Whats going to happen when America can't borrow anymore money?

Here is Rubio's white paper: http://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/...?File_id=2d839ff1-f995-427a-86e9-267365609942

Perhaps nowhere are the distortions of our broken tax code more obvious than in our system of business taxation. Simply put, the Internal Revenue Code limits economic growth, destroys jobs, and is fundamentally unfair. Americans will not experience the kind of widespread opportunity and shared prosperity they deserve unless we fix this destructive tax code.

Business taxation in the United States occurs across two separate and complex regimes – the corporate code and “pass-through” portions of the individual code. xii Our corporate tax rate is the highest in the developed worldxiii, which encourages businesses to incorporate abroad. The top tax rate on “pass through” businesses is even higher.xiv

Finally, this proposal will restore fairness to the tax code, by leveling the playing field for all businesses, providing permanence in the code, and removing patchwork exemptions and special-interest carve-outs

He totally gets it. By taking away tax expenditures, you can lower tax rates for everyone.

By taking more you can take less, got it.

You really do feel that everything can be done by a corporation. Clueless of reality is what you're. A corporation would charge a assload for weather data, a corporation don't give a damn about the environment if it gets in the way of profit and a corporation allowed to its devices won't allow people the freedom to drive on their roads without a shit load sized payment to the corporate office.

Doesn't sound to effin fun! But that is what you propose for this nation. What you have to figure out is the reality that the public sector plays a large roll within the success of our society. I say this as a supporter of corporations and human freedom to build their own success...Sometimes we as a society need to work together. That is what civilization is all about.
Look g, I know that there is a significant school of thought that looks at it the way you do.....but that in no way makes dissenting schools of thought wrong except in your opinion.

So what if that's the way Cruz thinks....we aren't lemmings, that is a Left wing trait.....you know that because you are one.
Here is Rubio's white paper: http://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/...?File_id=2d839ff1-f995-427a-86e9-267365609942

Perhaps nowhere are the distortions of our broken tax code more obvious than in our system of business taxation. Simply put, the Internal Revenue Code limits economic growth, destroys jobs, and is fundamentally unfair. Americans will not experience the kind of widespread opportunity and shared prosperity they deserve unless we fix this destructive tax code.

Business taxation in the United States occurs across two separate and complex regimes – the corporate code and “pass-through” portions of the individual code. xii Our corporate tax rate is the highest in the developed worldxiii, which encourages businesses to incorporate abroad. The top tax rate on “pass through” businesses is even higher.xiv

Finally, this proposal will restore fairness to the tax code, by leveling the playing field for all businesses, providing permanence in the code, and removing patchwork exemptions and special-interest carve-outs

He totally gets it. By taking away tax expenditures, you can lower tax rates for everyone.

By taking more you can take less, got it.

You really do feel that everything can be done by a corporation. Clueless of reality is what you're. A corporation would charge a assload for weather data, a corporation don't give a damn about the environment if it gets in the way of profit and a corporation allowed to its devices won't allow people the freedom to drive on their roads without a shit load sized payment to the corporate office.

Doesn't sound to effin fun! But that is what you propose for this nation. What you have to figure out is the reality that the public sector plays a large roll within the success of our society. I say this as a supporter of corporations and human freedom to build their own success...Sometimes we as a society need to work together. That is what civilization is all about.

NOBODY can make the case that we are't "working together".

There comes a time where enough is enough, and we are there.

I am not a corporation, you are not a corporation, nobody has brought corporations into this.

We are talking about individuals, mom and pop America, and our money is our money...the day we say ok ALL money is the Govts is the day we stop being individuals and everything becomes about the "State".

Here is Rubio's white paper: http://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/...?File_id=2d839ff1-f995-427a-86e9-267365609942

Perhaps nowhere are the distortions of our broken tax code more obvious than in our system of business taxation. Simply put, the Internal Revenue Code limits economic growth, destroys jobs, and is fundamentally unfair. Americans will not experience the kind of widespread opportunity and shared prosperity they deserve unless we fix this destructive tax code.

Business taxation in the United States occurs across two separate and complex regimes – the corporate code and “pass-through” portions of the individual code. xii Our corporate tax rate is the highest in the developed worldxiii, which encourages businesses to incorporate abroad. The top tax rate on “pass through” businesses is even higher.xiv

Finally, this proposal will restore fairness to the tax code, by leveling the playing field for all businesses, providing permanence in the code, and removing patchwork exemptions and special-interest carve-outs

He totally gets it. By taking away tax expenditures, you can lower tax rates for everyone.

By taking more you can take less, got it.

You really do feel that everything can be done by a corporation. Clueless of reality is what you're. A corporation would charge a assload for weather data, a corporation don't give a damn about the environment if it gets in the way of profit and a corporation allowed to its devices won't allow people the freedom to drive on their roads without a shit load sized payment to the corporate office.

Doesn't sound to effin fun! But that is what you propose for this nation. What you have to figure out is the reality that the public sector plays a large roll within the success of our society. I say this as a supporter of corporations and human freedom to build their own success...Sometimes we as a society need to work together. That is what civilization is all about.

