Where are the changes Obama promised.

It's a dog eat dog world....
And you need to cover your azz..I get my healthcare through the government, I am not ashamed..All I had to do was serve in the military....

I served 6 years in the Navy, spent a total of 1 year of my life under water. I can't get healthcare through the VA, seems fair.
I lost my income when I lost my health, so it has worked out well. I like the VA better than the years I was on corporate insurance policies..

Truly sorry to hear that. My dad uses the VA, and private. I don't see a whole lot of difference except maybe the clientele.

I would think that if everyone being covered with health care one easy way would be to make it available to EVERYONE who made the sacrifice.
Yeah..they do go by income and assets on the application..My step -dad was in the Navy during Korea...He can't get it either...and he's not happy with medicare......
so you are a bum on disability.....I spent 22 years in the Military and the VA can go fuck its self. I could apply for disability, but I still have my self respect.
Hard to have to much self respect when you go crippled after a nice healthy life and work career....But you keep your respect and your shitty fuck you 'tude.....I have my humility...
How come you libs never know anything related to healthcare. Do you not read all of the healthcare news articles? I mean really....Inform yourselves.

You've tried a posting blitz, and when that didn't create the desired distraction, you resort to lying. You're accustomed to just tossing out random factoids and expecting a resounding "Fuck, yeah!"

RE: the article, I can see why you didn't want to link to it:

Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums.

Obviously you don't want too many people to know that.
What are you babbling about?

Not surprising you don't understand the key fact from the article in your OP. Here, let me repeat it for those who do:

"Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums."
Who said I didn't understand it? I'm still waiting for you to make a point.

So go...
Be sure to hold your breathe waiting...
What taxes are you talking about ?
How much did your premiums go up?

Cause my health insurance has increased every year since I can remember .

What was the promise? Or, are you one of the many Gruber was counting on?
Hope and change has been promised again by the Democrats, I meant to say by the Communists:

Hard to have to much self respect when you go crippled after a nice healthy life and work career....But you keep your respect and your shitty fuck you 'tude.....I have my humility...

Don't let that lowlife get you down, Moon. Tomorrow you'll get up and rejoice that you're NOT him.
I pay zero a year for healthcare and have for many years,,I don't understand why you guys are bitching.....

When you people try and make an argument based on the masses, why must you start with "I"? I is singular. I means "me". "I" and "me" are the exception. You must be the exception. Can you point to other data points to appropriate a trend to back up your position or is this all about You?
Liberals bringing up Gruber in an attempt to attack a Conservative us the ultimate demonstration of how Liberals are really as STUPID as Gruber repeatedly revealed Liberal politicians believe them to be.

Gruber, in his numerous vudeo diatribes, explained how Liberal politicians made an extensive effort to scam people - especially Liberals - to get them to buy the entire Obamacare lie /scam. He wasn't talking about Conservatives and those who NEVER bought Obama's BS! HE WAS TALKING ABOUT - CALLING THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT AND STILL DEFEND THE OBAMACARE BS - 'STUPID'!

And Liberals are either still to ynderstand that ir still refuse to belueve that the people they STILL blindly follow and support believes them to be 'stupid'.

Hard to have to much self respect when you go crippled after a nice healthy life and work career....But you keep your respect and your shitty fuck you 'tude.....I have my humility...

Don't let that lowlife get you down, Moon. Tomorrow you'll get up and rejoice that you're NOT him.
I may be unable to move freely, but I still have a happy mind...These twerps like NLT are a dime a dozen,, and they are always better than you....:biggrin:
I pay zero a year for healthcare and have for many years,,I don't understand why you guys are bitching.....

When you people try and make an argument based on the masses, why must you start with "I"? I is singular. I means "me". "I" and "me" are the exception. You must be the exception. Can you point to other data points to appropriate a trend to back up your position or is this all about You?
Does it sound and or look like I be stating in the plural, rather than the singular first person? Amazing though how you can split the fine English language hairs, yet can't read a plain statement..Plus I was being facetious...
How come you libs never know anything related to healthcare. Do you not read all of the healthcare news articles? I mean really....Inform yourselves.

You've tried a posting blitz, and when that didn't create the desired distraction, you resort to lying. You're accustomed to just tossing out random factoids and expecting a resounding "Fuck, yeah!"

RE: the article, I can see why you didn't want to link to it:

Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums.

