Where are the changes Obama promised.

Hard to have to much self respect when you go crippled after a nice healthy life and work career....But you keep your respect and your shitty fuck you 'tude.....I have my humility...

It was your arrogant additude about people that cant get VA help and Medicare that brought on my additude about you...you are gloating about how you have all your medical needs taken care of for free, when there are people out there that served just like you that cant get shit from this admins VA or medicare...you fucking asshole.
Hard to have to much self respect when you go crippled after a nice healthy life and work career....But you keep your respect and your shitty fuck you 'tude.....I have my humility...

It was your arrogant additude about people that cant get VA help and Medicare that brought on my additude about you...you are gloating about how you have all your medical needs taken care of for free, when there are people out there that served just like you that cant get shit from this admins VA or medicare...you fucking asshole.
Well ,,lose you ability to work in a field you have worked for 30 years and have to go through rehab to get another..Hell, I'd gladly exchange my condition to not having free medical,,any,,day...
Hard to have to much self respect when you go crippled after a nice healthy life and work career....But you keep your respect and your shitty fuck you 'tude.....I have my humility...

It was your arrogant additude about people that cant get VA help and Medicare that brought on my additude about you...you are gloating about how you have all your medical needs taken care of for free, when there are people out there that served just like you that cant get shit from this admins VA or medicare...you fucking asshole.
Well ,,lose you ability to work in a field you have worked for 30 years and have to go through rehab to get another..Hell, I'd gladly exchange my condition to not having free medical,,any,,day...
Sorry about that happening to you, but you shouldnt gloat or mock people that cant get help from the VA or medicare.
Obamacare premiums are up 20% in every state except Mississipi…and up over 30 in several others……..

Is Obama personally or the federal government receiving those extra dollars.....or is it the private health insurers who are ripping off people??? Are you in favor of federal mandated CAPS on what private insurers are charging?

Nope....I want the government out of the healthcare business....I want prices to go down and the quality to go up....just like it does in any other business that isn't choked to death by the government.....
Nope....I want the government out of the healthcare business....I want prices to go down and the quality to go up....just like it does in any other business that isn't choked to death by the government.....

So, regarding health care....the rest of the developed world guarantees free or considerably cheaper health care deliveries....they rank higher than us (we're what....number 34 in the rankings) and because Sean Hannity told you otherwise you're bitching?
Nope....I want the government out of the healthcare business....I want prices to go down and the quality to go up....just like it does in any other business that isn't choked to death by the government.....

So, regarding health care....the rest of the developed world guarantees free or considerably cheaper health care deliveries....they rank higher than us (we're what....number 34 in the rankings) and because Sean Hannity told you otherwise you're bitching?

Wrong....they use different criteria....they count infant deaths differently, and also weigh the stats to favor socialized aspects of healthcare......and their healthcare systems suck.....and can no longer bear the weight........

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