Where are the demands to rename the democrat party?????

The democrat party was the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and Robert KKK Byrd. If past sins can NEVER be forgiven, it's pure hypocrisy to keep the party name, when they are demanding the renaming of everything else that was ever related to slavery in any way.

Your thoughts?


Thanks in part to public school curricula which have revised much of American History, America's youngest few generations have been left clueless, firing their intellectual arrows into dark closets when it comes to historical truth versus ideological propaganda. In other words, many of our young and young adult minds have no idea. Hell, many of them can't "operate" a physical encyclopedia, let alone find Europe on a map.
From the posts in this thread you can tell their are some very desperate Trumpets.
There is more than one post in this thread. What post is "the" post?

I can see why you were banned. You post nonsense.
Keep up the attempted character assassinations and you might be able to keep up and libel or slander something you have no idea of what you speak of.
Explain your post then. Trolling is for losers. Which post were you referring to?
His omission of the identity of the post to which he referred is the least of his problems. He is in dire need of lessons regarding sentences written in English.
Of course. But I wanted to point out how stupid his post was to where he could understand it.
The democrat party was the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and Robert KKK Byrd. If past sins can NEVER be forgiven, it's pure hypocrisy to keep the party name, when they are demanding the renaming of everything else that was ever related to slavery in any way.

Your thoughts?

The Southern Democrats were but not the unionist.

Irrelevant, people that served in the confederacy went on to be great community leaders and contributed much, but according to the hypocritical democrats there is no redemption. So there should be no redemption for them.

Statues are great for one thing,,,pigeons have something to shit on.
From the posts in this thread you can tell their are some very desperate Trumpets.

LOL it's Dems who are desperate. They are out of power, we kicked their ass and took control of the Senate, White House, SCOTUS Dems have category 10 butthurt.
The worm turns and next time the other party will take over, nothing new or exciting because both parties do the same crap over and over.
The democrat party was the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and Robert KKK Byrd. If past sins can NEVER be forgiven, it's pure hypocrisy to keep the party name, when they are demanding the renaming of everything else that was ever related to slavery in any way.

Your thoughts?

I have made similar calls here on this board for the Democrat Party to be renamed because of its legacy of keeping Blacks down for 100 years following the Civil War. Jim Crow, KKK.... all under the Democrat banner. The Democrat Party should rename itself to truly distance itself.
I have made similar calls here on this board for the Democrat Party to be renamed because of its legacy of keeping Blacks down for 100 years following the Civil War. Jim Crow, KKK.... all under the Democrat banner. The Democrat Party should rename itself to truly distance itself.
The KKK didn't last for one hundred years after the Civil War...Where was the champion of the blacks the GOP during this time?
The democrat party was the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and Robert KKK Byrd. If past sins can NEVER be forgiven, it's pure hypocrisy to keep the party name, when they are demanding the renaming of everything else that was ever related to slavery in any way.

Your thoughts?

The Southern Democrats were but not the unionist.

Irrelevant, people that served in the confederacy went on to be great community leaders and contributed much, but according to the hypocritical democrats there is no redemption. So there should be no redemption for them.

Statues are great for one thing,,,pigeons have something to shit on.

Why are you deflecting to statues?

I have made similar calls here on this board for the Democrat Party to be renamed because of its legacy of keeping Blacks down for 100 years following the Civil War. Jim Crow, KKK.... all under the Democrat banner. The Democrat Party should rename itself to truly distance itself.
The KKK didn't last for one hundred years after the Civil War...Where was the champion of the blacks the GOP during this time?

Check History. While Democrats were burning crosses, lynching, oppressing votes, GOP was introducing civil rights for Blacks.
The democrat party was the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and Robert KKK Byrd. If past sins can NEVER be forgiven, it's pure hypocrisy to keep the party name, when they are demanding the renaming of everything else that was ever related to slavery in any way.

Your thoughts?

Well Communist Party USA is already taken, so they are kind of stuck with their current name. They could go with The Bolshevist Party.

The democrat party was the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and Robert KKK Byrd. If past sins can NEVER be forgiven, it's pure hypocrisy to keep the party name, when they are demanding the renaming of everything else that was ever related to slavery in any way.

Your thoughts?

Well Communist Party USA is already taken, so they are kind of stuck with their current name. They could go with The Bolshevist Party.


No, the commiecrats have to be held to their own standards, they were the party of slavery, they must change their name. I could give my recommendation, but then some one would report me for trolling, so I won't go there for now.



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