What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Your beloved Dems know all about the CAF reports and they know that USA.INC is sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets. Their take at the end of the year is twice the GDP of the private sector and the dividends that they have earned grows exponentially EVERY year. There is no need for anyone to ever pay a tax on their wages, there is no need for anyone to pay state taxes, there is no need for a gas tax, a utilities tax, etc, etc. Corprate taxes and other fees only make up 1/3 of the take that USA.INC gets per year...FACT! Go to cafr1.com and take a lot at it yourself. I looked at the CAFR for the STATE OF TEXAS.INC and found that in the year of 2012 (and after they paid all their bills and liabilities that they had over 1 TRILLION dollars in assets...and that is just the state and just for that year. That doesn't even take into account all the counties, cities and towns that also have "rainy day funds" that they invest. They make the mafia seem small time by comparison.

You are crowing that the income of the serfs needs to be taxed more when your beloved "gubermint" has a financial empire with tentacles that go overseas as well so much to the point that both China AND Russia but restraints on how much of their market that they could own....that is ALSO a fact...of course the Federal Reserve bankers control it but it is wealth nonetheless funded by us....wake the fuck up and realize that you have been played for a chump.
AGAIN< Dems want to hike taxes ONLY on the bloated rich and giant corps, lower them on the serfs. DUH.
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Your beloved Dems know all about the CAF reports and they know that USA.INC is sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets. Their take at the end of the year is twice the GDP of the private sector and the dividends that they have earned grows exponentially EVERY year. There is no need for anyone to ever pay a tax on their wages, there is no need for anyone to pay state taxes, there is no need for a gas tax, a utilities tax, etc, etc. Corprate taxes and other fees only make up 1/3 of the take that USA.INC gets per year...FACT! Go to cafr1.com and take a lot at it yourself. I looked at the CAFR for the STATE OF TEXAS.INC and found that in the year of 2012 (and after they paid all their bills and liabilities that they had over 1 TRILLION dollars in assets...and that is just the state and just for that year. That doesn't even take into account all the counties, cities and towns that also have "rainy day funds" that they invest. They make the mafia seem small time by comparison.

You are crowing that the income of the serfs needs to be taxed more when your beloved "gubermint" has a financial empire with tentacles that go overseas as well so much to the point that both China AND Russia but restraints on how much of their market that they could own....that is ALSO a fact...of course the Federal Reserve bankers control it but it is wealth nonetheless funded by us....wake the fuck up and realize that you have been played for a chump.

Dems are all about wealth envy
...read fairness and justice, dupe. So gd brainwashed...
If you don't use roads etc, fine. Idiot.

We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Your beloved Dems know all about the CAF reports and they know that USA.INC is sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets. Their take at the end of the year is twice the GDP of the private sector and the dividends that they have earned grows exponentially EVERY year. There is no need for anyone to ever pay a tax on their wages, there is no need for anyone to pay state taxes, there is no need for a gas tax, a utilities tax, etc, etc. Corprate taxes and other fees only make up 1/3 of the take that USA.INC gets per year...FACT! Go to cafr1.com and take a lot at it yourself. I looked at the CAFR for the STATE OF TEXAS.INC and found that in the year of 2012 (and after they paid all their bills and liabilities that they had over 1 TRILLION dollars in assets...and that is just the state and just for that year. That doesn't even take into account all the counties, cities and towns that also have "rainy day funds" that they invest. They make the mafia seem small time by comparison.

You are crowing that the income of the serfs needs to be taxed more when your beloved "gubermint" has a financial empire with tentacles that go overseas as well so much to the point that both China AND Russia but restraints on how much of their market that they could own....that is ALSO a fact...of course the Federal Reserve bankers control it but it is wealth nonetheless funded by us....wake the fuck up and realize that you have been played for a chump.
AGAIN< Dems want to hike taxes ONLY on the bloated rich and giant corps, lower them on the serfs. DUH.

The bloated rich is your beloved "gubermint" and they do not need one thin dime of any tax......dig the shit out of your ears. I have been very clear of the wealth this bloated entity that you worship at the feet of have been storing in offshore accounts. Wake the fuck up, dude.....
We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Your beloved Dems know all about the CAF reports and they know that USA.INC is sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets. Their take at the end of the year is twice the GDP of the private sector and the dividends that they have earned grows exponentially EVERY year. There is no need for anyone to ever pay a tax on their wages, there is no need for anyone to pay state taxes, there is no need for a gas tax, a utilities tax, etc, etc. Corprate taxes and other fees only make up 1/3 of the take that USA.INC gets per year...FACT! Go to cafr1.com and take a lot at it yourself. I looked at the CAFR for the STATE OF TEXAS.INC and found that in the year of 2012 (and after they paid all their bills and liabilities that they had over 1 TRILLION dollars in assets...and that is just the state and just for that year. That doesn't even take into account all the counties, cities and towns that also have "rainy day funds" that they invest. They make the mafia seem small time by comparison.

