What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't

And you don't see the connection between that and our having a powerful military? Seriously?

Funny how our powerful military didn't stop 9/11

The military does not protect our borders they protect the borders of foreign countries but not ours

ANd BTW I never brought up military spending you did

There are many many other things the government takes my money for that I do not use

So if the military doesn't stop one attack, they don't stop any. Got it

Really since 12/7/41 how many attacks have they stopped? And don't forget the military didn't stop that one either

I'll answer when you tell me how many people has the lock on your door stopped from walking into your house?

I mean just the blood thirsty Canadians alone, they're just looking for a moment of weakness to pounce on us.

We don't need a military, wow. You're really not connected to the world. You need to read the news more often. Or ever.

I'll say it again you are the one that brought up military spending not me

I never once said we didn't need a military I said it does not protect our personal property. You are using the most abstract example possible to make your point

And I have given you examples of us actually being attacked but you say the attacks that never happened are more important.
We have never been invaded and if they were actually protecting u from foreign invaders we would have our military guarding our borders and we don't

And you don't see the connection between that and our having a powerful military? Seriously?

Funny how our powerful military didn't stop 9/11

The military does not protect our borders they protect the borders of foreign countries but not ours

ANd BTW I never brought up military spending you did

There are many many other things the government takes my money for that I do not use

So if the military doesn't stop one attack, they don't stop any. Got it

Really since 12/7/41 how many attacks have they stopped? And don't forget the military didn't stop that one either

I'll answer when you tell me how many people has the lock on your door stopped from walking into your house?

I mean just the blood thirsty Canadians alone, they're just looking for a moment of weakness to pounce on us.

We don't need a military, wow. You're really not connected to the world. You need to read the news more often. Or ever.
We need about ten percent of the current force to "lock our house"

The rest are protecting other houses

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Yeah, right. Whatever, have a nice day. You want to be ignorant

I fail to see why you are incapable of understanding that my business expenses have nothing to do with the income tax I withhold from my employees' paychecks

I agred with you that if my expenses went up because of additional taxation on my business that I would pass that cost on to my customers as any business would

You have yet to tell me how my employee's income taxes are a business expense.

Here's a hint: They are not a business expense

I understand everything you are saying, you don't even see that I'm directly addressing your points. Take a couple of econ classes on how market rates for things like producer prices and employee salaries are set and get back to me. Your view that employees don't expect you to pay them enough to pay their taxes is categorically illogical and ignorant. Hell yeah they do. Just like you expect your customers to pay you enough to pay your taxes. Oh, but you don't see any connection between those ...

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

You think that salaries are set by the income tax rates of employees and that the employer pays the income taxes of his employees and you're telling me to take an econ class?

That's hilarious

As a market, yes. Take a couple of econ classes, they'll explain it to you that employees expect you to pay their taxes just like you expect your customers to pay your taxes. And good luck replacing the employees who shit can you because you don't think their taxes are your problem.

What's hilarious is that you don't think when you pay employees, the taxes they pay are ultimately paid by your customers. You don't need any stinking customers for your employees to pay taxes! LOL, yeah ...

Have you ever even had an employee?

Not one employee has ever said I want you to pay my income taxes when we were discussing salary.

Income taxes are paid by the employee NOT the employer I don't know how many times I have to tell you this before it sinks in

And it's the gross salary and all it's related expenses that is passed on to customers not the income tax employees pay every week

SInce you don't know this because you obviously have never had to meet a payroll let me break it down for you

If I pay a person 50K a year that's 1923 a pay period

The employee has these amounts withheld

Federal tax 296
Social Security 119
Medicare 28

Then any state taxes

This is ALL paid from the employee's salary the employer does NOT pay these for his employees

The costs the employer bears is the matching social security and medicare contributions and state and federal unemployment taxes

As far as setting costs for services I only use the employee's gross pay and the FICA , SUTA and FUTA taxes as part of the calculation

So you see I do not use and no one uses the tax withholding of employees in cost of goods or services calculations
I'm going beyond your simplistic view of the world of who writes the check to the government. Wait a minute, you write the check ...
And you don't see the connection between that and our having a powerful military? Seriously?

