Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The propaganda victory doesn't end there.

Walid was killed along with another son of his, Mohammed. The New York Times listed Mohammed as one of the children killed in Gaza:

But its research into the background of the children it lists doesn't mention that Suleiman's father was a Hamas leader and military target, and therefore he is responsible for Mohammed's death.

Major media aren't researching how many children were killed because they were near legitimate targets. Instead, the media is more interested in painting Israelis as war criminals, and details like this prove the exact opposite - that Hamas is guilty of war crimes by embedding military targets with civilians.

Hamas understands very well the underlying anti-Israel thinking in major media.

(full article online)

The propaganda victory doesn't end there.

Walid was killed along with another son of his, Mohammed. The New York Times listed Mohammed as one of the children killed in Gaza:

But its research into the background of the children it lists doesn't mention that Suleiman's father was a Hamas leader and military target, and therefore he is responsible for Mohammed's death.

Major media aren't researching how many children were killed because they were near legitimate targets. Instead, the media is more interested in painting Israelis as war criminals, and details like this prove the exact opposite - that Hamas is guilty of war crimes by embedding military targets with civilians.

Hamas understands very well the underlying anti-Israel thinking in major media.

(full article online)

Israel believes that a man sleeping at home with mom and the kids is using them for human shields. Therefore it is OK to bomb the family home. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
The propaganda victory doesn't end there.

Walid was killed along with another son of his, Mohammed. The New York Times listed Mohammed as one of the children killed in Gaza:

But its research into the background of the children it lists doesn't mention that Suleiman's father was a Hamas leader and military target, and therefore he is responsible for Mohammed's death.

Major media aren't researching how many children were killed because they were near legitimate targets. Instead, the media is more interested in painting Israelis as war criminals, and details like this prove the exact opposite - that Hamas is guilty of war crimes by embedding military targets with civilians.

Hamas understands very well the underlying anti-Israel thinking in major media.

(full article online)

Israel believes that a man sleeping at home with mom and the kids is using them for human shields. Therefore it is OK to bomb the family home. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Utterly unsupported and another of your emotional outbursts.
The propaganda victory doesn't end there.

Walid was killed along with another son of his, Mohammed. The New York Times listed Mohammed as one of the children killed in Gaza:

But its research into the background of the children it lists doesn't mention that Suleiman's father was a Hamas leader and military target, and therefore he is responsible for Mohammed's death.

Major media aren't researching how many children were killed because they were near legitimate targets. Instead, the media is more interested in painting Israelis as war criminals, and details like this prove the exact opposite - that Hamas is guilty of war crimes by embedding military targets with civilians.

Hamas understands very well the underlying anti-Israel thinking in major media.

(full article online)

Israel believes that a man sleeping at home with mom and the kids is using them for human shields. Therefore it is OK to bomb the family home. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Utterly unsupported and another of your emotional outbursts.
How many children were killed at home?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Hostages
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, The Arab Palestinians are always the victim. Hell, if one of them stubs their toe, it's bomes an Israeli Conspiracy.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel believes that a man sleeping at home with mom and the kids is using them for human shields. Therefore it is OK to bomb the family home.

Well, most Generals/Senior Commanders, during the battle/campaign, don't tent/billet with their families on the field during the course of the hostilities, so it is trouble for the Arab Palestinian High-Value Targets to do the same. Rule 97 - The use of human shields is prohibited on the Red Cross Database: “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts."

Just as failing to take certain actions or inactions can be a "War Crime" in the GCVI:

◈ "avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas."
◈ "everything feasible must be done to evacuate the civilian population from the vicinity of military objectives; in no event may civilians be used to shield military objectives."

We very very seldom see a Chevalier or Cavalier in the ranks of the Arab Palestinian. Leaders of breeding don't set hostile/combat objective elements inside densely populated areas - nor do they take cover and concealment using the civilian population as cannon fodder. So, it is no wonder to me that you don't understand the concept discussed here (clear separation of civilians and protected persons from high-value targets and operational hostile objectives).


Most Respectfully,
The propaganda victory doesn't end there.

Walid was killed along with another son of his, Mohammed. The New York Times listed Mohammed as one of the children killed in Gaza:

But its research into the background of the children it lists doesn't mention that Suleiman's father was a Hamas leader and military target, and therefore he is responsible for Mohammed's death.

Major media aren't researching how many children were killed because they were near legitimate targets. Instead, the media is more interested in painting Israelis as war criminals, and details like this prove the exact opposite - that Hamas is guilty of war crimes by embedding military targets with civilians.

