our efforts into making it a flat tax from dollar one

A flat tax would allow us to gut the IRS almost completely

OK, so when you take a job, you dont' factor taxes into what you need to be paid to live, that's what you think?

Riddle me this batman. If your employer doesn't include the cost of your taxes in the prices of their products, how would they pay you enough to live AFTER taxes?
You moved the goal posts

I was questioned what benefits the wealthy receive from government

They don't receive more benefits than anyone else
Everyone has the same benefits it's just that some people refuse to use them

Tell me do you think a person who uses a free public library and then gets better grades and a free ride to college is somehow getting an unfair share of benefits than the person who plays X box all day and can't get into community college?

Now you are just being idiotic

Yes, they RECIEVE more benefits

Those who do not use them do not RECIEVE those benefits

The benefits are there for everyone to use
You're just pissed that you chose not to use them

Just like you'd be pissed at the kid who used the free library and got better grades than you because you chose not to

Or perhaps you'd be pissed at the guy who called the cops to find the person who stole his car but you never got your car back because you didn't call the cops

There's a word for that


Yes...If only you were a billionaire, you could get these benefits too

Not my fault

Excuses excuses

You don't have to be a billionaire to use the roads for your business or apply for a patent or any of those other things you mentioned

You just chose not to and now you're whining because those who chose to use what's there for everyone are doing better than you
Ah...but billionaires make more from those roads and bridges
They benefit more from tariffs and tax cuts
The military protects their investments around the world

But you are right...it is my fault I am not a billionaire
I must be lazy
You have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, do you?
So you can guarantee that wealth confiscation via the inheritance tax will trickle down to you in some way?


The issue is the number of self-styled "conservatives" who have no problem with American money being stashed overseas. None of you has ever adequately explained that. Feel free to try.

Why can't a person stash his property wherever he wishes? What business is it of yours?

We're not talking about "property." He can moor his yacht wherever he's willing to pay the moorage fees. See the difference there?
A person's money is his property
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....
Educated citizens are supposed to run a democracy/republic...ay caramba.

As long as ignorant dolts like you are allowed to vote, that isn't going to happen, franco hater dupe bot.
Very clever, hater dupe. Keep voting for the lying, thieving, a-hole billionaire, racist party, stupid.
(Face palm) Franco, there is no difference between the two political parties at the very top. Politics is the WWF for old, out of shape crooks, liars and thieves. Hopefully one day you will figure that out.
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.
Please explain how I can avoid paying for them.
Total moron...

Where are these people you mentioned who use roads without paying for them? Are you now admitting you just made that shit up?
Everyone pays for everything. It's just that the megarich and giant corps don't pay their fair share. Try being a good citizen for a moment, all you angry hater dupe functional morons...
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?
Assuming makes an ass out of YOU. The nonrich and the country as a whole have been ruined the last 35 years by the New BS GOP and their chumps like you. It's called POLITICS. see sig- all FACT. That you fools don't know.
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.
Please explain how I can avoid paying for them.
Total moron...

Where are these people you mentioned who use roads without paying for them? Are you now admitting you just made that shit up?
Everyone pays for everything. It's just that the megarich and giant corps don't pay their fair share. Try being a good citizen for a moment, all you angry hater dupe functional morons...
What is their "fair share" you think they should be paying?
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?
Assuming makes an ass out of YOU. The nonrich and the country as a whole have been ruined the last 35 years by the New BS GOP and their chumps like you. It's called POLITICS. see sig- all FACT. That you fools don't know.

How has a typical "nonrich" person been ruined?

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