White, Anti-Gay Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black!

I don't see how this is a problem:

1) The voters simply voted for him because he's "black," regardless of whether or not his skin was actually black. So those people deserved to be used.

2) He took an insane gamble by doing so; if his opposition was even 5% lucid, they would have pounced on him and exposed him publicly for such an outrageous claim; which at the very least would have forced a retraction and "it was a typo" defensive spin.

Democrats: Learn to take responsibility for your OWN FAILURES.
I don't see how this is a problem:

1) The voters simply voted for him because he's "black," regardless of whether or not his skin was actually black. So those people deserved to be used.

2) He took an insane gamble by doing so; if his opposition was even 5% lucid, they would have pounced on him and exposed him publicly for such an outrageous claim; which at the very least would have forced a retraction and "it was a typo" defensive spin.

Democrats: Learn to take responsibility for your OWN FAILURES.

Yeah, those stupid Democrats. It's all their fault that an anti-gay Republican decided to win an election by taking advantage of low-info voters.

Oh, wait...
Good. You lefties two faced morons got a big ass dose of your own tactics. LIES

You reap what you sew. Sadly the voters were (ass I like to call them) too fucking stupid to see the truth right in front of them.
I don't know why there are so many whiners about this. I thought people wanted to be judged and accepted on their merit and qualifications, not their race. It should not matter what race he is.
Calling me a troll eh? This politician was dishonest and purposely LIED and dealt in deceit, which is the mantra of the Tea Party apparently, it is what it is. For all you monkeys talking about dealing with poiliticians on the content of character and not skin colour if this man wanted to be truly judged like that he should not have lied about his race in the first place, period.

That's the strangest defense of racism I've ever read.

How can you defend dishonesty by accusing people of racism for pointing it out? You just went full retard with that logic.
These blacks are pretty racist as color is all that matters to them.


If we can assume he would not have won had he not misrepresented himself as black, then yes they are. No doubt.

A white candidate in a majority white district will have a better chance of winning. A black candidate in a majority black district will have a better chance of winning. Same goes for Asian, Jew, etc. It is not as much racism/ethnocentrism as it is that people are more comfortable with commonalities, with someone who is most like themselves.
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White Republican Wins Local Election Pretending To Be Black! | News One

Shameless lying monkeytard. This is how Republicans do it, well some of them apparently.

Shamelss post. Everyone knew the guy. Everyone should know the imcumbant that is both a democrat and black. So the choice at the very least was between a democrat who is black and a Republican who, if we are to presume as the left presume, that blacks thought was black.

No, I think blacks are smarter then the liberal left gives them credit. They voted the democrat out and the republican in. The liberal left can't stand that scenario so they have to invent one where blacks are stupid and duped. I don't buy it at all.
These blacks are pretty racist as color is all that matters to them.


If we can assume he would not have won had he not misrepresented himself as black, then yes they are. No doubt.

A white candidate in a majority white district will have a better chance of winning. A black candidate in a majority black district will have a better chance of winning. Same goes for Asian, Jew, etc. It is not as much racism/ethnocentrism as it is that people are more comfortable with commonalities, with someone who is most like themselves.

A good canidate in a white district has a better chance of winning, regardless of the color. Obama won and regardless of what you think the country is still predominately white. Will change but has not yet.
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