When Liberals Attack!

So....if you are a Liberal.......better get clearance before you dare speak!!!

Good to see you finally being open with your fascist leanings. You never did hide it well.

I'm glad to see mamooth confirming that he will never post a cogent argument in his life.

I simply asked our pal mamooth to explain his/her contention that revealing the truth about Liberals is an example of fascism.....

...and it ran off and hid!

I can just picture him/her: the tilted head, perplexed look on the face, like my dog when he reaches the perimeter line of the invisible fence…. waiting for that testicular zap….
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"A Rise in Wealth for the Wealthy; Declines for the Lower 93%"
.... the mean net worth of households in the lower 93% dropped by 4%, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of newly released Census Bureau data."
A Rise in Wealth for the Wealthy; Declines for the Lower 93% | Pew Research Center?s Social & Demographic Trends Project
But you love the rich job creators who create all of our American jobs in China. Don't mention them making 95% of financial gains like it's a bad thing. That just means that they have even more billions of dollars with which to create more American jobs in China.

More truth coming your way: Obama- JobOutsourcer in Chief....

1. The Obama administration had joined the new Arab-based International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and agreed to provide millions to support international green energy jobs. “In its fiscal 2012 budget request for international programs, the administration has asked for $5.2 million for IRENA.”U.S. Taxpayers on the Hook As Obama Joins a New International Renewable Energy Agency | CNS News How many jobs in the United States will this endeavor provide?

2. Obama regulatory and tax policies sent jobs overseas.

3. “President Barack Obama will present his “jobs plan” on Wednesday at a company which is shipping jobs overseas…. WestStar is a high-end, specialty manufacturer that just opened a new facility in San Jose, Costa Rica — creating many new jobs there, but not in the United States.”

4. “This isn’t the first time Obama has chosen to speak at a North Carolina company outsourcing jobs overseas. In mid-June, Obama spoke at Cree LED Light Company to discuss his job creation and economic policies. Cree has been shipping jobs to China.”

a. Cree was also a recipient of Obama stimulus funds, a portion of which was also used to send jobs overseas.
David Limbaugh, “The Great Destroyer,” p.27.

5. “The Department of Energy estimated that 82,000 jobs have been created and has acknowledged that as much as 80 percent of some green programs, including $2.3 billion of manufacturing tax credits, went to foreign firms that employed workers primarily in countries includingChina, South Korea and Spain, rather than in the United States.” 'Green' jobs no longer golden in stimulus - Washington Times

6. WASHINGTON -- Xerox, whose CEO, Ursula Burns, is advising President Obama on exports, last week told its product engineering employees that it is in outsourcing talks with India-based IT services firm HCL Technologies. Xerox CEO, an Obama appointee, may send jobs to Indian firm -

7. (CNSNews.com) – U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said today that he told his daughter to buy a Japanese car--a Toyota Sienna--and that she did so. U.S. Transportation Secretary: I Told My Daughter to Buy Japanese Car | CNS News

8. “U.S. funds, Arizona effort help Mexico trucks pollute less
Using EPA grant money, the state offered to refit the trucks with the new exhaust systems, replacing factory-installed mufflers with converters similar to what is required for U.S. trucks. The process takes two or three hours to complete at a cost per truck of about $1,600…. The entire cost - parts and labor - is paid by the EPA grant through ADEQ.” U.S. funds, Arizona effort help Mexico trucks pollute less

9. “…Obama administration is now taking your American tax dollars and using them to fund the BBC World Service — Britain’s state-financed radio network.”
The PJ Tatler » Your tax dollars now funding the BBC in addition to NPR

You should have seen the light when I revealed you as stupid.

Now.....obviously, you are far lower.
What did liberals do that was so offensive to the conservatives? Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.
- Lawrence O’Donnell Jr.

Liberals have been fighting poverty for over 50 years with welfare. Made minorities dependent on it all for a vote. Made poverty worse.
Republicans want to educate minorities, so they can get off the democrat plantation and support themselves, and we are called mean spirited.
why does OP always present her zany rw threads as mini research papers that have some weird type of made-up formatting :dunno: I aint going near that.

My purpose is education....the real kind, that you missed out on in government schooling.