Hamas understands very well the underlying anti-Israel thinking in major media.

(full article online)

Israel believes that a man sleeping at home with mom and the kids is using them for human shields. Therefore it is OK to bomb the family home. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Utterly unsupported and another of your emotional outbursts.
How many children were killed at home?
You can do some Islamo-high fives for children killed as a result of islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israel.

let’s not pretend that you care a whit for those children. They’re hoped to be useful propaganda for you folks.
The propaganda victory doesn't end there.

Walid was killed along with another son of his, Mohammed. The New York Times listed Mohammed as one of the children killed in Gaza:

But its research into the background of the children it lists doesn't mention that Suleiman's father was a Hamas leader and military target, and therefore he is responsible for Mohammed's death.

Major media aren't researching how many children were killed because they were near legitimate targets. Instead, the media is more interested in painting Israelis as war criminals, and details like this prove the exact opposite - that Hamas is guilty of war crimes by embedding military targets with civilians.

Hamas understands very well the underlying anti-Israel thinking in major media.

(full article online)

Israel believes that a man sleeping at home with mom and the kids is using them for human shields. Therefore it is OK to bomb the family home. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Utterly unsupported and another of your emotional outbursts.
How many children were killed at home?

You live to see these children exploited.

Kids on official PA TV: “A young self-sacrificing fighter” will get rid of “the Zionists” “Palestine is ours… it will be liberated from the thieves”​

Itamar Marcus | May 19, 2021
Yes. You are all Hamas. That’s no one’s fault but your own.

We are all Hamas’: Palestinians wave terror group’s flag on Temple Mount​

On last Friday of Ramadan, some worshipers call for attacks on Israel, amid rising violence around Jerusalem’s Old City, West Bank and Gaza​

By TOI STAFF7 May 2021, 5:44 pm
  • Palestinians wave flags of the Hamas terror group after afternoon prayers for the last Friday of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City, May 7, 2021. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Hostages
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, The Arab Palestinians are always the victim. Hell, if one of them stubs their toe, it's bomes an Israeli Conspiracy.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel believes that a man sleeping at home with mom and the kids is using them for human shields. Therefore it is OK to bomb the family home.

Well, most Generals/Senior Commanders, during the battle/campaign, don't tent/billet with their families on the field during the course of the hostilities, so it is trouble for the Arab Palestinian High-Value Targets to do the same. Rule 97 - The use of human shields is prohibited on the Red Cross Database: “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts."

Just as failing to take certain actions or inactions can be a "War Crime" in the GCVI:

◈ "avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas."
◈ "everything feasible must be done to evacuate the civilian population from the vicinity of military objectives; in no event may civilians be used to shield military objectives."

We very very seldom see a Chevalier or Cavalier in the ranks of the Arab Palestinian. Leaders of breeding don't set hostile/combat objective elements inside densely populated areas - nor do they take cover and concealment using the civilian population as cannon fodder. So, it is no wonder to me that you don't understand the concept discussed here (clear separation of civilians and protected persons from high-value targets and operational hostile objectives).


Most Respectfully,
You are sooooo full of shit. The Palestinians do not take their children to war. Israel takes its war to Palestinian homes and neighborhoods.
Yes. You are all Hamas. That’s no one’s fault but your own.

We are all Hamas’: Palestinians wave terror group’s flag on Temple Mount​

On last Friday of Ramadan, some worshipers call for attacks on Israel, amid rising violence around Jerusalem’s Old City, West Bank and Gaza​

By TOI STAFF7 May 2021, 5:44 pm
  • Palestinians wave flags of the Hamas terror group after afternoon prayers for the last Friday of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City, May 7, 2021. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)'s Old City, May 7, 2021. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)
some worshipers call for attacks on Israel, amid rising violence around Jerusalem’s Old City, West Bank and Gaza
Indeed, they are responding to Israeli violence.
Yes. You are all Hamas. That’s no one’s fault but your own.

