What makes you vote for democrats the most? is it republican policies?

What urges you to vote democrat?

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VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I think it is quite obvious that democrats are republican recruitment party and republicans are democrat recruitment party, but let's see what you have to say. If you vote for democrats, what encourages you to vote for them?
Not wanting to repeat the dark, disastrous years of the Bush Presidency is a very good reason to vote for Democrats. It's why Obama won and won again.

I don't really think conservatives realize how badly the Bush Presidency damaged the GOP brand, and especially damaged it among young people.

I often see polls that point to disillusionment among the young with Obama, but their disillusion is because he isn't liberal enough, not that he's refusing to bomb Iran and cut taxes for the rich.
Not wanting to repeat the dark, disastrous years of the Bush Presidency is a very good reason to vote for Democrats. It's why Obama won and won again.

I don't really think conservatives realize how badly the Bush Presidency damaged the GOP brand, and especially damaged it among young people.

I often see polls that point to disillusionment among the young with Obama, but their disillusion is because he isn't liberal enough, not that he's refusing to bomb Iran and cut taxes for the rich.

They do they are just trying to convince everyone that despite support from the GOP they want everyone to now believe Bush wasnt a "real" republican.

Only no one falls for it because people have memories

I'm trying to find out a Republican policy that's any good and so far, even Republicans can't name a single one. The one that was named is a give a way.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Medicare D has been , in my opinion, a success. It's flawed. Sure, it should have been paid for in higher taxes from day one, but removing the fear of not being able to afford medicines from the lives of the elderly was on the whole a good thing. And it's been cheaper than expected too.

And, yes, of course I'll still use it against conservatives as the most glaring example of their hypocrisy since they sold arms to the Mullah-run terror regime in Tehran under Reaganus Maximus :razz:
Supporting Gay Marriage
Being Pro-Choice
Believing the ultra-wealthy have it too easy here
Believing the poor have it too hard
Bush soured my taste for Republicans in general
Democrat officials and candidates always seem more educated and knowledgeable, Senator Warren, former Senator Dorgan, and Senator Sanders are examples of this, so are Michele Bachmann, Steve King, Sarah Palin, and Paul Broun.
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The partisan divide in this country is a BIG part of the reason why many outsiders view the US citizenry as more the laughing stock than the leaders of the so-called "free world".

Terrific video/transcript about it here The video, by itself, is ten and a half minutes well spent.

An excerpt from the transcript:

[. . .]Those who have studied history should perhaps not find it surprising that the political outrage that is felt so keenly by people on all sides of the political “spectrum” should be controlled by spinning them off into partisan politics. Nor should they be surprised to see how effective this technique is. After all, the strategy of keeping the people pitted against each other instead of against their oppressors is one of the oldest political strategems known to human civilization.

The phrase “divide and conquer” is attributed to Julius Caesar and has been used by emperors and would-be tyrants ever since. In the age of empires, divide and conquer was used to keep the empires’ subjects from rebelling against the emperor. The Romans used it to keep their conquered neighbours competing with each other rather than their foreign occupiers. The British used it to keep their colonies squabbling along religious, ethnic and sectarian grounds so that the Queen and the British East India Company could more effectively exploit them. [...]

Whatever the intentions of the original creators of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican Parties, by the 20th Century the American system, supposedly the beacon of democracy for the world, had become hardwired into a two-party duopoly: the Republicans and the Democrats. This was not the result of mere happenstance, but a concerted plan to effect a divide and conquer strategy on the population by the money interests that benefit from having the public pitted against each other.

The thinking behind this two-party system that was engineered by the banking and financial interests was documented by famed Georgetown historian Carroll Quigley in his landmark work, Tragedy and Hope, published in 1966:

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”[...][emphasis Capstone's]

Why do I vote Democrat, then?

Because, in my opinion, the futility of denial (specifically of the fact that my country has been "divided and conquered") finds no greater expression than by voting by abstention for the party that EXPRESSLY prioritizes the interests of banks, corporations, and the uber-wealthy over the needs of the middle and lower classes. At least the Democrats in office are forced to engage more covertly in their unwavering support for the rich.