When I post documented, linked OPs that lead to an undeniable conclusion, folks like you- too far gone to ever return to reality, have the following options:

1. Argue against, rebut, show where any error lies

2. Realize that you don't have any counter argument, and ignore the OP

3. Attempt to dissemble, or make me the subject of ad hominem post.

Any of the above are acceptable to me.
I anticipate the Leftist responses when I construct the OPs.

I simply want to get the truth out to the 85% who read but don't post....some will see the light.


If you had any kind of education you wouldn't be using your zany, made-up formatting :eusa_hand: :lol: If you were in my class and turned that in, I'd tell you to do it over using American English formatting.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.

you mean the 1%?......

America will be energy independent by 2030.

is that what they told you Chris?....

and most of those other things are because of the American Entrepreneur

Obama has done a very good job

if he backed your industry i guess....some peoples industries did not fare as well under him....i bet they dont think so.....all in all he is a shitty leader.....
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.

you mean the 1%?......

America will be energy independent by 2030.

is that what they told you Chris?....

and most of those other things are because of the American Entrepreneur

Obama has done a very good job

if he backed your industry i guess....some peoples industries did not fare as well under him....i bet they dont think so.....all in all he is a shitty leader.....

1. So now you are complaining because you aren't rich? What did the republicans tell any of us back in 2007 if we complained about the state of the economy? They said don't complain, go back to school, get a better job if you don't like your current job it's your fault. So are you now admitting you were wrong back in 2007 or are you saying that things were actually fine for you then (JUST BEFORE THE BUSH RECESSION HIT) and that your woes today are Obama's fault? I have news for you bro. Anything bad that happened to your job or finances in the last 6 years are because of Bushanomics.

2. Obama is getting us out of the Bush mess as Chris has shown you. Of course only the rich are benefitting. They don't want to give us a raise, profit sharing, unions, collective bargaining. Companies are sitting on record profits. They aren't just going to give them to you. You are just a worker bee. If you want your fair share of the profits be pro union and vote Democratic.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.

you mean the 1%?......

America will be energy independent by 2030.

is that what they told you Chris?....

and most of those other things are because of the American Entrepreneur

Obama has done a very good job

if he backed your industry i guess....some peoples industries did not fare as well under him....i bet they dont think so.....all in all he is a shitty leader.....

Anytime a liberal president is elected who cares about the masses and not corporations first, they will always seem like a shitty leader because not only will the GOP fight them in defense of their corporate slave masters who own them but you will have to fight corporations too.

Corporations are too powerful. We need to take our country back and instead of our government being in bed with the corporations they need to be the referee between labor and corporations.

Why did Bush give corporations a tax break for moving their factories overseas? That wasn't just dumb that was on purpose and they are all traitors to America. THey don't care about America or the middle class. They only care about profits.

And you trust them more than you do Democracy.
why does OP always present her zany rw threads as mini research papers that have some weird type of made-up formatting :dunno: I aint going near that.

My purpose is education....the real kind, that you missed out on in government schooling.

When I post documented, linked OPs that lead to an undeniable conclusion, folks like you- too far gone to ever return to reality, have the following options:

1. Argue against, rebut, show where any error lies

2. Realize that you don't have any counter argument, and ignore the OP

3. Attempt to dissemble, or make me the subject of ad hominem post.

Any of the above are acceptable to me.
I anticipate the Leftist responses when I construct the OPs.

I simply want to get the truth out to the 85% who read but don't post....some will see the light.


If you had any kind of education you wouldn't be using your zany, made-up formatting :eusa_hand: :lol: If you were in my class and turned that in, I'd tell you to do it over using American English formatting.

your class?....oh now you are a teacher?.....DMV driving class?....
why does OP always present her zany rw threads as mini research papers that have some weird type of made-up formatting :dunno: I aint going near that.

My purpose is education....the real kind, that you missed out on in government schooling.

When I post documented, linked OPs that lead to an undeniable conclusion, folks like you- too far gone to ever return to reality, have the following options:

1. Argue against, rebut, show where any error lies

2. Realize that you don't have any counter argument, and ignore the OP

3. Attempt to dissemble, or make me the subject of ad hominem post.

Any of the above are acceptable to me.
I anticipate the Leftist responses when I construct the OPs.

I simply want to get the truth out to the 85% who read but don't post....some will see the light.