Funny how our powerful military didn't stop 9/11

The military does not protect our borders they protect the borders of foreign countries but not ours

ANd BTW I never brought up military spending you did

There are many many other things the government takes my money for that I do not use

So if the military doesn't stop one attack, they don't stop any. Got it

Really since 12/7/41 how many attacks have they stopped? And don't forget the military didn't stop that one either

I'll answer when you tell me how many people has the lock on your door stopped from walking into your house?

I mean just the blood thirsty Canadians alone, they're just looking for a moment of weakness to pounce on us.

We don't need a military, wow. You're really not connected to the world. You need to read the news more often. Or ever.

I'll say it again you are the one that brought up military spending not me

I never once said we didn't need a military I said it does not protect our personal property. You are using the most abstract example possible to make your point

And I have given you examples of us actually being attacked but you say the attacks that never happened are more important.

You gave the examples of 9/11, where we kicked their asses, and Pearl Harbor, where we kicked their asses
What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

As long as you keep pushing a tax scheme where some people pay for more than they get from govt, and others pay for less than what they get, you will never find agreement that it's "fair".
I fail to see why you are incapable of understanding that my business expenses have nothing to do with the income tax I withhold from my employees' paychecks

I agred with you that if my expenses went up because of additional taxation on my business that I would pass that cost on to my customers as any business would

You have yet to tell me how my employee's income taxes are a business expense.

Here's a hint: They are not a business expense

I understand everything you are saying, you don't even see that I'm directly addressing your points. Take a couple of econ classes on how market rates for things like producer prices and employee salaries are set and get back to me. Your view that employees don't expect you to pay them enough to pay their taxes is categorically illogical and ignorant. Hell yeah they do. Just like you expect your customers to pay you enough to pay your taxes. Oh, but you don't see any connection between those ...

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

You think that salaries are set by the income tax rates of employees and that the employer pays the income taxes of his employees and you're telling me to take an econ class?

That's hilarious

As a market, yes. Take a couple of econ classes, they'll explain it to you that employees expect you to pay their taxes just like you expect your customers to pay your taxes. And good luck replacing the employees who shit can you because you don't think their taxes are your problem.

What's hilarious is that you don't think when you pay employees, the taxes they pay are ultimately paid by your customers. You don't need any stinking customers for your employees to pay taxes! LOL, yeah ...

Have you ever even had an employee?

Not one employee has ever said I want you to pay my income taxes when we were discussing salary.

Income taxes are paid by the employee NOT the employer I don't know how many times I have to tell you this before it sinks in

And it's the gross salary and all it's related expenses that is passed on to customers not the income tax employees pay every week

SInce you don't know this because you obviously have never had to meet a payroll let me break it down for you

If I pay a person 50K a year that's 1923 a pay period

The employee has these amounts withheld

Federal tax 296
Social Security 119
Medicare 28

Then any state taxes

This is ALL paid from the employee's salary the employer does NOT pay these for his employees

The costs the employer bears is the matching social security and medicare contributions and state and federal unemployment taxes

As far as setting costs for services I only use the employee's gross pay and the FICA , SUTA and FUTA taxes as part of the calculation

So you see I do not use and no one uses the tax withholding of employees in cost of goods or services calculations
I'm going beyond your simplistic view of the world of who writes the check to the government. Wait a minute, you write the check ...

I write the check for MY taxes just like you do
Your employer does not write that check for you
Funny how our powerful military didn't stop 9/11

The military does not protect our borders they protect the borders of foreign countries but not ours

ANd BTW I never brought up military spending you did

There are many many other things the government takes my money for that I do not use

So if the military doesn't stop one attack, they don't stop any. Got it

Really since 12/7/41 how many attacks have they stopped? And don't forget the military didn't stop that one either

I'll answer when you tell me how many people has the lock on your door stopped from walking into your house?

I mean just the blood thirsty Canadians alone, they're just looking for a moment of weakness to pounce on us.

We don't need a military, wow. You're really not connected to the world. You need to read the news more often. Or ever.

I'll say it again you are the one that brought up military spending not me

I never once said we didn't need a military I said it does not protect our personal property. You are using the most abstract example possible to make your point

And I have given you examples of us actually being attacked but you say the attacks that never happened are more important.

You gave the examples of 9/11, where we kicked their asses, and Pearl Harbor, where we kicked their asses

But we didn't stop the attacks on our country. That's what you said the military does

The issue is the number of self-styled "conservatives" who have no problem with American money being stashed overseas. None of you has ever adequately explained that. Feel free to try.