There may one day be a viable option to the lesser of two perceived evils in the American political system, but until that day comes...
I dont vote for the Democrats. Im not even convinced I should vote for the Republicans.

I'm trying to find out a Republican policy that's any good and so far, even Republicans can't name a single one. The one that was named is a give a way.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Republicans don't actually DO anything.

How many times have I asked what Repubs have accomplished? Not one time has anyone been able to post a link to Repub accomplishments.

The reason I vote Dem? The answer is in my sig.
The major reason people vote Democrat is a severe shortage of brain sells caused by drinking socialist Kool-Aid.

I'm trying to find out a Republican policy that's any good and so far, even Republicans can't name a single one. The one that was named is a give a way.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Republicans don't actually DO anything.

How many times have I asked what Repubs have accomplished? Not one time has anyone been able to post a link to Repub accomplishments.

The reason I vote Dem? The answer is in my sig.

Your idea of an "accomplishment" is creating some vast spending boondoggle or some regulatory nightmare. That's like looking at a head-on collision as an "accomplishment."
The major reason people vote Democrat is a severe shortage of brain sells caused by drinking socialist Kool-Aid.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.
The partisan divide in this country is a BIG part of the reason why many outsiders view the US citizenry as more the laughing stock than the leaders of the so-called "free world".

Terrific video/transcript about it here The video, by itself, is ten and a half minutes well spent.

An excerpt from the transcript:

[. . .]Those who have studied history should perhaps not find it surprising that the political outrage that is felt so keenly by people on all sides of the political “spectrum” should be controlled by spinning them off into partisan politics. Nor should they be surprised to see how effective this technique is. After all, the strategy of keeping the people pitted against each other instead of against their oppressors is one of the oldest political strategems known to human civilization.

The phrase “divide and conquer” is attributed to Julius Caesar and has been used by emperors and would-be tyrants ever since. In the age of empires, divide and conquer was used to keep the empires’ subjects from rebelling against the emperor. The Romans used it to keep their conquered neighbours competing with each other rather than their foreign occupiers. The British used it to keep their colonies squabbling along religious, ethnic and sectarian grounds so that the Queen and the British East India Company could more effectively exploit them. [...]

Whatever the intentions of the original creators of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican Parties, by the 20th Century the American system, supposedly the beacon of democracy for the world, had become hardwired into a two-party duopoly: the Republicans and the Democrats. This was not the result of mere happenstance, but a concerted plan to effect a divide and conquer strategy on the population by the money interests that benefit from having the public pitted against each other.

The thinking behind this two-party system that was engineered by the banking and financial interests was documented by famed Georgetown historian Carroll Quigley in his landmark work, Tragedy and Hope, published in 1966:

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”[...][emphasis Capstone's]

Why do I vote Democrat, then?

Because, in my opinion, the futility of denial (specifically of the fact that my country has been "divided and conquered") finds no greater expression than by voting by abstention for the party that EXPRESSLY prioritizes the interests of banks, corporations, and the uber-wealthy over the needs of the middle and lower classes. At least the Democrats in office are forced to engage more covertly in their unwavering support for the rich.

There may one day be a viable option to the lesser of two perceived evils in the American political system, but until that day comes...

Yeah, right, because destroying banks, corporations and the wealthy is the best way to help the middle class.

You just proved my previous post: A severe shortage of brain cells is the reason people vote Democrat.

I'm trying to find out a Republican policy that's any good and so far, even Republicans can't name a single one. The one that was named is a give a way.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Republicans don't actually DO anything.

How many times have I asked what Repubs have accomplished? Not one time has anyone been able to post a link to Repub accomplishments.

The reason I vote Dem? The answer is in my sig.

Your idea of an "accomplishment" is creating some vast spending boondoggle or some regulatory nightmare. That's like looking at a head-on collision as an "accomplishment."