Obviously you don't want too many people to know that.
What are you babbling about?

Not surprising you don't understand the key fact from the article in your OP. Here, let me repeat it for those who do:

"Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums."
Who said I didn't understand it? I'm still waiting for you to make a point.

Understanding the parameters of eligibility for subsidies is the point.
Liberals bringing up Gruber in an attempt to attack a Conservative us the ultimate demonstration of how Liberals are really as STUPID as Gruber repeatedly revealed Liberal politicians believe them to be.

Gruber, in his numerous vudeo diatribes, explained how Liberal politicians made an extensive effort to scam people - especially Liberals - to get them to buy the entire Obamacare lie /scam. He wasn't talking about Conservatives and those who NEVER bought Obama's BS! HE WAS TALKING ABOUT - CALLING THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT AND STILL DEFEND THE OBAMACARE BS - 'STUPID'!

And Liberals are either still to ynderstand that ir still refuse to belueve that the people they STILL blindly follow and support believes them to be 'stupid'.

The rich, elitist, gentry which runs our country feel that all voters are dupes waiting to be fleeced...In fact, rich people are much better humans than us poh boys..
I pay zero a year for healthcare and have for many years,,I don't understand why you guys are bitching.....

When you people try and make an argument based on the masses, why must you start with "I"? I is singular. I means "me". "I" and "me" are the exception. You must be the exception. Can you point to other data points to appropriate a trend to back up your position or is this all about You?
Does it sound and or look like I be stating in the plural, rather than the singular first person? Amazing though how you can split the fine English language hairs, yet can't read a plain statement..Plus I was being facetious...

You lose the debate due to lack of ability to refute with independent, third party data. Stop being facetious and step up with some retort or go back and sit in the corner and execute Alinsky Rule # 5 since you are short on both form and substance.
Liberals bringing up Gruber in an attempt to attack a Conservative us the ultimate demonstration of how Liberals are really as STUPID as Gruber repeatedly revealed Liberal politicians believe them to be.

Gruber, in his numerous vudeo diatribes, explained how Liberal politicians made an extensive effort to scam people - especially Liberals - to get them to buy the entire Obamacare lie /scam. He wasn't talking about Conservatives and those who NEVER bought Obama's BS! HE WAS TALKING ABOUT - CALLING THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT AND STILL DEFEND THE OBAMACARE BS - 'STUPID'!

And Liberals are either still to ynderstand that ir still refuse to belueve that the people they STILL blindly follow and support believes them to be 'stupid'.

The rich, elitist, gentry which runs our country feel that all voters are dupes waiting to be fleeced...In fact, rich people are much better humans than us poh boys..

Limousine Liberals are the extreme of what you just described.
I pay zero a year for healthcare and have for many years,,I don't understand why you guys are bitching.....

When you people try and make an argument based on the masses, why must you start with "I"? I is singular. I means "me". "I" and "me" are the exception. You must be the exception. Can you point to other data points to appropriate a trend to back up your position or is this all about You?
Does it sound and or look like I be stating in the plural, rather than the singular first person? Amazing though how you can split the fine English language hairs, yet can't read a plain statement..Plus I was being facetious...

You lose the debate due to lack of ability to refute with independent, third party data. Stop being facetious and step up with some retort or go back and sit in the corner and execute Alinsky Rule # 5 since you are short on both form and substance.
I am not debating I am stating...Your retorts may be directed at those interested in debating..
Liberals bringing up Gruber in an attempt to attack a Conservative us the ultimate demonstration of how Liberals are really as STUPID as Gruber repeatedly revealed Liberal politicians believe them to be.

Gruber, in his numerous vudeo diatribes, explained how Liberal politicians made an extensive effort to scam people - especially Liberals - to get them to buy the entire Obamacare lie /scam. He wasn't talking about Conservatives and those who NEVER bought Obama's BS! HE WAS TALKING ABOUT - CALLING THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT AND STILL DEFEND THE OBAMACARE BS - 'STUPID'!

And Liberals are either still to ynderstand that ir still refuse to belueve that the people they STILL blindly follow and support believes them to be 'stupid'.

The rich, elitist, gentry which runs our country feel that all voters are dupes waiting to be fleeced...In fact, rich people are much better humans than us poh boys..