Why can't a person stash his property wherever he wishes? What business is it of yours?

We're not talking about "property." He can moor his yacht wherever he's willing to pay the moorage fees. See the difference there?
A person's money is his property
Move to Somalia- you people can't see past the end of your noses. Too bad you didn't educate yourself and work hard enough lol....

Ah that old chestnut

Yes I think my money is my property I must want anarchy

Tell me if someone stole your money would you call the cops or would you just say oh well that money wasn't really my property?
Taxes are the price of citizenry. The problem is Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps, dupe. And wrecking the nonrich and the country DUH.
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?
Assuming makes an ass out of YOU. The nonrich and the country as a whole have been ruined the last 35 years by the New BS GOP and their chumps like you. It's called POLITICS. see sig- all FACT. That you fools don't know.
How has the GOP ruined the country?

Where do we stArt!?!

How about taking us into 2 decades long unfunded wars ! Let's start there !

You mean like Kosovo, Bosnia, Haiti, Libya, Syria, the Kurdish area of northern Iraq, no fly zones in northern and southern Iraq, continuing Somalia, continuing Iraq, expanding Afghanistan and bombing the Sudan? That did suck. And that was ... you ... guy ...

Republican wars suck, and you people are all that too. Clinton attacked more countries than W, Obama continued and expanded W's policies. It's boff y'all, wheel chair boy. Timmy!
BS. Those Dem "wars" were no US casualty police actions, W's Iraq war was the stupidest ever and wrecked the ME PERIOD. It'll take years to fix. 7 so far. Another one or two. Ever hear of diplomacy?
All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

buy a stick of gum, and you're a taxpayer, bam!


BTW, I thought SS and Medicare were people investing in their own future. It was just a lie, huh, the're just taxes ...

Lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state taxes in almost every state. The less you make, the greater percentage of your income you pay in state taxes. The wealthy pay the least at the state level as a percentage of income. It's amazing how cons never discuss this absurd fact.

That's a state by state issue and it makes no sense to talk about it here which is why I tens to only talk about federal taxes as that is consistent across the country

But tell me this why not treat a dollar like everything else we tax?

Federal taxes are also much higher, particularly for higher income people. Federal taxes also include taxes for many State services which should be removed and put into State taxes so States could decide how they want their money spent
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 20-30% of income, dupe.
Where are these people you mentioned who use roads without paying for them? Are you now admitting you just made that shit up?

The franco hater dupe bot is a virus that has infected the hard drives of the USMB server. The claim in question is the result of a poorly written artificial stupidity routine run amok.
Of course I never said that, Pubtroll. (The only kind).
Where are these people you mentioned who use roads without paying for them? Are you now admitting you just made that shit up?

The franco hater dupe bot is a virus that has infected the hard drives of the USMB server. The claim in question is the result of a poorly written artificial stupidity routine run amok.
Of course I never said that, Pubtroll. (The only kind).

Of course you did, douche bag. You said you wanted to arrest people who used the roads without paying for them.
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?

Class warfare
Class warfare the greedy rich a-hole GOP has been winning for 30 years, dupe.
Can you explain the process? How are the greedy rich a-hole GOP taking the property of the "nonrich"?
Do they swoop in and steal their money? Of course not
They are too smart for that. The worker creates the wealth. The wealthy decide how it gets distributed

So none of the worker's property is actually taken from him. So what's the problem?
Where are these people you mentioned who use roads without paying for them? Are you now admitting you just made that shit up?

The franco hater dupe bot is a virus that has infected the hard drives of the USMB server. The claim in question is the result of a poorly written artificial stupidity routine run amok.
Of course I never said that, Pubtroll. (The only kind).

Of course you did, douche bag. You said you wanted to arrest people who used the roads without paying for them.
Sure. lol
Dem want to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $250k, dumbass dupe. For DECADES. Bought off GOP pandering to the megarich and giant corpshave ruined the nonrich and the country.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?

Class warfare
Class warfare the greedy rich a-hole GOP has been winning for 30 years, dupe.
Can you explain the process? How are the greedy rich a-hole GOP taking the property of the "nonrich"?
Do they swoop in and steal their money? Of course not
They are too smart for that. The worker creates the wealth. The wealthy decide how it gets distributed

The rich don't "distribute" anything except their own money. Corporations pay workers to perform a task. That's all they're entitled to. Corporations combine labor, land and capital to create a product that hopefully has value in the market. The claim that workers are solely responsible for producing the product is obviously false.
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?

