What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

buy a stick of gum, and you're a taxpayer, bam!


BTW, I thought SS and Medicare were people investing in their own future. It was just a lie, huh, the're just taxes ...

Lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state taxes in almost every state. The less you make, the greater percentage of your income you pay in state taxes. The wealthy pay the least at the state level as a percentage of income. It's amazing how cons never discuss this absurd fact.

Bull. 1% of earners earn 20% of income and pay 40% of taxes and 5% earn 30% of income and pay 60% of taxes. The bottom half pay virtually nothing

We're talking percentage of income at the state level. Please try to keep up. This is a fact. Look it up if you don't believe it.
Can you explain the process? How are the greedy rich a-hole GOP taking the property of the "nonrich"?

We pay them to work for us, and we make money on their labor. Pure thievery on our part. We know that, but we get away with it, so WTF

Hey wait. That's sarcasm, isn't it?

NNNNNoooooooooooooooo, and by that I mean yeah, it is.

BTW, I put franco the bitch on ignore when he attacked my mother and sister

That seems reasonable.

Why are statists so angry all the time? I wonder.

The greed makes them that way. They have to justify what they do to the people who earned it

Maybe me not concerning myself with what other people earn gives me a serenity that the statists don't have. It must be horrible to be obsessed with what other people make. Probably takes away from one's own productivity.
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Your beloved Dems know all about the CAF reports and they know that USA.INC is sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets. Their take at the end of the year is twice the GDP of the private sector and the dividends that they have earned grows exponentially EVERY year. There is no need for anyone to ever pay a tax on their wages, there is no need for anyone to pay state taxes, there is no need for a gas tax, a utilities tax, etc, etc. Corprate taxes and other fees only make up 1/3 of the take that USA.INC gets per year...FACT! Go to cafr1.com and take a lot at it yourself. I looked at the CAFR for the STATE OF TEXAS.INC and found that in the year of 2012 (and after they paid all their bills and liabilities that they had over 1 TRILLION dollars in assets...and that is just the state and just for that year. That doesn't even take into account all the counties, cities and towns that also have "rainy day funds" that they invest. They make the mafia seem small time by comparison.

You are crowing that the income of the serfs needs to be taxed more when your beloved "gubermint" has a financial empire with tentacles that go overseas as well so much to the point that both China AND Russia but restraints on how much of their market that they could own....that is ALSO a fact...of course the Federal Reserve bankers control it but it is wealth nonetheless funded by us....wake the fuck up and realize that you have been played for a chump.
All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

buy a stick of gum, and you're a taxpayer, bam!


BTW, I thought SS and Medicare were people investing in their own future. It was just a lie, huh, the're just taxes ...

Lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state taxes in almost every state. The less you make, the greater percentage of your income you pay in state taxes. The wealthy pay the least at the state level as a percentage of income. It's amazing how cons never discuss this absurd fact.

Bull. 1% of earners earn 20% of income and pay 40% of taxes and 5% earn 30% of income and pay 60% of taxes. The bottom half pay virtually nothing

We're talking percentage of income at the state level. Please try to keep up. This is a fact. Look it up if you don't believe it.

Still not true, States have either flat or progressive rates. And so you want to cherry pick taxes, LOL. Overall taxes are hugely skewed to the rich bastards who make more money than you do ...
I always thought it was funny that MITT made that remark . Didn't he pay like a 12% tax rate ? Megabucks mitt ends up using tax loopholes to drop his rate, then bitches about working stiffs .

You pay 0%, so what's the problem?

Me ? I earn a paycheck, own a home , and commute to work . Their ain't no tax out there I DONT pay !

Why don't we talk actual tax rates? When you add every little tax and big tax out there, who is really paying the higher % of taxes ???
Educated citizens are supposed to run a democracy/republic...ay caramba.

As long as ignorant dolts like you are allowed to vote, that isn't going to happen, franco hater dupe bot.
Very clever, hater dupe. Keep voting for the lying, thieving, a-hole billionaire, racist party, stupid.
(Face palm) Franco, there is no difference between the two political parties at the very top. Politics is the WWF for old, out of shape crooks, liars and thieves. Hopefully one day you will figure that out.
Jesus Christ. Read something beside RW conspiracy theories.

I have as much contempt for the neocons as I do the demcrats because I know more than you......seems to bother you for some reason...why is that? Don't like your ideals challenged? That would be my guess......
We pay them to work for us, and we make money on their labor. Pure thievery on our part. We know that, but we get away with it, so WTF

Hey wait. That's sarcasm, isn't it?

NNNNNoooooooooooooooo, and by that I mean yeah, it is.

BTW, I put franco the bitch on ignore when he attacked my mother and sister

That seems reasonable.

Why are statists so angry all the time? I wonder.