If you had any kind of education you wouldn't be using your zany, made-up formatting :eusa_hand: :lol: If you were in my class and turned that in, I'd tell you to do it over using American English formatting.

1. Is impossible for you to be honest?

Admit that the way the material is presented isn't what irks you.

It's the truth of the content.

Kills you that you can't find a way to deny it.

2. Next excuse: 'too long, didn't read."

Eight lines.

You didn't have to go out of your way to prove you were an idiot.
Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.

you mean the 1%?......

America will be energy independent by 2030.

is that what they told you Chris?....

and most of those other things are because of the American Entrepreneur

Obama has done a very good job

if he backed your industry i guess....some peoples industries did not fare as well under him....i bet they dont think so.....all in all he is a shitty leader.....

Anytime a liberal president is elected who cares about the masses and not corporations first, they will always seem like a shitty leader because not only will the GOP fight them in defense of their corporate slave masters who own them but you will have to fight corporations too.

Corporations are too powerful. We need to take our country back and instead of our government being in bed with the corporations they need to be the referee between labor and corporations.

Why did Bush give corporations a tax break for moving their factories overseas? That wasn't just dumb that was on purpose and they are all traitors to America. THey don't care about America or the middle class. They only care about profits.

And you trust them more than you do Democracy.

" Anytime a liberal president is elected who cares about the masses..."

Got an example of one who actually succeeded.....or is this the Liberal "Intention is all that counts....not results"?

You'll look pretty dumb if you name Obama.
Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

First I only see a difference of 5 times in your example. Second why does one example use the close of trading yesterday and the other almost 6 years ago. Seems to me you're comparing apples to oranges, different time fames different closing dates, not a true comparison.
What did liberals do that was so offensive to the conservatives? Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.
- Lawrence O’Donnell Jr.

Liberals have been fighting poverty for over 50 years with welfare. Made minorities dependent on it all for a vote. Made poverty worse.
Republicans want to educate minorities, so they can get off the democrat plantation and support themselves, and we are called mean spirited.

Republicans want to educate minorities? Republican just shut down a bill to lower the interest rates on student loans. What's that? Oh, got it. Republicans want to educate minorities by telling them to get off their lazy butts, act white and get a job. And then you guys wonder why minorities vote democrat.

PC is a robot, pay no attention to it.
Good to see you finally being open with your fascist leanings. You never did hide it well.

I'm glad to see mamooth confirming that he will never post a cogent argument in his life.

PC hasn't answered. Why was she bragging about wanting liberals silenced, if she's not a proud fascist? Templar, do you agree with her wish that be liberals be forcibly silenced?

And why was her OP so stupid? Two idiots got fired from private organizations because they acted stupid, so she called it persecution. That makes her dumbass and a whinyasstittybaby. She can demand affirmative action for conservative idiots over and over, but people won't give in to those demands, and that's not persecution.

PoliticalChic said:
I simply asked our pal mamooth to explain his/her contention that revealing the truth about Liberals is an example of fascism.....

...and it ran off and hid!

Being a no-life stalker might bring kudos in PC's fascist circles, but most people consider it creepy. She doesn't seem to understand that some people don't live at the computer.

I can just picture him/her: the tilted head, perplexed look on the face, like my dog when he reaches the perimeter line of the invisible fence…. waiting for that testicular zap….

PC puts a shock collar on her dog's balls? That's ... consistent. Fascist authoritarian thugs are often animal abusers.
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What did liberals do that was so offensive to the conservatives? Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.
- Lawrence O’Donnell Jr.

Liberals have been fighting poverty for over 50 years with welfare. Made minorities dependent on it all for a vote. Made poverty worse.
Republicans want to educate minorities, so they can get off the democrat plantation and support themselves, and we are called mean spirited.

Republicans want to educate minorities? Republican just shut down a bill to lower the interest rates on student loans. What's that? Oh, got it. Republicans want to educate minorities by telling them to get off their lazy butts, act white and get a job. And then you guys wonder why minorities vote democrat.

PC is a robot, pay no attention to it.

Being a Liberal is like getting an injection of 'stoooooopid."

I laugh every time you post, IQ-free.

Did you actually write "PC is a robot, pay no attention to it"?

What kind of moron wants folks to ignore me.....yet advertises for me in his post???

Oh....right...your kind.

