What Is "Identity Politics?"


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I keep hearing Republicans using this term.

To me it's just how Republicans respond to issues they aren't winning on.

What is it exactly? Can you explain it in a sensible way?
I keep hearing Republicans using this term.

To me it's just how Republicans respond to issues they aren't winning on.

What is it exactly? Can you explain it in a sensible way?

A good example is how you try and hide behind your blackness.
Can you cite an example of me "hiding behind my blackness?"
Conservative (so-called) Christians are a good example of identity politics.

I keep hearing Republicans using this term. To me it's just how Republicans respond to issues they aren't winning on. What is it exactly? Can you explain it in a sensible way?
It's when you base your politics on the group to which you belong instead of the issues. It's used mainly to flog liberals, but white nationalists and religious fundamentalists are guilty, too.
Saying people who want a secure border and immigration laws enforced hate immigrants is identity politics, saying people who are pro life hate women is identity politics, saying people who don't support gay marriage are homophobic is identity politics. Identity politics is trying to apply vile and hateful labels to people and groups you don't agree with in order to silence them.
I keep hearing Republicans using this term.

To me it's just how Republicans respond to issues they aren't winning on.

What is it exactly? Can you explain it in a sensible way?

A good example is how you try and hide behind your blackness.
Can you cite an example of me "hiding behind my blackness?"

WE both know you claimed every disagreement Obambi was due to him being black kid. You are a racist pure and simple. Racial politics IS identity politics.
WE both know you claimed every disagreement Obambi was due to him being black kid. You are a racist pure and simple. Racial politics IS identity politics.
Actually no, we both don't "know" that.


Please provide evidence of your bogus claims or STFU as they say and get to steppin'.
It's when you base your politics on the group to which you belong instead of the issues. It's used mainly to flog liberals, but white nationalists and religious fundamentalists are guilty, too.
You mean like using the term "Job Creators" or labeling a group of people "Takers", those are instances of identity politics, right?
I keep hearing Republicans using this term.

To me it's just how Republicans respond to issues they aren't winning on.

What is it exactly? Can you explain it in a sensible way?
How can you keep hearing it if it's a response to what Republicans are not "winning on"? It makes no sense and certainly hasn't since November.
WE both know you claimed every disagreement Obambi was due to him being black kid. You are a racist pure and simple. Racial politics IS identity politics.
Actually no, we both don't "know" that.


Please provide evidence of your bogus claims or STFU as they say and get to steppin'.

You're a liar and a fraud. Here ya go niggra....

"Here is a man whose sole motivation for entering public life was to secure wealth transfer from white to black. He told Chicago public radio that the civil rights revolution in the courts "didn't go far enough", hinting that reparations would have made it complete. He's surrounded by outright white-haters, from his preacher in Chicago to his inauguration preacher, who just said whites were going to hell. Even the whites behind Obama, like Bill Ayers, are self-hating left-wing terrorist whites. The Democratic Party has basically become a haven for white-haters.

But Romney has only 55 percent of the white vote!

That means 45 percent of whites are voting for Obama!

Who the fuck ARE these people?

I chalk it up to whites not getting the message. I actually don't think 95 percent of blacks voting for O is crazy -- that makes sense to me. He's their guy, he's got their backs. He looks like them. Why not? Go with your instincts.

What's happened to white instincts? Whites don't seem to have any. They think "liberal" or "conservative" is the divide. Or red state/blue state. Or union/non-union. Nah...
Click to expand...
Ahhhh...more deep, visceral hate and racism from the recesses of the radical right.

I just LOVE the smeal of Republican fear.

Keep it up, post more like these, and see if you can make public speeches too. The Obama Campaign will THANK"

"dare I say the MAJORITY of the most vocal arguments have roots in racism."

Step off Niggra, I own you.
I keep hearing Republicans using this term.

To me it's just how Republicans respond to issues they aren't winning on.

What is it exactly? Can you explain it in a sensible way?
You mean the term that black people invented?

"The term identity politics came into being during the latter part of the 20th century, during the Civil Rights Era.[2] During this time period, identity politics was used by a minority group to form a coalition with members of the majority."

Identity politics - Wikipedia
I keep hearing Republicans using this term.

To me it's just how Republicans respond to issues they aren't winning on.

What is it exactly? Can you explain it in a sensible way?
I'm neither a Republican nor a conservative - I voted for Hillary - but I'll be happy to help.

Identity Politics is the cynical political strategy - deployed most often by "progressives" - of dividing people into various grievance groups and then pandering to them and leveraging them for political favor.

So, it may be by race, or by gender, or by religion, or by job description, or by income/net worth, or by geography, or some combination therein. Instead of people just being Americans, they are made into hyphenated-Americans by Identity Politics.

I hope that helps!

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