What is wrong with what Akin said???

Cervical fluid is required by the body to help facilitate sperm transport to the egg.

A woman being raped most likely will not generate as much fluid and therefore making sperm transport more difficult.

So the trauma, stress of being raped may not (I don't know.. not a scientist) reject sperm but definitely diminish cervical fluid will hinder the sperm transport.

What is Cervical Mucus? - Cervical Fluid Guide

while it helps, it is not required.

neither are female orgasms.

another ludicrous idea i read on this board.
I think this is what is really behind what that bonehead said. A lot of fundies have believed since the beginning of time that if a woman gets pregnant when raped it means she enjoyed and and had an orgasm....thereby insuring conception.

if a female orgasm were necessary for procreation, the earth would be uninhabited.

I saw the title of the thread and assumed the poster was being facetious. Imagine my surprise.

Holy crap.


Again.. like the OLD movies where pitchforks, howling crowds going after witches!
Really sad supposedly intelligent Liberals jump to conclusions before even HEARING what was said!

Are you telling me if you a woman.. you've never faked an orgasm or if you are a man been fooled?

So here we have the term "legitimate rape" getting everyone so worked up and all it means and what Akin's meant was when a woman is physically, violently forced intercourse that is rape! Getting drunk and acting like a slut and the next day waking up crying RAPE is not!

Question for your observation skills...
Why do people when in tense situations sometimes suffer from a "dry mouth"?
So too would most women held down, forced intercourse.. they won't have cervical mucus used to facility sperm transport... so like a dry mouth!

I saw the title of the thread and assumed the poster was being facetious. Imagine my surprise.

Holy crap.


Again.. like the OLD movies where pitchforks, howling crowds going after witches!
Really sad supposedly intelligent Liberals jump to conclusions before even HEARING what was said!

Are you telling me if you a woman.. you've never faked an orgasm or if you are a man been fooled?

So here we have the term "legitimate rape" getting everyone so worked up and all it means and what Akin's meant was when a woman is physically, violently forced intercourse that is rape! Getting drunk and acting like a slut and the next day waking up crying RAPE is not!

Question for your observation skills...
Why do people when in tense situations sometimes suffer from a "dry mouth"?
So too would most women held down, forced intercourse.. they won't have cervical mucus used to facility sperm transport... so like a dry mouth!
You are breathtakingly stupid. Have you ever had sex? Didn't think so.
I am still waiting for someone to explain how this whole "the stress of rape prevents contraception" thing.

Then I will await how someone could prove such a thing.

That would be a fun study to get past the IRB.

Cervical fluid is required by the body to help facilitate sperm transport to the egg.

A woman being raped most likely will not generate as much fluid and therefore making sperm transport more difficult.

So the trauma, stress of being raped may not (I don't know.. not a scientist) reject sperm but definitely diminish cervical fluid will hinder the sperm transport.

What is Cervical Mucus? - Cervical Fluid Guide

while it helps, it is not required.

neither are female orgasms.

another ludicrous idea i read on this board.

IDIOT!!! Did I say anything about it being REQUIRED!!!!
I said "diminished" fluid DOESN"T mean required! Did I say that?
Once again jumping to conclusions. Very emotional response NOT an example of you being at all having any objectivity !
So again you pitchfork people jump to conclusions. Make grand hyperbolic irrational statements like that!

THINK! Quit reacting THINK!
Cervical fluid is required by the body to help facilitate sperm transport to the egg.

A woman being raped most likely will not generate as much fluid and therefore making sperm transport more difficult.

So the trauma, stress of being raped may not (I don't know.. not a scientist) reject sperm but definitely diminish cervical fluid will hinder the sperm transport.

What is Cervical Mucus? - Cervical Fluid Guide

while it helps, it is not required.

neither are female orgasms.

another ludicrous idea i read on this board.

IDIOT!!! Did I say anything about it being REQUIRED!!!!
I said "diminished" fluid DOESN"T mean required! Did I say that?
Once again jumping to conclusions. Very emotional response NOT an example of you being at all having any objectivity !
So again you pitchfork people jump to conclusions. Make grand hyperbolic irrational statements like that!

THINK! Quit reacting THINK!

"is required to help facilitate"

you did not seem to be able to process that information.

so i broke it down for you.

if you have any questions regarding where to put it, don't PM me.

