What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

i'm with ya on the oca "should" be un-constitutional view. I'm sure i could make dozens of excellent arguments for that case. Keep watching, whether or not the bill is constitutional is still in play. Till the next cases are heard, we'll just have to bite our tongues on the issue, as it won't help to cry about loosing the first fight. The smartest thing they did was to delay the implementation, as delaying the implementation delays the scotus viewing the cases seeking relief from it.

The best thing we can do is elect conservatives who do everything they can to throw it out. Note: I did not say republicans. I don't trust most republicans any more than democrats. I see both of them as the same beast. Look at the media darling christie. You really think he won't veto a bill throwing out oca? If you want the bill thrown out elect a guy like rand paul or rubio, people who believe in liberty.

What's really bothering me, has almost gone on without discussion. Which is obama selectively providing exemptions to our laws. Sure that has been done before but never to this extent.

Elect me, i'll exempt all americans from income tax.

damn dude where the hell have you been?

he crawled out from under a rock on the other side of the snake pit from where you reside. :eusa_whistle:
you've been kicked to the curb, you are dismissed.
offering other polices? Thats still loosing what they had.

Huh? tell that to the millions who will be getting better coverage for about the same costs or less
What better coverage? maternity care?

Yeah buddy!

That maternity coverage will come in handy for my Wife and me! I got snipped 30 years ago and my Wife had a hysterectomy in the 80s.

But what the hell….I guess you never know, right? I guess the idea of a 69 year old "father" isn't THAT far-fetched, is it? :cuckoo:
Huh? tell that to the millions who will be getting better coverage for about the same costs or less
What better coverage? maternity care?

Yeah buddy!

That maternity coverage will come in handy for my Wife and me! I got snipped 30 years ago and my Wife had a hysterectomy in the 80s.

But what the hell….I guess you never know, right? I guess the idea of a 69 year old "father" isn't THAT far-fetched, is it? :cuckoo:


Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) sarcastically asked Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius if she had ever hear of a man giving birth during a House hearing last week, and numerous critical media accounts have picked up on the argument.

Harkin responded to this line of thinking on Tuesday by comparing the overall societal value of the coverage requirement to the value of public education, which is funded through property taxes:

HARKIN: Now, I must say there was a story the other day in the paper about somebody who said, “Now I got — I have to take this policy that covers maternity care. My wife and I are not having more children. Why should I have to have a policy that covers maternity care?” I got to thinking about that. I thought, you know what? Maybe because my wife and I do not have any more children and they are grown up, maybe I should not have to pay property taxes to pay for my local schools. Huh?

Why should I worry about it? Maybe only people who have kids going to the public school should pay for it. We are better than that in this country. *added by Dante: (pay attention tea party whackos) We are talking about being part of our society. It is to our benefit, my wife and I, to support our local schools because that is our next generation, we want them well taught. Same with health care. It is a values system.

Watch it:


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The "purpose it was established for"?

Ahem: "Amid intense public interest, Congress passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which became effective March 23, 2010. The ACA sought to address the fact that millions of Americans had no health insurance, yet actively participated in the health care market, consuming health care services for which they did not pay." - The Affordable Care Act Cases | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

How so?

note: Agree with not ready for prime time during first term.
Tell Dante that the bill would have never passed if the stipulations were known before the vote....period.
What was stated was you can keep your dr.
You can keep your healthcare.
You'll save an average of 2500 dollars a year.

Not the huge premium hikes to middle income people.
Not the loss of dr.'s and healthcare coverage to millions.

So tell Dante he can spin 'till the cows come home, but the reality is.....now that the stipulations ARE known, the dems are running away from this debacle.

And if pigs could fly...

This is just another Fast and Furious, Birth Certificate, Benghazi bullshit talking point the right has glommed on to.

We will see just how many people will have to pay more. Anecdotal stories are falling apart. We will soon see, as with Romneycare, nobody but wingnuts singing this tune come a year from now.

