Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: "All of it!"
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Again, this is the Arab Palestinian Claim that they must be given sovereignty over the "River to the Sea." And that is a demonstration of how they think and why they are a Culture of Conflict. They want it all!

RoccoR said:
What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.

I've never danced around that "Question." YOU Simply just don't like the answer. And I ask you one more time (one of many time):

◈ What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?​
◈ What Sovereign Palestinian Territory ever take from a Palestinian Regime?​

IF you cannot answer these simple questions, THEN what leg do you stand on?

a ) Prior to 1948 what permanent population did the Sovereign Palestinian Government have?​
b ) Prior to 1948 what defined territory did the Sovereign Palestinian Government have?​
c ) Prior to 1948 what government did the Sovereign Palestinian Sovereignty have?​
d) Prior to 1948 what foreign relations did the Sovereign Palestinian Sovereignty have with other sovereignties?​


In early 1948, the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) reaffirmed → that the Arabs of Palestine did NOT recognize the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate of Palestine or any aspect arising or derived from them.

The Arab Palestinians believe in armed struggle and jihad. Some believe that Palestine is set within the boundaries it had during the British Mandate; and that it is an indivisible territorial unit and cannot be partitioned. Others accept that the Armistice Lines set the boundaries. And others believe that territorial disputes are still subject to negotiation.

While no one disputes that the Arab Palestinians have the "Right to Self-Determination and the Territorial Integrity that outlines their sovereignty; no one knows where that is. And certainly, the Rights of the Arab Palestinians do not preempt the Right of the Israelis.


Most Respectfully,
The flaw in your argument is that you believe that states and governments are required for sovereignty. That is not true. Sovereignty belongs to the people. That gives the people the right to create governments and states. A sovereign state is the extension of the people's sovereignty. I have posted several dovuments showing this to be true.
You have posted NOTHING to show that that’s true. What a bunch of baloney. All you do is post the same jibberish about sovereignty but have never posted A SINGLE DOCUMENT to back that up. Sure , you may have posted some documents, but they were , as usual, completely unrelated !
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: "All of it!"
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Again, this is the Arab Palestinian Claim that they must be given sovereignty over the "River to the Sea." And that is a demonstration of how they think and why they are a Culture of Conflict. They want it all!

RoccoR said:
What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.

I've never danced around that "Question." YOU Simply just don't like the answer. And I ask you one more time (one of many time):

◈ What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?​
◈ What Sovereign Palestinian Territory ever take from a Palestinian Regime?​

IF you cannot answer these simple questions, THEN what leg do you stand on?

a ) Prior to 1948 what permanent population did the Sovereign Palestinian Government have?​
b ) Prior to 1948 what defined territory did the Sovereign Palestinian Government have?​
c ) Prior to 1948 what government did the Sovereign Palestinian Sovereignty have?​
d) Prior to 1948 what foreign relations did the Sovereign Palestinian Sovereignty have with other sovereignties?​


In early 1948, the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) reaffirmed → that the Arabs of Palestine did NOT recognize the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate of Palestine or any aspect arising or derived from them.

The Arab Palestinians believe in armed struggle and jihad. Some believe that Palestine is set within the boundaries it had during the British Mandate; and that it is an indivisible territorial unit and cannot be partitioned. Others accept that the Armistice Lines set the boundaries. And others believe that territorial disputes are still subject to negotiation.

While no one disputes that the Arab Palestinians have the "Right to Self-Determination and the Territorial Integrity that outlines their sovereignty; no one knows where that is. And certainly, the Rights of the Arab Palestinians do not preempt the Right of the Israelis.


Most Respectfully,
The flaw in your argument is that you believe that states and governments are required for sovereignty. That is not true. Sovereignty belongs to the people. That gives the people the right to create governments and states. A sovereign state is the extension of the people's sovereignty. I have posted several dovuments showing this to be true.
Reading from the Islamic terrorist handbook?
Another of the Islamic terrorist talking heads was rattling on with the nonsense you expect from Pally terrorists.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
There are lots of good reasons, legal and moral, why US welfare money should not go to the Pally Islamic terrorists. I'm hoping that our representatives will raise objections to rewarding Islamic terrorists.

