Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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There's just no placating islamic terrorists. Insensate hatreds for Jews and Christians is a core component of Islamic ideology and those hatreds burn now just as they did during the time of Islam's invention by an Arab warlord.

Palestinian post-war calls for “escalating the intifada,” Fatah, PFLP, and other PLO factions call for continued intifada and escalation​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 2, 2021

  • Fatah: “The intifada continues”

  • PFLP: “Turn tomorrow into a day of escalating the intifada activity… we must… wage a comprehensive battle of confrontation throughout the occupied land”

  • The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces called for “a day of popular rage”

  • PA deputy mayor: “The beautiful words that we all repeat together: ‘Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem’”

Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas (May 21.), Fatah and several PLO factions continued to call for “intifada” – the name Palestinians have used for the PA’s past terror campaigns against Israeli civilians.
Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas
Did Israel stop its violence?
The Iranian regime is giving Hamas terrorists resources to produce “thousands of new rockets” in the Gaza Strip, according to a new report in Tehran’s state-controlled media.
“With the end of the Israeli regime’s latest aggression, the Palestinian resistance has resumed the process of rocket production,” Fathi Hamad, a member of Hamas’s politburo, was quoted as saying over the Memorial Day weekend by Iran’s state-run Fars News Agency. “Our factories and workshops have restarted producing thousands of rockets to stop [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s intransigence in Al-Quds [Jerusalem] and Tel Aviv.”
Hamas leaders also said that despite the current calm between the sides, “This war will last forever.”

The comments shows that the weapons pipeline between Iran and Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip remains intact following a series of Israeli defensive strikes meant to eradicate the terror group’s supply of rockets. Hamas fired thousands of missiles into Israeli territory during the war, many of them more sophisticated than the typical crude rockets normally fired by the group. Iran is largely responsible for providing Hamas with the funding and materials needed to produce these advanced missiles.

Iranian leaders have made clear in recent days that they will continue arming and funding Hamas,

Posted in ATW
There's just no placating islamic terrorists. Insensate hatreds for Jews and Christians is a core component of Islamic ideology and those hatreds burn now just as they did during the time of Islam's invention by an Arab warlord.

Palestinian post-war calls for “escalating the intifada,” Fatah, PFLP, and other PLO factions call for continued intifada and escalation​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 2, 2021

  • Fatah: “The intifada continues”

  • PFLP: “Turn tomorrow into a day of escalating the intifada activity… we must… wage a comprehensive battle of confrontation throughout the occupied land”

  • The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces called for “a day of popular rage”

  • PA deputy mayor: “The beautiful words that we all repeat together: ‘Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem’”

Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas (May 21.), Fatah and several PLO factions continued to call for “intifada” – the name Palestinians have used for the PA’s past terror campaigns against Israeli civilians.
Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas
Did Israel stop its violence?
What violence?
There's just no placating islamic terrorists. Insensate hatreds for Jews and Christians is a core component of Islamic ideology and those hatreds burn now just as they did during the time of Islam's invention by an Arab warlord.

Palestinian post-war calls for “escalating the intifada,” Fatah, PFLP, and other PLO factions call for continued intifada and escalation​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 2, 2021

  • Fatah: “The intifada continues”

  • PFLP: “Turn tomorrow into a day of escalating the intifada activity… we must… wage a comprehensive battle of confrontation throughout the occupied land”

  • The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces called for “a day of popular rage”

  • PA deputy mayor: “The beautiful words that we all repeat together: ‘Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem’”

Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas (May 21.), Fatah and several PLO factions continued to call for “intifada” – the name Palestinians have used for the PA’s past terror campaigns against Israeli civilians.
Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas
Did Israel stop its violence?
What violence?
You need to keep up.
There's just no placating islamic terrorists. Insensate hatreds for Jews and Christians is a core component of Islamic ideology and those hatreds burn now just as they did during the time of Islam's invention by an Arab warlord.

Palestinian post-war calls for “escalating the intifada,” Fatah, PFLP, and other PLO factions call for continued intifada and escalation​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 2, 2021

  • Fatah: “The intifada continues”

  • PFLP: “Turn tomorrow into a day of escalating the intifada activity… we must… wage a comprehensive battle of confrontation throughout the occupied land”

  • The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces called for “a day of popular rage”

  • PA deputy mayor: “The beautiful words that we all repeat together: ‘Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem’”

Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas (May 21.), Fatah and several PLO factions continued to call for “intifada” – the name Palestinians have used for the PA’s past terror campaigns against Israeli civilians.
Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas
Did Israel stop its violence?