Websites are easily fixable. Lots of people (tens of millions) will be doing better. Things will even out and wingnut world will be left eating their own yet again, arguing over who is and is not Republican enough, conservative enough, and American enough...:lol:

Tell Dante that somebody is going to have to pay for those that aren't. :eusa_whistle:
What better coverage? maternity care?

Yeah buddy!

That maternity coverage will come in handy for my Wife and me! I got snipped 30 years ago and my Wife had a hysterectomy in the 80s.

But what the hell….I guess you never know, right? I guess the idea of a 69 year old "father" isn't THAT far-fetched, is it? :cuckoo:


Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) sarcastically asked Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius if she had ever hear of a man giving birth during a House hearing last week, and numerous critical media accounts have picked up on the argument.

Harkin responded to this line of thinking on Tuesday by comparing the overall societal value of the coverage requirement to the value of public education, which is funded through property taxes:

HARKIN: Now, I must say there was a story the other day in the paper about somebody who said, “Now I got — I have to take this policy that covers maternity care. My wife and I are not having more children. Why should I have to have a policy that covers maternity care?” I got to thinking about that. I thought, you know what? Maybe because my wife and I do not have any more children and they are grown up, maybe I should not have to pay property taxes to pay for my local schools. Huh?

Why should I worry about it? Maybe only people who have kids going to the public school should pay for it. We are better than that in this country. *added by Dante: (pay attention tea party whackos) We are talking about being part of our society. It is to our benefit, my wife and I, to support our local schools because that is our next generation, we want them well taught. Same with health care. It is a values system.

Watch it:



that is a total crock of shit and you damn well know it.
Tell Dante that the bill would have never passed if the stipulations were known before the vote....period.
What was stated was you can keep your dr.
You can keep your healthcare.
You'll save an average of 2500 dollars a year.

Not the huge premium hikes to middle income people.
Not the loss of dr.'s and healthcare coverage to millions.

So tell Dante he can spin 'till the cows come home, but the reality is.....now that the stipulations ARE known, the dems are running away from this debacle.

And if pigs could fly...

This is just another Fast and Furious, Birth Certificate, Benghazi bullshit talking point the right has glommed on to.

We will see just how many people will have to pay more. Anecdotal stories are falling apart. We will soon see, as with Romneycare, nobody but wingnuts singing this tune come a year from now.

Websites are easily fixable. Lots of people (tens of millions) will be doing better. Things will even out and wingnut world will be left eating their own yet again, arguing over who is and is not Republican enough, conservative enough, and American enough...:lol:

Tell Dante that somebody is going to have to pay for those that aren't. :eusa_whistle:

"Obamacare is the Law of the Land." John Boehner

Slavery was once the law of the land, also.
Whether the left wing fringe wants to admit it or not, this bill is not going to serve the purpose it was established for. The packaging and selling was based on lies to get enough democrat votes to get it passed. It's not going to be funded fully and there will be new taxes and huge premium increases to fund the bill.

Once again it proves that our president was not ready for primetime :eusa_eh:

The "purpose it was established for"?

Ahem: "Amid intense public interest, Congress passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which became effective March 23, 2010. The ACA sought to address the fact that millions of Americans had no health insurance, yet actively participated in the health care market, consuming health care services for which they did not pay." - The Affordable Care Act Cases | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

How so?

note: Agree with not ready for prime time during first term.

Ahem: "Amid intense public interest, Congress passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which became effective March 23, 2010. The ACA sought to address the fact that millions of Americans had no health insurance, yet actively participated in the health care market, consuming health care services for which they did not pay." - The Affordable Care Act Cases | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

and btw, the slavery analogy and comparison is specious at best. Saying something is 'the law of the land' is not support for laws that were used to justify such atrocity. Want to compare slavery to taxes, go ahead. Want to support respect for law with silence in the face of something as despicable as Conservative White Southern Christian laws protecting slavery, go ahead
losing or being offered other policies? Did millions of americans lose policies before obamacare and get offered shit?

offering other polices? Thats still loosing what they had.