Is renewing US funding to the PA legal under US law?​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | May 26, 2021

Numerous pieces of US legislation limit US aid to the Palestinian Authority:

  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 limited US aid to the PA by deducting an amount equivalent to the PA payments to terrorist prisoners and the families of dead terrorists from the annual allocation.

  • The Taylor Force Act, 2018 limited all US aid to the PA given via the Economic Support Fund, until the PA completely abolishes its terror reward payments and meets other conditions.

  • The Anti-terrorism Clarification Act, 2018 forced the PA to choose between supporting terror or receiving US aid. The PA chose terror support.

  • The Anti-Terrorism Act, 1987, inter alia, designated the PLO as a terror organization and consequently limits the use of US aid given to the PA.

  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 also limited US Economic Support Fund aid, if the PA initiates or actively supports an ICC investigation against Israel. The PA has initiated such an investigation and is actively supporting it.

  • The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, 2006 would limit US aid to the PA if any PA government were to include members or representatives of the terror organization Hamas.

  • US aid to UNRWA is not limited by US law.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: "Funding" and "Findings"
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Like everything else, there is the law, the intent, and then raw power and authority.

There are lots of good reasons, legal and moral, why US welfare money should not go to the Pally Islamic terrorists. I'm hoping that our representatives will raise objections to rewarding Islamic terrorists.

Is renewing US funding to the PA legal under US law?​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | May 26, 2021


22 U.S. Code § 2414 - Presidential findings and determinations​

50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions​

The action, depending on the intent and connection with Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriation Act, as the White House sees it, can be legalized.

The action, if it is connected directly to and is determined to be such action - necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives of the United States and is important to the national security of the United States - can be legalized.


While the Taylor-Force Act (as amended 2017) is specifically targeted, assistance that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority (PA) from being made available for the West Bank and Gaza, there are exceptions. And that requires the shifting of funds between programs (the old White House shell game).

I (personally) wrote my Congressman on the issue, but I don't suspect Congress will actually do anything about it. Their credibility is shot.

You will notice that almost immediately after the funds were restored, the Call for Jihad and Armed Struggle went out.

(CNN By Kylie Atwood and Andrew Carey, CNN - Thu April 8, 2021)The US will resume the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Palestinians that was previously halted by the Trump administration.​
Over $200 million will soon begin to flow to economic, development and humanitarian programs for the Palestinian people, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Wednesday -- a move hailed by both the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which supports displaced Palestinians, and Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh.​
(May 10, 2021 / JNS) In the wake of clashes in Jerusalem that left some 200 Arabs and 17 Israeli police officers injured, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah Party called on Saturday for increased violence in the city, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported.​
“The Fatah Movement with all its elements and leadership calls to continue this uprising … Fatah calls on everyone to raise the level of confrontation in the coming days and hours in the Palestinian lands, the points of friction and the settlers’ roads,” the Fatah Central Committee announced in a statement.​
This is a White House failure in both strategy and approach.


Most Respectfully,
Oh, come on.

Hamas is the world's second richest islamic terrorist franchise. The Islamic terrorists at the top of the Hamas pyramid are going to reap a windfall from this latest fleecing of welfare donations.

Yahya Sinwar, Hamas' leader in the Gaza Strip claimed in an interview Wednesday that the donations streaming into Gaza following the 11-day conflict with Israel will solely be used for reconstruction purposes and not for rearmament, according to The Jerusalem Post.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: "All of it!"
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

You have to give our friend P F Tinmore some slack here. He does not know the difference between "Personal Sovereignty" and "Government Sovereignty."

P F Tinmore said:
The flaw in your argument is that you believe that states and governments are required for sovereignty. That is not true. Sovereignty belongs to the people. That gives the people the right to create governments and states. A sovereign state is the extension of the people's sovereignty. I have posted several dovuments showing this to be true.

Hollie said:
Reading from the Islamic terrorist handbook?

And he is quite happy being in the dark shadow of the pro-Palestinian Movement.

