What is the difference between Americans proud to be American and those that hate America....Knowledge!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
As an American who loves America the difference of most of my comments and those that hate America, is I provide substantiation.

Now those of you that hate America and say the following link is biased... IT IS!
Biased in that this article and the sources I and Americans that love America is that we HAVE more knowledge and substantiation.
That is the distinction and this study proves it!
A comprehensive new poll from the Media Research Center finds voters who rely on CNN and MSNBC are significantly less informed
about a host of important issues:
  • from the lack of security on the border and
  • the impact of Joe Biden’s economic policies;
  • to the financial scandals swirling around the President and his family, including suggestions his administration interceded to get his son “preferential treatment” during the tax fraud investigation of Hunter Biden.
On every issue we examined, a majority of those who reported mainly watching Fox News or Newsmax said they recalled hearing about the various news stories we polled, while never more than
50 percent of those who watched CNN and MSNBC had the same information.
Depending on the issue, the gap between the two groups averaged 23.5 percent, a huge deficit in the factual information of viewers of liberal cable news.

MRC President L. Brent Bozell III reacted: “This poll is just more evidence of the leftist media’s corrupt election interference. It’s no surprise that voters who rely on these leftist cable networks for their news are vastly less aware of Joe Biden’s multiple scandals and policy disasters. CNN and MSNBC know exactly what they’re doing, which is to bury the truth of Biden’s failures in order to save Joe Biden from himself.”

Now further proof that people that watch CNN/MSNBC and other biased news are not getting the whole story are these 2 articles.
I sincerely wish those of you that hate us Americans would at least be honest enough to recognize that.
When we have Biden who has made these statements that directly affect ALL our lives... I truly wonder if those that support Biden REALLY comprehend
what these statements did to affect ALL our lives.
For example: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

How many illegals, drug smugglers, cartels all took the above words and hey Biden says we should surge to the border!
Hence we have: Border Crossings 3 Times Higher Under Biden Than Trump
Under Biden reached totals of roughly 189,000 per month,
compared to an average of just under 51,000 per month during the Trump presidency.

Another Biden destruction of America:"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

The oil companies LOVED that as Chevron's CEO said...“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
Perfect excuse to raise prices ! What a dumb comment from Biden!
When Biden said the above Sep. 2019 the Average price of a gallon of gas: $2.68... in Jun 2022 under Biden $5.032/ gallon an increase of $2.35 or 187%!!

So when the BIASED MSM including CNN/MSNBC donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and when she lost the MSM then spent 90% to Biden and during a 3 month period in 2020 ABC,CBS,NBC donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS" free advertising
over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20) as the following study showed.
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"

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I am proud to be an American. I am a Patriot. The difference between me and some who proclaim the same thing is that I recognize and acknowledge that the US is not perfect and never has been. I admit we have done some terrible things and committed atrocities. But that is not who we ARE. Now does it diminish my pride in my country and what we have accomplished.
I am proud to be an American. I am a Patriot. The difference between me and some who proclaim the same thing is that I recognize and acknowledge that the US is not perfect and never has been. I admit we have done some terrible things and committed atrocities. But that is not who we ARE. Now does it diminish my pride in my country and what we have accomplished.
And I agree with you! NONE of us are perfect if we were wouldn't be on this forum... too busy doing other things!
So us peons knowing the country and ourselves are IMPERFECT recognize these imperfections but we don't destroy the only country in the world
that allows their citizens to vocalize these imperfections.

But the point of the comment was how uninformed those people who hate American and the basis for that hatred is ignorance, i.e. CNN/MSNBC viewers NOT aware of the glaring harm Biden, et.al. like him are doing to our country. My goodness telling illegals to "surge to the border" or "rid fossil fuels"
both totally destructive statements! Destructive description.. are you aware that 2 billion tires a year are made from 300 million barrels of oil or that 95% of roads are asphalt that uses 1.4 billion barrels of oil to produce?
Products made from petroleum | Ranken Energy Corporation
"Rid fossil fuels" means destruction of the US economy.
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I am proud to be an American. I am a Patriot. The difference between me and some who proclaim the same thing is that I recognize and acknowledge that the US is not perfect and never has been. I admit we have done some terrible things and committed atrocities. But that is not who we ARE. Now does it diminish my pride in my country and what we have accomplished.

Since we are still doing it, it is who we are.
I think we have greatly improved. The atrocities are far less atrocious.

