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What's Happening... We are all becoming angry... blacks and whites

America is imploding. Americans are angry, exhausted and exasperated chasing that almighty dollar. They've become empty inside. Nothing can make them happy. You'd think such a wealthy nation would be a happier nation.

They've actually done studies, and the U.S. ranks real high on the list of most angry unhappy Citizens. The endless pursuit of money and things, can kill a person's soul. Americans are angry and they're turning on each other. It's getting very ugly. God help us.
And I don't know a soul who's not been battered
I don't have a friend who feels at ease
I don't know a dream that's not been shattered
or driven to its knees
But it's all right, it's all right
For we've lived so well so long
Still, when I think of the road we're traveling on
I wonder what's gone wrong
I can't help it, I wonder what's gone wrong...

"American Tune" Paul Simon

You're right.
...And getting along is overrated
What has this got to do with "getting along"?
It went right over your head did it not...
You lost me, yes. If you want to talk in code for the sole benefit of the buddies who understand you, fine.
Hillary can really, really identify with what poor blacks experience...........as she makes another $1200 appointment with her hair stylist.
You've all been duped, bitchez!

She came from a modest background, but her father & mother were by no means "rich". She got herself educated & made a success of herself enough to be able to afford it. BTW, didn't Drumph's daddy fork over a $million to Donny to get going & HE needs more than $1200 to fix that mess on his head.
The fact that liberals think Trump is a failure and Hillary is a success tells you pretty much all you need to know.
And I don't think people are getting angrier. Conservatives live in a media sphere that gins up anger, so of course that is a statement that may be true for them, but overall, Americans go along to get along and have finally awoken in recent years to the fact the economic philosophy of their country is totally counter-productive to having a thriving middle class.

If you're not in the conservative bubble, I'd say your politics and your view on life is a lot sunnier despite the challenges we face, because there are practical solutions to most of them.
And where will it lead? Clinton says that whites need to listen...What about blacks?

Our problem is "ignorance."

Ignorance of history, Ignorance of the law, Ignorance of responsibility and Ignorance of accepting all people.

Have you ever watched these interviews of people who seemingly have had no education? They don't have a clue of history, current events or the challenge of accepting those who are different from ourselves.

Where there is ignorance, a breeding ground of hate and anger ensues. That is where we are.

One group will act in a certain manner and the opposite group; will retaliate in kind out of anger.

(Example: A police officer shoots a black. The media highlights the altercation. Blacks blame the police without knowledge of the entire scenario. Whites react to the actions of blacks for protesting. As each group incorrectly assume their action is appropriate, neither is. Anger piles on anger and people don't think logically any longer.)

If it is a winner is the last man standing, we are in for a long unsolvable war that will take more innocent lives. The rhetoric that encourages this resentment has to be stopped.

What do you think it is like to be a black man living in an inner city neighborhood? Can you empathize outside of your personal experiences?
What do you thin it is like to be a white man living in a suburban neighborhood? Can you empathize outside of your personal experience?

I am a white woman living in the suburbs, but I work all day and a lot of nights in the inner city.
And where will it lead? Clinton says that whites need to listen...What about blacks?

Our problem is "ignorance."

Ignorance of history, Ignorance of the law, Ignorance of responsibility and Ignorance of accepting all people.

Have you ever watched these interviews of people who seemingly have had no education? They don't have a clue of history, current events or the challenge of accepting those who are different from ourselves.

Where there is ignorance, a breeding ground of hate and anger ensues. That is where we are.

One group will act in a certain manner and the opposite group; will retaliate in kind out of anger.

(Example: A police officer shoots a black. The media highlights the altercation. Blacks blame the police without knowledge of the entire scenario. Whites react to the actions of blacks for protesting. As each group incorrectly assume their action is appropriate, neither is. Anger piles on anger and people don't think logically any longer.)

If it is a winner is the last man standing, we are in for a long unsolvable war that will take more innocent lives. The rhetoric that encourages this resentment has to be stopped.

What do you think it is like to be a black man living in an inner city neighborhood? Can you empathize outside of your personal experiences?
I will try. I taught in the inner city for 30 years. I so loved my children and their parents! Most parents were loving and trying their best for their children. Those who fell short of being a helpful parent were generally in "crisis" living and often grandparents came in to fill in for family members that were absent.

I wrote daily notes to parents to let them know the good things about their children, even asking if a parent who was incarcerated could be sent "good notes" as well. We worked together to devise plans to help children who werie not meeting the academic standards or behavior standards. They loved their children as much as I loved mine.

