White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government

Civil Servants can’t be fired for not supporting the Presidents politics.
That is why Civil Service was created.
No one said anything about supporting his politics. He is entitled to employees who know how to follow rules and who understand the existing consequences for breaking them.

I know you don't want him being president in the first place, but this is ludicrous.
:lol: love the maturity level of the Trumpists!

Loyalty tests and political purges....not surprising you support them.

Not a "Trumpist" by any stretch of the word.

But seriously, why would you purposefully have people in your administration who are willing to undermine you at the drop of a MAGA hat?

Is he required by law to keep these people employed?

Loyalty is important, loyalty is required. If you cannot do your job dutifully and loyally, why should I keep paying you? Why should I waste taxpayer dollars on someone who is actively working to obstruct my agenda?

I wish I had gotten in on this thread sooner. But it is what it is.
The federal government has three branches, the executive, the legislative, the judicial.

The President is the elected leader of the executive branch.

People who work in the executive branch serve the President, and if they cannot do that, they should seek alternative employment.

Not exactly. If they are political appointees then yes, they serve at the pleasure of the president. Otherwise - they serve their country, their agency, or the office of the president. If they are not political appointees they are protected by civil service laws from political retaliation.

If these employees serve in the executive branch, they are subject to the authority of the president, and the appropriate political appointees for that department of the executive. Are we saying the president shouldn't have the power to hire and fire whom he pleases for whatever reason within reason?
Yeah, how dare Trump purge people actively undermining him and his agenda.

The nerve!

Grow the fuck up, asshat.

:lol: love the maturity level of the Trumpists!

Loyalty tests and political purges....not surprising you support them.
I ask again. What is a “Trumpist”? Someone who disagrees with you? The WH has had nonstop leaks and distractions. Barr is not a “yes man” he is still there. How do you explain that?

Barr is certainly a yes man thus far.

Regarding leaks - that is a separate matter and one that can be criminally pursued.

That doesn't seem to be what this article is referring to - only rather vaguely defined terms like "loyalty".
You STILL haven't answered his question. You're better and smarter than that, Coyote.

What is a Trumpist? Some who supports anything and everything Trump does, even it it's unethical. To sum it up - a Trumpist is someone who refers to lying as mere "literary license" when it comes out of Trump's mouth. Someone who suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Curious. Did you support everything Obama did? Regardless of ethics?
but if people lose their jobs NOT BECAUSE they are "undermining" him but, rather, simply because they are FOLLOWING the constitution and the law......then we h ave a problem.

And can you base this statement on a complete understanding of the law and constitution?

Because all I see is emotion, not an informed opinion.
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”
What did you think he/they meant when when referring to abolishing "the deep state"...these are all imbedded employees who keep an eye on the lefts enemies and are guarded by rules that protect them from dismissal for most any reason...if you were going to spy on your opponents what better way could be had?...if trump gets his way "the deep state" will be history and liberals will lose their real power, the ability to litigate away their opponents.

There is no such thing as "deep state". Those employees (not political appointees) are people that have served under multiple administrations - conservative and liberal, Republican and Democrat. Only Trump seems to be having any problems.

You're an idiot.

Political scientists and foreign policy experts have used the term deep state for years to describe individuals and institutions who exercise power independent of—and sometimes over—civilian political leaders. They applied it mainly to developing countries like Algeria, Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey, where generals and spies called the real shots in nominally democratic societies and replaced elected leaders when they saw fit. (Turkey and Egypt have recently moved to more overt security-state dictatorships, in which the deep state is the only state.)

For a generation, the people who saw something like an American deep state—even if they rarely called it that—resided on the left, not the right. The 9/11 attacks triggered the rapid growth of an opaque security and intelligence machine often unaccountable to the civilian legal system. In the 2000s, the critique focused on a “war machine” of military and intelligence officials, defense contractors and neoconservative ideologues who, in some versions, took orders directly from Vice President Dick Cheney. In the Obama era, the focus shifted to the eerie precision of “targeted killings” by drones, and then the furor over Snowden, the ex-National Security Agency contractor whose 2013 leaks exposed the astonishing reach of the government’s surveillance. “There’s definitely a deep state,” Snowden told the Nation in 2014. “Trust me, I’ve been there.”}

The Deep State Is Real

But it might not be what you think.