The Sovereignty (in the context of this discussion) can be defined as “the legal status of a state that is not subject within its territorial jurisdiction :

◈ To a foreign government,
◈ To a foreign state,
◈ To foreign laws (other than public international law)

The Palestine which out friend P F Timore discusses, ("All of It" as he puts it) has not been subject to anything other than "Foreign Governanace" for a thousand years.

Sovereignty in the hands of the people, as he puts it, is not the same kind of sovereignty we are discussing, if it were, then the solution would be that:

◈ The Israeli People decide (self-determination) the status for the territory they hold (territorial integrity).​
◈ The Arab Palestinian people decide (self-determination) the status of the territory they hold (territorial integrity).​

And there we have it, the Two-State Solution. So, from an Arab Palestinian standpoint, you have to ask, what territory do the Arab Palestinians hold that is NOT under "Foreign Governance."

There: Self-determination and Territorial Integrity are preserved for both culture.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: "All of it!"
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

You have to give our friend P F Tinmore some slack here. He does not know the difference between "Personal Sovereignty" and "Government Sovereignty."

P F Tinmore said:
The flaw in your argument is that you believe that states and governments are required for sovereignty. That is not true. Sovereignty belongs to the people. That gives the people the right to create governments and states. A sovereign state is the extension of the people's sovereignty. I have posted several dovuments showing this to be true.

Hollie said:
Reading from the Islamic terrorist handbook?

And he is quite happy being in the dark shadow of the pro-Palestinian Movement.

The Sovereignty (in the context of this discussion) can be defined as “the legal status of a state that is not subject within its territorial jurisdiction :

◈ To a foreign government,
◈ To a foreign state,
◈ To foreign laws (other than public international law)

The Palestine which out friend P F Timore discusses, ("All of It" as he puts it) has not been subject to anything other than "Foreign Governanace" for a thousand years.

Sovereignty in the hands of the people, as he puts it, is not the same kind of sovereignty we are discussing, if it were, then the solution would be that:

◈ The Israeli People decide (self-determination) the status for the territory they hold (territorial integrity).​
◈ The Arab Palestinian people decide (self-determination) the status of the territory they hold (territorial integrity).​

And there we have it, the Two-State Solution. So, from an Arab Palestinian standpoint, you have to ask, what territory do the Arab Palestinians hold that is NOT under "Foreign Governance."

There: Self-determination and Territorial Integrity are preserved for both culture.


Most Respectfully,
Government and state sovereignty is the extension of the peoples sovereignty.

The legitimacy of a government is derived from the will of the people.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: "All of it!"
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

You have to give our friend P F Tinmore some slack here. He does not know the difference between "Personal Sovereignty" and "Government Sovereignty."

P F Tinmore said:
The flaw in your argument is that you believe that states and governments are required for sovereignty. That is not true. Sovereignty belongs to the people. That gives the people the right to create governments and states. A sovereign state is the extension of the people's sovereignty. I have posted several dovuments showing this to be true.

Hollie said:
Reading from the Islamic terrorist handbook?

And he is quite happy being in the dark shadow of the pro-Palestinian Movement.

The Sovereignty (in the context of this discussion) can be defined as “the legal status of a state that is not subject within its territorial jurisdiction :

◈ To a foreign government,
◈ To a foreign state,
◈ To foreign laws (other than public international law)

The Palestine which out friend P F Timore discusses, ("All of It" as he puts it) has not been subject to anything other than "Foreign Governanace" for a thousand years.

Sovereignty in the hands of the people, as he puts it, is not the same kind of sovereignty we are discussing, if it were, then the solution would be that:

◈ The Israeli People decide (self-determination) the status for the territory they hold (territorial integrity).​
◈ The Arab Palestinian people decide (self-determination) the status of the territory they hold (territorial integrity).​

And there we have it, the Two-State Solution. So, from an Arab Palestinian standpoint, you have to ask, what territory do the Arab Palestinians hold that is NOT under "Foreign Governance."

There: Self-determination and Territorial Integrity are preserved for both culture.


Most Respectfully,
Government and state sovereignty is the extension of the peoples sovereignty.