The greed makes them that way. They have to justify what they do to the people who earned it

Maybe me not concerning myself with what other people earn gives me a serenity that the statists don't have. It must be horrible to be obsessed with what other people make. Probably takes away from one's own productivity.

Yes, fiscal conservatives tend to look at what they make, liberals always look at what other people make
I always thought it was funny that MITT made that remark . Didn't he pay like a 12% tax rate ? Megabucks mitt ends up using tax loopholes to drop his rate, then bitches about working stiffs .

You pay 0%, so what's the problem?

Me ? I earn a paycheck, own a home , and commute to work . Their ain't no tax out there I DONT pay !

Why don't we talk actual tax rates? When you add every little tax and big tax out there, who is really paying the higher % of taxes ???

the rich
Hey wait. That's sarcasm, isn't it?

NNNNNoooooooooooooooo, and by that I mean yeah, it is.

BTW, I put franco the bitch on ignore when he attacked my mother and sister

That seems reasonable.

Why are statists so angry all the time? I wonder.

The greed makes them that way. They have to justify what they do to the people who earned it

Maybe me not concerning myself with what other people earn gives me a serenity that the statists don't have. It must be horrible to be obsessed with what other people make. Probably takes away from one's own productivity.

Yes, fiscal conservatives tend to look at what they make, liberals always look at what other people make
The level of envy astounds me sometimes.
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Your beloved Dems know all about the CAF reports and they know that USA.INC is sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets. Their take at the end of the year is twice the GDP of the private sector and the dividends that they have earned grows exponentially EVERY year. There is no need for anyone to ever pay a tax on their wages, there is no need for anyone to pay state taxes, there is no need for a gas tax, a utilities tax, etc, etc. Corprate taxes and other fees only make up 1/3 of the take that USA.INC gets per year...FACT! Go to cafr1.com and take a lot at it yourself. I looked at the CAFR for the STATE OF TEXAS.INC and found that in the year of 2012 (and after they paid all their bills and liabilities that they had over 1 TRILLION dollars in assets...and that is just the state and just for that year. That doesn't even take into account all the counties, cities and towns that also have "rainy day funds" that they invest. They make the mafia seem small time by comparison.

You are crowing that the income of the serfs needs to be taxed more when your beloved "gubermint" has a financial empire with tentacles that go overseas as well so much to the point that both China AND Russia but restraints on how much of their market that they could own....that is ALSO a fact...of course the Federal Reserve bankers control it but it is wealth nonetheless funded by us....wake the fuck up and realize that you have been played for a chump.

Dems are all about wealth envy
NNNNNoooooooooooooooo, and by that I mean yeah, it is.

BTW, I put franco the bitch on ignore when he attacked my mother and sister

That seems reasonable.

Why are statists so angry all the time? I wonder.

The greed makes them that way. They have to justify what they do to the people who earned it

Maybe me not concerning myself with what other people earn gives me a serenity that the statists don't have. It must be horrible to be obsessed with what other people make. Probably takes away from one's own productivity.

Yes, fiscal conservatives tend to look at what they make, liberals always look at what other people make
The level of envy astounds me sometimes.

Yes, they have some sense of it, which is why they need to kick us in the teeth after robbing us
Educated citizens are supposed to run a democracy/republic...ay caramba.

As long as ignorant dolts like you are allowed to vote, that isn't going to happen, franco hater dupe bot.
Very clever, hater dupe. Keep voting for the lying, thieving, a-hole billionaire, racist party, stupid.
(Face palm) Franco, there is no difference between the two political parties at the very top. Politics is the WWF for old, out of shape crooks, liars and thieves. Hopefully one day you will figure that out.
Jesus Christ. Read something beside RW conspiracy theories.

I have as much contempt for the neocons as I do the demcrats because I know more than you......seems to bother you for some reason...why is that? Don't like your ideals challenged? That would be my guess......

Democrats are neocons. High taxes, heavy use of the military. Obama's as big a neocon as W was
Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

buy a stick of gum, and you're a taxpayer, bam!


BTW, I thought SS and Medicare were people investing in their own future. It was just a lie, huh, the're just taxes ...

Lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state taxes in almost every state. The less you make, the greater percentage of your income you pay in state taxes. The wealthy pay the least at the state level as a percentage of income. It's amazing how cons never discuss this absurd fact.

Bull. 1% of earners earn 20% of income and pay 40% of taxes and 5% earn 30% of income and pay 60% of taxes. The bottom half pay virtually nothing

We're talking percentage of income at the state level. Please try to keep up. This is a fact. Look it up if you don't believe it.

Still not true, States have either flat or progressive rates. And so you want to cherry pick taxes, LOL. Overall taxes are hugely skewed to the rich bastards who make more money than you do ...