No, Israel did not stop the violence of your terrorist buddies in Hamas.
There's just no placating islamic terrorists. Insensate hatreds for Jews and Christians is a core component of Islamic ideology and those hatreds burn now just as they did during the time of Islam's invention by an Arab warlord.

Palestinian post-war calls for “escalating the intifada,” Fatah, PFLP, and other PLO factions call for continued intifada and escalation​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 2, 2021

  • Fatah: “The intifada continues”

  • PFLP: “Turn tomorrow into a day of escalating the intifada activity… we must… wage a comprehensive battle of confrontation throughout the occupied land”

  • The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces called for “a day of popular rage”

  • PA deputy mayor: “The beautiful words that we all repeat together: ‘Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem’”

Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas (May 21.), Fatah and several PLO factions continued to call for “intifada” – the name Palestinians have used for the PA’s past terror campaigns against Israeli civilians.
Days after a ceasefire was reached between Israel and Hamas
Did Israel stop its violence?
What violence?
You need to keep up.
You need to find a way to compose coherent sentences.
Islamo-day of rage.

Isn't that everyday for Pally misfits?

The Hamas terror group urged Palestinians to hold a “Day of Rage” on Friday in order to confront what it called “settlers’ aggression” and the “storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque” in Jerusalem

1 June 2021, 3:08 pm
Amid shaky Gaza ceasefire, Hamas calls for West Bank ‘Day of Rage’ on Friday
The Hamas media department sponsored the ceremony, saying it was "honoring media organizations for their role in covering field events in the Gaza Strip during the days of the aggression."

During the war, the Gaza media dutifully refused to report on Hamas rockets being shot from residential neighborhoods, or of Gazans killed by misfired rockets, or of how GAza human rights organizations identified terrorists killed by Israel as "civilian."

Scores of journalists attended the event, not at all embarrassed to be associated with Hamas, which does not allow freedom of the press in Gaza at all. Hamas logos were prominently displayed during the event.

(full article online)

Seems like a marriage made in heaven. We're discovering the BLM organization is corrupt and money grabbing so the BLM misfits share a common theme with the corrupt and money grabbing Pallys.

May 21, 2021 | 5:47pm

The official Twitter account of the main BLM organization this week tweeted its support for the Hamas terrorists relentlessly seeking to slaughter Israeli civilians.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists fired more than 3,700 rockets at Israel, with hundreds falling short of their targets and killing Palestinians. Somehow, that didn’t bother the BLMers.
Here's a surprise. The Shia mullocrats want their stooges in the territories occupied by Pally Islamic terrorists to continue the accumulation of dead Sunni holy warriors.


It was quite a celebration. Culturally appropriated rap music, children in military uniforms and Islam terrorists screaming into the microphone celebrating the Iranian Mullocrats who caused the deaths of Sunni stooges.

Al-Jazeera Airs Hamas Celebration in Honor of Its Members Killed in Recent Conflict​

Announcing that a new minimum wage of 1,880 Israeli shekels/month ($578) had been agreed on in the PA, Sa’ad also revealed that although the PA set a minimum wage of 1,450 shekels ($446) in 2013, it has never really been implemented or enforced. In fact, he explained, some employers just don’t pay the minimum wage, while others use tricks and have the employees pay part of the full salary back to the employer. Women are the most abused by Palestinian employers, sometimes receiving only 500 - 600 shekels a month - 1/3 of the minimum wage:

(full article online)

Schmale had told Israeli TV that Israel's bombing campaign didn't aim at civilian targets and since then UNRWA employees, Hamas and other Gazans have been calling for his scalp.

Schmale apologized profusely but UNRWA asked him to leave Gaza for "consultations." He later announced that he was taking an extended leave of absence.

Not wasting any time, Hamas leader Sinwar met with Schmale's Gaza deputy and apparent replacement Lenny Stenseth. CLearly he wanted to get a strong message across:

Nobody in Gaza says anything to the media that Hamas does not approve.

Hamas has vetoed UNRWA curricula before - when UNRWA gingerly announced that it would start teaching students about the Holocaust, Hamas made it clear that they would do no such thing.

The UNRWA teachers union, and I believe its other workers' union, is run by Hamas in Gaza. They make the decisions of what can be taught and said. UNRWA allows itself to be bullied by them.

(full article online)

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