You are crowing that the income of the serfs needs to be taxed more when your beloved "gubermint" has a financial empire with tentacles that go overseas as well so much to the point that both China AND Russia but restraints on how much of their market that they could own....that is ALSO a fact...of course the Federal Reserve bankers control it but it is wealth nonetheless funded by us....wake the fuck up and realize that you have been played for a chump.

Dems are all about wealth envy
...read fairness and justice, dupe. So gd brainwashed...

How can you leap over MY post and go right to someone else's on this thread while ignoring mine? Do you just enjoy being ignorant???
Just LOOK at the saving rates (#3) of our middle class the last 30 years, ya gd morons. Reaganist tax rates, defended to the death by the bought off GOP. Envy my ass, just being informed, not brainwashed.

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--March 10, 2016
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts
Last edited:
I always thought it was funny that MITT made that remark . Didn't he pay like a 12% tax rate ? Megabucks mitt ends up using tax loopholes to drop his rate, then bitches about working stiffs .

You pay 0%, so what's the problem?

Me ? I earn a paycheck, own a home , and commute to work . Their ain't no tax out there I DONT pay !

Why don't we talk actual tax rates? When you add every little tax and big tax out there, who is really paying the higher % of taxes ???

the rich
After 30 years of voodoo- less fed aid so rich can pay less-, EVERYONE IS PAYING 20-30% of income in ALL taxes and fees, dupe. With 99% of new wealth going to the richest. Great job, MORONS.
Ah, the stale reducto ad-Somalia and the gratuitous ad hominem attack.

Can see this forum is still populated with uncouth toxic jackasses.

G'night, losers.
Actually, Obama has cut gov't, fool. Your heroes Raygun and W grew it AND the debt, in good times. Walter Williams LOL. Another bought off tool.
You realize that income taxes are paid by employers, right? So, how does it make sense to continue to tax companies MORE if they have more onshore employees working for them? Doesn't that disincent what we want? Jobs?

The ideal tax is the Fair Tax. You tax the source of all taxes, the economy, flatly once and eliminate the IRS entirely

Income tax is not paid by employers it is withheld from employees' paychecks and sent into the treasury by the employer on behalf of each employee


So income taxes aren't part what employers have to pay employees? The money doesn't come from their employer's customers? How does that work? Where does it come from then? It just appears in paychecks from nowhere?

I have an issue with the way the fair tax works

It's ridiculous to charge a higher tax then cut a check to each and every person in the country once a month. They call it a prebate . That is a ridiculously expensive endeavor.

If they would reduce the rate and not give any back I could get behind the idea but until they do that I can't support it

I prefer no prebate as well, but you have "an issue" with the Fair Tax and reject it, but you want to keep the Gestapo IRS and reporting to the government every dollar you earn from every source as if it's any of their f'ing business? Since your standard is "an issue," that isn't "an issue" for you?

What about that the Fair Tax makes people who work in cash industries and don't pay income taxes now at all taxpayers sharing the load?

What about that the Fair Tax removes the incentive to move employees offshore and automate to avoid all the employee taxes (Social Security, Medicare, employee income taxes, unemployment, ...)

What about that the Fair Tax levels the playing field between US and foreign corporations who don't have to pay corporate taxes now?

And again, why should US companies be punished with MORE taxes for onshore jobs? Isn't that just butt stupid?

You need to learn about payroll and how it works

If I pay an employee 2000 bi weekly his net pay is 1439
I withhold federal taxes of 316
FICA taxes of 149
State taxes of 91 ( varies by state obviously)

None of those are paid by me the employer all I do as the employer is send that money withheld to the state and federal treasuries

The only expense I pay is the matching contributions for FICA but that is calculated into my payroll costs

I'm being realistic in saying that we won't be able to abolish the income tax so if that is the case then we should put our efforts into making it a flat tax from dollar one

A flat tax would allow us to gut the IRS almost completely

OK, so when you take a job, you dont' factor taxes into what you need to be paid to live, that's what you think?

Riddle me this batman. If your employer doesn't include the cost of your taxes in the prices of their products, how would they pay you enough to live AFTER taxes?