Huh? tell that to the millions who will be getting better coverage for about the same costs or less


You're still convinced this law is going to work huh? Tell that to the millions who are currently uninsured because of Obamacare.
TK, you are very, very naïve.

ACA, however modified, is here to stay.

The GOP and Dem mainstream are having to work with each other, which minimalizes the extremes on the right and left.
What better coverage? maternity care?

Yeah buddy!

That maternity coverage will come in handy for my Wife and me! I got snipped 30 years ago and my Wife had a hysterectomy in the 80s.

But what the hell….I guess you never know, right? I guess the idea of a 69 year old "father" isn't THAT far-fetched, is it? :cuckoo:


Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) sarcastically asked Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius if she had ever hear of a man giving birth during a House hearing last week, and numerous critical media accounts have picked up on the argument.

Harkin responded to this line of thinking on Tuesday by comparing the overall societal value of the coverage requirement to the value of public education, which is funded through property taxes:

HARKIN: Now, I must say there was a story the other day in the paper about somebody who said, “Now I got — I have to take this policy that covers maternity care. My wife and I are not having more children. Why should I have to have a policy that covers maternity care?” I got to thinking about that. I thought, you know what? Maybe because my wife and I do not have any more children and they are grown up, maybe I should not have to pay property taxes to pay for my local schools. Huh?

Why should I worry about it? Maybe only people who have kids going to the public school should pay for it. We are better than that in this country. *added by Dante: (pay attention tea party whackos) We are talking about being part of our society. It is to our benefit, my wife and I, to support our local schools because that is our next generation, we want them well taught. Same with health care. It is a values system.

Watch it:



Yeah, I get it. You're a socialist. Equating paying property taxes or supporting local schools to pregnancy is insane.

Now run along Che'

Oh, and for the record, I couldn't care less if every public school in America closed tomorrow. From 1st to 29th in the world. Yeah……that's "Progressive"
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Dude. Just because I argued you are correct based on (a) and (b) does not mean you have to provide detailed support for my statements but, thx. I guess.

again, your arguments are as flawed as your opinions:eusa_whistle:

FYI: Check my post were I listed (a) and (b) I was talking to bigreb not you. Thus you just argued that my interpretation regarding what bigreb was saying is incorrect based on your understanding of the ACA. You do realize these are two different things. Or are you trying to say you change your mind and agree with bigreb's points?
Yeah buddy!

That maternity coverage will come in handy for my Wife and me! I got snipped 30 years ago and my Wife had a hysterectomy in the 80s.

But what the hell….I guess you never know, right? I guess the idea of a 69 year old "father" isn't THAT far-fetched, is it? :cuckoo:


Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) sarcastically asked Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius if she had ever hear of a man giving birth during a House hearing last week, and numerous critical media accounts have picked up on the argument.

Harkin responded to this line of thinking on Tuesday by comparing the overall societal value of the coverage requirement to the value of public education, which is funded through property taxes:

HARKIN: Now, I must say there was a story the other day in the paper about somebody who said, “Now I got — I have to take this policy that covers maternity care. My wife and I are not having more children. Why should I have to have a policy that covers maternity care?” I got to thinking about that. I thought, you know what? Maybe because my wife and I do not have any more children and they are grown up, maybe I should not have to pay property taxes to pay for my local schools. Huh?

Why should I worry about it? Maybe only people who have kids going to the public school should pay for it. We are better than that in this country. *added by Dante: (pay attention tea party whackos) We are talking about being part of our society. It is to our benefit, my wife and I, to support our local schools because that is our next generation, we want them well taught. Same with health care. It is a values system.

Watch it:



Yeah, I get it. You're a socialist. Equating paying property taxes or supporting local schools to pregnancy is insane.

Now run along Che'

Oh, and for the record, I couldn't care less if every public school in America closed tomorrow. From 1st to 29th in the world. Yeah……that's "Progressive"

Privatize the schools... I like it. I get to keep my taxes and pay only for what I use. Cool. Oh but wait, then the parents of the poor kids will have to get jobs, oh that won't work well.

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