When should a priest tell?

The priest does NOT have to remain silent at all. He can choose to speak in court and he can choose to report the abuse.
This has nothing to do with some so called vow of silence and everything to do with a bunch of religious fuddies believing that their belief in something they cannot prove is more important than a child who is being abused.

but you didn't even report your own
I thought priests were allowed to talk if someone was in imminent danger. Nonetheless, something is fishy here...wouldn't the girl have been aware the priest was unable to say anything. If she wanted to confide or was looking for help, why wouldn't she have spoken with the priest outside of the confessional?

They can inform the police that a specific person is in danger, but they can't tell how they know that, or who the danger is coming from.

Firstly, of course, a confessor can latch onto the fact that if a would-be murderer or child molester has come to confession, he presumably regrets this action and wants to amend his life. The priest can talk this through with the penitent and try to get him to see what true amendment entails. At the very least, he can explain that he cannot impart absolution if the person does not firmly intend to stop committing the sort of sin that he has confessed. Depending on the situation, he may also be able to encourage the person to turn himself in to the authorities. The priest might even offer to accompany the penitent to the police station when he does this; but in such a case he would still be forbidden to repeat the contents of the person’s confession to others. If the penitent wanted him to do so, it would be necessary for him to repeat to the priest, outside the confessional, the things which he had told him in confession. In this way the priest could discuss the penitent’s situation, yet the seal of the confessional would remain inviolate.
If the penitent is not willing to cooperate, there are sometimes situations in which priests can find ways to help the authorities without revealing the content of a person’s confession. If a penitent has indicated, for example, that he fully intends to kill or harm Person X, a priest may be able to warn the police that Person X is in danger, but without fully explaining how he obtained this information. I personally know of a case in which police received a phone call from a priest, warning them that two teenaged sisters were in danger at that very moment. The police understood that the priest was not permitted to give them more specific information, and simply located the girls, notified their parents, and made sure they were protected. It is quite likely that some horrible crime was averted by this priest’s action, yet he did not violate the sacramental seal—in fact, nobody was really sure if he had learned the information in the confessional or in a confidential conversation outside of it. Once again, such collaboration between the authorities and the clergy happens more often than we may realize.
At the same time, however, a confessor is forbidden to go to the police with specific information about a penitent which he had learned during a confession. If, for example, a person confesses that he is the serial killer who is being sought by the authorities, and the priest recognizes his identity, he cannot contact the police and reveal it. This is true even if the person indicates that he intends to commit another crime. While he may strive to lead the criminal to turn himself in, or at least to change his plans, a priest is not allowed to take this information to the police of his own accord. No matter how difficult it may be, he must keep this to himself. We can incidentally see here one more excellent reason to pray for our priests, that they be given the strength to bear such weighty burdens!

Can a Priest Ever Reveal What is Said in Confession? | Canon Law Made Easy
The priest does NOT have to remain silent at all. He can choose to speak in court and he can choose to report the abuse.
This has nothing to do with some so called vow of silence and everything to do with a bunch of religious fuddies believing that their belief in something they cannot prove is more important than a child who is being abused.

but you didn't even report your own

Because no child thinks that anyone will believe them, especially when told that by the abuser.
Another point, if the girl is actually lying about what she told the priest that would be an even more extreme violation of the confession than confirming what she said.

So, if the girl is lying under oath, the priest should use the Confessional to bring charges of perjury against her? That does not sound right.

This is getting messy....

Of course not, the confession is inviolate.
The priest does NOT have to remain silent at all. He can choose to speak in court and he can choose to report the abuse.
This has nothing to do with some so called vow of silence and everything to do with a bunch of religious fuddies believing that their belief in something they cannot prove is more important than a child who is being abused.

but you didn't even report your own

Because no child thinks that anyone will believe them, especially when told that by the abuser.

your not a child and the perps are still out there.
The priest does NOT have to remain silent at all. He can choose to speak in court and he can choose to report the abuse.
This has nothing to do with some so called vow of silence and everything to do with a bunch of religious fuddies believing that their belief in something they cannot prove is more important than a child who is being abused.

Only if he is willing to be excommunicated and condemn himself to hell.

By the way, how do you know what the priest advised the girl to do, or that her story is even true that she told him? Is the fundamental hatred of religion the guiding force in your life?
They can inform the police that a specific person is in danger, but they can't tell how they know that, or who the danger is coming from.

Yes they can. They simply choose not to.

They cannot, it violates the trust of the confessional, which affects far more than a single case. It would destroy how the church works.

By the way, did you know that people who practice confession can be emotionally more stable?

