What is the purpose behind the clock hoax?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
"So this raises a sticky question. The media may simply accept out of hand the notion that Ahmed "invented a clock," but if he really didn't, then who put this together and what was the point of doing so? It's possible, of course, that Ahmed threw this together, took it to school to show his teacher and misused the term "invented" in the course of explaining what he did.

Talbot's theory, though, is that someone else put it together and its purpose was to inspire the very reaction it got - presumably to provoke an incident that would forward the narrative that America is full of Islamophobic bigots - a storyline you can advance very easily when your supposed victim is an innocent 14-year-old. It didn't take long for the White House to get on board, or for the entire Internet to embrace the dopey #IStandWithAhmed hashtag.

Let's be honest here, shall we? It looks like a bomb. Any teacher who looked at it and didn't get concerned would have been derelict in his or her duty. A mischief maker, knowing full well that the contraption looked like a bomb, could easily envision an overreaction that could be used to score propaganda points."



An engineer looked closely at the clock. He said there was no assembly, no modification and nothing other than the original manufacturer's parts in the exact state they were made in.

He simply removed a clock from it's casing and arranged it in a certain way in the case. Why would he be proud of something he didn't do? He didn't connect a single wire or attach anything new. It was simply a transfer of the clock parts from the original casing to a small briefcase-shaped pencil case. No invention. No creativity. Nothing.

Why does the media and Obama act like the kid actually put a clock together when, according to this engineer, everything is exactly as it was when it came from the factory, other than the outter case being removed? I still think his parents might have encouraged this and I believe it's just a way to use a willing press to further divide people by accusing the country of being Islamophobic. The only 'creation' here is on part of the Obama administion and CAIR, who have invented yet another problem that they will address. It further divides people and Muslims will make more demands because they want this country to change for them. CAIR is a questionable organization at best and I find it scary that they have so much influence over the current regime in Washington. Obama jumps in some cases pretty fast, like this one, while other things go without comment until he supposedly sees it on the news like the rest of us. Must have gotten a phone call on this one.

Also suspicious is a phone call between Mark Cuban and Ahmed. Sounds like the kid is smart and was "engaged" when the conversation centered around science, but when asked what happened regarding the suitcase clock, Ahmed's sister was telling him what to say. I think the kid is following instructions from his family, including taking the clock to school in the first place. He didn't just take it to show his science teacher. He showed it to each and every teacher. Again, why would such a smart kid be so proud of something he didn't even create? I think he could build a clock from parts, but he didn't do that this time.

CAIR is treating this like a major incident. While cuffing the kid was out of line, the kid did break the insane zero tolerance rules and some kind of action was warranted. There have been people saying that Ahmed worried people would think it was a bomb and I think his parents knew that, too. Why would they allow this non-invention to be taken to school unless they knew it would be flagged due to the zero tolerance rules and they knew that it could be used to the advantage of radical groups like CAIR? Amned is now the poster child for Islamophobia and all the other 'victims' of zero tolerance continue to be ignored. All kids will continue to get treated like some kind of criminals as long as the zero common sense rules are in place.

"Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban stated that when he talked on the phone Ahmed Mohamed, his sister was "giving him the answer" on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s "Real Time."

Cuban said, "I talked to the kid, he’s from Dallas, and I’ve talked to the people in the school district. The kid is super smart kid, science geek. We talked about science, but while I’m talking to him on the phone, as I ask him a question, ‘Tell me what happened,’ because I’m curious, right? His sister, over his shoulder, you could hear, listening to the question, giving him the answer. So, I don’t know all the details of what happened, but what I do know, when I talked to him about science, when I talked to him about magnets, when I talked to him about creating things, he was very, very engaged.""


Love him or hate him, Richard Dawkins is one of the most famous names in science.

"The British biologist, well-known for his hardline stance against religion and strong support for atheism and the theory of evolution, is no stranger to controversy.

On Sunday, Dawkins again found himself in a heated debate on social media. This time, however, it had little to do with biology or God, but instead concerned a 14-year-old ‘clock kid’ that seems to have become a household name nearly overnight.

Dawkins' post reads:

"This man seems to know what he's talking about. If he's right, Ahmed didn't

build a clock. He simply took one out of its casing.

Did he deliberately want to be suspected of making a bomb? Did he want to be

arrested, to be seen as a victim of "Islamophobia"? If so, Texas police played

right into his hands and most of us (including me) fell for it.""

