What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

Seriously, you don't get you have to pay your employee's enough to pay their taxes and live after taxes? That's part of the calculation that drives salaries? You actually think salaries are random, not driven by a market and that market is driven by the employee's relatives skills ... after tax? And you're a business owner?

If the income tax was abolished tomorrow I would not pay my employees less.

Salaries are not calculated on how much tax the employee will pay they are calculated on the market value of the labor being supplied.
For example I pay my people in the upper third or the range of salaries for their positions. I do that because it brings in higher caliber people and they tend to stay.

The salary I pay is not never has been and never will be based on the income taxes employees pay

One other point on this:

Government raises the taxes on your business, you

1) Eat it

2) Raise prices to pay for it.

Obviously you do 2. Your employees are not that smart? I bet they are ...

Neither of which has anything to do with the salaries I pay my employees

If my expenses go up I charge more for my services yes but what does that have to do with the income taxes of my employees?

Read it again

Don't have to since you clearly do not understand payroll and how tax withholding work

Yeah, right. Whatever, have a nice day. You want to be ignorant
And if I don't use what the government provides why on earth should I pay for it?

You an island hey dude?

Does the military protect you and your business property and home and way of life? Sure it does.

Your taxes only pay for the military protection you receive.

Feel better now? Btw, you are seriously underpaying for the finest military in the world. Cheap ass.

The military does not protect my personal property nor yours for that matter
The current wars going on and every war since WWII for that matter have not been declared wars and are therefore unjust they have been nothing but political games paid for in the blood of good men like my father who was killed for absolutely nothing in the skies over Vietnam and just like the men and women in the Middle East who are getting maimed and killed for nothing today

If you said "the wars being conducted by the military since WWII don't protect my personal property" then that would be reasonable. And other than the cold war wars I'd agree with you. The domino "theory" is clearly true. But Iraq? Nation building in Afghanistan? Clearly they don't.

But to say the "military does not protect my personal property" is categorically ridiculous, the defense part of our military clearly does.

Sounds though we would both like to slash the military, but I would leave it formidable, just for defensive capabilities not invading other countries and controlling formidable

So if I get robbed I call in the Army, Navy and Air Force?

No I don't I call the local or state cops

They protect us from foreign invasions. So seriously, you don't think if we did away with the military, any one would invade us or attack us?

We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't
If the income tax was abolished tomorrow I would not pay my employees less.

Salaries are not calculated on how much tax the employee will pay they are calculated on the market value of the labor being supplied.
For example I pay my people in the upper third or the range of salaries for their positions. I do that because it brings in higher caliber people and they tend to stay.

The salary I pay is not never has been and never will be based on the income taxes employees pay

One other point on this:

Government raises the taxes on your business, you

1) Eat it

2) Raise prices to pay for it.

Obviously you do 2. Your employees are not that smart? I bet they are ...

Neither of which has anything to do with the salaries I pay my employees

If my expenses go up I charge more for my services yes but what does that have to do with the income taxes of my employees?

Read it again

Don't have to since you clearly do not understand payroll and how tax withholding work

Yeah, right. Whatever, have a nice day. You want to be ignorant

I fail to see why you are incapable of understanding that my business expenses have nothing to do with the income tax I withhold from my employees' paychecks

I agred with you that if my expenses went up because of additional taxation on my business that I would pass that cost on to my customers as any business would

You have yet to tell me how my employee's income taxes are a business expense.

Here's a hint: They are not a business expense
You an island hey dude?

Does the military protect you and your business property and home and way of life? Sure it does.

Your taxes only pay for the military protection you receive.

Feel better now? Btw, you are seriously underpaying for the finest military in the world. Cheap ass.

The military does not protect my personal property nor yours for that matter
The current wars going on and every war since WWII for that matter have not been declared wars and are therefore unjust they have been nothing but political games paid for in the blood of good men like my father who was killed for absolutely nothing in the skies over Vietnam and just like the men and women in the Middle East who are getting maimed and killed for nothing today

If you said "the wars being conducted by the military since WWII don't protect my personal property" then that would be reasonable. And other than the cold war wars I'd agree with you. The domino "theory" is clearly true. But Iraq? Nation building in Afghanistan? Clearly they don't.

But to say the "military does not protect my personal property" is categorically ridiculous, the defense part of our military clearly does.

Sounds though we would both like to slash the military, but I would leave it formidable, just for defensive capabilities not invading other countries and controlling formidable

So if I get robbed I call in the Army, Navy and Air Force?