Did they have more challenges than I? Yes.But that did not deter their belief that their children could be as good as any other. Nearly every year I had a child who had been raped in my class. But, believe it or not, that wasn't as horrible as the daily emotional abuse and neglect a few had suffered. Thank God that was not as prevelant but I was determined to make a difference in their life.

Were my "classroom" children different than any others, or even mine? No. Love was everywhere in that room. And hate never raised it's ugly head. The only difference between that classroom and the world we see right now is that color was never an issue and hugs and positive messages were present daily. No one was a victim and no one was a perpetrator. We just accepted each other...and appreciated one another.

That's great. I think it is wonderful that you spent your career working with kids.
America is imploding. Americans are angry, exhausted and exasperated chasing that almighty dollar. They've become empty inside. Nothing can make them happy. You'd think such a wealthy nation would be a happier nation.

They've actually done studies, and the U.S. ranks real high on the list of most angry unhappy Citizens. The endless pursuit of money and things, can kill a person's soul. Americans are angry and they're turning on each other. It's getting very ugly. God help us.
And I don't know a soul who's not been battered
I don't have a friend who feels at ease
I don't know a dream that's not been shattered
or driven to its knees
But it's all right, it's all right
For we've lived so well so long
Still, when I think of the road we're traveling on
I wonder what's gone wrong
I can't help it, I wonder what's gone wrong...

"American Tune" Paul Simon

You're right.
...And getting along is overrated
What has this got to do with "getting along"?

It's hard to get along when you're angry and exhausted. Americans are literally working themselves to death. They're very unhappy. They're working harder & harder for less & less.

And if they do finally get ahead, they don't have time to enjoy it. It's back to work. It's an exasperating vicious circle of sorrow. The endless pursuit of that cash and things, is driving folks crazy. There is very little joy in America now. That's the ugly reality.
I've been there and done that at times in my life, and if that's what you're experiencing right now, my heart goes out to you. It isn't that way for everyone, though.
There is an incredible cycle of violence and hate. Not just one side has to understand...both sides need to understand. Close your eyes and ignore the color, but listen to the rhetoric.

Is anyone saying "Treat the person in front of you as you would want to be treated?

You don't have to love the other person but give them the respect you would want in return.
Yes. We need to stop viewing people in general terms and start dealing with each person as an individual, setting the stereotypes aside. Let us all prove to each other who we are and what we're worth, one person at a time. Respect is never a bad move. Ever.

I agree completely. I have lived by that philosophy my entire life. People should be judged on their character and not on their skin. My problem is that we are seeing people killed before anything about their character can be discerned. To take it a step further, there are those out there that try to smear a victim's character in an attempt to support these officers and their actions. It's vile and disgusting and is what's driving the anger.
And I don't think people are getting angrier. Conservatives live in a media sphere that gins up anger, so of course that is a statement that may be true for them, but overall, Americans go along to get along and have finally awoken in recent years to the fact the economic philosophy of their country is totally counter-productive to having a thriving middle class.

If you're not in the conservative bubble, I'd say your politics and your view on life is a lot sunnier despite the challenges we face, because there are practical solutions to most of them.
Odd. So all the people marching, protesting, attacking police, rioting etc are conservatives in your bubble universe?
Racism...Racial Division....it's forced on us like a fire hose. It has been 'fed' to us for a long time, but it is getting worse.

It has come from the TOP down, Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals, specifically how to divide a nation along racial lines to distract and divide for political change / to push an agenda....

It has come from race-baiting profiteers, such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, the NAACP - racism is a multi-billion dollar a year INDUSTRY, and those pushing racism are cashing in. If racism suddenly disappeared overnight just look at how it would have an impact: The NAACP and all those involved with it administratively would go broke, Sharpton/Jackson would have to find REAL jobs, politicians would no longer be able to divide Americans with hatred / fear-mongering - they would actually have to persuade us and win us over to their ideas based on facts and real issues......

Nancy Reagan's anti-drug campaign years ago had a very simple message - 'Just say 'No' to drugs'. To defeat this racist upheaval / movement' almost the same message need be applied - 'Just say 'No' to Racist / Race-Baiters'.

'Love one Another'. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'
- These are the ONLY words we should be embracing right now. THAT would solve the majority of our problems right now.