So....when did you join the Anti-Mensa Society?
I'm glad to see mamooth confirming that he will never post a cogent argument in his life.

You haven't answered. Why are you bragging about wanting liberals silenced, if you're not a proud fascist.

And second, why was your OP so stupid? Two idiots got fired from private orgonizations because they acted stupid, yet you call it persectuion. That makes you a dumbass and a whinyasstittybaby. You can demand affirmative action for conservative idiots over and over, but we're not going to give in to those demands, and you're not being persecuted just because some idiots were fired for cause.

Shit-for-brains, some of us don't live at the computer. Being a no-life stalker might bring kudos in your fascist circle, but most people consider it creepy.

I can just picture him/her: the tilted head, perplexed look on the face, like my dog when he reaches the perimeter line of the invisible fence…. waiting for that testicular zap….

You put a shock collar on your dog's balls? That's ... consistent. Fascist authoritarian thugs are often animal abusers.

"Why are you bragging about wanting liberals silenced,..."

You made that up, didn't you.

When you dolts lie about me, that means I'm doing my job.....getting under your skin, huh?

But isn't this the time of year you shed it anyway?

Question: are you more dumb, or more ugly?

Rumor has it you're so ugly, robbers give you their masks to wear.
Why are you bragging about wanting liberals silenced,..."

You made that up, didn't you.

I just pointed to your statement in the OP. You still haven't disavowed your words or claimed it was a joke, so we have to assume the statement below is you revealing your fascist leanings.

PoliticalChic said:
So....if you are a Liberal.......better get clearance before you dare speak!!!
Why are you bragging about wanting liberals silenced,..."

You made that up, didn't you.

I just pointed to your statement in the OP. You still haven't disavowed your words or claimed it was a joke, so we have to assume the statement below is you revealing your fascist leanings.

PoliticalChic said:
So....if you are a Liberal.......better get clearance before you dare speak!!!

You imbecile.....learn to read!

The OP gives examples of LIBERALS ending the career of other LIBERALS because they didn't toe the line.

Get now, you dunce?

It's advice to Liberals if they want to stay in the club.

I really have to stop saying "How stupid can you be?"....seems you take it as a challenge.
PC-So, some maniacs will cut off your head for the slightest deviation......

...more civilized maniacs show restraint, and only cut off your career.

So a, sorry, did you say think tank? can't fire someone for having contrary ideology. I guess that means we have to bake cakes for deniers too.

Speaking of climate. How'd you like to be a Meteorologist in N.K. and have Kim Jong Un pay a visit and tell you your forecasts weren't accurate enough. Talk about job insecurity.
I'd be thinking about becoming a dog-catcher, or something, real quick.

Oh yeah, I was going to mention what different sects of Christians have done to each other. I was going to remind you about Pope "Innocent" and the Cathars, but why waste my breath. Besides I agree that Muslim extremists are the most barbarously savage sects in existance, nowadays.
Why are you bragging about wanting liberals silenced,..."

You made that up, didn't you.

I just pointed to your statement in the OP. You still haven't disavowed your words or claimed it was a joke, so we have to assume the statement below is you revealing your fascist leanings.

PoliticalChic said:
So....if you are a Liberal.......better get clearance before you dare speak!!!

Hey....you didn't answer the ugly question!!!

On a scale of 1-10.....

....do you look like something I'd draw with my left hand?

Don't be shy.....nobody else is listening.

C'mon....I'm curious.
PC-So, some maniacs will cut off your head for the slightest deviation......

...more civilized maniacs show restraint, and only cut off your career.

So a, sorry, did you say think tank? can't fire someone for having contrary ideology. I guess that means we have to bake cakes for deniers too.

Speaking of climate. How'd you like to be a Meteorologist in N.K. and have Kim Jong Un pay a visit and tell you your forecasts weren't accurate enough. Talk about job insecurity.
I'd be thinking about becoming a dog-catcher, or something, real quick.

Oh yeah, I was going to mention what different sects of Christians have done to each other. I was going to remind you about Pope "Innocent" and the Cathars, but why waste my breath. Besides I agree that Muslim extremists are the most barbarously savage sects in existance, nowadays.


The post above mentions 'imbecile'....and look who pops out from under a rock!


Oh....wait....was it the 'ugly' comment that brought you in?

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