Whitehouse: Uninsured Rate at or Near Historic Lows

You are not the core.

Where did you get such a damn fool idea.

Go start a 3rd party, all 23 of you.


Of course we are... You think you saying that will change things, or are you really this demented... or simply the plant for the subversives that you have been uncovered to be?
Only loons think the far right is the core of anything.

One, we told you we would defeat most of your primary candidates. We did.

Two, we told you that after your fiascoes last fall that you would not be allowed to damage the party further. Thus, the votes last fall, early winter, and the end of this Congress.

Keep telling yourselves that you are the core of the party as you are being forced out the exit.

You do not have the sensibility, the vote, or the numbers to dictate major party candidacies at the national level.

McConnell, Boehner, Bobby Jindal, and the major leadership have told you to stop being stupid.

Until that happens, you are where you are: with no influence the policy and decision makers.
Only loons think the far right is the core of anything.

One, we told you we would defeat most of your primary candidates. We did.

Two, we told you that after your fiascoes last fall that you would not be allowed to damage the party further. Thus, the votes last fall, early winter, and the end of this Congress.

Keep telling yourselves that you are the core of the party as you are being forced out the exit.

You do not have the sensibility, the vote, or the numbers to dictate major party candidacies at the national level.

McConnell, Boehner, Bobby Jindal, and the major leadership have told you to stop being stupid.

Until that happens, you are where you are: with no influence the policy and decision makers.
Who won in November? Is Obama telling you that your still winning? You know what a liar he is. Lol
The good guys, the mainstream GOP, won the election.

If you are being told it was the far right, they are grifting you, jknowgood.
That's the spirit! Let's see if Mitch, John, and Barak can get something worthwhile done together.

2014 Has Seen Largest Coverage Gains in Four Decades, Putting the Uninsured Rate at or Near Historic Lows

Posted by Jason Furman, Matt Fiedler on December 18, 2014

Earlier this week, the National Center for Health Statistics released new data on health insurance coverage during the second quarter of 2014, the first federal survey data that largely capture the effects of the Affordable Care Act’s first open enrollment period. These new data confirm earlier findings that 2014 has seen dramatic reductions in the share of Americans without health insurance, reductions that correspond to an estimated 10 million people gaining coverage since before the start of open enrollment.

This progress is even more striking when viewed in historical context. Building on work by other researchers, the Council of Economic Advisers has constructed estimates of the share of Americans without health insurance extending back to 1963. These estimates show that the drop in the nation’s uninsured rate so far this year is the largest over any period since the early 1970s, years in which the Medicaid program was still ramping up and the Medicare and Medicaid programs were expanded to people with disabilities.

With this year’s decline, the nation’s uninsured rate is now at or near the lowest level recorded across five decades of data. Furthermore, new data out today on Medicaid enrollment and data on Marketplace plan selections from earlier this week show that progress in reducing the number of uninsured Americans is continuing.

This new evidence that the law is succeeding in expanding coverage joins evidence showing that the nation is making progress on the Affordable Care Act’s other core goals: making our health care system more efficient and improving the quality of care that patients receive. On costs, underlying growth in health care prices, premiums, and per-enrollee spending—the costs that matter to families—remains exceptionally slow, thanks in part to the law’s reforms. This is occurring even as the dramatic expansion in coverage puts temporary upward pressure on growth in aggregate health care spending. Meanwhile, the nation is making progress on quality as well. Preliminary data released earlier this month showed that the rate at which patients are harmed when receiving hospital care has fallen 17 percent from 2010 through 2013, corresponding to an estimated 50,000 avoided deaths and $12 billion in savings over that period.

Just wondering how the 6-10k deductibles play into this?
An interesting article that is drawing the RIGHT attention, rather than the DemocRAT talking points and the RINO surrender! You have the intelligence to read and reply Fakey?

I Am No Longer a Republican!!!!!

christianpost.com ^

I am no longer a Republican. John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and their Democrat-lite, RINO Republican establishment have seen to that. They have betrayed their own constituents. They have actively turned against the American people – the very voters who granted them power to do good. Even before the gavel has sounded on the Republican-led 114th Congress, these treacherous cowards shamelessly, eagerly, it seems, squandered perhaps the one opportunity they had to stop, in his tracks, America's first cultural Marxist, anti-American, palpably evil president. If ever there were, there can no longer be any doubt. Barack Obama is bent on turning...
I certainly don't care if you and your podjos leave the party, Vigilante.

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Sigh. You represent may be seven to eight per cent of the voters.

No one else, Republican, Independent, Democratic, etc., care.
Sigh. You represent may be seven to eight per cent of the voters.

No one else, Republican, Independent, Democratic, etc., care.

And what % did YOUR RINO candidate LOSE by last time? I do believe it was 51.1% to 47.2% .... so WE are 7-8% of the voters.... YOU LOSE, but don't let that door smash your face in when you actually realize you MUST have us to win! Subversive
We will continue to replace you with more minorities and women, like we just did. We will keep doing that and keep winning.
We will continue to replace you with more minorities and women, like we just did. We will keep doing that and keep winning.


Can you name all the 7 point landslides from the 2014 election, and then how many elections were there where you won by a FEW % points?
You are not a critical thinker. Most of your group, first, will vote for us while telling the rest "not me". Two, the more minorities and females we recruit, the less we need you. Considering that there are far more of them than you, the numbers speak for themselves.

You will change for us if you want input. If not, toddle along.
You are not a critical thinker. Most of your group, first, will vote for us while telling the rest "not me". Two, the more minorities and females we recruit, the less we need you. Considering that there are far more of them than you, the numbers speak for themselves.

You will change for us if you want input. If not, toddle along.

Ok, Flakey, you keep believing that shit!... you don't as a Manchurian Republican, but hey, it makes you LOOK like you give a shit!...Run along now with Johnny Boy, & hold hands!


Did you find out how many elections were won by more than 7%....I didn't think so!
And the far right led by the loony Vigilante continues to cry.

Yo, boob, it is what is.

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