What lie does the other side spread about your party that's the most surprising and bizarre?

A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.


There rderp goes, lying again.

In reality, almost nothing spread by him, the liberal Democrat Parody and its handmaiden -- the liberal main stream media -- about the Republican Party is true.

rderp is incapable of honesty. He is just a typically dishonest liberal purveyor of propaganda devoid of truth.
Lying about what? If you don't have any examples, others might think you a petulant dipshit. And you don't want that.

I quoted your post and it consists of your lies, you stupid hack shitbag.
Lib douchebag Democrat Parody hacks like rderp are easily confused. Tell the truth about them and they cry "liar!"
OK, let's go ahead and list some of what I said that Republicans called lies:

The GOP stopped the Obama administration from a meaningful investigation of BP when they denied this administration subpoena power after the Gulf Oil Spill. There was even a public apology in the House to BP for paying for clean up: "I'm ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday, I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown, in this case, a $20 billion shakedown." - referring to the 20 billion dollar deal worked out between Obama and BP from a top ranking Republican.

Did a prominent Republican say, ""My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. "You know why? Because they breed. You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better."

One of the most hilarious was when I said our military made the world's fastest computer out of game chips. I was complaining about so much US hi-tech moving to China. Right wingers mocked me endlessly calling me liar. So was that a lie?

I posted this picture of the pollution in Galveston Bay in Texas:

and in the same post, I was comparing the pollution there to China and the endless - you are a liar - that's not Texas, that's China. That is a picture of Galveston Bay. Right click over the picture and click open in new tab and it says "Galveston Bay".

Did Republicans push a bill to cut school lunches?

Who voted against equal pay for equal work?

USMB Republicans called me liar when I said billions of dollars on pallets disappeared in Iraq.

Who blocked health care for first responders for 10 years?

I was called liar when I mentioned that many Republicans believe people died after Katrina because Obama was slow to act.

The GOP is 90% white.

The majority of Republicans believe the earth is 6,000 years old.

Only 6% of scientists are Republican.

Republicans want to end Social Security and Medicare.

Republicans blackmailed Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts by threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.

The second biggest stock holder of Fox News is an Arab Prince who also gives telethons to raise money for the families of suicide bombers. Not the families of the victims, but the families of the bombers.

I bet I could easily think of another ten or twenty. Every one of these the GOP on the USMB called me a liar. I proved every one with quotes and video. I even used Fox when they sometimes printed the truth. And not a single time, did any Republican ever apologize. Not once.
A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.


Of course you think that. You're a biased, partisan hack who hears and sees what he wants. None of us take you seriously. You're more like the court jester.
Speak for yourself. He's been here a long time and has a lot to say. You just blowing him off like that shows a fair amount of ignorance on your part.
A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.

EVERY SINGLE THING YOU POST is not only bizarre but usually 100% bullshit.

So ignore him, and maybe he'll move on.
Ignore him then maybe you guys will be right for a change?
One of the many things Democrats say about Republicans that make no sense to me is this idea that Republicans only care about the rich.

Not only does it not make a lot of sense, but it's sort of a rhetorical sleight-of-hand bait-and-switch argument. Because Republicans support pro-business policies and lower taxes doesn't mean they're in the tank for the rich. People think "pro-business" just means lining the pockets of people who already have a lot of money. It also means supporting policies that encourage economic growth and risk-taking that creates jobs and wealth for this country. When you levy high taxes and over-regulate it makes the market shrink instead of expand. It causes businesses to seek out more business-friendly areas and/or outsource, which means fewer American jobs, which means more reliance on the government to take care of you and your family. Case in point: California.

It's hard to understand why liberals don't seem to understand basic economics and how groups work, yet they seem to politick that they're in tune with the common, working man. Seriously, if Republicans are the party of the rich like so many Democrats believe, why do most of the richest areas in the country vote Democratic in each election?
A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.


What do Republicans say about democrats that you find so bizzare.

Try this one on for size.

Democrats lost 9 seats in the senate in 2014. Was that bizzare or what ?
Let's see......

Obama sends out slave dog Rice to unknowingly spread disinformation about the Benghazi screw up all the while Obama calls for more time to sort things out.

How about.....

You can keep your doctor.....

You can keep your plan if you like it.....

Lie of the Year If you like your health care plan you can keep it PolitiFact

We'll save you 2,500/year.......

We can keep going.

How about this tidbit....