The Poor Pay More in Taxes | The Economic Populist

If you are not intelligent enough to know the facts, then please don't bother to argue your points with me. You are just making yourself look stupid.
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?
Assuming makes an ass out of YOU. The nonrich and the country as a whole have been ruined the last 35 years by the New BS GOP and their chumps like you. It's called POLITICS. see sig- all FACT. That you fools don't know.
How has the GOP ruined the country?
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.
Please explain how I can avoid paying for them.
Total moron...

Where are these people you mentioned who use roads without paying for them? Are you now admitting you just made that shit up?
Everyone pays for everything. It's just that the megarich and giant corps don't pay their fair share. Try being a good citizen for a moment, all you angry hater dupe functional morons...

The giant corporations....do you know whom is the biggest stock shareholders are? USA.INC...every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries biggest shareholders are USA.INC....fact. Why would USA.INC want to tax the mega corporations when it would affect their bottom line?
buy a stick of gum, and you're a taxpayer, bam!


BTW, I thought SS and Medicare were people investing in their own future. It was just a lie, huh, the're just taxes ...

Lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state taxes in almost every state. The less you make, the greater percentage of your income you pay in state taxes. The wealthy pay the least at the state level as a percentage of income. It's amazing how cons never discuss this absurd fact.

Bull. 1% of earners earn 20% of income and pay 40% of taxes and 5% earn 30% of income and pay 60% of taxes. The bottom half pay virtually nothing

We're talking percentage of income at the state level. Please try to keep up. This is a fact. Look it up if you don't believe it.

Still not true, States have either flat or progressive rates. And so you want to cherry pick taxes, LOL. Overall taxes are hugely skewed to the rich bastards who make more money than you do ...

The Poor Pay More in Taxes | The Economic Populist

If you are not intelligent enough to know the facts, then please don't bother to argue your points with me. You are just making yourself look stupid.

That's just doing what you already did, cherry picking taxes. You didn't read it, did you?
We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?
Assuming makes an ass out of YOU. The nonrich and the country as a whole have been ruined the last 35 years by the New BS GOP and their chumps like you. It's called POLITICS. see sig- all FACT. That you fools don't know.
How has the GOP ruined the country?

Where do we stArt!?!

How about taking us into 2 decades long unfunded wars ! Let's start there !
I always thought it was funny that MITT made that remark . Didn't he pay like a 12% tax rate ? Megabucks mitt ends up using tax loopholes to drop his rate, then bitches about working stiffs .

You pay 0%, so what's the problem?

Me ? I earn a paycheck, own a home , and commute to work . Their ain't no tax out there I DONT pay !

Why don't we talk actual tax rates? When you add every little tax and big tax out there, who is really paying the higher % of taxes ???

the rich

But they dont . They never pay the posted rates because the system is set up where they can hire the help to avoid as much tax burden as possible .

Thats why people like Trump never want to release their taxes . The rates are never what you think they would be .
Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?
Assuming makes an ass out of YOU. The nonrich and the country as a whole have been ruined the last 35 years by the New BS GOP and their chumps like you. It's called POLITICS. see sig- all FACT. That you fools don't know.
How has the GOP ruined the country?

Where do we stArt!?!

How about taking us into 2 decades long unfunded wars ! Let's start there !

The Iraq war was very profitable.....50 TRILLION in gold and oil was looted from there...we just got stuck with the bill. Afghanistan and the taliban burned down their poppy fields in defiance when they felt that they got short-changed on an oil-pipeline that would run to the Caspian Sea....so that had to be remedied because opium is how the CIA funds black budget operations. Our troops guard poppy fields...but wait! There's more!!! Afghanistan has over a TRILLION dollars in lithium deposits just waiting to be mined...but of course we will be stuck with the bill...but it's good work if you can get it and sucks to be us. You don't know very much....you should bow out now.....
I always thought it was funny that MITT made that remark . Didn't he pay like a 12% tax rate ? Megabucks mitt ends up using tax loopholes to drop his rate, then bitches about working stiffs .

You pay 0%, so what's the problem?

Me ? I earn a paycheck, own a home , and commute to work . Their ain't no tax out there I DONT pay !

Why don't we talk actual tax rates? When you add every little tax and big tax out there, who is really paying the higher % of taxes ???

the rich

But they dont . They never pay the posted rates because the system is set up where they can hire the help to avoid as much tax burden as possible .

Thats why people like Trump never want to release their taxes . The rates are never what you think they would be .

There is no need for any type of income tax, state tax, property tax, etc, etc.........from the very richest to the very poorest...USA.INC has an embarrassment of wealth and they would have twice the amount of money to fund the 19 essential "gubermint" services due to their investments after skimming off the top the last 80 years even if they never collected another dime in taxes...fact. You see? I know more than you.......

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