Where is it written that 2nd Amend is to keep Govt. in Check?

why do you make these stupid comment? You are either trying to contradict established common sense facts or you would have to be a complete moron to suggest the declaration of independence is law.

you don't have any common sense.

The Declaration of Independence is not law and it was obviously written before the country made laws. I have enough common sense to not try to support someone making the claim that it is law.

The Declaration of Independence is the very foundation this country was built on.
You made yourself the enemy of this country by fucking up your own mind. Tell it to the judge if you get out of line!

I served this Republic that you want to destroy,, FUCK YOU. I don't goose step, I will stand up for my rights I will never submit to what you and your god damn president want to transform this country into. Once again YOU ARE THE ENEMY TOO THIS REPUBLIC.

You're a great patriot in your own mind. If I was you, I'd be worried about my guns and those straight jackets.
oh but I am willing to put what I say over my life. and I am not worried about my guns just have enough body bags., I don't miss.
The Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Jefferson and had two purposes, one, declare our independence from Britain, and two, gain support for that independence from our own American people and from France. Propaganda? When we realize that only one third of the American people supported independence that remaining one third had its work cut out.
I served this Republic that you want to destroy,, FUCK YOU. I don't goose step, I will stand up for my rights I will never submit to what you and your god damn president want to transform this country into. Once again YOU ARE THE ENEMY TOO THIS REPUBLIC.

You're a great patriot in your own mind. If I was you, I'd be worried about my guns and those straight jackets.
I am not worried about my guns, even my assault rifle. The socialist in chief obamaturd will not get them, period.

You live in a country where you can buy a machine gun and worry Obama will take away your guns. They didn't take away anyone's gun with the assault weapons ban.

You right-wingers are morons, you aren't patriots, you're just a bunch of stupid fucking people.
I served this Republic that you want to destroy,, FUCK YOU. I don't goose step, I will stand up for my rights I will never submit to what you and your god damn president want to transform this country into. Once again YOU ARE THE ENEMY TOO THIS REPUBLIC.

You're a great patriot in your own mind. If I was you, I'd be worried about my guns and those straight jackets.
oh but I am willing to put what I say over my life. and I am not worried about my guns just have enough body bags., I don't miss.

If they wanted your crazy ass, they'd have it so fast your head would spin. They don't give a fuck about a nut like you. You're only bad in your own mind.
Of course I am the enemy of anyone that would support a hitler style government of course I am the enemy of anyone that would support a stalin style government of course you being one of those I am your enemy. You are the enemy of the Republic.

You made yourself the enemy of this country by fucking up your own mind. Tell it to the judge if you get out of line!

I served this Republic that you want to destroy,, FUCK YOU. I don't goose step, I will stand up for my rights I will never submit to what you and your god damn president want to transform this country into. Once again YOU ARE THE ENEMY TOO THIS REPUBLIC.

holy hyperbole batman! who the fuck is trying to destroy your republic? i'll tell you who. the right-wing. they want to gut government spending tot he point of making it non-functional. so blame your tea bagger fuckface friends for any republic destroying.
You made yourself the enemy of this country by fucking up your own mind. Tell it to the judge if you get out of line!

I served this Republic that you want to destroy,, FUCK YOU. I don't goose step, I will stand up for my rights I will never submit to what you and your god damn president want to transform this country into. Once again YOU ARE THE ENEMY TOO THIS REPUBLIC.

holy hyperbole batman! who the fuck is trying to destroy your republic? i'll tell you who. the right-wing. they want to gut government spending tot he point of making it non-functional. so blame your tea bagger fuckface friends for any republic destroying.

obama and his supporters,
IF ....
You have a constitutional right to wage war on equal footing with the United States government then you would have the right to own surface to air missiles, nuclear submarines, etc ....

Do you think you have that right?

nuff said.

You do NOT have the right to maintain weaponry in order to wage war on the U.S. government. The notion is beyond absurd. I can't believe people capable of upright walking would even try to argue the point.

You and all the other Progressives just can't seem to comprehend this.

No one wants to wage war against the government.

We want the ability to defend ourselves should the government try to wage war on us.

History is VERY consistent...
I served this Republic that you want to destroy,, FUCK YOU. I don't goose step, I will stand up for my rights I will never submit to what you and your god damn president want to transform this country into. Once again YOU ARE THE ENEMY TOO THIS REPUBLIC.

holy hyperbole batman! who the fuck is trying to destroy your republic? i'll tell you who. the right-wing. they want to gut government spending tot he point of making it non-functional. so blame your tea bagger fuckface friends for any republic destroying.

obama and his supporters,

biiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttcccccccchhhhhhhhhh please. in 30 years it'll be old fat white motherfuckers lke you screaming not to put our hands on your obamacare.

on the real, dough, daw.
holy hyperbole batman! who the fuck is trying to destroy your republic? i'll tell you who. the right-wing. they want to gut government spending tot he point of making it non-functional. so blame your tea bagger fuckface friends for any republic destroying.

obama and his supporters,

biiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttcccccccchhhhhhhhhh please. in 30 years it'll be old fat white motherfuckers lke you screaming not to put our hands on your obamacare.

on the real, dough, daw.

Faggot why don't you stop sucking dick long enough to understand obamatax is just another tax. How about pul;l away from obama's asshole long enough to get some fresh air.
obama and his supporters,

biiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttcccccccchhhhhhhhhh please. in 30 years it'll be old fat white motherfuckers lke you screaming not to put our hands on your obamacare.

on the real, dough, daw.

