What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.

What will you do when they arrest Trump ?​



^^^ that ^^^

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.

You realize it's only going to make him much, much more powerful and influential, right?

I sometimes wonder if you people are actually working for Trump.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
A much better chance of terrorist attacks, I'm sure.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
So when he gets elected President in jail, will they do some sort of work release program so he can run the country?

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
Phishing again troll?
Secret service will not permit him to be taken into custody

of course they will. he's a private citizen AND the SS work for the gov'ment...

and armed personal security could make it more interesting

lol ... they are also private citizens who will be arrested for obstruction & harboring a criminal.

Figured lib loons would find a way to witch hunt up a shoot out.

you're a full tilt cultist & it won't end well for donny no matter what.

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