What is racist, and what is not?

Yes, but if everyone pays into a fund that distributes money just to blacks, it is the whites who have a net loss and the blacks who have a net win. Thus, it is whites who pay.
Bullshit. We've been paying taxes and watched whites get the benefits all our lives. This is a case against the government, the money will come from taxes you already paid. So just stop whining and making excuses.
It’s already been established that leftists in education have perverted their original order, and are applying race-based standards to get more blacks in.
Yes, but if everyone pays into a fund that distributes money just to blacks, it is the whites who have a net loss and the blacks who have a net win. Thus, it is whites who pay.
Wow, you're an even biggest racist that I thought.

You don't want black people to be compensated in some small amount for all of the harm our government allowed? All you care about is that black people might get something that white people wouldn't?

It's not FREE money, it's a token amount to make amends.
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Did you suffer for all 254 years? Blacks today don‘t deserve momey for that. They weren’t even alive.
The 254 years means up to this second. Now Lisa, you really need to stop these disingenuous postings.

"The United States has led the world in keeping alive the memory and lessons of the Holocaust. These efforts began even before World War II ended, and U.S. leadership has been steadfast in the eight decades since that time."

While blacks are told to shut up, we must never EVER forget the Holocaust. That is favoritism Lisa.

"The government of the United States also has chosen to shine a bright light upon the singular catastrophe that was the Holocaust by ensuring that young people are educated about what the Nazis did, how they did it, and why. The Never Again Education Act, signed into law by the President on May 29, 2020, had nearly unanimous bipartisan support.2 The commitment to Holocaust education enshrined in the Never Again Education Act also is intended as a bulwark against creeping Holocaust denial and distortion, which the statute defines as “discourse and propaganda that deny the historical reality and the extent of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices during World War II, known as the Holocaust."

And while it's wrong to teach the 1619 Project and there is a made up CRT that you oppose because it's unfair to teach that, the government will make sure that the Jewish Holocaust will get taught. That's favoritism Lisa. And Lisa, YOU did not suffer from the holocaust personally. YOU were never in a concentration camp. So who the hell are you to diss us?

What is the definition of holocaust Lisa?

destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war:

Blacks have undergone a holocaust for the last 403 years. Generations have died and still die under mutating forms of white racism while whites lie about how it's all stopped. But we are told to shut up, while you get to bitch about something you never personally experienced forever. I've experienced white racism, you never faced a Nazi. So when you talk about favoritism, take a good long look in the mirror. Hopefully, you won''t turn into stone.
The 254 years means up to this second. Now Lisa, you really need to stop these disingenuous postings.

"The United States has led the world in keeping alive the memory and lessons of the Holocaust. These efforts began even before World War II ended, and U.S. leadership has been steadfast in the eight decades since that time."

While blacks are told to shut up, we must never EVER forget the Holocaust. That is favoritism Lisa.

"The government of the United States also has chosen to shine a bright light upon the singular catastrophe that was the Holocaust by ensuring that young people are educated about what the Nazis did, how they did it, and why. The Never Again Education Act, signed into law by the President on May 29, 2020, had nearly unanimous bipartisan support.2 The commitment to Holocaust education enshrined in the Never Again Education Act also is intended as a bulwark against creeping Holocaust denial and distortion, which the statute defines as “discourse and propaganda that deny the historical reality and the extent of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices during World War II, known as the Holocaust."

And while it's wrong to teach the 1619 Project and there is a made up CRT that you oppose because it's unfair to teach that, the government will make sure that the Jewish Holocaust will get taught. That's favoritism Lisa. And Lisa, YOU did not suffer from the holocaust personally. YOU were never in a concentration camp. So who the hell are you to diss us?

What is the definition of holocaust Lisa?

destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war:

Blacks have undergone a holocaust for the last 403 years. Generations have died and still die under mutating forms of white racism while whites lie about how it's all stopped. But we are told to shut up, while you get to bitch about something you never personally experienced forever. I've experienced white racism, you never faced a Nazi. So when you talk about favoritism, take a good long look in the mirror. Hopefully, you won''t turn into stone.
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Wow, you're an even biggest racist that I thought.

You don't want black people to be compensated in some small amount for all of the harm our government allowed? All you care about is that black people might get something that white people wouldn't?

It's not FREE money, it's a token amount to make amends.
Wow. You’re even nastier than I thought.

That’s not being a racist.