No. I have never asked what MY idea of an accomplishment is. You can't wiggle out of it that easily. LOL

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

I'm trying to find out a Republican policy that's any good and so far, even Republicans can't name a single one. The one that was named is a give a way.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Medicare D has been , in my opinion, a success. It's flawed. Sure, it should have been paid for in higher taxes from day one, but removing the fear of not being able to afford medicines from the lives of the elderly was on the whole a good thing. And it's been cheaper than expected too.

And, yes, of course I'll still use it against conservatives as the most glaring example of their hypocrisy since they sold arms to the Mullah-run terror regime in Tehran under Reaganus Maximus :razz:

So your idea of "success" means saddling the young with a crushing burden of debt so greedy geezers playing golf in Florida don't have to pay for their Viagra prescriptions.

That is the essence of modern liberalism.
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Republicans don't actually DO anything.

How many times have I asked what Repubs have accomplished? Not one time has anyone been able to post a link to Repub accomplishments.

The reason I vote Dem? The answer is in my sig.

Your idea of an "accomplishment" is creating some vast spending boondoggle or some regulatory nightmare. That's like looking at a head-on collision as an "accomplishment."

No. I have never asked what MY idea of an accomplishment is. You can't wiggle out of it that easily. LOL.

I don't have to ask. I only need to read your posts.

What have Republicans accomplished?

Medical care?
Equal rights?

Just name one positive thing Republican have accomplished.

See? What did I tell you?
The partisan divide in this country is a BIG part of the reason why many outsiders view the US citizenry as more the laughing stock than the leaders of the so-called "free world".

Terrific video/transcript about it here The video, by itself, is ten and a half minutes well spent.

An excerpt from the transcript:

[. . .]Those who have studied history should perhaps not find it surprising that the political outrage that is felt so keenly by people on all sides of the political “spectrum” should be controlled by spinning them off into partisan politics. Nor should they be surprised to see how effective this technique is. After all, the strategy of keeping the people pitted against each other instead of against their oppressors is one of the oldest political strategems known to human civilization.

The phrase “divide and conquer” is attributed to Julius Caesar and has been used by emperors and would-be tyrants ever since. In the age of empires, divide and conquer was used to keep the empires’ subjects from rebelling against the emperor. The Romans used it to keep their conquered neighbours competing with each other rather than their foreign occupiers. The British used it to keep their colonies squabbling along religious, ethnic and sectarian grounds so that the Queen and the British East India Company could more effectively exploit them. [...]

Whatever the intentions of the original creators of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican Parties, by the 20th Century the American system, supposedly the beacon of democracy for the world, had become hardwired into a two-party duopoly: the Republicans and the Democrats. This was not the result of mere happenstance, but a concerted plan to effect a divide and conquer strategy on the population by the money interests that benefit from having the public pitted against each other.

The thinking behind this two-party system that was engineered by the banking and financial interests was documented by famed Georgetown historian Carroll Quigley in his landmark work, Tragedy and Hope, published in 1966:

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”[...][emphasis Capstone's]

Why do I vote Democrat, then?

Because, in my opinion, the futility of denial (specifically of the fact that my country has been "divided and conquered") finds no greater expression than by voting by abstention for the party that EXPRESSLY prioritizes the interests of banks, corporations, and the uber-wealthy over the needs of the middle and lower classes. At least the Democrats in office are forced to engage more covertly in their unwavering support for the rich.

There may one day be a viable option to the lesser of two perceived evils in the American political system, but until that day comes...

Yeah, right, because destroying banks, corporations and the wealthy is the best way to help the middle class.

You just proved my previous post: A severe shortage of brain cells is the reason people vote Democrat.

No, you don't get to blame Dem voters for Bush's actions.

"...destroying the wealthy..."? You're really reaching, though he certainly didn't destroy the wealthy. Neither has Obama.

And Obama saved banks and corporations.

Just name one positive thing Republicans have accomplished.
I started to vote Democratic in the mid 90s when I realized what a bunch of dicks Republicans were

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