We’ve All Been ‘Fooled’: Richard Dawkins Peeks Inside Ahmed’s Clock & Finds a ‘Hoax’

"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

I doubt that the 14 year old conceived of the plan-------he, too, was a prop.
At the end of the day -----the real DUMBO is OBAMA I still do not
understand -----WHAT EXCUSE the kid has for coming up with the thing? what
was it SUPPOSED TO BE??? did it relate in any way to a school assignment?.
The cops are not to blame for anything in this case-----they acted
as they had to act The principal of the school acted correctly-----
if that family WINS a lawsuit------I will vomit in public
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

I doubt that the 14 year old conceived of the plan-------he, too, was a prop.
At the end of the day -----the real DUMBO is OBAMA I still do not
understand -----WHAT EXCUSE the kid has for coming up with the thing? what
was it SUPPOSED TO BE??? did it relate in any way to a school assignment?.
The cops are not to blame for anything in this case-----they acted
as they had to act The principal of the school acted correctly-----
if that family WINS a lawsuit------I will vomit in public

You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?

"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

I doubt that the 14 year old conceived of the plan-------he, too, was a prop.
At the end of the day -----the real DUMBO is OBAMA I still do not
understand -----WHAT EXCUSE the kid has for coming up with the thing? what
was it SUPPOSED TO BE??? did it relate in any way to a school assignment?.
The cops are not to blame for anything in this case-----they acted
as they had to act The principal of the school acted correctly-----
if that family WINS a lawsuit------I will vomit in public

You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?


what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

I doubt that the 14 year old conceived of the plan-------he, too, was a prop.
At the end of the day -----the real DUMBO is OBAMA I still do not
understand -----WHAT EXCUSE the kid has for coming up with the thing? what
was it SUPPOSED TO BE??? did it relate in any way to a school assignment?.
The cops are not to blame for anything in this case-----they acted
as they had to act The principal of the school acted correctly-----
if that family WINS a lawsuit------I will vomit in public

You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?


what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14

So you have no answer.
Neither do I.
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

Pretty sure pops had a hand in it.
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

I doubt that the 14 year old conceived of the plan-------he, too, was a prop.
At the end of the day -----the real DUMBO is OBAMA I still do not
understand -----WHAT EXCUSE the kid has for coming up with the thing? what
was it SUPPOSED TO BE??? did it relate in any way to a school assignment?.
The cops are not to blame for anything in this case-----they acted
as they had to act The principal of the school acted correctly-----
if that family WINS a lawsuit------I will vomit in public

You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?


what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14

So you have no answer.
Neither do I.

what is your non statement supposed to mean? I have an answer----my answer
is that there was NOTHING wrong with the response of the school or the cops-----
that this incident was attributed to RACISM or ISLAMOPHOBIA ----is utter
bullshit. The kid came to school with an unidentifiable constructed thing
with a clock in it. The principle had no choice but to CALL THE COPS----
the cops had no choice but to detain the kid. ---------beyond that the matter SHOULD
be carefully investigated. It smells really bad--------the kid might be entirely
innocent-------maybe someone "put him up to it" What he did, certainly, does not seem to be a "science project"
"So this raises a sticky question. The media may simply accept out of hand the notion that Ahmed "invented a clock," but if he really didn't, then who put this together and what was the point of doing so? It's possible, of course, that Ahmed threw this together, took it to school to show his teacher and misused the term "invented" in the course of explaining what he did.

Talbot's theory, though, is that someone else put it together and its purpose was to inspire the very reaction it got - presumably to provoke an incident that would forward the narrative that America is full of Islamophobic bigots - a storyline you can advance very easily when your supposed victim is an innocent 14-year-old. It didn't take long for the White House to get on board, or for the entire Internet to embrace the dopey #IStandWithAhmed hashtag.

Let's be honest here, shall we? It looks like a bomb. Any teacher who looked at it and didn't get concerned would have been derelict in his or her duty. A mischief maker, knowing full well that the contraption looked like a bomb, could easily envision an overreaction that could be used to score propaganda points."



An engineer looked closely at the clock. He said there was no assembly, no modification and nothing other than the original manufacturer's parts in the exact state they were made in.

He simply removed a clock from it's casing and arranged it in a certain way in the case. Why would he be proud of something he didn't do? He didn't connect a single wire or attach anything new. It was simply a transfer of the clock parts from the original casing to a small briefcase-shaped pencil case. No invention. No creativity. Nothing.