You're not getting it

My employee's income taxes do not cost me anything they are taken from each employee's gross pay and sent directly into the state and federal governments.

Like I said you need to learn how payroll and tax withholding works.
They don't receive more benefits than anyone else
Everyone has the same benefits it's just that some people refuse to use them

Tell me do you think a person who uses a free public library and then gets better grades and a free ride to college is somehow getting an unfair share of benefits than the person who plays X box all day and can't get into community college?

Now you are just being idiotic

Yes, they RECIEVE more benefits

Those who do not use them do not RECIEVE those benefits

The benefits are there for everyone to use
You're just pissed that you chose not to use them

Just like you'd be pissed at the kid who used the free library and got better grades than you because you chose not to

Or perhaps you'd be pissed at the guy who called the cops to find the person who stole his car but you never got your car back because you didn't call the cops

There's a word for that


Yes...If only you were a billionaire, you could get these benefits too

Not my fault

Excuses excuses

You don't have to be a billionaire to use the roads for your business or apply for a patent or any of those other things you mentioned

You just chose not to and now you're whining because those who chose to use what's there for everyone are doing better than you
Ah...but billionaires make more from those roads and bridges
They benefit more from tariffs and tax cuts
The military protects their investments around the world

But you are right...it is my fault I am not a billionaire
I must be lazy

You could make more too if you utilized them but you don't

And you don't seem to know that businesses who use roads and bridges pay more for them than you do via a slew of additional taxes and fees that you don't have to pay

And FYI you don't have to be a billionaire to start a business and use all these things that are available to everyone more profitably

You just choose not to
So you can guarantee that wealth confiscation via the inheritance tax will trickle down to you in some way?


The issue is the number of self-styled "conservatives" who have no problem with American money being stashed overseas. None of you has ever adequately explained that. Feel free to try.

Why can't a person stash his property wherever he wishes? What business is it of yours?

We're not talking about "property." He can moor his yacht wherever he's willing to pay the moorage fees. See the difference there?
A person's money is his property
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

Then why should they get a pass on the income tax?
Now Democrats advocating high taxes and evading (Buffett, Gates) and cheating on them (Daschle, Rangle), that's OK ...
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?

Class warfare
Class warfare the greedy rich a-hole GOP has been winning for 30 years, dupe.
Can you explain the process? How are the greedy rich a-hole GOP taking the property of the "nonrich"?

Not one of these envious idiots has ever been able to tell me how much of their money was taken from them by a rich guy
All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

buy a stick of gum, and you're a taxpayer, bam!


BTW, I thought SS and Medicare were people investing in their own future. It was just a lie, huh, the're just taxes ...

Lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state taxes in almost every state. The less you make, the greater percentage of your income you pay in state taxes. The wealthy pay the least at the state level as a percentage of income. It's amazing how cons never discuss this absurd fact.

That's a state by state issue and it makes no sense to talk about it here which is why I tens to only talk about federal taxes as that is consistent across the country

But tell me this why not treat a dollar like everything else we tax?
I always thought it was funny that MITT made that remark . Didn't he pay like a 12% tax rate ? Megabucks mitt ends up using tax loopholes to drop his rate, then bitches about working stiffs .

That's because we have different rates for capital gains and earned income

A flat tax would get rid of that difference and everyone would pay the exact same percentage of their income in income taxes

Why wouldn't you want that? It's completely fair
Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?

LMAO. Hey do you pay your bills for services rendered or goods received? Hey, those vendors are taking your money.

The government collects for goods and services provided as well. Taxes pay for goods and services provided to you.

If you don't take advantage of the goods and services provided by the government, that's on you.

But you still have to contribute to the best of your ability to pay for government services rendered. Just like you pay other bills.

You don't like that? Tough shit.
I always thought it was funny that MITT made that remark . Didn't he pay like a 12% tax rate ? Megabucks mitt ends up using tax loopholes to drop his rate, then bitches about working stiffs .

You pay 0%, so what's the problem?

Me ? I earn a paycheck, own a home , and commute to work . Their ain't no tax out there I DONT pay !

Why don't we talk actual tax rates? When you add every little tax and big tax out there, who is really paying the higher % of taxes ???

the rich

But they dont . They never pay the posted rates because the system is set up where they can hire the help to avoid as much tax burden as possible .

Thats why people like Trump never want to release their taxes . The rates are never what you think they would be .

Nope. You're parroting Democrats again, Timmy. The numbers I gave you are what they actually pay in the end, it has nothing to do with tax rates

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