What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

All tax is immoral. It is the taking of another's property by force.

How's the country gonna run? On smiles n sunshine?

We all hate taxes, but be realistic .

I'm not sure what you mean by "run". But typically, people engage in productive activities and trade to acquire the things they desire.

I mean run. Like the government . Take your local police department. They gonna work for free?

Police and fire are local concerns not federal
It makes no sense to argue about state taxes here
All tax is immoral. It is the taking of another's property by force.

How's the country gonna run? On smiles n sunshine?

We all hate taxes, but be realistic .

I'm not sure what you mean by "run". But typically, people engage in productive activities and trade to acquire the things they desire.

I mean run. Like the government . Take your local police department. They gonna work for free?

You mean like volunteer firefighters do?

Volunteer fire fighters get paid Ya know .
If they get paid they are not volunteers
All that is available to anyone

Anyone can get a patent the military protects all US interests abroad ( it's not supposed to but that's another thread) The legal system works for everyone and people are even provided free attorneys and everyone can use infrastructure to get around not just the "rich"
I didn't say they aren't available....only that they benefit more

Why because they use them and other people don't

Whose fault is that?
The issue is that the wealthy receive more benefit than the poor which was my assertion that the wealthy receive more benefits from our government than the poor do

The issue is that those benefits are available to anyone and everyone if they want to use them

The "rich" do not have exclusive rights to any of the benefits you listed they just use them

It's no different than you complaining that businesses use roads to move goods you can use roads to move goods too you just choose not to it's not anyone's fault but your own
You moved the goal posts

I was questioned what benefits the wealthy receive from government

They don't receive more benefits than anyone else
Everyone has the same benefits it's just that some people refuse to use them

Tell me do you think a person who uses a free public library and then gets better grades and a free ride to college is somehow getting an unfair share of benefits than the person who plays X box all day and can't get into community college?
I don't want to run the country. I think that would be you.

What do u want ? Anarchy ?

What is anarchy?

Take a trip to Somalia and find out . You'd love it . No taxes, no rules , anything goes baby ! It's a utopia !

To think u can have zero taxes and still keep a society together is regoddamdiculous .

Thanks for clarifying what you meant by, "What do u want ? Anarchy ?" My answer is, no I don't want what you described.

I don't necessarily agree with your premise that a society can't exist with out some people forcibly taking the property of others.

It's not "taking property" it's "paying dues ". Shit , you make it seem like people get no benefit by living in the US .

Find me a place on the planet that doesn't have taxes ? Ok , maybe some lil oil rich country , but that's only cause they are whoreing natural resources.

Taxes are not the issue it's the fairness of taxes
The only fair tax is a flat tax
You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.
He's parroting an obscure RW propaganda....What he's missing is that the elite ripping off the world are overwhelmingly RW/GOP.

Ever notice these "fair tax " threads always end up being about how you can further fuck over the poor and working stiffs .
Haven't seen a single "fair" tax proposal that doesn't raise taxes on the working poor and cut taxes on the wealthy

So it's "fair" for some to be paying no income taxes at all?

Or is it fair if everyone pays the same percentage of income in income taxes?
There is no need for an income tax whatsoever. Not only is it not needed, it is unconstitutional. Fuck the political parties. They are owned lock, stock and barrel and have been for a 100 years.
There is no need for an income tax whatsoever. Not only is it not needed, it is unconstitutional. Fuck the political parties. They are owned lock, stock and barrel and have been for a 100 years.

While I agree with you, but realistically we will never get rid of it
What do u want ? Anarchy ?

What is anarchy?

Take a trip to Somalia and find out . You'd love it . No taxes, no rules , anything goes baby ! It's a utopia !

To think u can have zero taxes and still keep a society together is regoddamdiculous .

Thanks for clarifying what you meant by, "What do u want ? Anarchy ?" My answer is, no I don't want what you described.

I don't necessarily agree with your premise that a society can't exist with out some people forcibly taking the property of others.

It's not "taking property" it's "paying dues ". Shit , you make it seem like people get no benefit by living in the US .

Find me a place on the planet that doesn't have taxes ? Ok , maybe some lil oil rich country , but that's only cause they are whoreing natural resources.

Taxes are not the issue it's the fairness of taxes
The only fair tax is a flat tax

You realize that income taxes are paid by employers, right? So, how does it make sense to continue to tax companies MORE if they have more onshore employees working for them? Doesn't that disincent what we want? Jobs?

The ideal tax is the Fair Tax. You tax the source of all taxes, the economy, flatly once and eliminate the IRS entirely
How many trust fund babies were offshoring Grandaddy's money in 1787?

By offshoring, you mean had assets in England? George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Paine spring to mind.

Don't you love how leftists drive jobs offshore with their endless taxes and regulations, then expect companies to stay here anyway against their own interest ...