I can see how this is going to go. Some blacks (some are opposed to reparations) and leftists are going to demand that whites who did nothing pay blacks who are generations removed from slavery - and if you disagree, “you’re a raaaaacist!”

Stop already. The government allowed the harm to blacks generations ago, and blacks today have been benefiting from affirmative action - getting into colleges and grad programs they wouldn’t qualify for if white, getting jobs because companies are focused more on race than qualifications, and so forth. They’ve already been compensated through the favoritism we see these days.

And you ignored my entire story. My step-grandfather got reparations because he was physically damaged and suffered the rest of his life. You think that blacks who are college graduates, many from programs they were admitted to because of color, and now are professionals living in big colonial homes are comparable to a man who was left with a sliver of a stomach and couldn’t eat more than a few teaspoons at a time, and saw his wife and son whisked away from him??

Just have blacks who are poor do what my dad did, and in the face of horrible antisemitism: study hard, get into an educational program, don’t f around and have babies, work hard, and make a success of one’s life - or at least move out of poverty. Stop demanding money from whites who are not at fault.
Wow, you're an even biggest racist that I thought.

You don't want black people to be compensated in some small amount for all of the harm our government allowed? All you care about is that black people might get something that white people wouldn't?

It's not FREE money, it's a token amount to make amends.
And P.S. Yes, I care that it is wrong to make whites pay for something for which they are not responsible to blacks whose ancestors they never even knew were slaves.
You mean after 58 years out of 254 years?!?
I mean:
Did AA make a difference?
We now have two generations past it’s beginning…are the inequities it was designed to answer still there?
If so, is AA still the answer?

One example. There are very few African American geologists. The program I work for struggles to attract and admit African American students. There aren’t that many. At the graduate level, even fewer. I can think of two in 35 years in the MS program and the professional field. Of the two we had, one struggled, but before some one starts yelling that he was unqualified admit based solely on race, he was also a first gen college student and his academic struggles were no worse than other first gen college students. On the other hand, we admit far more foreign black students in our MS/PhD program and they complete at the same rate as any other foreign student.

So why does the geology field attract so few African Americans? The problems might be more than just race even though they could a legacy of racism. So should we be looking beyond affirmative action?
Blacks, BLM, the left are forever whining about equality and fairness. But what has happened is that colleges, employers, government, and media began, and continue, to "shoehorn" blacks into jobs, schools, media, you name it, WITHOUT regard to their qualifications.

In fact, standards and qualifications were lowered and, in many cases, totally eliminated because blacks would never be able to compete for those positions against many more qualified whites, asians, etc.

Look at Biden, he has filled every possible post with black people, including the latest USSC vacancy. He refused to consider people of any other ethnicity. That is wrong, imo.

Blacks should be able to compete for any job for which they're qualified. But NO ONE should be chosen, for any position, over others who are more qualified, regardless of ethnicity. Just my opinion.

In media, especially television the preferential treatment given blacks has been especially pronounced. It is happening everywhere, but it is simply more visible on television.

With all the cries for fairness, I can'r see why blacks would object to others getting a shot at their fair share of acting jobs: Japanese and other asians, native americans, etc. Fair is fair. Blacks have been given a HUGE boost, and in MANY cases shoved to the front of the line, ahead of VASTLY more qualified people of many ethnicities.

This type of. "Affirmative Action" on behalf of blacks is, in itself, highly racist toward other more qualified people in many ethnicities.

Personally, I would greatly prefer television, including commercials, to reflect more accurately our population. That doesn't mean all whites. It simply means trying to more honestly portray our society.

As it stands today, there are so many blacks on TV and in ads, it would be easy to assume the programming was done in africa. It's completely skewed.
Acting jobs are gotten based on variety of characteristics. Why are there so few fat people? Or homely women? Or short men? Outside of comedy do you see many?

The choices made for TV is heavily based on ratings. If the viewers didn’t like it, they wouldn’t be doing it. Same with commercials. It is all market driven.

Irony is you are calling for quotas when you complain about quotas.
Not at all. I support balance of some sort.

But, in the best of all world's MERIT would be the determining factor in who gets a job, or who gets into the college of their choice. Merit, hard work, personal motivation, sacrifice, determination, skills, intelligence - THOSE are the only factors that should determine who gets into the best colleges, jobs, etc. BUT if these factors were strictly adhered to, most blacks would simply NOT be able to compete with people of other races.