We have either carried out or funded the murder of a countless number of innocent people over the years worldwide. We are still doing it today.
I am proud to be an American. I am a Patriot. The difference between me and some who proclaim the same thing is that I recognize and acknowledge that the US is not perfect and never has been. I admit we have done some terrible things and committed atrocities. But that is not who we ARE. Now does it diminish my pride in my country and what we have accomplished.
I visited Canada yesterday to see how they celebrate the birth of their nation, Canada Day, formerly Dominion Day. I was appalled at how little recognition there was. There was a small celebration in each small town, but nothing beyond that. By all outward appearance, it could have been any other day. I mentioned it to the American CBP agent as I crossed back into the US and he made a very poignant observance. He said that their country was granted to them by the crown and they are still beholden to the crown. We had to fight for our country from that same crown--TWICE. We have more invested. Truer words were never spoken. Flawed as our country is, it is still the best in the world and the migration to the US proves it. Those who are protesting it are deadbeats looking for a free ride.
We have either carried out or funded the murder of a countless number of innocent people over the years worldwide. We are still doing it today.

I think testing unsuspecting blacks by infecting them with STDs, overthrowing a lawfully elected government of a sovereign foreign nation, imprisoning 125,000 American citizens because the look like our enemy, and some other tasty bits of our history are far worse. Hell, the Trail of Tears was worse than anything we have done in the past 50 years combined.
We have either carried out or funded the murder of a countless number of innocent people over the years worldwide. We are still doing it today.
Can you name a country that has not done the same and worse? Wrongs have been committed, granted. Solutions have be attempted--some with positive results and some with negative as is the case when any solution is attempted. Bottom line--racism cannot be defeated with more racism.
Can you name a country that has not done the same and worse?

Whether I can or not is irrelevant. Your argument at best is all countries do horrible things. Why are you proud of that?

Wrongs have been committed, granted. Solutions have be attempted--some with positive results and some with negative as is the case when any solution is attempted. Bottom line--racism cannot be defeated with more racism.

I never mentioned racism though I do suppose what I did mention, racism plays a role.
Whether I can or not is irrelevant. Your argument at best is all countries do horrible things. Why are you proud of that?

I am not proud of those horrible things. But that does not prevent me from being proud of my country.
I am proud to be an American. I am a Patriot. The difference between me and some who proclaim the same thing is that I recognize and acknowledge that the US is not perfect and never has been. I admit we have done some terrible things and committed atrocities. But that is not who we ARE. Now does it diminish my pride in my country and what we have accomplished.
So if you recognise that you or America is not perfect, is the Constitution since it's foundation still perfect? Societies, technology, and standard of living increases over the decades, is the Constitution in it's current form still up to that?
Why are you proud of that?
No one on this board has ever said they were proud of it. Neither should they be shamed by the actions of others beyond their control or before their time. The US has done more to right those wrongs than any other country. You bring to mind a petulant child who whines when given a treat because they didn't get more.
No one on this board has ever said they were proud of it. Neither should they be shamed by the actions of others beyond their control or before their time. The US has done more to right those wrongs than any other country. You bring to mind a petulant child who whines when given a treat because they didn't get more.

What have we done to right the wrong of the thousands of innocents we have killed worldwide and continue to do?

Killing innocent people is equal to getting a treat?
For doing horrible things?
Quit being ridiculous. Of course not. For all of the wonderful things that the US has done. I challenge you to name just one country that has done more charitable and humanitarian actions than the US has done for the rest of the world with no request for remuneration.
We have either carried out or funded the murder of a countless number of innocent people over the years worldwide. We are still doing it today.
YOU are so stupid! PROVE IT! Again this is why people like you are just plain UNINFORMED!
Prove to me that we have carried out or funded murder of countless INNOCENT people! GEEZ once again...
Ever hear of the Uyghurs? Ever hear of the Jews? Ever hear of Anne Frank and the millions murdered by other countries?
What is wrong with you? I truly recognize how uninformed you are!
Do you see the United States on this list? 169.2 million in the 20th century alone!
And yet you defend communism, and blame the USA.
You hate America don't you and that's because YOU are ignorant and truly uninformed.
Put links to substantiate your claims as I've done! Tell me the USA is as bad as these murdering countries!
So if you recognise that you or America is not perfect, is the Constitution since it's foundation still perfect? Societies, technology, and standard of living increases over the decades, is the Constitution in it's current form still up to that?

I think the US Constitution is as close to perfect as we may get. At the very least, we have a way to update it. It has been changed 27 times in our history. So it is not the same US Constitution we started out with.

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