Democrats are More Willing to Tell Lies than Republicans Party of Asses

A little bit of insightful information managed to find its way through the liberal filter of the mainstream news media. It came from a very unlikely source. That source was National Public Radio. Unfortunately N.P.R. is not usually noted for either its accuracy or impartiality in broadcasting the news, but today they actually told the truth for a change. They reported that Democrats are more willing to tolerate lies from politicians than Republicans are. That is what a new study shows. Now it's not just the subject of idle speculation anymore by conservatives and members of the Tea Party. It's actually a proven fact backed up by hard scientific data. Democrats actually prefer liars more than Republicans do. Well, well, well, isn't that interesting?
Last edited:
Neocons seem to think that Libertarians are "too immersed with the far left" while Progressives seem to think that "Libertarians are the radical right."
Let's see......

Obama sends out slave dog Rice to unknowingly spread disinformation about the Benghazi screw up all the while Obama calls for more time to sort things out.

How about.....

You can keep your doctor.....

You can keep your plan if you like it.....

Lie of the Year If you like your health care plan you can keep it PolitiFact

We'll save you 2,500/year.......

We can keep going.

How about this tidbit....

Democrats are More Willing to Tell Lies than Republicans Party of Asses

A little bit of insightful information managed to find its way through the liberal filter of the mainstream news media. It came from a very unlikely source. That source was National Public Radio. Unfortunately N.P.R. is not usually noted for either its accuracy or impartiality in broadcasting the news, but today they actually told the truth for a change. They reported that Democrats are more willing to tolerate lies from politicians than Republicans are. That is what a new study shows. Now it's not just the subject of idle speculation anymore by conservatives and members of the Tea Party. It's actually a proven fact backed up by hard scientific data. Democrats actually prefer liars more than Republicans do. Well, well, well, isn't that interesting?

Serious Political Commentary for Serious Conservatives, is, well, serious????
Do you see the difference between what I wrote and what these idiot right wingers wrote?

cutting school lunches for poor American children

voting against equal pay for equal work

billions of dollars on pallets disappearing in Iraq.

blocking health care for first responders for 10 years

wanting to end Social Security and Medicare.

blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush tax cuts by threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.

blocking an investigation of BP

And what do these dipshits write about? Whether Hillary is rich or poor? The fight to keep substandard health care not a single one would pay a dime for?

And in their tiny pointed heads, blocking an investigation of BP, where 11 people died, is nothing compared to how much money Hillary may or may not have. This is why they deserve to be ridiculed. Threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of people who probably lost their jobs due to Republican deregulation is nothing to them. Doesn't mean anything. These people have no heart, no soul and no brains and ridicule anyone who does. Truly trailer trash.
A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.


There rderp goes, lying again.

In reality, almost nothing spread by him, the liberal Democrat Parody and its handmaiden -- the liberal main stream media -- about the Republican Party is true.

rderp is incapable of honesty. He is just a typically dishonest liberal purveyor of propaganda devoid of truth.
Lying about what? If you don't have any examples, others might think you a petulant dipshit. And you don't want that.

I quoted your post and it consists of your lies, you stupid hack shitbag.
What the fuck are you even talking about dipshit. No one can read your mind because there is no mind.
One of the many things Democrats say about Republicans that make no sense to me is this idea that Republicans only care about the rich.

Not only does it not make a lot of sense, but it's sort of a rhetorical sleight-of-hand bait-and-switch argument. Because Republicans support pro-business policies and lower taxes doesn't mean they're in the tank for the rich. People think "pro-business" just means lining the pockets of people who already have a lot of money. It also means supporting policies that encourage economic growth and risk-taking that creates jobs and wealth for this country. When you levy high taxes and over-regulate it makes the market shrink instead of expand. It causes businesses to seek out more business-friendly areas and/or outsource, which means fewer American jobs, which means more reliance on the government to take care of you and your family. Case in point: California.

It's hard to understand why liberals don't seem to understand basic economics and how groups work, yet they seem to politick that they're in tune with the common, working man. Seriously, if Republicans are the party of the rich like so many Democrats believe, why do most of the richest areas in the country vote Democratic in each election?
OK, go ahead and name some of those successful policies. GOP deregulation led to bringing down the world economy because of their bundles and derivative based schemes. So it wasn't that.
The deficit creating Bush tax cuts cost three trillion and didn't create jobs. Unless creating jobs in China was the goal. Then it worked.
The richest areas in the country vote Democrat because that's where business, the best schools and universities and research and technology are. That's why GOP governors like Rick Perry go to states like New York, California and Illinois looking for skilled workers.

The GOP can't have it both ways. The Democrats have the best of everything yet are the most stupid? If you look at what is being created in Blue States and the FACT that the GOP won't invest in their own people, then clearly, it's conservatives, excuse me, ignorant conservatives who are the problem. Come on. Does it take a bitch slap to recognize the obvious?

And speaking of California:

california economy bounces back - Google Search

Thank God for a Democratic Governor.
A lot of things Republicans say about Democrats that really surprise me because they are so bizarre.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that many things the Democrats say about Republicans are demonstrably true.


Just about every thing you post is a lie and it's truly bizarre.

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