Faggot why don't you stop sucking dick long enough to understand obamatax is just another tax. How about pul;l away from obama's asshole long enough to get some fresh air.

why would i stop sucking dick? i don't tell you to put the fried porkshops, french fries, chocolate shakes and handguns down, do i cletus?
biiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttcccccccchhhhhhhhhh please. in 30 years it'll be old fat white motherfuckers lke you screaming not to put our hands on your obamacare.

on the real, dough, daw.

Faggot why don't you stop sucking dick long enough to understand obamatax is just another tax. How about pul;l away from obama's asshole long enough to get some fresh air.

why would i stop sucking dick? i don't tell you to put the fried porkshops, french fries, chocolate shakes and handguns down, do i cletus?

And this post is supposed too mean something?
I question the maturity of someone who uses a toy as an avatar./
Faggot why don't you stop sucking dick long enough to understand obamatax is just another tax. How about pul;l away from obama's asshole long enough to get some fresh air.

why would i stop sucking dick? i don't tell you to put the fried porkshops, french fries, chocolate shakes and handguns down, do i cletus?

And this post is supposed too mean something?
I question the maturity of someone who uses a toy as an avatar./

There is no need to knock the Millennium Falcon because of some turd pirate uses the avatar.
IF ....
You have a constitutional right to wage war on equal footing with the United States government then you would have the right to own surface to air missiles, nuclear submarines, etc ....

Do you think you have that right?

nuff said.

You do NOT have the right to maintain weaponry in order to wage war on the U.S. government. The notion is beyond absurd. I can't believe people capable of upright walking would even try to argue the point.

You and all the other Progressives just can't seem to comprehend this.

No one wants to wage war against the government.

We want the ability to defend ourselves should the government try to wage war on us.

History is VERY consistent...

If you consider enforcing laws that you disagree with as the U.S. "waging war" on you ... go ahead. Knock yourself out. If you win you'll be considered a patriot and a founding father of your new nation. If you lose, you will be swept away like Timothy McVeigh, David Koresh, Osama Bin Laden, and all the other terrorists who convinced themselves that they too were fighting tyranny.
Faggot why don't you stop sucking dick long enough to understand obamatax is just another tax. How about pul;l away from obama's asshole long enough to get some fresh air.

why would i stop sucking dick? i don't tell you to put the fried porkshops, french fries, chocolate shakes and handguns down, do i cletus?

And this post is supposed too mean something?
I question the maturity of someone who uses a toy as an avatar./

Where the hell have you been? I had those toys for my children and the oldest one will 40 this year. Star Wars was a long time ago.
why would i stop sucking dick? i don't tell you to put the fried porkshops, french fries, chocolate shakes and handguns down, do i cletus?

And this post is supposed too mean something?
I question the maturity of someone who uses a toy as an avatar./

Where the hell have you been? I had those toys for my children and the oldest one will 40 this year. Star Wars was a long time ago.

And? I had some of the 1960's and some of the 70's GI Joes but by the time I hit 12 they were to blown up to be of any value.
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It isn't in the Constitution. If you think the Constitution protects a right to shoot at government officials (wage war, however you want to word it) you're nuts. It's not in the Constitution anywhere.


Excuse me ding dong. Were you asleep during US History class?

The Constitution only delineates the authority of the federal government. We have 100% of the rights UNLESS THEY ARE SPECIFICALLY GRANTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. READ THE NINTH AMENDMENT.


That's not "rights" that is jurisdiction.

If you have a diploma, go burn it right now. You don't deserve it.
You made yourself the enemy of this country by fucking up your own mind. Tell it to the judge if you get out of line!

I served this Republic that you want to destroy,, FUCK YOU. I don't goose step, I will stand up for my rights I will never submit to what you and your god damn president want to transform this country into. Once again YOU ARE THE ENEMY TOO THIS REPUBLIC.

You're a great patriot in your own mind. If I was you, I'd be worried about my guns and those straight jackets.

You know you really are a little too pathetic to be that smug. Let's wait and see shall we?
You're a great patriot in your own mind. If I was you, I'd be worried about my guns and those straight jackets.
I am not worried about my guns, even my assault rifle. The socialist in chief obamaturd will not get them, period.

You live in a country where you can buy a machine gun and worry Obama will take away your guns. They didn't take away anyone's gun with the assault weapons ban.

You right-wingers are morons, you aren't patriots, you're just a bunch of stupid fucking people.

Why do you think you can buy a machine gun?

Bit of a pot calling the kettle isn't it you anti-liberty dumbass.
It's not a long amendment so lets break it down in the language of the day. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The militia are not regular military but instead are citizens free to pursue their usual occupations yet when called upon for defense they gather their arms and answer the call. Pay attention to the fact the founders were referring to the militia of a country. Those who insisted this be an amendment to the Constitution understood a state to be, as the 1828 dictionary and other historical documents of the day support, an independent nation. The 2nd Amendment was in place to remind the newly formed federal or general government each state's citizenry would be armed and ready to defend themselves should the need arise.

Our founders wrote the constitution the way they did for some damn good reasons and that was one of them. I guess they foolishly thought that future generations would understand history and why they were so focused on freedom and liberty.

I would guess many in the old country resented this new country being formed and didn't like it that people ran away from the rulers so they could be free. From the very beginning, I think many who hated this country coming into existence came over to show us that we can't escape and, to this day, want to change America into the same dictatorship that our founders ran away from.

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