Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Wow. Greed and corruption seems to run rampant in the territories occupied by the two, competing Islamic terrorist franchises.

Palestinian employers use tricks to pay only 1/2 - 1/3 of minimum wage, reveals trade union leader​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 3, 2021

An interview on Labor Day with the Secretary-General of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, Shaher Sa’ad, shed more light on the conditions in the PA labour market.
Announcing that a new minimum wage of 1,880 Israeli shekels/month ($578) had been agreed on in the PA, Sa’ad also revealed that although the PA set a minimum wage of 1,450 shekels ($446) in 2013, it has never really been implemented or enforced. In fact, he explained, some employers just don’t pay the minimum wage, while others use tricks and have the employees pay part of the full salary back to the employer. Women are the most abused by Palestinian employers, sometimes receiving only 500 - 600 shekels a month - 1/3 of the minimum wage:

At least she won't be breeding scores of little islamic terrorists.​

Fatah Facebook page calls suicide terrorist “hero” on anniversary of her attack​

Official Fatah Facebook page | Mar 29, 2013
There is a bit of an inconsistency in the linked article. There is mention of economic fallout for the Hamas syndicate but that ignores a seeming reality, The latest war initiated by the Islamic terrorists in Gaza will be a money making operation. A select few at the top of the Hamas Islamic terrorist syndicate will reap huge rewards whle incurring no risk. Welfare money will be flowing in from Qatar and elsewhere with no real oversight of where the money goes, Hamas will get rich. As for the dead Pallys, they're a cost of doing the gee-had.

Hamas and Mr. Sinwar are now confronting the political and economic fallout of repeated clashes with Israel, which have set back development in the Gaza Strip, home to more than two million Palestinians—half of whom live below the poverty line, according to the United Nations.
Buried deep within this document is a very mild criticism of Hamas quoting an unnamed development expert in Gaza:
The policies of the de facto authorities in Gaza are not conducive to economic growth and development. Their export and import policies, as well as discriminatory policies in terms of distribution of land, subsidies, external funding and investment opportunities, are all leading to the demise of small businesses, small farmers and fishers. In contrast, there is no room for advocacy with the government given the limitations placed on civil society or to influence positive change on behalf of those who are victims of these policies.
This is an exceedingly polite way to say that Hamas gives out favors to its members and friends and doesn't give a damn about actual people under its control, who have no recourse - they cannot vote Hamas out, they cannot protest without being arrested.

Elsewhere in this report, Oxfam mentions that Hamas employees are incompetent, possibly because the jobs are given out as favors: "[N]ew staff of the de facto authorities in Gaza have very limited
experience and capacities. "

(full article online)

[ A Cliffhanger........]

If Israel does not allow the passage of Qatari funds to the Gaza Strip, Hamas will escalate the situation on the border with Israel, sources in the terror group told Lebanese media on Friday.

With Israel’s approval, Qatar has in recent years distributed hundreds of millions of dollars in cash to enable Gaza’s Hamas rulers to pay for fuel for the Strip’s power plant, pay civil servants, and provide aid to tens of thousands of impoverished families.

Hamas sources told the Lebanese Al Akhbar newspaper that the organization would wait until the end of next week for the money to enter, “and if this does not happen it will take an important decision regarding the mutual ceasefire” that took effect two weeks ago, after 11 days of fighting with Israel.

(full article online)

[ A Cliffhanger........]

If Israel does not allow the passage of Qatari funds to the Gaza Strip, Hamas will escalate the situation on the border with Israel, sources in the terror group told Lebanese media on Friday.

With Israel’s approval, Qatar has in recent years distributed hundreds of millions of dollars in cash to enable Gaza’s Hamas rulers to pay for fuel for the Strip’s power plant, pay civil servants, and provide aid to tens of thousands of impoverished families.

Hamas sources told the Lebanese Al Akhbar newspaper that the organization would wait until the end of next week for the money to enter, “and if this does not happen it will take an important decision regarding the mutual ceasefire” that took effect two weeks ago, after 11 days of fighting with Israel.

(full article online)

The only place that the people in Gaza can spend that money is Israel. Israel eventually gets that money.
[ A Cliffhanger........]

If Israel does not allow the passage of Qatari funds to the Gaza Strip, Hamas will escalate the situation on the border with Israel, sources in the terror group told Lebanese media on Friday.

With Israel’s approval, Qatar has in recent years distributed hundreds of millions of dollars in cash to enable Gaza’s Hamas rulers to pay for fuel for the Strip’s power plant, pay civil servants, and provide aid to tens of thousands of impoverished families.

Hamas sources told the Lebanese Al Akhbar newspaper that the organization would wait until the end of next week for the money to enter, “and if this does not happen it will take an important decision regarding the mutual ceasefire” that took effect two weeks ago, after 11 days of fighting with Israel.

(full article online)

The only place that the people in Gaza can spend that money is Israel. Israel eventually gets that money.
Learning your lessons in taqiyya

With the IDF having thousands of targets available in the terrorist enclave of Gaza, there were just a few hundred hit.

While the Islamic terrorists won’t admit it, the Israeli military was largely playing games with targeted strikes never unleashing a broad campaign.

Operation Guardian of the Walls: Targeting Hamas terror, behind the scenes​

JUNE 3, 2021 19:50
Operation Guardian of the Walls: Behind the scenes of targeting Hamas terror targets. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

Despite the relative quiet on the southern front in recent months, the IDF was busy scouting thousands of targets in the densely populated Strip over the past two years, fully expecting another round of fighting to break out at any moment.

Hundreds of targets were struck by the IDF mainly from the air in response to the over 4,000 rockets and missiles fired by the terror groups. Information on hundreds of the targets hit were gathered in real-time, including missile launchers that were aimed at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

She’s Only 10 And Reporting On Israeli Bombings In Occupied Gaza​

Are Jenna gee-had and Shirley Temper too old?

Seems like there's this 'thing' with the Arabs-Moslems occupying Gaza and the abuse of female children.
Wow. Hard to fathom. Acts of Islamic terrorism carry consequences.

This is turning into a real get-rich-quick scheme for Hamas. Mo' money from WHO and the UN.

Following Israel’s bombardment of Gaza last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) link a statement warning of “staggering health needs” in the Palestinian territories.

“WHO is scaling up its response to provide health aid for almost 200,000 people in need across …. Palestine,” WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean regional office said in a statement.
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