Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
Just because you claim you posted it, doesn’t make it so Tinmore . Let’s try again... where’s the link ?
You need to keep up.
You’re right Tinmore, I must have missed the last time you posted it. So, care to post the link again or are you still going to duck duck duck ?
There were several issues in this thread. Could you post your specific question?
Sure. What territory that was under Palestinian sovereignty did you say the Israelis occupied ?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Surreptitious and Politically Concealed Communications and Meetings 'vs' Policy
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Dark Political Communications may be happening at any time without your knowledge.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel is too candy ass to talk to Hamas.

Well, there is a mistake on the part of the general public on the policy (most) nations have concerning negotiating with terrorists.

In the US, there is a thing called an "Executive
(or Presidential) Finding" (50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions) which grants the action necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives - and is important to the national security. I know of no nation in the civilized world that does not have this extraordinary option. And every now and then you will hear about it after the fact. These cover all matters of concern to the Executive. And these are often given to Ambassadors without portfolios when setting up these very private meetings, or other Dark Political Communications.

For all you know, these meetings
(between Israel and HAMAS) may be orchestrated by a third party (maybe Egypt). And such meetings have occurred in the past.


Palestinian Sources • Newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat said:
A secret meeting took place between Israeli and Hamas officials this past week, the London based newspaper Al-Sharak Al-Awsat reported on Saturday.
According to Palestinian sources quoted in the report, the former Treasury Minister in the Hamas government of Ismail Haniyeh, Omar Abed al-Razak was taken from Nablus, in the West Bank, to the Israeli city of Netanya on Tuesday.
SOURCE: Report: Secret Meeting Held Between Israeli, Hamas Officials
Whether or not the true purpose of the meeting was possible "Kidnapping" or the faint to draw away scrutiny from some other event or activity.

Most Respectfully,
Is all this a euphemism for candy ass?

What are you trying to say? English please.
The is no implied "euphemism." I tried to explain that you have no idea what talks may or may not be undertaken in the dark. In fact, you do not even understand the "Israeli policy on negotiation efforts." I don't think the Israelis would be taking you into their confidence.
View attachment 493664
This describes the Arab Palestinians - NOT - the Israelis. The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948. Today's splinter groups and facets of the Hostile Arab Palestinians are (generally) talking about the Question of Palestine since 1967. (Although you can make the argument that there is no one voice among the splinter groups that express the "Palestinian Political Position."

You should speak to the reality and ground truth; especially when you include the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS).

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis have been addressing the Question of Palestine head-on since 1948.
And still clueless. :290968001256257790-final:
Just how successful have the Hostile Arab Palestinians been holding that position. Remember, that when the Israelis chased the Jordanians out of the West Bank and then chased the Egyptians from the Gaza Strip, I don't recall the Palestinians having lost any territory.

What territory did you say was of Palestinian Sovereignty that the Israelis occupied?


Most Respectfully,
All of it and you have been dancing around that question for years.
He asked a simple question and once again you ducked . Let’s try again Tinmore: what territory was under Palestinian sovereignty that Israel occupied? Link??
Try not to dance again , Tinmore. As hard as that is for you ...
All of it.

I posted links many times and you keep asking the same stupid questions.
Just because you claim you posted it, doesn’t make it so Tinmore . Let’s try again... where’s the link ?
You need to keep up.
You’re right Tinmore, I must have missed the last time you posted it. So, care to post the link again or are you still going to duck duck duck ?
There were several issues in this thread. Could you post your specific question?
Sure. What territory that was under Palestinian sovereignty did you say the Israelis occupied ?
All of it.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Nation Building and Investment into Government
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

P F Tinmore said:
All of it.

I cannot find even one square centimeter of territory, that was under Arab Palestine Rule, that was taken by any Allied Power of the 20th Century, the immigrant Jews, the formed Israelis or any other coalition - including the Arab League.

I cannot find a single effort by the Arab Palestinians to build any self-governing institutions. I have seen all sorts of helping hands from various quarters within the donor nations, step up to the task, but I have not seen a single effort by the Arab Palestinians themselves to construct an infrastructure for a nation under their own steam.

"All of it" maybe your view. But if you subtract all the projects built by other entities, the infrastructure of value, was achieved through external contributions. I say "Nothing is Arab Palestinian." (I understand they rejected every single invitation to participate in nation-building over the entire 20th Century.)


