White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America

Here's the deal.

You can all die in a goddamn fire, for all I care.

I owe you NOTHING and I will FUCKING KILL any motherfucker who tries to force that vax on me or my family.

We're not all in this together. Fuck you. Die.

White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well, no surprise. The man they adore taught them to doubt it, deny it, mock it, and downplay it.

They're more than willing to spread it far and wide, infecting Americans from coast to coast.

Freedom. Liberty. Death. Suffering. MAGA.
more babble crap from you ...you BELIEVE that shit!!!!!!!....you people are truly STUPID for believing that crap
All this tells me is that white Republicans are obviously more precautionary and deliberate about what they put in their bodies. Less easily led around by their nose.

Those who are fearful of receiving a vaccine for any reason are paranoid idiots who do not know the higher risks of not receiving the vaccine and the affect on others.
The highest number of paranoid idiots are within white Republicans and circus clowns.
The highest number of paranoid idiots are those running around with masks on.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Let's get that "white" in there right away. CRT says white people are oppressors how did they overlook they would oppose vaccines as well? More garbage to promote guilt and hate. The farthest thing from unity courtesy of our lying media.
White independents and Democrats do not fear the vaccine. It is not about being white.
But being white and a Republican is another thing. White Republicans fear everything; vaccines, people who do not look like them, people from other countries, people who are not fearful, people with college education.
This is not a racist country. Garbage.
White republicans are fearful of people who are not racist.
Without racism what would white Republicans do? The truth is white republicans are scared to take the vaccine because they feel the vaccine will turn them brown.
Just when I think you can't possibly get any more retarded...you do.
Well you panty ass chicken, davesomething, what is your paranoid fear that is keeping you from taking the vaccine. Do you think the government will insert a tracking device into you through the fake vaccine?
Nope, nothing like that. I don't like taking any medication that hasn't been thoroughly vetted with clinical trials.

And it's "pansy ass", retard.
I would guess a pansy ass would know the proper term, pansy ass. Not being a pansy ass, I got it wrong.
...says the alleged adult having a tantrum because people disagree with him.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
I'm one of them. I've had it though, so...
So? why would anyone not get the vaccine
Everybody is an individual. We are not all exactly the same. LWNJ moonbats like you are apparently just too fucking stupid to comprehend that fact.

For example, some people have a medical history of allergic reactions to vaccines, most others don't. It's each individual's prerogative to perform their own risk/benefit analysis to decide whether of not they should get vaccinated and where and when.
You hush. Doctor Mudd, Doctor of Internet Medicine from the University of CNN, says every single human being who ever lived needs the shot.
Well don't get that vaccine now! LOL
I wonder about the real reason why they're not going to get vaccinated, unless they are and aren't admitting it, of course.

Are they paranoid about the shot? Do they think Bill Gates in injecting them with something? Are they just being good sheep?

I can't ask, since there's no reason to believe anything they say.

But I do wonder.
You don't need to ask because you've already made up your mind -- or rather, someone else made it up for you.
Well don't get that vaccine now! LOL
I wonder about the real reason why they're not going to get vaccinated, unless they are and aren't admitting it, of course.

Are they paranoid about the shot? Do they think Bill Gates in injecting them with something? Are they just being good sheep?

I can't ask, since there's no reason to believe anything they say.

But I do wonder.
You don't need to ask because you've already made up your mind -- or rather, someone else made it up for you.

Dittos, Rush.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

This is an example of Darwinism in the modern world where we are weeding out the stupid people as a certain percentage of these idiots who refuse to get a vaccination will eventually get sick and die. And the smart survivors, who are smart enough to get a vaccination, will end up taking the jobs of the dead fools and will eventually move into their homes when they're put on the market.

It's survival of the fittest!
The fittest, the absolute pinnacle of human evolution, according to Mustang:

White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

how much did your boss from Langley pay you to embarrass yourself like this?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

obviously an awful lot for you to humiliate yourself this way.
Some people enjoy humiliation. He probably has an extensive collection of dog collars and leashes.
are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
How would it threaten those people if they got the vaccine?

Covid has given leftists their dream world, where we're all drones in a giant collective, and they get to feel like they're controlling everyone. They don't want to let it go.
Cecile is beyond being a dumbass. COVID has controlled Americans more than the government ever has or wants to. People who want to do everything possible to get rid of COVID whether democratic, independent or republican are the ones who are working for more freedom for all Americans.
Whiners like you are getting in the way of freedom.
Well don't get that vaccine now! LOL
I wonder about the real reason why they're not going to get vaccinated, unless they are and aren't admitting it, of course.

Are they paranoid about the shot? Do they think Bill Gates in injecting them with something? Are they just being good sheep?

I can't ask, since there's no reason to believe anything they say.

But I do wonder.
You don't need to ask because you've already made up your mind -- or rather, someone else made it up for you.

Dittos, Rush.
I never listened to him. Radio's for classic rock, not talking heads.

Meanwhile, you yourself said your mind's already made up.
Why aren't you demanding everyone get a flu vaccine every year?
The flu viruses that we deal with every year are not novel viruses. I am sure you know the difference with dealing with a novel virus and a virus that has been in the population for years.