... yet when guys like Buffett and Gates advocate higher taxes while hiring an army of lawyers to evade them, they get silence by the left. No to mention their silence to Democrats like Daschle, Rangle and the Clintons who actually cheat on their taxes and others like Obama and Biden who give virtually zero to charity.

Hmm, maybe "love" isn't the right word for that ...
You're right, it's Reaganist tax policy that screws the middle class. And high top rates kept CEOs from insane money. All defended to the death by your heroes, dupe.

You are incapable of telling the truth, franco hater dupe bot. The taxes paid by the top 1% went up with Reagan's tax reform. Prior to Reagan the top 1% paid taxes on about 3% of their income, which jumped to 45% as thousands of loopholes were closed.

39% of 45% taxable is a hell of a lot more than 80% of 3% taxable, sploogy.

You don't grasp it, but this is why your masters hate Reagan, he made them pay taxes just like the little people have to.
We should arrest and fine all these haters of taxes when they use our roads without paying for them. ;) Bums all.

Of course you should. Put them (any who oppose the party) into forced labor camps until they die.

You have such unique ideas, none of your fellow Communists ever thought of this...

democrats have a vision for the future.

The gop's economic plan does kind of look like a 15th century baron & serf organization. The serf always ends up on the bottom of the barons boot.

It does? :eek:

So the GOP wants to take all assets and declare them the property of the king (state) to be doled out based on what favored group one is in? Bernie is a Republican?

Oh wait, you were just lying because you are a piece of shit with no integrity - i.e. a democrat....

Carry on.
The gop's economic plan does kind of look like a 15th century baron & serf organization. The serf always ends up on the bottom of the barons boot.

It does? :eek:

So the GOP wants to take all assets and declare them the property of the king (state) to be doled out based on what favored group one is in? Bernie is a Republican?

Oh wait, you were just lying because you are a piece of shit with no integrity - i.e. a democrat....

Carry on.
What is anarchy?

Take a trip to Somalia and find out . You'd love it . No taxes, no rules , anything goes baby ! It's a utopia !

To think u can have zero taxes and still keep a society together is regoddamdiculous .

Thanks for clarifying what you meant by, "What do u want ? Anarchy ?" My answer is, no I don't want what you described.

I don't necessarily agree with your premise that a society can't exist with out some people forcibly taking the property of others.

It's not "taking property" it's "paying dues ". Shit , you make it seem like people get no benefit by living in the US .

Find me a place on the planet that doesn't have taxes ? Ok , maybe some lil oil rich country , but that's only cause they are whoreing natural resources.

Taxes are not the issue it's the fairness of taxes
The only fair tax is a flat tax

You realize that income taxes are paid by employers, right? So, how does it make sense to continue to tax companies MORE if they have more onshore employees working for them? Doesn't that disincent what we want? Jobs?

The ideal tax is the Fair Tax. You tax the source of all taxes, the economy, flatly once and eliminate the IRS entirely

Income tax is not paid by employers it is withheld from employees' paychecks and sent into the treasury by the employer on behalf of each employee

I have an issue with the way the fair tax works

It's ridiculous to charge a higher tax then cut a check to each and every person in the country once a month. They call it a prebate . That is a ridiculously expensive endeavor.

If they would reduce the rate and not give any back I could get behind the idea but until they do that I can't support it
You realize that income taxes are paid by employers, right? So, how does it make sense to continue to tax companies MORE if they have more onshore employees working for them? Doesn't that disincent what we want? Jobs?

The ideal tax is the Fair Tax. You tax the source of all taxes, the economy, flatly once and eliminate the IRS entirely

Income tax is not paid by employers it is withheld from employees' paychecks and sent into the treasury by the employer on behalf of each employee


So income taxes aren't part what employers have to pay employees? The money doesn't come from their employer's customers? How does that work? Where does it come from then? It just appears in paychecks from nowhere?

I have an issue with the way the fair tax works

It's ridiculous to charge a higher tax then cut a check to each and every person in the country once a month. They call it a prebate . That is a ridiculously expensive endeavor.

If they would reduce the rate and not give any back I could get behind the idea but until they do that I can't support it

I prefer no prebate as well, but you have "an issue" with the Fair Tax and reject it, but you want to keep the Gestapo IRS and reporting to the government every dollar you earn from every source as if it's any of their f'ing business? Since your standard is "an issue," that isn't "an issue" for you?

What about that the Fair Tax makes people who work in cash industries and don't pay income taxes now at all taxpayers sharing the load?

What about that the Fair Tax removes the incentive to move employees offshore and automate to avoid all the employee taxes (Social Security, Medicare, employee income taxes, unemployment, ...)

What about that the Fair Tax levels the playing field between US and foreign corporations who don't have to pay corporate taxes now?

And again, why should US companies be punished with MORE taxes for onshore jobs? Isn't that just butt stupid?

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