Most Respectfully,
I could be wrong. I do not know who paid for this:


Even as the Palestinian Authority faces major funding cuts from the US, it has purchased a new luxurious $50 million private jet to be used by President Mahmoud Abbas, Hadashot news reported Wednesday. (By TOI STAFF)
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Nation Building and Investment into Government
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

P F Tinmore said:
All of it.

I cannot find even one square centimeter of territory, that was under Arab Palestine Rule, that was taken by any Allied Power of the 20th Century, the immigrant Jews, the formed Israelis or any other coalition - including the Arab League.

I cannot find a single effort by the Arab Palestinians to build any self-governing institutions. I have seen all sorts of helping hands from various quarters within the donor nations, step up to the task, but I have not seen a single effort by the Arab Palestinians themselves to construct an infrastructure for a nation under their own steam.

"All of it" maybe your view. But if you subtract all the projects built by other entities, the infrastructure of value, was achieved through external contributions. I say "Nothing is Arab Palestinian." (I understand they rejected every single invitation to participate in nation-building over the entire 20th Century.)


Most Respectfully,
I could be wrong. I do not know who paid for this:

View attachment 494095
Even as the Palestinian Authority faces major funding cuts from the US, it has purchased a new luxurious $50 million private jet to be used by President Mahmoud Abbas, Hadashot news reported Wednesday. (By TOI STAFF)
Nice rant but that does not address my post.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Nation Building and Investment into Government
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

P F Tinmore said:
All of it.

I cannot find even one square centimeter of territory, that was under Arab Palestine Rule, that was taken by any Allied Power of the 20th Century, the immigrant Jews, the formed Israelis or any other coalition - including the Arab League.

I cannot find a single effort by the Arab Palestinians to build any self-governing institutions. I have seen all sorts of helping hands from various quarters within the donor nations, step up to the task, but I have not seen a single effort by the Arab Palestinians themselves to construct an infrastructure for a nation under their own steam.

"All of it" maybe your view. But if you subtract all the projects built by other entities, the infrastructure of value, was achieved through external contributions. I say "Nothing is Arab Palestinian." (I understand they rejected every single invitation to participate in nation-building over the entire 20th Century.)


Most Respectfully,
I could be wrong. I do not know who paid for this:

View attachment 494095
Even as the Palestinian Authority faces major funding cuts from the US, it has purchased a new luxurious $50 million private jet to be used by President Mahmoud Abbas, Hadashot news reported Wednesday. (By TOI STAFF)
Nice rant but that does not address my post.
Yes it did, Tinmore.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Nation Building and Investment into Government
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

P F Tinmore said:
All of it.

I cannot find even one square centimeter of territory, that was under Arab Palestine Rule, that was taken by any Allied Power of the 20th Century, the immigrant Jews, the formed Israelis or any other coalition - including the Arab League.

I cannot find a single effort by the Arab Palestinians to build any self-governing institutions. I have seen all sorts of helping hands from various quarters within the donor nations, step up to the task, but I have not seen a single effort by the Arab Palestinians themselves to construct an infrastructure for a nation under their own steam.

"All of it" maybe your view. But if you subtract all the projects built by other entities, the infrastructure of value, was achieved through external contributions. I say "Nothing is Arab Palestinian." (I understand they rejected every single invitation to participate in nation-building over the entire 20th Century.)


Most Respectfully,
I could be wrong. I do not know who paid for this:

View attachment 494095
Even as the Palestinian Authority faces major funding cuts from the US, it has purchased a new luxurious $50 million private jet to be used by President Mahmoud Abbas, Hadashot news reported Wednesday. (By TOI STAFF)
Nice rant but that does not address my post.
It does. There was no sovereign Pally land.

The house was rock'in at the latest Death Cult child abuse rally.​

Al-Jazeera Airs Hamas Celebration in Honor of Its Members Killed in Recent Conflict​

Long overdue. Boycott the islamic terrorists. Not another Great Satan taxpayer dime in welfare money.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Rather than follow the atavistic, antisemitic instinct of boycotting, divesting from, and sanctioning the Jews, advocates for peace between Israel and the Palestinians should support a diplomatic and academic boycott of the Palestinians. This narrowly focused boycott would apply pressure to the party that frustrates peace, incites hatred, and glorifies the murder of civilians through its educational system.
It's stating the obvious to claim that the Biden regime throwing welfare money at the Pallys comes with no assurances or safeguards that the Pallys/ Iranians won't be able to steal that money. Hamas is the world's second richest islamic terrorist franchise. They didn't win that recognition through legitimate industry and commerce.