Why does the media and Obama act like the kid actually put a clock together when, according to this engineer, everything is exactly as it was when it came from the factory, other than the outter case being removed? I still think his parents might have encouraged this and I believe it's just a way to use a willing press to further divide people by accusing the country of being Islamophobic. The only 'creation' here is on part of the Obama administion and CAIR, who have invented yet another problem that they will address. It further divides people and Muslims will make more demands because they want this country to change for them. CAIR is a questionable organization at best and I find it scary that they have so much influence over the current regime in Washington. Obama jumps in some cases pretty fast, like this one, while other things go without comment until he supposedly sees it on the news like the rest of us. Must have gotten a phone call on this one.

Also suspicious is a phone call between Mark Cuban and Ahmed. Sounds like the kid is smart and was "engaged" when the conversation centered around science, but when asked what happened regarding the suitcase clock, Ahmed's sister was telling him what to say. I think the kid is following instructions from his family, including taking the clock to school in the first place. He didn't just take it to show his science teacher. He showed it to each and every teacher. Again, why would such a smart kid be so proud of something he didn't even create? I think he could build a clock from parts, but he didn't do that this time.

CAIR is treating this like a major incident. While cuffing the kid was out of line, the kid did break the insane zero tolerance rules and some kind of action was warranted. There have been people saying that Ahmed worried people would think it was a bomb and I think his parents knew that, too. Why would they allow this non-invention to be taken to school unless they knew it would be flagged due to the zero tolerance rules and they knew that it could be used to the advantage of radical groups like CAIR? Amned is now the poster child for Islamophobia and all the other 'victims' of zero tolerance continue to be ignored. All kids will continue to get treated like some kind of criminals as long as the zero common sense rules are in place.

"Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban stated that when he talked on the phone Ahmed Mohamed, his sister was "giving him the answer" on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s "Real Time."

Cuban said, "I talked to the kid, he’s from Dallas, and I’ve talked to the people in the school district. The kid is super smart kid, science geek. We talked about science, but while I’m talking to him on the phone, as I ask him a question, ‘Tell me what happened,’ because I’m curious, right? His sister, over his shoulder, you could hear, listening to the question, giving him the answer. So, I don’t know all the details of what happened, but what I do know, when I talked to him about science, when I talked to him about magnets, when I talked to him about creating things, he was very, very engaged.""


Love him or hate him, Richard Dawkins is one of the most famous names in science.

"The British biologist, well-known for his hardline stance against religion and strong support for atheism and the theory of evolution, is no stranger to controversy.

On Sunday, Dawkins again found himself in a heated debate on social media. This time, however, it had little to do with biology or God, but instead concerned a 14-year-old ‘clock kid’ that seems to have become a household name nearly overnight.

Dawkins' post reads:

"This man seems to know what he's talking about. If he's right, Ahmed didn't

build a clock. He simply took one out of its casing.

Did he deliberately want to be suspected of making a bomb? Did he want to be

arrested, to be seen as a victim of "Islamophobia"? If so, Texas police played

right into his hands and most of us (including me) fell for it.""

We’ve All Been ‘Fooled’: Richard Dawkins Peeks Inside Ahmed’s Clock & Finds a ‘Hoax’


"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

Pretty sure pops had a hand in it.

a parent who got his kid to do that as a kind of
HALLOWEEN PRANK??? that parent should be
charged with child-abuse
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

That is what certain people would want you to believe, but the truth is that he was yet another student breaking the zero tolerance rules. So, not brilliant. Just a ploy to try and make it about Muslims when it's really about the ridiculous school policy.

But the spin is being put on it by radical special interest groups, like CAIR, and Obama is willing to play along. It's no different than the spin put on the Michael Brown case. It's about making Americans look racist or discriminatory and it divides people.
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

I doubt that the 14 year old conceived of the plan-------he, too, was a prop.
At the end of the day -----the real DUMBO is OBAMA I still do not
understand -----WHAT EXCUSE the kid has for coming up with the thing? what
was it SUPPOSED TO BE??? did it relate in any way to a school assignment?.
The cops are not to blame for anything in this case-----they acted
as they had to act The principal of the school acted correctly-----
if that family WINS a lawsuit------I will vomit in public

You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?