Class warfare
Class warfare the greedy rich a-hole GOP has been winning for 30 years, dupe.
Can you explain the process? How are the greedy rich a-hole GOP taking the property of the "nonrich"?
Do they swoop in and steal their money? Of course not
They are too smart for that. The worker creates the wealth. The wealthy decide how it gets distributed

The rich don't "distribute" anything except their own money. Corporations pay workers to perform a task. That's all he's entitled to. Corporations combine labor, land and capital to create a product that hopefully has value in the market. The claim that workers are solely responsible for producing the product is obviously false.

Exactly. It's like saying that baking soda is solely responsible for the cake. It's only one ingredient.
More "common sense" RW idiocy. Still, the rich and giant corps don't pay enough- hint:all the new wealth goes to the richest- and you morons are clueless.
I understand everything you are saying, you don't even see that I'm directly addressing your points. Take a couple of econ classes on how market rates for things like producer prices and employee salaries are set and get back to me. Your view that employees don't expect you to pay them enough to pay their taxes is categorically illogical and ignorant. Hell yeah they do. Just like you expect your customers to pay you enough to pay your taxes. Oh, but you don't see any connection between those ...

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it for you

You think that salaries are set by the income tax rates of employees and that the employer pays the income taxes of his employees and you're telling me to take an econ class?

That's hilarious

As a market, yes. Take a couple of econ classes, they'll explain it to you that employees expect you to pay their taxes just like you expect your customers to pay your taxes. And good luck replacing the employees who shit can you because you don't think their taxes are your problem.

What's hilarious is that you don't think when you pay employees, the taxes they pay are ultimately paid by your customers. You don't need any stinking customers for your employees to pay taxes! LOL, yeah ...

Have you ever even had an employee?

Not one employee has ever said I want you to pay my income taxes when we were discussing salary.

Income taxes are paid by the employee NOT the employer I don't know how many times I have to tell you this before it sinks in

And it's the gross salary and all it's related expenses that is passed on to customers not the income tax employees pay every week

SInce you don't know this because you obviously have never had to meet a payroll let me break it down for you

If I pay a person 50K a year that's 1923 a pay period

The employee has these amounts withheld

Federal tax 296
Social Security 119
Medicare 28

Then any state taxes

This is ALL paid from the employee's salary the employer does NOT pay these for his employees

The costs the employer bears is the matching social security and medicare contributions and state and federal unemployment taxes

As far as setting costs for services I only use the employee's gross pay and the FICA , SUTA and FUTA taxes as part of the calculation

So you see I do not use and no one uses the tax withholding of employees in cost of goods or services calculations
I'm going beyond your simplistic view of the world of who writes the check to the government. Wait a minute, you write the check ...

I write the check for MY taxes just like you do
Your employer does not write that check for you

really, you don't do your employee's tax withholdings? Don't call me when you're in jail, I'll just laugh at you
So if the military doesn't stop one attack, they don't stop any. Got it

Really since 12/7/41 how many attacks have they stopped? And don't forget the military didn't stop that one either

I'll answer when you tell me how many people has the lock on your door stopped from walking into your house?

I mean just the blood thirsty Canadians alone, they're just looking for a moment of weakness to pounce on us.

We don't need a military, wow. You're really not connected to the world. You need to read the news more often. Or ever.

I'll say it again you are the one that brought up military spending not me

I never once said we didn't need a military I said it does not protect our personal property. You are using the most abstract example possible to make your point

And I have given you examples of us actually being attacked but you say the attacks that never happened are more important.

You gave the examples of 9/11, where we kicked their asses, and Pearl Harbor, where we kicked their asses

But we didn't stop the attacks on our country. That's what you said the military does

You're an eight year old
Assuming you're "nonrich", what exactly ruined you? And how is it anyone's fault?

Class warfare
Class warfare the greedy rich a-hole GOP has been winning for 30 years, dupe.
Can you explain the process? How are the greedy rich a-hole GOP taking the property of the "nonrich"?
Do they swoop in and steal their money? Of course not
They are too smart for that. The worker creates the wealth. The wealthy decide how it gets distributed

So none of the worker's property is actually taken from him. So what's the problem?

When you sell something, you still own it, right?

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