During a 16-hour train ride, at 2am, we stopped at a station in a little town somewhere between Fla and Ga. A little old black woman struggled to get her bags on-board the train. I heard her begin to move up the aisle. Several men and women looked at her angrily because she was making noise and they were trying to sleep. No one moved to help her. I got up and approached her. She must have thought I was going to try to get past her or that I was coming to complain, because she apologized for being in the way and for the noise. I smiled, told her it was no problem, picked up her heavy suitcase as I smiled, and asked her what seat she was in. UNFORTUNATELY there was an initial look of shock on her face - when an act of kindness should not have been a shock to anyone. She smiled and told me her seat number. I carried her bag to the seat, stored in the overhead compartment, she thanked me, I said again, 'No problem, ma'am', then headed back to my seat. The whole thing took less than 4 minutes...and made such a huge difference.

1 act of kindness at a time. 1 gesture of solidarity at a time. 1 decision to reject selfishness and the constant bombardment of 'racism' / 'racist' / race-baiting at a time. That's all it takes.

'Love one another. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.' Unfortunately that message is being drowned out by messages of hate and division. Just say 'no'.
Hillary can really, really identify with what poor blacks experience...........as she makes another $1200 appointment with her hair stylist.
You've all been duped, bitchez!

She came from a modest background, but her father & mother were by no means "rich". She got herself educated & made a success of herself enough to be able to afford it. BTW, didn't Drumph's daddy fork over a $million to Donny to get going & HE needs more than $1200 to fix that mess on his head.
The fact that liberals think Trump is a failure and Hillary is a success tells you pretty much all you need to know.

Tribblehead is not a failure. As a human perhaps, but in business he certainly has had enough success, because snake oil salesmen will always have their dupes.
This whole situtation is liberal divide and conquer BS.

In my opinion for everyday, go to work, people black and white we DON'T hate each other. Blacks and whites work together with one problem, that I see. I don't hate blacks because they are black and I don't think blacks hate me only because I am white.

Is the situation in the inner city terrible, yes. Does that mean whites hate blacks, no. Are whites keep the blacks in the inner city. Well in my opinion, yes, the democrat policies have kept white and black poor, poor. But that has nothing to do with hate it is just the situation.

Are there cops that profile blacks as being a bigger risk than whites, sure, I think I might do the same, doesn't mean I would shoot them for no reason. Especially in the inner city.

What America does have are race baiters like Mrs. Tuzla. Who only blames one side of the equation. When in fact it is people like her who are the problem. Need proof that people like Mrs. Tuzla make things worse, just look around.

Now the question is what do we do about the urban hell holes that lots of poor live in? Give handouts? Or create jobs? I think working and earning a living is the way to go. But that appears to be the direct opposite of democrat policy. Bring in millions of poor is only going to make things worse, but then again, maybe that is what people like Mrs. Tuzla wants.

How does me having apathy for the inner city poor make their situation any better? How can I make it better for them? No sir there is only one person who can brake the cycle for the inner city poor, and it is them when given the opportunity.

I don't hate blacks and I think it is a shame when one is shot needlessly.
I've been an adult education teacher for the past couple years, and I have to take exception to your statement that the Democrats (although they don't have the majority in D.C., do they?) are not trying to help the poor get jobs. The going theory is that to earn a living wage, you need a certain amount of education. Almost everything we do with students no matter what THEIR goals--an equivalency diploma, English as a Second Language, remedial math, college level tutoring--the government insists on a lengthy "plan" listing what they want for a career and tracks steps to achieve that. It's a big pain in the butt. But it is definitely a government initiative to get the poor trained and working. Everyone wants people off assistance, including the people on assistance. Our biggest problem here is that even with improved education, there are extremely few jobs around here that earn a good living wage.
You can blame socialism for that
No YOU can and will blame socialism for everything. But that's because you are really fucking stupid.
I blame you fascist liberals...
Us good whites are sick of you racist pricks. Enough is enough.

Here's What Some Twin Cities Residents Say About Philando Castile's Killing

If we are going to fix this problem, part of the solution is going to require you admitting you are part of the problem.
There is an incredible cycle of violence and hate. Not just one side has to understand...both sides need to understand. Close your eyes and ignore the color, but listen to the rhetoric.

Is anyone saying "Treat the person in front of you as you would want to be treated?

You don't have to love the other person but give them the respect you would want in return.

I feel you .. but at some point, this shit has got to stop. No differently than during the civil rights era, it had to stop and people had to take a firm and aggressive stand.

Nothing changes without demand .. and African-Americans .. and black police officers, are demanding that officers who shoot innocent people be held accountable.

We have been in this country for over 400 years .. yet only been relatively free for 51 years. It's not difficult to recognize where the problem is.

I agree that people who treat others improperly have to be held accountable! But it goes both ways. If the police shoots someone without cause, he needs to be tried and suffer the consequences!

There have been blacks that were treated improperly and those who did it have suffered the consequences. I personally think that "bad" cops are especially horrible because we depend on them to hear us and take care of us.