Did you miss that part?
You're an idiot.

Did you miss that part?
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”
Anyone and everyone appointed by Barry have proven to be criminal, anti-American, Constitution-violating, law-breaking vermin that need to be expelled from the government....hopefully many will still land in prison where they belong.
The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration in history
The federal government has three branches, the executive, the legislative, the judicial.

The President is the elected leader of the executive branch.

People who work in the executive branch serve the President, and if they cannot do that, they should seek alternative employment.

Not exactly. If they are political appointees then yes, they serve at the pleasure of the president. Otherwise - they serve their country, their agency, or the office of the president. If they are not political appointees they are protected by civil service laws from political retaliation.

If these employees serve in the executive branch, they are subject to the authority of the president, and the appropriate political appointees for that department of the executive. Are we saying the president shouldn't have the power to hire and fire whom he pleases for whatever reason within reason?
Political appointees work for the President
Government employees work for the people of the United States
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”
Anyone and everyone appointed by Barry have proven to be criminal, anti-American, Constitution-violating, law-breaking vermin that need to be expelled from the government....hopefully many will still land in prison where they belong.
The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration in history
Not even you are dumb enough to believe that.

Are you?
Civil Servants can’t be fired for not supporting the Presidents politics.
That is why Civil Service was created.
No one said anything about supporting his politics. He is entitled to employees who know how to follow rules and who understand the existing consequences for breaking them.

I know you don't want him being president in the first place, but this is ludicrous.
Reporting unethical acts of the President is following the rules
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”
Anyone and everyone appointed by Barry have proven to be criminal, anti-American, Constitution-violating, law-breaking vermin that need to be expelled from the government....hopefully many will still land in prison where they belong.
The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration in history
Not even you are dumb enough to believe that.

Are you?
History has already recorded it
The federal government has three branches, the executive, the legislative, the judicial.

The President is the elected leader of the executive branch.

People who work in the executive branch serve the President, and if they cannot do that, they should seek alternative employment.

Not exactly. If they are political appointees then yes, they serve at the pleasure of the president. Otherwise - they serve their country, their agency, or the office of the president. If they are not political appointees they are protected by civil service laws from political retaliation.

If these employees serve in the executive branch, they are subject to the authority of the president, and the appropriate political appointees for that department of the executive. Are we saying the president shouldn't have the power to hire and fire whom he pleases for whatever reason within reason?
Political appointees work for the President
Government employees work for the people of the United States

Yeah, sure. Keep thinking that.

They are employees of the executive branch, which ultimately falls under the purview of the president. He presides over all political appointees and employees who work for the executive branch. They are all employees of the US Government, and are subject to the laws established for respective departments.
Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”
Anyone and everyone appointed by Barry have proven to be criminal, anti-American, Constitution-violating, law-breaking vermin that need to be expelled from the government....hopefully many will still land in prison where they belong.
The Great Obama had the most scandal free administration in history
Not even you are dumb enough to believe that.

Are you?
History has already recorded it
Show me. Or show yourself out.

Your choice.
Civil Servants can’t be fired for not supporting the Presidents politics.
That is why Civil Service was created.
No one said anything about supporting his politics. He is entitled to employees who know how to follow rules and who understand the existing consequences for breaking them.

I know you don't want him being president in the first place, but this is ludicrous.
Reporting unethical acts of the President is following the rules

No. Reporting what you deem to be ethical is what you deem to be "following the rules". You don't like Trump to begin with. So I assume you think anything he does that doesn't fall in line with your view of America is unethical.

You are influenced by biases. Not by a genuine understanding of the law or the constitution.
The federal government has three branches, the executive, the legislative, the judicial.

The President is the elected leader of the executive branch.

People who work in the executive branch serve the President, and if they cannot do that, they should seek alternative employment.

Not exactly. If they are political appointees then yes, they serve at the pleasure of the president. Otherwise - they serve their country, their agency, or the office of the president. If they are not political appointees they are protected by civil service laws from political retaliation.

All in the executive branch are there to serve the president and further his policies, if they can't do that, they need to go. Period, mic drop.


That's wrong. Their first duty is to the United States.
Curious... hiring and firing people to ensure proper functioning of government isn't a duty to the United States?

Or is it simply because he's not loyal to your political views?

Strange definition of loyalty you folks have. Strange indeed.

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