NOBODY can make the case that we are't "working together".

There comes a time where enough is enough, and we are there.

I am not a corporation, you are not a corporation, nobody has brought corporations into this.

We are talking about individuals, mom and pop America, and our money is our money...the day we say ok ALL money is the Govts is the day we stop being individuals and everything becomes about the "State".

If that day has not already come and gone, then it's just around the corner. The rich already control everything. They are the ones who decide who gets elected. The only way to fix this country is a national uprising. What would our government do if millions of us marched on the Capital and threw every one of them in jail? What COULD they do? The only reason they're in power is because WE allow it. It's time Americans remember that.

These people would have us become a central American shit hole if they had their way.
What else would they do...
1. Abolish the nws, nasa and nsf.
2. Abolish the fda, cdc, and everything.
3. Abolish ssi for our old
4. Abolish infrastructure funding

We live in the riches nation on earth and we have a bunch of fucking retards that believe we shouldn't compete with the rest of the first world. 1% of our population controls over half the wealth but that isn't effin enough so lets lower taxes for them some more. Yeah, lets become a third world hell hole that can't do anything and sure as fuck can't compete.

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays thanks to the dismal growth during the Obama administration. First time the US has not been number one since US Grant was President.

However, our government is the largest in the world and the Americans that pay the bill get very little for their money.

We could have a sufficient government for about one third what we spend now. We could provide for the necessary government functions like defense, courts, police etc. We don't need to spend money on welfare, subsidies, entitlements or bailouts. We sure as hell don't need pork barrel projects and we don't need to be fighting other people's wars for them. We don't need to be funding union pensions and giving illegals money.

Until we get this debt paid down and return money to the taxpayers so the economy will grow then maybe we should forget about funding the friggin NASA to participate in the AGW scam. We already spend a ton of money on infrastructure but thanks to union contracting and government inefficiencies we don't get what we pay for.

We got ourselves $18 trillion in debt and having a $4 trillion annual Federal budget by spending money on crap we don't need but the filthy ass politicians, elected by special interest groups, need to fund to get reelected.

The sad thing is that the more money we spend on inefficient government the less money the economy has to grow because the government doesn't produce a damn thing, only takes from the real economy.

The US has become more socialistic and we have lost our soul and our capitalist golden egg and we have become more like an European socialists shithole with chronic high unemployment, dismal growth and a tremendous permanent welfare.

During the Obama administration American families have lost real family income. This idea that the country will somehow do better if take money from the productive people and give it to the non productive just didn't work out very well. In fact that concept has failed all over the world.
When they stop "creating" money there will be a reset, a very LARGE reset.
A great deal of the money that has been created since 2008 has been buried in the back yard, and that is why we have not yet seen any serious inflation.

Once the economy gets some steam going, that money is going to be dug up out of the back yard and put into circulation. Then we will start seeing some real inflation as the velocity of money increases.

And then the Fed is going to have a helluva job getting that under control.

Once the economy gets some steam going, that money is going to be dug up out of the back yard and put into circulation.

Banks can't (won't) put that money into circulation if they need to meet ever higher capital requirements. They aren't reserve constrained. Not for a long time now.

These people would have us become a central American shit hole if they had their way.
What else would they do...
1. Abolish the nws, nasa and nsf.
2. Abolish the fda, cdc, and everything.
3. Abolish ssi for our old
4. Abolish infrastructure funding

We live in the riches nation on earth and we have a bunch of fucking retards that believe we shouldn't compete with the rest of the first world. 1% of our population controls over half the wealth but that isn't effin enough so lets lower taxes for them some more. Yeah, lets become a third world hell hole that can't do anything and sure as fuck can't compete.

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays thanks to the dismal growth during the Obama administration. First time the US has not been number one since US Grant was President.

However, our government is the largest in the world and the Americans that pay the bill get very little for their money.

We could have a sufficient government for about one third what we spend now. We could provide for the necessary government functions like defense, courts, police etc. We don't need to spend money on welfare, subsidies, entitlements or bailouts. We sure as hell don't need pork barrel projects and we don't need to be fighting other people's wars for them. We don't need to be funding union pensions and giving illegals money.

Until we get this debt paid down and return money to the taxpayers so the economy will grow then maybe we should forget about funding the friggin NASA to participate in the AGW scam. We already spend a ton of money on infrastructure but thanks to union contracting and government inefficiencies we don't get what we pay for.

We got ourselves $18 trillion in debt and having a $4 trillion annual Federal budget by spending money on crap we don't need but the filthy ass politicians, elected by special interest groups, need to fund to get reelected.

The sad thing is that the more money we spend on inefficient government the less money the economy has to grow because the government doesn't produce a damn thing, only takes from the real economy.

The US has become more socialistic and we have lost our soul and our capitalist golden egg and we have become more like an European socialists shithole with chronic high unemployment, dismal growth and a tremendous permanent welfare.

During the Obama administration American families have lost real family income. This idea that the country will somehow do better if take money from the productive people and give it to the non productive just didn't work out very well. In fact that concept has failed all over the world.