But the hate and anger has brought us to the opposite position as well. Five police officers protecting protesters were gunned down.

How many blacks are taking to the streets to call for the death of white police officers?

How many police officers have taken the life of a black without cause?

Look at the statistics. Cops shooting whites and cops shooting blacks. How many were designated without cause?

I found myself getting very angry over the protests that became violent and targeting police while at the same time those same protesters are the first to go to the police for help.

I got too angry and didn't think about all of the good people who follow our laws and do not target white police. Sadly, I became unreasonable, just as the people I was targeting with my rhetoric were unreasonable as well.

We cannot let our emotions get the best of us. Right now, I think like another poster suggested, we look to God for helping all of us understand each other.

In our history, we treated people savagely. We were so wrong on so many levels that it is hard to believe that so many took part in that inhumane behavior. But it did happen. We cannot change that, but learn from it. We have to understand that what we want is what we have to give.

For me to be respected, I must respect others first. My apologies to those who may have been targeted by my careless words.

Do you think we can think of others as PEOPLE first without agendas, but just a heart and conscience with knowledge of right and wrong? Perhaps we can work to that end.
As we get more facts out of Baton Rouge it appears there is more and more "cause" becoming apparent for the shooting by the cop of the victim.

It is the victim's GF b!tch who ignited this conflagration about the tail light and the CCW permit, neither of which existed.

Her BF had a gun and was possibly going for the gun when the Latino cop shot him.

This is exactly the kind of shit I posted about earlier.

Philando Castile had permit to carry gun
Hillary can really, really identify with what poor blacks experience...........as she makes another $1200 appointment with her hair stylist.
You've all been duped, bitchez!

She came from a modest background, but her father & mother were by no means "rich". She got herself educated & made a success of herself enough to be able to afford it. BTW, didn't Drumph's daddy fork over a $million to Donny to get going & HE needs more than $1200 to fix that mess on his head.
The fact that liberals think Trump is a failure and Hillary is a success tells you pretty much all you need to know.

Tribblehead is not a failure. As a human perhaps, but in business he certainly has had enough success, because snake oil salesmen will always have their dupes.
Spoken like a true dupe.
Racism...Racial Division....it's forced on us like a fire hose. It has been 'fed' to us for a long time, but it is getting worse.

It has come from the TOP down, Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals, specifically how to divide a nation along racial lines to distract and divide for political change / to push an agenda....

It has come from race-baiting profiteers, such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, the NAACP - racism is a multi-billion dollar a year INDUSTRY, and those pushing racism are cashing in. If racism suddenly disappeared overnight just look at how it would have an impact: The NAACP and all those involved with it administratively would go broke, Sharpton/Jackson would have to find REAL jobs, politicians would no longer be able to divide Americans with hatred / fear-mongering - they would actually have to persuade us and win us over to their ideas based on facts and real issues......

Nancy Reagan's anti-drug campaign years ago had a very simple message - 'Just say 'No' to drugs'. To defeat this racist upheaval / movement' almost the same message need be applied - 'Just say 'No' to Racist / Race-Baiters'.

'Love one Another'. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'
- These are the ONLY words we should be embracing right now. THAT would solve the majority of our problems right now.

During a 16-hour train ride, at 2am, we stopped at a station in a little town somewhere between Fla and Ga. A little old black woman struggled to get her bags on-board the train. I heard her begin to move up the aisle. Several men and women looked at her angrily because she was making noise and they were trying to sleep. No one moved to help her. I got up and approached her. She must have thought I was going to try to get past her or that I was coming to complain, because she apologized for being in the way and for the noise. I smiled, told her it was no problem, picked up her heavy suitcase as I smiled, and asked her what seat she was in. UNFORTUNATELY there was an initial look of shock on her face - when an act of kindness should not have been a shock to anyone. She smiled and told me her seat number. I carried her bag to the seat, stored in the overhead compartment, she thanked me, I said again, 'No problem, ma'am', then headed back to my seat. The whole thing took less than 4 minutes...and made such a huge difference.

1 act of kindness at a time. 1 gesture of solidarity at a time. 1 decision to reject selfishness and the constant bombardment of 'racism' / 'racist' / race-baiting at a time. That's all it takes.