As the Biden administration allocates more than $100 million in U.S. taxpayer aid to the Palestinian government and aid groups, critics are raising concerns that the State Department cannot ensure this aid won't reach the Iranian-backed terror group Hamas.

State Department officials have thus far declined to outline what mechanisms, if any, it has put in place to stop a tranche of aid money from reaching Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip and is responsible for initiating a deadly conflict with Israel this month. The State Department admitted this week that it could not guarantee the tranche of money will be kept from Hamas.

Angry Yahya had quite a roll call of losers and misfits to praise with his pompous bluster.

Hamas Leader In Gaza Yahya Al-Sinwar Salutes Al-Jazeera TV, Iran, And Yasser Arafat, Adds: We Have 10,000 'Martyrdom-Seekers' Within Israel; Our Missile Capability Remains Intact, Can Hit Tel Aviv With A 250-Rocket Salvo; We Have 500 KM Of Tunnels In The Gaza Strip​


Biden Hands $100 Million to Palestinians, 'No Guarantees' It Won't End up in Hamas Coffers​

AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, File
I’m not an expert on the Palestinians and Iranian-backed terrorist group Hamas, but only an idiot would believe America could send $100 million to “the Palestinian people” and that none of that money would also enrich the coffers of the terrorist group responsible for indiscriminate rocket attacks against civilian areas in Israel, so you figure it out.

Angry Yahya had quite a roll call of losers and misfits to praise with his pompous bluster.​

Hamas Leader In Gaza Yahya Al-Sinwar Salutes Al-Jazeera TV, Iran, And Yasser Arafat, Adds: We Have 10,000 'Martyrdom-Seekers' Within Israel; Our Missile Capability Remains Intact, Can Hit Tel Aviv With A 250-Rocket Salvo; We Have 500 KM Of Tunnels In The Gaza Strip​

Pally scum like him have been threatening to destroy Israel for over 7 decades. They can’t do shit except make threats and yell Islamist crap. What a pathetic scumbag :lol:
The true sickness that defines the Pally terrorists is their use of the disposable children they breed to use as drone-like killers.

PA misrepresents terrorist stabber as innocent school boy attacked by Israelis​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 27, 2021

– footage shows one of the wounded Israelis with the knife still in his back,
moments after the attack

This week, a 17-year-old Arab teenager stabbed and wounded two Israelis. After the attack, one of the victims still had the knife sticking out of his back. The terrorist was shot and killed by an Israeli border patrol officer at the scene.

However, the PA and Fatah portray terrorist stabber Zuhdi Al-Tawil differently. According to their false narrative, the stabber was an innocent school boy, murdered in cold blood by Israel.
It seems to me that the Pally terrorists could acknowledge the generous support of BLM by agreeing to host that group in the Gaza mini-caliphate.

The leading Black Lives Matter organization declared "solidarity with Palestinians" Monday, a week after Hamas terrorists in Gaza began firing a relentless barrage of rockets into Israel, indiscriminately shelling civilian targets as well as dropping some missiles short and blowing up buildings within its territory

Meet the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost School Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel, Anti-BDS Oath​

BTW, She won her case. The law was ruled unconstitutional.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Concept in America
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, That is something great about America. Even the little guy has a voice and can be heard.

Meet the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost School Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel, Anti-BDS Oath

BTW, She won her case. The law was ruled unconstitutional.


Do you think there is something equivalent in the Arab Palestinian culture → let's say for instance HAMAS? Is it possible in the Gaza Strip, for instance, for the average citizen to publically take an opposing view to that of HAMAS
(Islamic Resistance Movement)?

Screen Shot 2021-05-29 at 1.17.15 PM.png

OH, I forgot, that GAZA is so much better than either Israel or America.

Most Respectfully,
Here is a home destroyed by an Israeli airstrike, probably belonging to a terrorist. There are very few small holes in the walls, unlike the damage from Hamas rockets.

The spray pattern happens to be exactly what Hamas rocket damage looks like, though:

Hundreds of rockets from terror groups fell short in Gaza, and it is likely that many of them caused deaths and serious damage.

Save the Children claims 50 schools in Gaza were damaged in the recent fighting. The Palestinian Ministry of Education says the number was 187. There is no doubt that some schools were damaged as Israel attacked tunnels under streets that schools were on.

Journalists clearly aren't asking how many of the schools shown by Hamas to gain sympathy were actually damaged by ....Hamas?

(full article online)

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