How did you think it started off? You do realize what we call the "seasonal flu" is the Spanish Influenza, right? It was incredibly more deadly than COVID and per capita killed four times as many Americans. There were no vaccines and no antivirals to treat it and after two years it eventually piddled out to the level of what we deal with every winter. You seem to be under the impression that if we don't vaccinate against COVID the rest of our lives will be a repeat of 2020, which has no basis in reality.
YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT! The Spanish Flu is very similar to COVID-19. We relied on herd immunity for the Flu to die out. The mortality rate was .0065 of a population of 103 million people, 675,000 people died.
We could depend on herd immunity now. The mortality rate should be close to the same.
Based on today's population 2,145,000 would die by the time herd immunity took care of COVID-19.
With everyone vaccinated we could save over 1,000,000 lives
are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
How would it threaten those people if they got the vaccine?

Covid has given leftists their dream world, where we're all drones in a giant collective, and they get to feel like they're controlling everyone. They don't want to let it go.
Cecile is beyond being a dumbass. COVID has controlled Americans more than the government ever has or wants to. People who want to do everything possible to get rid of COVID whether democratic, independent or republican are the ones who are working for more freedom for all Americans.
Whiners like you are getting in the way of freedom.
Get the vaccine and do what you want.
This virus replicates every 10 hours. You have to kill it, not nurture it. A vaccination designed to detect a specific protein(antigen) will not see that protein when it changes to different variants. You're wrong, as usual. I wouldn't expect you to comprehend this.
So even the smallest mutation will mean the vaccine is no longer effective?

Not every mutation will cause the vaccine to be useless. Some mutation will not affect the vaccine efficacy or it could make the efficacy much less.
The more mutations we have the greater the chance we will eventually have a variant that our current vaccines could be useless. The fewer cases, the fewer variants, the lower the chance of a variant that could start the whole process over.
Here's the deal.

You can all die in a goddamn fire, for all I care.

I owe you NOTHING and I will FUCKING KILL any motherfucker who tries to force that vax on me or my family.

We're not all in this together. Fuck you. Die.

Bootney sounds like a very rational human being. I hope he/she does not own any firearms. People like Bootney are of greatest danger to their own family.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Let's get that "white" in there right away. CRT says white people are oppressors how did they overlook they would oppose vaccines as well? More garbage to promote guilt and hate. The farthest thing from unity courtesy of our lying media.
White independents and Democrats do not fear the vaccine. It is not about being white.
But being white and a Republican is another thing. White Republicans fear everything; vaccines, people who do not look like them, people from other countries, people who are not fearful, people with college education.
This is not a racist country. Garbage.
White republicans are fearful of people who are not racist.
Without racism what would white Republicans do? The truth is white republicans are scared to take the vaccine because they feel the vaccine will turn them brown.
Just when I think you can't possibly get any more retarded...you do.
Well you panty ass chicken, davesomething, what is your paranoid fear that is keeping you from taking the vaccine. Do you think the government will insert a tracking device into you through the fake vaccine?
Nope, nothing like that. I don't like taking any medication that hasn't been thoroughly vetted with clinical trials.

And it's "pansy ass", retard.
I would guess a pansy ass would know the proper term, pansy ass. Not being a pansy ass, I got it wrong.
...says the alleged adult having a tantrum because people disagree with him.
Calling Davedork a pansy ass is not having a tantrum.
This virus replicates every 10 hours. You have to kill it, not nurture it. A vaccination designed to detect a specific protein(antigen) will not see that protein when it changes to different variants. You're wrong, as usual. I wouldn't expect you to comprehend this.
So even the smallest mutation will mean the vaccine is no longer effective?

Not every mutation will cause the vaccine to be useless. Some mutation will not affect the vaccine efficacy or it could make the efficacy much less.
The more mutations we have the greater the chance we will eventually have a variant that our current vaccines could be useless. The fewer cases, the fewer variants, the lower the chance of a variant that could start the whole process over.

That's true.
This virus replicates every 10 hours. You have to kill it, not nurture it. A vaccination designed to detect a specific protein(antigen) will not see that protein when it changes to different variants. You're wrong, as usual. I wouldn't expect you to comprehend this.
So even the smallest mutation will mean the vaccine is no longer effective?

Not every mutation will cause the vaccine to be useless. Some mutation will not affect the vaccine efficacy or it could make the efficacy much less.
The more mutations we have the greater the chance we will eventually have a variant that our current vaccines could be useless. The fewer cases, the fewer variants, the lower the chance of a variant that could start the whole process over.

The problem though is that there are possibly hundreds of variants. Now, 61 percent of Brazil is reinfected with a new variant, P1. You can't keep chasing this virus. We're eons behind it right now. The original strain has already gone through the populace and we have pharmaceuticals playing catch up. It's madness.
The problem though is that there are possibly hundreds of variants. Now, 61 percent of Brazil is reinfected with a new variant, P1. You can't keep chasing this virus. We're eons behind it right now. The original strain has already gone through the populace and we have pharmaceuticals playing catch up. It's madness.
Madness is believing anything you post without a link
are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
How would it threaten those people if they got the vaccine?
Quite right, let them get it and shut up! Let them wear masks for years (and they probably will) if they think masks are so protective.

I think they should all take AstraZeneca shots and shut up. If they are vaccinated, it doesn't matter who isn't vaccinated. Why do leftists always insist everyone march in lockstep?

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