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays

No they don't.
We will go belly up and become just another third world country.
Slash education.
Abolish the EPA.
Widen money gap.
That's been the GOP goal all along.

These people would have us become a central American shit hole if they had their way.
What else would they do...
1. Abolish the nws, nasa and nsf.
2. Abolish the fda, cdc, and everything.
3. Abolish ssi for our old
4. Abolish infrastructure funding

We live in the riches nation on earth and we have a bunch of fucking retards that believe we shouldn't compete with the rest of the first world. 1% of our population controls over half the wealth but that isn't effin enough so lets lower taxes for them some more. Yeah, lets become a third world hell hole that can't do anything and sure as fuck can't compete.
This is why Red States are such disasters. They scream they aren't "free". What the fuck does that mean to them? Living in a cave with a campfire? And how can you invade other countries that never attacked you, legislate women's bodies, cut school lunches for children, practice voter suppression and have the nerve to claim you aren't "free"?

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays

No they don't.

Obama has really screwed up this country. We use to be number one. Now we aren't thanks to his stupid idea of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. Of course all his stupid regulations didn't help much either.

China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy

Read more: China Overtakes US As World s Largest Economy - Business Insider
Ok so we're 18 trillion dollars in debt most of which is owed to china. So with the situation in Greece whats going to happen when we can't pay back that debt? I know we are a much bigger country and have a higher GDP but we spend and owe so much money that not even the billions of dollars the government collects in tax is enough , so we end up borrowing more and printing more money which is decreasing the value of the dollar if I'm not wrong. So my question is whats going to happen when we cant borrow anymore money, is the economy going to tank?

What i meant about china is that out of all the countries we owe them the most most money I know that most of our debt is owed to ourselves and how come they say that the coming economic collapse is gonna be 10x worse than the great depression

Who is "they?"

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays

No they don't.

Obama has really screwed up this country. We use to be number one. Now we aren't thanks to his stupid idea of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. Of course all his stupid regulations didn't help much either.

China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy

Read more: China Overtakes US As World s Largest Economy - Business Insider

We use to be number one.

We still are. PPP is crap. So are Chinese statistics.

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays

No they don't.

Obama has really screwed up this country. We use to be number one. Now we aren't thanks to his stupid idea of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. Of course all his stupid regulations didn't help much either.

China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy

Read more: China Overtakes US As World s Largest Economy - Business Insider

Ok so we're 18 trillion dollars in debt most of which is owed to china. So with the situation in Greece whats going to happen when we can't pay back that debt? I know we are a much bigger country and have a higher GDP but we spend and owe so much money that not even the billions of dollars the government collects in tax is enough , so we end up borrowing more and printing more money which is decreasing the value of the dollar if I'm not wrong. So my question is whats going to happen when we cant borrow anymore money, is the economy going to tank?

What i meant about china is that out of all the countries we owe them the most most money I know that most of our debt is owed to ourselves and how come they say that the coming economic collapse is gonna be 10x worse than the great depression

Use subtitles
Mark my words, the politicians will blame the American people for the financial disaster and pretend they had nothing to do with it.
Mark my words, the politicians will blame the American people
The American people? Why? They blame someone else. Saddam Hussein. Al-Qaeda. Russia =)
And the American people are grateful to the Government. They have old cars. That they are alive.

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays

No they don't.

Obama has really screwed up this country. We use to be number one. Now we aren't thanks to his stupid idea of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. Of course all his stupid regulations didn't help much either.

China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy

Read more: China Overtakes US As World s Largest Economy - Business Insider


Since you ignored the the other reference I will post another one. I can post many more if you want. Thanks a lot Obama. Your stupid idea of redistribution of wealth kinda backfired, didn't it?


China’s Economy Overtakes the U.S. as World’s Largest

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays

No they don't.

Obama has really screwed up this country. We use to be number one. Now we aren't thanks to his stupid idea of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. Of course all his stupid regulations didn't help much either.

China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy

Read more: China Overtakes US As World s Largest Economy - Business Insider


Since you ignored the the other reference I will post another one. I can post many more if you want. Thanks a lot Obama. Your stupid idea of redistribution of wealth kinda backfired, didn't it?


China’s Economy Overtakes the U.S. as World’s Largest

I ignored your reference.......by posting the chart from your reference.
Thanks, that gave me a laugh.

Actually China has a larger economy than the US nowadays

No they don't.

Obama has really screwed up this country. We use to be number one. Now we aren't thanks to his stupid idea of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it. Of course all his stupid regulations didn't help much either.

China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy

Read more: China Overtakes US As World s Largest Economy - Business Insider


Since you ignored the the other reference I will post another one. I can post many more if you want. Thanks a lot Obama. Your stupid idea of redistribution of wealth kinda backfired, didn't it?


China’s Economy Overtakes the U.S. as World’s Largest

I ignored your reference.......by posting the chart from your reference.
Thanks, that gave me a laugh.

You can either ignore or deny anything you want.

An unreferenced chart doesn't mean jackshit, by the way.

China surpasses U.S. as world s largest economy - Videos - CBS News

China surpasses U.S. as world’s largest economy

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