The legitimacy of a government is derived from the will of the people.
You cut and paste those slogans every time and they're wrong every time.
Calling our the absurdity of paying islamic terrorists to wage gee-had needs to be said in spite of the intellectually crippled Biden. From the disgraceful hanging of terrorist BLM flags at US Embassies to thanking the islamic terrorists in Iran and Hamas with millions of welfare payments, the stupidity runs apace in Washington.

Speaking from Jerusalem, while on a three-country tour of the Middle East, Secretary of State Antony Blinken outlined plans to pour aid into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. "We are in the process of providing more than $360 million of urgent support for the Palestinian people," Blinken announced, albeit acknowledging that he would coordinate with the United Nations, the Palestinian Authority, and Israel "to ensure that Hamas does not benefit from these reconstruction efforts." However, that Hamas will benefit is a foregone conclusion, and Blinken shows profound ignorance if he does not understand why.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
Just because you claim you posted it, doesn’t make it so Tinmore . Let’s try again... where’s the link ?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
Just because you claim you posted it, doesn’t make it so Tinmore . Let’s try again... where’s the link ?
You need to keep up.
I think there is a missing component in the whining that takes place among the Islamic terrorist supporters. There is this need to whine about the huge imbalance of dead Pallys vs. Israeli citizens killed by islamic terrorist wars of aggression.

My clear impression is that the Pally terrorists know with certainty that Israel will sweep across Gaza and rain down a devastating air and ground assault if the Pallys push too far.

I believe we're seeing another example of the islamic terrorist leadership sacrificing disposable Pally sheep for the expected flood of international welfare money.

Its quite the Islamic terrorist get rich quick scheme.

(May 12, 2021 / JNS) The Israeli military announced on Wednesday that a number of top Hamas commanders had been killed in a “complex” operation in the Gaza Strip.

(May 12, 2021 / JNS) The Israeli military announced on Wednesday that a number of top Hamas commanders had been killed in a “complex” operation in the Gaza Strip.

The commanders, who the Israeli military said was “close to” the terror group’s military chief, Muhammad Deif, were killed simultaneously in Gaza City and Khan Yunis in what the army said in a statement was a “first of its kind” joint operation of the Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
Just because you claim you posted it, doesn’t make it so Tinmore . Let’s try again... where’s the link ?
You need to keep up.
Your usual retreat.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
Just because you claim you posted it, doesn’t make it so Tinmore . Let’s try again... where’s the link ?
You need to keep up.
You’re right Tinmore, I must have missed the last time you posted it. So, care to post the link again or are you still going to duck duck duck ?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: "All of it!"
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

P F Tinmore said:
Government and state sovereignty is the extension of the peoples sovereignty.

This only applies to a narrow reference frame of governments. Not all governments have this in common.

P F Tinmore said:
The legitimacy of a government is derived from the will of the people.

Again, this is not true. I do not think it is even true in the disputed territories to which the various factions call the State of Palestine.

These are variations on the same theme:

◈ One is the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people."​
◈ Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA)​

PSOP Mahmoud Abbas's term as President expired 15 January 2009. However, he has maintained the presidency for more than a decade.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
Just because you claim you posted it, doesn’t make it so Tinmore . Let’s try again... where’s the link ?
You need to keep up.
You’re right Tinmore, I must have missed the last time you posted it. So, care to post the link again or are you still going to duck duck duck ?
There were several issues in this thread. Could you post your specific question?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
Just because you claim you posted it, doesn’t make it so Tinmore . Let’s try again... where’s the link ?
You need to keep up.
You’re right Tinmore, I must have missed the last time you posted it. So, care to post the link again or are you still going to duck duck duck ?
There were several issues in this thread. Could you post your specific question?
To which you can reply with your usual dancing men cartoon?
Some commentary that states the obvious: rewarding Islamic terrorism only encourages more Islamic terrorism.

The tactic is obvious and recurring. Every few years, Hamas finds an excuse to attack Israel — by rockets, tunnels, terrorism. They know that: a) Israel will defend its civilians, as any country under attack would; b) the international community, the hard left and some of academia will condemn Israel for “overreacting”; c) Israel will win the military war, but Hamas will win the propaganda war; d) the trade-off will be worth it to Hamas, which will continue to employ this tactic so long as it reaps a propaganda benefit from it.
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