We are all Hamas’: Palestinians wave terror group’s flag on Temple Mount​

On last Friday of Ramadan, some worshipers call for attacks on Israel, amid rising violence around Jerusalem’s Old City, West Bank and Gaza​

By TOI STAFF7 May 2021, 5:44 pm
  • Palestinians wave flags of the Hamas terror group after afternoon prayers for the last Friday of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City, May 7, 2021. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)'s Old City, May 7, 2021. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)'s Old City, May 7, 2021. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)'s Old City, May 7, 2021. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)
some worshipers call for attacks on Israel, amid rising violence around Jerusalem’s Old City, West Bank and Gaza
Indeed, they are responding to Israeli violence.
Indeed, they are responding to Islamic ideology.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Hostages
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, The Arab Palestinians are always the victim. Hell, if one of them stubs their toe, it's bomes an Israeli Conspiracy.

P F Tinmore said:
Israel believes that a man sleeping at home with mom and the kids is using them for human shields. Therefore it is OK to bomb the family home.

Well, most Generals/Senior Commanders, during the battle/campaign, don't tent/billet with their families on the field during the course of the hostilities, so it is trouble for the Arab Palestinian High-Value Targets to do the same. Rule 97 - The use of human shields is prohibited on the Red Cross Database: “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts."

Just as failing to take certain actions or inactions can be a "War Crime" in the GCVI:

◈ "avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas."
◈ "everything feasible must be done to evacuate the civilian population from the vicinity of military objectives; in no event may civilians be used to shield military objectives."

We very very seldom see a Chevalier or Cavalier in the ranks of the Arab Palestinian. Leaders of breeding don't set hostile/combat objective elements inside densely populated areas - nor do they take cover and concealment using the civilian population as cannon fodder. So, it is no wonder to me that you don't understand the concept discussed here (clear separation of civilians and protected persons from high-value targets and operational hostile objectives).


Most Respectfully,
You are sooooo full of shit. The Palestinians do not take their children to war. Israel takes its war to Palestinian homes and neighborhoods.
Indeed, Islamic terrorist apologists read from a script.
I would have thought that Israel understood the Islamic principle of Hudna.

The next war started by the Islamic terrorists may need to drag on for an extended period while Israel plays for keeps.

Hamas in the Gaza Strip is already rebuilding its massive rocket arsenal to target Israel in the next war, according to Iranian news reports.
The Islamic terrorists are learning that Gaza tunnels are becoming their graves.

Probably more symbolic because it’s unlikely there is any real chance of collecting damages.

Twenty-five years after American yeshiva student David Boim was killed in a terrorist attack at a West Bank bus stop in 1996, oral arguments are set to begin Thursday in an appeal over whether the teenager’s family can collect a monetary judgment ordered by a court in 2004. The family is looking to collect from groups linked to now-defunct organizations accused of providing material support to Hamas, the terrorist organization responsible for Boim’s murder.
Probably more symbolic because it’s unlikely there is any real chance of collecting damages.

Twenty-five years after American yeshiva student David Boim was killed in a terrorist attack at a West Bank bus stop in 1996, oral arguments are set to begin Thursday in an appeal over whether the teenager’s family can collect a monetary judgment ordered by a court in 2004. The family is looking to collect from groups linked to now-defunct organizations accused of providing material support to Hamas, the terrorist organization responsible for Boim’s murder.
Some people will do anything to grab money.

They will just cook up another bullshit trial.

Probably more symbolic because it’s unlikely there is any real chance of collecting damages.

Twenty-five years after American yeshiva student David Boim was killed in a terrorist attack at a West Bank bus stop in 1996, oral arguments are set to begin Thursday in an appeal over whether the teenager’s family can collect a monetary judgment ordered by a court in 2004. The family is looking to collect from groups linked to now-defunct organizations accused of providing material support to Hamas, the terrorist organization responsible for Boim’s murder.
Some people will do anything to grab money.

They will just cook up another bullshit trial.

Islamic terrorist apologists will do anything to excuse their behaviors.
There's just no placating islamic terrorists. Insensate hatreds for Jews and Christians is a core component of Islamic ideology and those hatreds burn now just as they did during the time of Islam's invention by an Arab warlord.

Palestinian post-war calls for “escalating the intifada,” Fatah, PFLP, and other PLO factions call for continued intifada and escalation​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 2, 2021

  • Fatah: “The intifada continues”

  • PFLP: “Turn tomorrow into a day of escalating the intifada activity… we must… wage a comprehensive battle of confrontation throughout the occupied land”

  • The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces called for “a day of popular rage”

  • PA deputy mayor: “The beautiful words that we all repeat together: ‘Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem’”

Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas (May 21.), Fatah and several PLO factions continued to call for “intifada” – the name Palestinians have used for the PA’s past terror campaigns against Israeli civilians.
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