what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14

So you have no answer.
Neither do I.

what is your non statement supposed to mean? I have an answer----my answer
is that there was NOTHING wrong with the response of the school or the cops-----
that this incident was attributed to RACISM or ISLAMOPHOBIA ----is utter
bullshit. The kid came to school with an unidentifiable constructed thing
with a clock in it. The principle had no choice but to CALL THE COPS----
the cops had no choice but to detain the kid. ---------beyond that the matter SHOULD
be carefully investigated. It smells really bad--------the kid might be entirely
innocent-------maybe someone "put him up to it" What he did, certainly, does not seem to be a "science project"

When you look at his family it becomes pretty clear this was a set up orchestrated by the father to gain attention.
And if what I've read is true Irving just recently became the first town to ban Shira Law after a group of muslims tried to enact it in Irvine.

This is a gotcha scam.
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

That is what certain people would want you to believe, but the truth is that he was yet another student breaking the zero tolerance rules. So, not brilliant. Just a ploy to try and make it about Muslims when it's really about the ridiculous school policy.

what "ridiculous school policy"?----------they did not shoot the kid-----
they just investigated-------the idiots are the people who turned
the event into a MEDIA CIRCUS -------to wit---including our beloved
president and even jerky hillary
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

I doubt that the 14 year old conceived of the plan-------he, too, was a prop.
At the end of the day -----the real DUMBO is OBAMA I still do not
understand -----WHAT EXCUSE the kid has for coming up with the thing? what
was it SUPPOSED TO BE??? did it relate in any way to a school assignment?.
The cops are not to blame for anything in this case-----they acted
as they had to act The principal of the school acted correctly-----
if that family WINS a lawsuit------I will vomit in public

You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?


what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14

So you have no answer.
Neither do I.

what is your non statement supposed to mean? I have an answer----my answer
is that there was NOTHING wrong with the response of the school or the cops-----
that this incident was attributed to RACISM or ISLAMOPHOBIA ----is utter
bullshit. The kid came to school with an unidentifiable constructed thing
with a clock in it. The principle had no choice but to CALL THE COPS----
the cops had no choice but to detain the kid. ---------beyond that the matter SHOULD
be carefully investigated. It smells really bad--------the kid might be entirely
innocent-------maybe someone "put him up to it" What he did, certainly, does not seem to be a "science project"

Go back to the question I asked that you danced around without touching ---
They investigate... they see it's just some electronic parts, not a bomb.... and they continue to harass the kid on the basis that it's a bomb, even after they know full well it isn't. He gets arrested and suspended. How do you figure the principal and cops had "no choice"? What the friggety fuck?

Whether somebody "put him up to it" or not is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT to this question. Because this question isn't about what he did -- it's about what they did. And it juuuust might address your line about the incident being attributed to racism or Islamophobia. Think about it.
I doubt that the 14 year old conceived of the plan-------he, too, was a prop.
At the end of the day -----the real DUMBO is OBAMA I still do not
understand -----WHAT EXCUSE the kid has for coming up with the thing? what
was it SUPPOSED TO BE??? did it relate in any way to a school assignment?.
The cops are not to blame for anything in this case-----they acted
as they had to act The principal of the school acted correctly-----
if that family WINS a lawsuit------I will vomit in public

You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?


what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14

So you have no answer.
Neither do I.

what is your non statement supposed to mean? I have an answer----my answer
is that there was NOTHING wrong with the response of the school or the cops-----
that this incident was attributed to RACISM or ISLAMOPHOBIA ----is utter
bullshit. The kid came to school with an unidentifiable constructed thing
with a clock in it. The principle had no choice but to CALL THE COPS----
the cops had no choice but to detain the kid. ---------beyond that the matter SHOULD
be carefully investigated. It smells really bad--------the kid might be entirely
innocent-------maybe someone "put him up to it" What he did, certainly, does not seem to be a "science project"

When you look at his family it becomes pretty clear this was a set up orchestrated by the father to gain attention.
And if what I've read is true Irving just recently became the first town to ban Shira Law after a group of muslims tried to enact it in Irvine.

This is a gotcha scam.

how are you LOOKING AT HIS FAMILY--------I refuse to google
"Invention" is clearly inaccurate, since clocks and digital clocks are nothing new.