'Love one another. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.' Unfortunately that message is being drowned out by messages of hate and division. Just say 'no'.
What you're doing is right, but unfortunately not all people are doing it. It is those people who are keeping the race divide a real divide and it has to be addressed, even though "racist" doesn't apply to all of us.
Excellent thread - many good points have been made. One point - loss of individualism. There's this "one size fits all" mentality - all whites, all blacks, all Hispanics or whatever ethnic group are ALL alike. And that is not true - we are all different - individuals in our own right. We have been "conned" into believing otherwise. None of us should have our individualism stripped from us. Each of us is individually responsible for our actions or inaction. There is good and bad in each of us - we are not all alike.

I can agree with OldLady ... the '60s were something else. It's said the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Unfortunately, some of those "good intentions" have more accurately been covert intentions that really have led to a hell on earth ... as planned.
Never know when it will be on here. Maine Public Radio streams everything from Howie Carr to lengthy NPR interviews and the car mechanic guy on Saturdays. I have heard NPR interviews, yes. Is that bad?
It's not bad but it doesn't seem to support your point. Howie Carr is NOT a left-winger.
2016 election is looking more like black vs white, or Americans VS Terrorists.

Only to someone who is a natural born idiot.

The 2016 election is between a candidate who is engaged (like Hillary) qualified (like Hillary) competent (like Hillary) and someone who isn’t (Like Drumpf).

Honestly, do you type that crap about Mrs. Tuzla while laughing?
Still have no idea what the hell Tulsa or Tuzla means. I laugh when I read that.

After what was said about her and her email you still think she is competent?
Given that the issue are e-mails that were supposedly on a server were (at a minimum) 4 years ago and there have been zero repercussions….I (and most of the voting public) could care less.

After Benghazi do you fell she is still competent?
After what, 8 investigations into Ben-Gotcha and you guys have ended up with an empty bucket every time…sure…

No I would say that since you are a thinking person you can't possibly think so. What I think is you like forcing the worse possible thing onto other folks. I am not sure what it is about liberals but that seems to be what they like to do. Could you please explain?

Yeah. You were dropped on your head at birth and have been brain damaged ever since.
Hillary can really, really identify with what poor blacks experience...........as she makes another $1200 appointment with her hair stylist.
You've all been duped, bitchez!

She came from a modest background, but her father & mother were by no means "rich". She got herself educated & made a success of herself enough to be able to afford it. BTW, didn't Drumph's daddy fork over a $million to Donny to get going & HE needs more than $1200 to fix that mess on his head.
The fact that liberals think Trump is a failure and Hillary is a success tells you pretty much all you need to know.

Tribblehead is not a failure. As a human perhaps, but in business he certainly has had enough success, because snake oil salesmen will always have their dupes.
Spoken like a true dupe.

Never know when it will be on here. Maine Public Radio streams everything from Howie Carr to lengthy NPR interviews and the car mechanic guy on Saturdays. I have heard NPR interviews, yes. Is that bad?
It's not bad but it doesn't seem to support your point. Howie Carr is NOT a left-winger.
That's Maine Public Radio for ya. They actually do try to be fair and balanced.

2016 election is looking more like black vs white, or Americans VS Terrorists.

Only to someone who is a natural born idiot.

The 2016 election is between a candidate who is engaged (like Hillary) qualified (like Hillary) competent (like Hillary) and someone who isn’t (Like Drumpf).

Honestly, do you type that crap about Mrs. Tuzla while laughing?
Still have no idea what the hell Tulsa or Tuzla means. I laugh when I read that.

After what was said about her and her email you still think she is competent?
Given that the issue are e-mails that were supposedly on a server were (at a minimum) 4 years ago and there have been zero repercussions….I (and most of the voting public) could care less.

After Benghazi do you fell she is still competent?
After what, 8 investigations into Ben-Gotcha and you guys have ended up with an empty bucket every time…sure…

No I would say that since you are a thinking person you can't possibly think so. What I think is you like forcing the worse possible thing onto other folks. I am not sure what it is about liberals but that seems to be what they like to do. Could you please explain?

Yeah. You were dropped on your head at birth and have been brain damaged ever since.

Hillary can really, really identify with what poor blacks experience...........as she makes another $1200 appointment with her hair stylist.
You've all been duped, bitchez!

She came from a modest background, but her father & mother were by no means "rich". She got herself educated & made a success of herself enough to be able to afford it. BTW, didn't Drumph's daddy fork over a $million to Donny to get going & HE needs more than $1200 to fix that mess on his head.
The fact that liberals think Trump is a failure and Hillary is a success tells you pretty much all you need to know.

Tribblehead is not a failure. As a human perhaps, but in business he certainly has had enough success, because snake oil salesmen will always have their dupes.
Spoken like a true dupe.


Liberal Think:
All those on the right, are evil and racists...automatically.

Exceptions for Canycane...she doesn't think, she emotes.

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