No I don't I call the local or state cops

They protect us from foreign invasions. So seriously, you don't think if we did away with the military, any one would invade us or attack us?

We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't

And you don't see the connection between that and our having a powerful military? Seriously?
Assuming makes an ass out of YOU. The nonrich and the country as a whole have been ruined the last 35 years by the New BS GOP and their chumps like you. It's called POLITICS. see sig- all FACT. That you fools don't know.

And you can tell that by the new cars, big screen TV's, and McMansions they have....


You're dumb as a bag of hammers, bot.
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One other point on this:

Government raises the taxes on your business, you

1) Eat it

2) Raise prices to pay for it.

Obviously you do 2. Your employees are not that smart? I bet they are ...

Neither of which has anything to do with the salaries I pay my employees

If my expenses go up I charge more for my services yes but what does that have to do with the income taxes of my employees?

Read it again

Don't have to since you clearly do not understand payroll and how tax withholding work

Yeah, right. Whatever, have a nice day. You want to be ignorant

I fail to see why you are incapable of understanding that my business expenses have nothing to do with the income tax I withhold from my employees' paychecks

I agred with you that if my expenses went up because of additional taxation on my business that I would pass that cost on to my customers as any business would

You have yet to tell me how my employee's income taxes are a business expense.

Here's a hint: They are not a business expense

I understand everything you are saying, you don't even see that I'm directly addressing your points. Take a couple of econ classes on how market rates for things like producer prices and employee salaries are set and get back to me. Your view that employees don't expect you to pay them enough to pay their taxes is categorically illogical and ignorant. Hell yeah they do. Just like you expect your customers to pay you enough to pay your taxes. Oh, but you don't see any connection between those ...

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you
The military does not protect my personal property nor yours for that matter
The current wars going on and every war since WWII for that matter have not been declared wars and are therefore unjust they have been nothing but political games paid for in the blood of good men like my father who was killed for absolutely nothing in the skies over Vietnam and just like the men and women in the Middle East who are getting maimed and killed for nothing today

If you said "the wars being conducted by the military since WWII don't protect my personal property" then that would be reasonable. And other than the cold war wars I'd agree with you. The domino "theory" is clearly true. But Iraq? Nation building in Afghanistan? Clearly they don't.

But to say the "military does not protect my personal property" is categorically ridiculous, the defense part of our military clearly does.

Sounds though we would both like to slash the military, but I would leave it formidable, just for defensive capabilities not invading other countries and controlling formidable

So if I get robbed I call in the Army, Navy and Air Force?

No I don't I call the local or state cops

They protect us from foreign invasions. So seriously, you don't think if we did away with the military, any one would invade us or attack us?

We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't

And you don't see the connection between that and our having a powerful military? Seriously?

Funny how our powerful military didn't stop 9/11

The military does not protect our borders they protect the borders of foreign countries but not ours

ANd BTW I never brought up military spending you did

There are many many other things the government takes my money for that I do not use
Neither of which has anything to do with the salaries I pay my employees

If my expenses go up I charge more for my services yes but what does that have to do with the income taxes of my employees?

Read it again

Don't have to since you clearly do not understand payroll and how tax withholding work

Yeah, right. Whatever, have a nice day. You want to be ignorant

I fail to see why you are incapable of understanding that my business expenses have nothing to do with the income tax I withhold from my employees' paychecks

I agred with you that if my expenses went up because of additional taxation on my business that I would pass that cost on to my customers as any business would

You have yet to tell me how my employee's income taxes are a business expense.

Here's a hint: They are not a business expense

I understand everything you are saying, you don't even see that I'm directly addressing your points. Take a couple of econ classes on how market rates for things like producer prices and employee salaries are set and get back to me. Your view that employees don't expect you to pay them enough to pay their taxes is categorically illogical and ignorant. Hell yeah they do. Just like you expect your customers to pay you enough to pay your taxes. Oh, but you don't see any connection between those ...

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

You think that salaries are set by the income tax rates of employees and that the employer pays the income taxes of his employees and you're telling me to take an econ class?

That's hilarious
We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't


We have been invaded three times. By the British in 1812, who occupied Washington DC and burned down the White House, By Mexico in the Mexican American war, and by Japan in 1943 who landed a force on the coast of California in 1943.