The question of why it was presented as it was has been raised in the main thread on the story. Assuming his purpose was some kind of social commentary and not science, it would plausibly be a bait set to trap exactly the kind of Islamophobia it did trap, presumably for the purpose of exposing it for the fallacy it is.

At this point all we have is speculation but if that was his motive, it's pretty crafty -- he just leaves the rope sitting there and waits for public opinion to pick it up and hang itself. Gotta admit, if that's what he was after, it worked.

Pretty sure pops had a hand in it.

a parent who got his kid to do that as a kind of
HALLOWEEN PRANK??? that parent should be
charged with child-abuse

His father is a political figure in muslim circles.
You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?


what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14

So you have no answer.
Neither do I.

what is your non statement supposed to mean? I have an answer----my answer
is that there was NOTHING wrong with the response of the school or the cops-----
that this incident was attributed to RACISM or ISLAMOPHOBIA ----is utter
bullshit. The kid came to school with an unidentifiable constructed thing
with a clock in it. The principle had no choice but to CALL THE COPS----
the cops had no choice but to detain the kid. ---------beyond that the matter SHOULD
be carefully investigated. It smells really bad--------the kid might be entirely
innocent-------maybe someone "put him up to it" What he did, certainly, does not seem to be a "science project"

When you look at his family it becomes pretty clear this was a set up orchestrated by the father to gain attention.
And if what I've read is true Irving just recently became the first town to ban Shira Law after a group of muslims tried to enact it in Irvine.

This is a gotcha scam.

how are you LOOKING AT HIS FAMILY--------I refuse to google

It's already been posted several times.
You actually think this is what the President of the United States does with his day --- sets up a 14-year-old high school kid with a plot? :rofl:

Perhaps your brain should be donated to science....

Now then, tell us, what's the purpose is of the school and the police going on with the "bomb" ruse, long after they all knew it was no bomb?

And we know they knew. With a real bomb they would have evacuated and defused. But none of that happened. So why do they go on with a ruse they know is bullshit?


what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14

So you have no answer.
Neither do I.

what is your non statement supposed to mean? I have an answer----my answer
is that there was NOTHING wrong with the response of the school or the cops-----
that this incident was attributed to RACISM or ISLAMOPHOBIA ----is utter
bullshit. The kid came to school with an unidentifiable constructed thing
with a clock in it. The principle had no choice but to CALL THE COPS----
the cops had no choice but to detain the kid. ---------beyond that the matter SHOULD
be carefully investigated. It smells really bad--------the kid might be entirely
innocent-------maybe someone "put him up to it" What he did, certainly, does not seem to be a "science project"

When you look at his family it becomes pretty clear this was a set up orchestrated by the father to gain attention.
And if what I've read is true Irving just recently became the first town to ban Shira Law after a group of muslims tried to enact it in Irvine.

This is a gotcha scam.

how are you LOOKING AT HIS FAMILY--------I refuse to google

You refuse to Google? There's a whole world out there you should try it.
what makes you say ONCE THEY KNEW------obviously the very first thing
they did was figure out if the thing was dangerous-----they had no way of
knowing what the MOTIVE for making the toy was and I still do not know
what sort of "EXPERIEMENT" it was -------I was once 14 years old----
I had to come up with a science "project"-------it could not have been a watch
shoved into a different case----------WHAT DA HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO BE?????? the kid is supposed to be a "GENIUS"----------I did a better science project than that at age 14

So you have no answer.
Neither do I.

what is your non statement supposed to mean? I have an answer----my answer
is that there was NOTHING wrong with the response of the school or the cops-----
that this incident was attributed to RACISM or ISLAMOPHOBIA ----is utter
bullshit. The kid came to school with an unidentifiable constructed thing
with a clock in it. The principle had no choice but to CALL THE COPS----
the cops had no choice but to detain the kid. ---------beyond that the matter SHOULD
be carefully investigated. It smells really bad--------the kid might be entirely
innocent-------maybe someone "put him up to it" What he did, certainly, does not seem to be a "science project"

When you look at his family it becomes pretty clear this was a set up orchestrated by the father to gain attention.
And if what I've read is true Irving just recently became the first town to ban Shira Law after a group of muslims tried to enact it in Irvine.

This is a gotcha scam.

how are you LOOKING AT HIS FAMILY--------I refuse to google

You refuse to Google? There's a whole world out there you should try it.

SHEEEEEEESH-----tell me this important stuff you KNOW about -----ABU CLOCK MAKER

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