Limousine Liberals are the extreme of what you just described.
Your problem is that you use a skewed view, by trying to make only one side bad, when all sides are bad, or deficient in true, honorable, ethical leadershit..
I pay zero a year for healthcare and have for many years,,I don't understand why you guys are bitching.....

When you people try and make an argument based on the masses, why must you start with "I"? I is singular. I means "me". "I" and "me" are the exception. You must be the exception. Can you point to other data points to appropriate a trend to back up your position or is this all about You?
Does it sound and or look like I be stating in the plural, rather than the singular first person? Amazing though how you can split the fine English language hairs, yet can't read a plain statement..Plus I was being facetious...

You lose the debate due to lack of ability to refute with independent, third party data. Stop being facetious and step up with some retort or go back and sit in the corner and execute Alinsky Rule # 5 since you are short on both form and substance.
I am not debating I am stating...Your retorts may be directed at those interested in debating..

Your statements can be summed up as nothing but playground ridicule......no substance.
How come you libs never know anything related to healthcare. Do you not read all of the healthcare news articles? I mean really....Inform yourselves.

You've tried a posting blitz, and when that didn't create the desired distraction, you resort to lying. You're accustomed to just tossing out random factoids and expecting a resounding "Fuck, yeah!"

RE: the article, I can see why you didn't want to link to it:

Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums.

Obviously you don't want too many people to know that.
What are you babbling about?

Not surprising you don't understand the key fact from the article in your OP. Here, let me repeat it for those who do:

"Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums."
Who said I didn't understand it? I'm still waiting for you to make a point.

Understanding the parameters of eligibility for subsidies is the point.
Yes? And? Enrollment is down by 21 million like the article says.
You've tried a posting blitz, and when that didn't create the desired distraction, you resort to lying. You're accustomed to just tossing out random factoids and expecting a resounding "Fuck, yeah!"

RE: the article, I can see why you didn't want to link to it:

Obviously you don't want too many people to know that.
What are you babbling about?

Not surprising you don't understand the key fact from the article in your OP. Here, let me repeat it for those who do:

"Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums."
Who said I didn't understand it? I'm still waiting for you to make a point.

Understanding the parameters of eligibility for subsidies is the point.
Yes? And? Enrollment is down by 21 million like the article says.

From, not by.
What are you babbling about?

Not surprising you don't understand the key fact from the article in your OP. Here, let me repeat it for those who do:

"Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums."
Who said I didn't understand it? I'm still waiting for you to make a point.

Understanding the parameters of eligibility for subsidies is the point.
Yes? And? Enrollment is down by 21 million like the article says.

From, not by.

Shouldn't it be at record highs since it is so great?

From an LA Times article from May 2015 explaining the last shortfall ...

"A number of factors contributed to the shortfall, but health policy experts said that some uninsured folks still find health insurance unaffordable despite the health law’s premium subsidies."
Not surprising you don't understand the key fact from the article in your OP. Here, let me repeat it for those who do:

"Those making less than four times the federal poverty level — about $47,000 for a single adult or about $97,000 for a family of four — qualify for federal aid to offset their insurance premiums."
Who said I didn't understand it? I'm still waiting for you to make a point.

Understanding the parameters of eligibility for subsidies is the point.
Yes? And? Enrollment is down by 21 million like the article says.

From, not by.

Shouldn't it be at record highs since it is so great?

First let's be clear that it's not down by 21 million, it's down from 21 million. Then let's go back and look at that first sentence, which contains the word "growth."

Enrollment is continuing to grow, all your side's dire predictions to the contrary.

From an LA Times article from May 2015 explaining the last shortfall ...

"A number of factors contributed to the shortfall, but health policy experts said that some uninsured folks still find health insurance unaffordable despite the health law’s premium subsidies."

There are other factors involved (and a very lively discussion in the forum dedicated to the topic), including failure of certain state legislators to allow for a state exchange and Medicaid expansion (sometimes to their detriment - q.v. Louisiana's choice of a new governor), and media disinformation campaigns.

The reason I posted those income parameters twice is because many people either don't know about or don't understand the marketplace sites (there are still posters on this board who believe Obamacare is the name of the insurer) and/or are afraid to find out that they might be eligible for subsidies.

You have to ask yourself what a single person earning 47K a year defines as "unaffordable" vis-a-vis premiums, or are they simply afraid to find out that "The Worst Thing to Happen Since the Holocaust" actually isn't.

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