The Japanese incursion was classified until 1993, but I had thought it common knowledge since. The Mexican invasion is taught in elementary school history, hell even that Bolshevik Zinn references it, though he blames America and the running dog capitalist pigs.
We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't


We have been invaded three times. By the British in 1812, who occupied Washington DC and burned down the White House, By Mexico in the Mexican American war, and by Japan in 1943 who landed a force on the coast of California in 1943.

The Japanese incursion was classified until 1993, but I had thought it common knowledge since. The Mexican invasion is taught in elementary school history, hell even that Bolshevik Zinn references it, though he blames America and the running dog capitalist pigs.

YEah 1812 real relevant

And if you call a few Japs an invasion then I can't help you
All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

buy a stick of gum, and you're a taxpayer, bam!


BTW, I thought SS and Medicare were people investing in their own future. It was just a lie, huh, the're just taxes ...
They have to be taxes, because Congress has the power to tax, but not the power to force you to invest money. That's why obamadon'tcare was such a fiasco before the SC, when the individual mandate was not a tax (so Obama could claim he didn't impose a massive new tax on the middle class), then it magically became one so they could justify it.
If you said "the wars being conducted by the military since WWII don't protect my personal property" then that would be reasonable. And other than the cold war wars I'd agree with you. The domino "theory" is clearly true. But Iraq? Nation building in Afghanistan? Clearly they don't.

But to say the "military does not protect my personal property" is categorically ridiculous, the defense part of our military clearly does.

Sounds though we would both like to slash the military, but I would leave it formidable, just for defensive capabilities not invading other countries and controlling formidable

So if I get robbed I call in the Army, Navy and Air Force?

No I don't I call the local or state cops

They protect us from foreign invasions. So seriously, you don't think if we did away with the military, any one would invade us or attack us?

We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't

And you don't see the connection between that and our having a powerful military? Seriously?

Funny how our powerful military didn't stop 9/11

The military does not protect our borders they protect the borders of foreign countries but not ours

ANd BTW I never brought up military spending you did

There are many many other things the government takes my money for that I do not use

So if the military doesn't stop one attack, they don't stop any. Got it
Read it again

Don't have to since you clearly do not understand payroll and how tax withholding work

Yeah, right. Whatever, have a nice day. You want to be ignorant

I fail to see why you are incapable of understanding that my business expenses have nothing to do with the income tax I withhold from my employees' paychecks

I agred with you that if my expenses went up because of additional taxation on my business that I would pass that cost on to my customers as any business would

You have yet to tell me how my employee's income taxes are a business expense.

Here's a hint: They are not a business expense

I understand everything you are saying, you don't even see that I'm directly addressing your points. Take a couple of econ classes on how market rates for things like producer prices and employee salaries are set and get back to me. Your view that employees don't expect you to pay them enough to pay their taxes is categorically illogical and ignorant. Hell yeah they do. Just like you expect your customers to pay you enough to pay your taxes. Oh, but you don't see any connection between those ...

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

You think that salaries are set by the income tax rates of employees and that the employer pays the income taxes of his employees and you're telling me to take an econ class?

That's hilarious

As a market, yes. Take a couple of econ classes, they'll explain it to you that employees expect you to pay their taxes just like you expect your customers to pay your taxes. And good luck replacing the employees who shit can you because you don't think their taxes are your problem.

What's hilarious is that you don't think when you pay employees, the taxes they pay are ultimately paid by your customers. You don't need any stinking customers for your employees to pay taxes! LOL, yeah ...
All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

buy a stick of gum, and you're a taxpayer, bam!


BTW, I thought SS and Medicare were people investing in their own future. It was just a lie, huh, the're just taxes ...
They have to be taxes, because Congress has the power to tax, but not the power to force you to invest money. That's why obamadon'tcare was such a fiasco before the SC, when the individual mandate was not a tax (so Obama could claim he didn't impose a massive new tax on the middle class), then it magically became one so they could justify it.

True, but even before that, there is no money. The Federal government spends SS and Medicare taxes as they come in. They save zero
And if I don't use what the government provides why on earth should I pay for it?

You an island hey dude?

Does the military protect you and your business property and home and way of life? Sure it does.

Your taxes only pay for the military protection you receive.

Feel better now? Btw, you are seriously underpaying for the finest military in the world. Cheap ass.

The military does not protect my personal property nor yours for that matter
The current wars going on and every war since WWII for that matter have not been declared wars and are therefore unjust they have been nothing but political games paid for in the blood of good men like my father who was killed for absolutely nothing in the skies over Vietnam and just like the men and women in the Middle East who are getting maimed and killed for nothing today

If you said "the wars being conducted by the military since WWII don't protect my personal property" then that would be reasonable. And other than the cold war wars I'd agree with you. The domino "theory" is clearly true. But Iraq? Nation building in Afghanistan? Clearly they don't.