You can call that "wacist" or call it what you will. It is true across the board. If it weren't true, there would be NO EXCUSE for using Affirmative Action to give blacks a HUGE and unfair edge over whites, asians, and other ethnic groups.
Merit alone has NEVER been the factor: types of experience, workplace and campus culture, a desire for diversity, connections, family prestige, financial contributions and legacy…

What’s more, regardless of choice, the person still has to be qualified.

You do realize AA specifically benefits other ethnic minorities right?
Merit alone has NEVER been the factor: types of experience, workplace and campus culture, a desire for diversity, connections, family prestige, financial contributions and legacy…

But race should not be one of those factors, and to adjust standards down due to the color of one’s skin is racist.
What’s more, regardless of choice, the person still has to be qualified.

Yes, but the definition of “qualified” is subjective, and more leniency is given toward blacks. That is why a med school will reject out of hand any white with a 3.6 and still accept blacks with a 3.2. The fact is that the school considers 3.2 qualified if you’re black, but not if you’re white.
You do realize AA specifically benefits other ethnic minorities right?
Depends on whether you’re a “favored” minority. Not the Asians. Harvard was so desperate to reject as many as they could get away with that they used the “un-like ability of Asians” as a factor. The case is being heard by the SCOTUS this fall.
Acting jobs are gotten based on variety of characteristics. Why are there so few fat people? Or homely women? Or short men? Outside of comedy do you see many?

The choices made for TV is heavily based on ratings. If the viewers didn’t like it, they wouldn’t be doing it. Same with commercials. It is all market driven.

Irony is you are calling for quotas when you complain about quotas.

The current racial distribution of actors viewed on primetime television and in major motion pictures, more closely mirrors what the general population actually reflects NOW, than what "some" choose to believe, or are willing or capable of accepting.

There is no tangible evidence that reflects otherwise.

As far as those who actually believe that there is an "unfair" influx of non white actors who are displacing the majority in high profile television and movie roles, actual statistics prove otherwise.

The reality is that if one happens to be a part of the "Baby Boomer" era, when "Leave it to Beaver", "Ozzie and Harriet", and "Father Knows Best" were popular, of course it is quite shocking to see more than "a few" "non white" faces on the airwaves during primetime viewing hours.

The "REACTION" to that, is exactly what it is.....simply a reaction, with much of it based on panic over the evolution and change of society, personal emotions and not actual facts.

Very similar to the same type of emotional trauma that the older generation experienced over integration back in the mid 1960's.

It is fortunate that most of us "Boomers" will be dead from natural causes by 2050.

Otherwise, there will be one gigantic, shock related, fatal cardiac event that will kill us all simultaneously, because of
"what we see" on television.


Merit alone has NEVER been the factor: types of experience, workplace and campus culture, a desire for diversity, connections, family prestige, financial contributions and legacy…

What’s more, regardless of choice, the person still has to be qualified.

You do realize AA specifically benefits other ethnic minorities right?

Just your opinions. Of course you're welcome to believe whatever pleases you.

Standards and "qualifications" have been drastically lowered and, in many cases, completely removed in order to shoehorn blacks into colleges or jobs for which they would never, in a million years, otherwise qualify. If you can't see that, then you've chosen to wear blinders.

No one I am aware of has called for the complete removal of blacks from media or anywhere else. We are simply pointing to an obviously widespread social engineering effort. And it's working, and accepted by many of you.

I don't understand why seeking a bit of balance in the casting on TV and commercials is seen by lefties as a bad thing. NO ONE is saying all of the actors have to be white. But let's see some beautiful Asian faces, and yes, some beautiful blondes, too. Just give viewers a bit of variety. It's desperately needed right now.

We'll have to wait and see what results advertisers get from their "woke" experiments. But the truth is, even those in the business cannot honestly and accurately gauge their results from the ads they run. Notable exceptions being Direct Mail and some internet advertising.

That fact was vividly admitted long ago when the head of Pepsi Cola stated that "50 percent of my advertising dollars are being wasted, but I don't know which 50 percent." Of course I'm sure there are people posting here who "think" they know more than he did. Lol...

Just your opinions. Of course you're welcome to believe whatever pleases you.

Standards and "qualifications" have been drastically lowered and, in many cases, completely removed in order to shoehorn blacks into colleges or jobs for which they would never, in a million years, otherwise qualify. If you can't see that, then you've chosen to wear blinders.