I saw the title of the thread and assumed the poster was being facetious. Imagine my surprise.

Holy crap.


Again.. like the OLD movies where pitchforks, howling crowds going after witches!
Really sad supposedly intelligent Liberals jump to conclusions before even HEARING what was said!

Are you telling me if you a woman.. you've never faked an orgasm or if you are a man been fooled?

So here we have the term "legitimate rape" getting everyone so worked up and all it means and what Akin's meant was when a woman is physically, violently forced intercourse that is rape! Getting drunk and acting like a slut and the next day waking up crying RAPE is not!

Question for your observation skills...
Why do people when in tense situations sometimes suffer from a "dry mouth"?
So too would most women held down, forced intercourse.. they won't have cervical mucus used to facility sperm transport... so like a dry mouth!

Conservatives SURE are hung up on that.
while it helps, it is not required.

neither are female orgasms.

another ludicrous idea i read on this board.
I think this is what is really behind what that bonehead said. A lot of fundies have believed since the beginning of time that if a woman gets pregnant when raped it means she enjoyed and and had an orgasm....thereby insuring conception.

if a female orgasm were necessary for procreation, the earth would be uninhabited.

I don't doubt that is the case for you.
I think this is what is really behind what that bonehead said. A lot of fundies have believed since the beginning of time that if a woman gets pregnant when raped it means she enjoyed and and had an orgasm....thereby insuring conception.

if a female orgasm were necessary for procreation, the earth would be uninhabited.

I don't doubt that is the case for you.

alas, i have procreated.

now, what?
Cervical fluid is required by the body to help facilitate sperm transport to the egg.

A woman being raped most likely will not generate as much fluid and therefore making sperm transport more difficult.

So the trauma, stress of being raped may not (I don't know.. not a scientist) reject sperm but definitely diminish cervical fluid will hinder the sperm transport.

What is Cervical Mucus? - Cervical Fluid Guide

while it helps, it is not required.

neither are female orgasms.

another ludicrous idea i read on this board.
I think this is what is really behind what that bonehead said. A lot of fundies have believed since the beginning of time that if a woman gets pregnant when raped it means she enjoyed and and had an orgasm....thereby insuring conception.

Again you pitchfork crowd ready to crucify a simple statement "legitimate rape" and the meaning Akin was clearly linking to the fact that if a any woman was enjoying the experience and more cervical fluid released encouraging sperm transport which would encourage impregnation!
So if she was enjoying it meaning she wanted intercourse continue.. is that rape?

But if she fights, she resists, she totally attempts to reject and if asked would she want the experience to continue and she says NO!!! That's rape! Plain simple !

If she is fighting, resists, rejects, finds whole experience totally unattractive.. do you think she will have cervical fluid INCREASED, Decreased??
If sperm transport is facilitated by cervical fluid.. and there is NONE.. what are the chances of impregnation???

But of course you pitchfork crowd don't care to think... you simply want a crucifixion!
Actually, what I think he was trying to say, and totally fucked it up, was that in cases where the rape can be proved to BE A RAPE, and not some little girl who has regrets for having sex.....then that would be a legitimate accusation of rape.

However, given the morons utter lack of understanding with regard to biology....I think he's just an idiot and has no business as a US Senator.
BTW, what kind of rape is not legitimate?

He was cute when I was drunk last night, now he's ugly.

So you've been brought up on a lot of rape charges then?

Holy shit, reading stuff like this makes my fucking HEAD EXPLODE. You guys really do need to get outside of your Conservative media bubble. You should read the shit you write. It's scary. You genuinely think that a lot of reported rapes are just an instance of buyer's remorse?

Holy fuck you've gone from retarded to Palin. Enjoy it.
Rape can make you pregnant. Period. - CNN.com

Editor's note: Dr. Aaron E. Carroll is an associate professor of pediatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine and the director of the university's Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research. He blogs about health policy at The Incidental Economist and tweets at @aaronecarroll.

Liberal elitist nonsense. Besides, that's not in the Bible. So, it can't be true.

That is PRECISELY what they're going to say.
All these a-hole angry white men moron "freedom fighters" telling women what they can't do... Please die off or read something... Worldwide laughingstock/horror. Pure ignorance/hate.

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