There are also many beneficial spiritual aspects to consider. The meditative nature of religious services can lower stress levels. Many services preach love, forgiveness, hope, and optimism, which foster a positive outlook on life that can translate into good emotional health. Many sermons address the importance of giving thanks, and we know that gratitude can be very important for mental health. In addition to religious leaders providing counseling, some religions incorporate confession, which can help unburden congregants from emotional distress. These are all things that might be good for your health.

Is Religion Good for Your Health? - ABC News

Do you plan on paying for all the extra mental patients out of your own pocket, or do you plan to rob other people to do it?
I'm a baptized and confirmed Catholic but I've been an atheist since age fifteen (when I had my first sexual experience), but I believe the Confessional seal should never be broken under any circumstances. Nor should a psychiatrist or psychologist be compelled -- or permitted -- to reveal anything entrusted to them by a patient.
The priest does NOT have to remain silent at all. He can choose to speak in court and he can choose to report the abuse.
This has nothing to do with some so called vow of silence and everything to do with a bunch of religious fuddies believing that their belief in something they cannot prove is more important than a child who is being abused.

Only if he is willing to be excommunicated and condemn himself to hell.

By the way, how do you know what the priest advised the girl to do, or that her story is even true that she told him? Is the fundamental hatred of religion the guiding force in your life?

Being kicked out of the church is better than knowing a child is being abused and doing nothing to stop it.
Ruling 'attacking' seal of confession likely headed to U.S. Supr - Tucson News Now

It's a case likely headed for the U.S. Supreme Court involving a 14-year-old girl who claims that during the sacrament of confession, she told her parish priest she was being abused.

Her parents are suing the priest and the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge, because the priest did not report the abuse.

Diocese officials say, in its ruling, the Louisiana Supreme Court ran afoul of the constitutional rights of the church and the priest.

The secrecy of the confessional is not simply a church tradition. It's considered foundational doctrine of the catholic church that priests absolutely must not violate.

"We cannot break the seal of confession. It is forbidden for us to break it," said Rev. Derek Covert of the Diocese of Lake Charles. Father Covert is a canon lawyer, an expert on church rules and doctrine.

"This is something required from Sacred Scripture, that we confess our sins, and therefore, it is something required by divine law. This is by God, okay? And what we would argue in this is if a person was prevented from going to confession because they feared that it might be revealed, if a priest was made to reveal it, now that person is not going to fulfill a divine law or divine precept," said Covert.

Covert predicts many, if not most priests, would go to prison before they would violate the sacred seal of the sacrament of confession.

"We would have to maybe do time in prison for contempt of court or something like that," said Covert.

In the Baton Rouge case, church officials say they will appeal to the highest court of the land to protect freedom of religion for both the church and the priest.

Some have said that children's parents should be told if they're getting birth control.

What about this situation? The girl is clearly in danger. Should the priest tell? And, who should he tell? What if its a parent or other family member who is abusing the child?
Well there can be no doubt that this is clearly a First Amendment issue, imho.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof:..."​

In my personal opinion, if it's a question of abuse and the girl wanted someone to know, she should have gone directly to the police herself and told them. That's what they're there for.

As for priests being made to tell what is confessed to them, I think whoever tries to challenge that in order to force them to tell is going to meet with disappointment as that would be covered under the First Amendment concerning churches as well as Catholic doctrine. And now that the SCOTUS has ruled that places have religious rights, that might even help the church much farther in its own defense!
The priest does NOT have to remain silent at all. He can choose to speak in court and he can choose to report the abuse.
This has nothing to do with some so called vow of silence and everything to do with a bunch of religious fuddies believing that their belief in something they cannot prove is more important than a child who is being abused.

Only if he is willing to be excommunicated and condemn himself to hell.

By the way, how do you know what the priest advised the girl to do, or that her story is even true that she told him? Is the fundamental hatred of religion the guiding force in your life?

Being kicked out of the church is better than knowing a child is being abused and doing nothing to stop it.

Prove he did nothing to stop it. Fuck, prove he knew. You are letting your feelings dominate your small ability to make rational decisions.
I guess if someone tells me they murdered someone, I should keep that a secret?

Are you a priest?

If your best friend told you they tracked down the person who raped her and killed him would you feel compelled to tell the cops, or would you keep it secret?
The kid was 14...she went through all of the Catholic hoops and understood confession (what do they call it, confirmation). You can't tell me she didn't know the priest could say nothing.

The story was vague. My guess...this girl was having voluntarily having sex with an older man...she confessed that to the Priest and he remained silence. When her parents found out...all hell broke loose...she probably cried rape OR the parents were simply pissed that he knew and said nothing.

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