No one I am aware of has called for the complete removal of blacks from media or anywhere else. We are simply pointing to an obviously widespread social engineering effort. And it's working, and accepted by many of you.

I don't understand why seeking a bit of balance in the casting on TV and commercials is seen by lefties as a bad thing. NO ONE is saying all of the actors have to be white. But let's see some beautiful Asian faces, and yes, some beautiful blondes, too. Just give viewers a bit of variety. It's desperately needed right now.

We'll have to wait and see what results advertisers get from their "woke" experiments. But the truth is, even those in the business cannot honestly and accurately gauge their results from the ads they run. Notable exceptions being Direct Mail and some internet advertising.

That fact was vividly admitted long ago when the head of Pepsi Cola stated that "50 percent of my advertising dollars are being wasted, but I don't know which 50 percent." Of course I'm sure there are people posting here who "think" they know more than he did. Lol...
If anyone ever figures out how to properly target advertising, he or she will die a very rich person. Advertising is very much an art, not a science.
If anyone ever figures out how to properly target advertising, he or she will die a very rich person. Advertising is very much an art, not a science.
Thank you so much for your comment. You're absolutely right.

There's an unbelievable amount of money spent on advertising each year. And there are loads of people in all areas of media trying desperately to get "their" share.

The most common way to get into a potential advertiser's pocket is for the ad seller (media, agency, etc) to convince the business owner that that they (ad seller) are all-knowing experts.

I worked in several ad related areas for several decades, including newspapers, radio, an agency, and others. The truth is that there are relatively few people who have a real understanding of the business. But there are endless numbers of people "claiming" to have all the answers.

Lots of money, a lot of jobs on the line, lots and lots of lying. Truth is, very, very few advertisers know what they're buying. And, sadly, huge numbers of salespeople have any understanding of the products they're selling. Why is this? Simple, if you have a pulse it's easy to get a job in advertising and media.

There's a lot of fun to be had working in this business, and money to be made, But, HONESTY and competence are hard to find.
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Just your opinions. Of course you're welcome to believe whatever pleases you.

Standards and "qualifications" have been drastically lowered and, in many cases, completely removed in order to shoehorn blacks into colleges or jobs for which they would never, in a million years, otherwise qualify. If you can't see that, then you've chosen to wear blinders.

No one I am aware of has called for the complete removal of blacks from media or anywhere else. We are simply pointing to an obviously widespread social engineering effort. And it's working, and accepted by many of you.

I don't understand why seeking a bit of balance in the casting on TV and commercials is seen by lefties as a bad thing. NO ONE is saying all of the actors have to be white. But let's see some beautiful Asian faces, and yes, some beautiful blondes, too. Just give viewers a bit of variety. It's desperately needed right now.

We'll have to wait and see what results advertisers get from their "woke" experiments. But the truth is, even those in the business cannot honestly and accurately gauge their results from the ads they run. Notable exceptions being Direct Mail and some internet advertising.

That fact was vividly admitted long ago when the head of Pepsi Cola stated that "50 percent of my advertising dollars are being wasted, but I don't know which 50 percent." Of course I'm sure there are people posting here who "think" they know more than he did. Lol...
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I’m seeing a lot of white faces….just saying.
But race should not be one of those factors, and to adjust standards down due to the color of one’s skin is racist.

Yes, but the definition of “qualified” is subjective, and more leniency is given toward blacks. That is why a med school will reject out of hand any white with a 3.6 and still accept blacks with a 3.2. The fact is that the school considers 3.2 qualified if you’re black, but not if you’re white.

Depends on whether you’re a “favored” minority. Not the Asians. Harvard was so desperate to reject as many as they could get away with that they used the “un-like ability of Asians” as a factor. The case is being heard by the SCOTUS this fall.
Harvard: Harvard University | Data USA

The enrolled student population at Harvard University is 39.7% White, 13.7% Asian, 9.46% Hispanic or Latino, 6.56% Black or African American, 3.94% Two or More Races, 0.197% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.118% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders. This includes both full-time and part-time students as well as graduate and undergraduates. By comparison, enrollment for all Doctoral Universities is 49.8% White, 15.1% Hispanic or Latino, and 9.74% Black or African American.

Now blacks are 13.9% of our population and Asians 5.9%. Blacks are underrepresented and Asians over represented. I don’t see what there is to complain about from a white perspective. In fact, why aren’t you yelling at tbe Asians for taking your spots?

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