But to say the "military does not protect my personal property" is categorically ridiculous, the defense part of our military clearly does.

Sounds though we would both like to slash the military, but I would leave it formidable, just for defensive capabilities not invading other countries and controlling formidable

So if I get robbed I call in the Army, Navy and Air Force?

No I don't I call the local or state cops

They protect us from foreign invasions. So seriously, you don't think if we did away with the military, any one would invade us or attack us?
We haven't seen a foreign invasion in 200 years. Because of our geography and peaceful neighbors we could defend our shores with ten percent of our current military

Our military is to extend power around the world not defending our shores
So if I get robbed I call in the Army, Navy and Air Force?

No I don't I call the local or state cops

They protect us from foreign invasions. So seriously, you don't think if we did away with the military, any one would invade us or attack us?

We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't

And you don't see the connection between that and our having a powerful military? Seriously?

Funny how our powerful military didn't stop 9/11

The military does not protect our borders they protect the borders of foreign countries but not ours

ANd BTW I never brought up military spending you did

There are many many other things the government takes my money for that I do not use

So if the military doesn't stop one attack, they don't stop any. Got it

Really since 12/7/41 how many attacks have they stopped? And don't forget the military didn't stop that one either
They protect us from foreign invasions. So seriously, you don't think if we did away with the military, any one would invade us or attack us?

We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't

And you don't see the connection between that and our having a powerful military? Seriously?

Funny how our powerful military didn't stop 9/11

The military does not protect our borders they protect the borders of foreign countries but not ours

ANd BTW I never brought up military spending you did

There are many many other things the government takes my money for that I do not use

So if the military doesn't stop one attack, they don't stop any. Got it

Really since 12/7/41 how many attacks have they stopped? And don't forget the military didn't stop that one either

I'll answer when you tell me how many people has the lock on your door stopped from walking into your house?

I mean just the blood thirsty Canadians alone, they're just looking for a moment of weakness to pounce on us.

We don't need a military, wow. You're really not connected to the world. You need to read the news more often. Or ever.
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Don't have to since you clearly do not understand payroll and how tax withholding work

Yeah, right. Whatever, have a nice day. You want to be ignorant

I fail to see why you are incapable of understanding that my business expenses have nothing to do with the income tax I withhold from my employees' paychecks

I agred with you that if my expenses went up because of additional taxation on my business that I would pass that cost on to my customers as any business would

You have yet to tell me how my employee's income taxes are a business expense.

Here's a hint: They are not a business expense

I understand everything you are saying, you don't even see that I'm directly addressing your points. Take a couple of econ classes on how market rates for things like producer prices and employee salaries are set and get back to me. Your view that employees don't expect you to pay them enough to pay their taxes is categorically illogical and ignorant. Hell yeah they do. Just like you expect your customers to pay you enough to pay your taxes. Oh, but you don't see any connection between those ...

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

You think that salaries are set by the income tax rates of employees and that the employer pays the income taxes of his employees and you're telling me to take an econ class?

That's hilarious

As a market, yes. Take a couple of econ classes, they'll explain it to you that employees expect you to pay their taxes just like you expect your customers to pay your taxes. And good luck replacing the employees who shit can you because you don't think their taxes are your problem.

What's hilarious is that you don't think when you pay employees, the taxes they pay are ultimately paid by your customers. You don't need any stinking customers for your employees to pay taxes! LOL, yeah ...

Have you ever even had an employee?

Not one employee has ever said I want you to pay my income taxes when we were discussing salary.

Income taxes are paid by the employee NOT the employer I don't know how many times I have to tell you this before it sinks in

And it's the gross salary and all it's related expenses that is passed on to customers not the income tax employees pay every week

SInce you don't know this because you obviously have never had to meet a payroll let me break it down for you

If I pay a person 50K a year that's 1923 a pay period

The employee has these amounts withheld

Federal tax 296
Social Security 119
Medicare 28

Then any state taxes

This is ALL paid from the employee's salary the employer does NOT pay these for his employees

The costs the employer bears is the matching social security and medicare contributions and state and federal unemployment taxes

As far as setting costs for services I only use the employee's gross pay and the FICA , SUTA and FUTA taxes as part of the calculation

So you see I do not use and no one uses the tax withholding of employees in cost of goods or services calculations

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