Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Oh, dear. To be banished from an Islamic terrorist enclave.

Oh, the pain!

Palestinians declare UNRWA Gaza director ā€˜persona non grataā€™​

JUNE 2, 2021 20:03
A HAMAS supporter burns an Israeli flag in Gaza City on May 24. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS)

A HAMAS supporter burns an Israeli flag in Gaza City on May 24.

Palestinian factions said that the UNRWA director and his deputy will no longer be permitted to stay in the Gaza Strip ā€œdue to his hostile positions and bias in favor of the occupation.ā€​

Palestinian factions on Wednesday declared Matthias Schmale, director of operations for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip, persona non grata and said he will not be allowed to return to the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave.
Gee, whiz. I hope the Islamic terrorists arenā€™t so angry with the Great Satanā„¢ that they refuse to take our welfare donations.

June 4, 2021 / JNS) Chants of ā€œAmerica is the head of the snakeā€ welcomed U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to the Palestiniansā€™ working capital of Ramallah last week. Considering that the dictatorial Palestinian Authority runs Ramallah, this protest against ā€œreceiving the enemies of the Palestinian people on our landā€ was tolerated, if not authorized. Such anti-Americanism is as central to the Palestinian national movementā€™s ideology as terrorism is to the movementā€™s strategy.
Gee, whiz. I hope the Islamic terrorists arenā€™t so angry with the Great Satanā„¢ that they refuse to take our welfare donations.

June 4, 2021 / JNS) Chants of ā€œAmerica is the head of the snakeā€ welcomed U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to the Palestiniansā€™ working capital of Ramallah last week. Considering that the dictatorial Palestinian Authority runs Ramallah, this protest against ā€œreceiving the enemies of the Palestinian people on our landā€ was tolerated, if not authorized. Such anti-Americanism is as central to the Palestinian national movementā€™s ideology as terrorism is to the movementā€™s strategy.
The Palestinians love Americans. They just hate the assholes in our government.
Gee, whiz. I hope the Islamic terrorists arenā€™t so angry with the Great Satanā„¢ that they refuse to take our welfare donations.

June 4, 2021 / JNS) Chants of ā€œAmerica is the head of the snakeā€ welcomed U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to the Palestiniansā€™ working capital of Ramallah last week. Considering that the dictatorial Palestinian Authority runs Ramallah, this protest against ā€œreceiving the enemies of the Palestinian people on our landā€ was tolerated, if not authorized. Such anti-Americanism is as central to the Palestinian national movementā€™s ideology as terrorism is to the movementā€™s strategy.
The Palestinians love Americans. They just hate the assholes in our government.
More of your silly propaganda.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) government courted by President Joe Biden with hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars released a music video last month encouraging Palestinians to step on the U.S. and Israeli flags.

Thereā€™s little you can do to placate a 1,400 year old brutish, angry ideology and generations of people taught that the extension of fascism is their birthright.​

Palestinian gunmen were headed to Jerusalem to carry out a terror attack ā€” TV​

Female border police commander praised for quick thinking, bravery in stopping the gunmen after they opened fire from a short distance; IDF sending reinforcements to West Bank​

By TOI STAFF7 May 2021, 11:27 pm

  • Israeli forces inspect the scene of a shooting attack where the bodies of two Palestinian gunmen, who were killed by Border Police after opening fire, lie on the ground in front of the military base of Salem near the West Bank town of Jenin, May 7, 2021. (AP Photo/Gil Eliyahu)

Thanks for the link........

Palestinians in Lebanon have tried to stay under the radar since the end of the 1975-1990 civil war, which some blamed them for starting.


Lebanese laws discriminate against Palestinians, who are not allowed to become citizens, and are banned from most white-collar jobs and buying land.

Sounds like apartheid
Khalidi grudgingly conceded that Hamasā€™s massed indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israel ā€œvery likely isā€ a war crime, yet astonishingly concluded that, compared with Hamas, Israel commits ā€œwar crimes on a much larger scale.ā€ ā€œIsrael is targeting civiliansā€ with ā€œextreme violence,ā€ he said, notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts Israel undertakes to minimize civilian casualties. ā€œIsrael has succeeded in painting Palestinian resistance as terror,ā€ he claimed, as if this ā€œresistanceā€ were anything but terror. Khalidi invoked grotesquely skewed casualty figuresfrom Israelā€™s 2014 ā€œOperation Protective Edgeā€ against Hamas to state that ā€œkilling 2,200 civilians in Gaza in 2014 is not terror. Killing a dozen Israeli civilians is terror.ā€

In stark contrast, the two professors whitewashed Hamasā€™s lethal actions. ā€œThere is a lot of talk about Hamas, and this is in some way a diversionary tactic to just focus on this one group within a very complicated ecosystem of political groups,ā€ said Aziz, as if Hamasā€™s jihadist ideology were not rampant among Palestinians. Khalidi chided that European countries, Israel and the United States refused ā€œto deal with an elected representativeā€ in Hamas terrorists committed to Israelā€™s destruction and counterfactually concluded that ā€œHamas supports a two-state solution.ā€

(full article online)


The recent conflict in Gaza was primarily fought between Hamasā€™ military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). However, a total of 17 Palestinian militant groups have been identified by FDDā€™s Long War Journal as active participants in the eleven day conflict.

The conflict began May 10 when the spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, published a statementsaying Israel had until 6:00 pm local time to withdraw its forces from al-Aqsa Mosque and to release those who were arrested in clashes with Israeli police. Israel did not fulfill the demand and subsequently the militant group firedrockets towards Jerusalem.

FDDā€™s Long War Journal was able to identify militant activity during the conflict through previously established media channels operated by the various Palestinian factions.

Al-Qassam Brigades, and Palestinian Islamic Jihadā€™s Saraya al-Quds were the most active groups in publishing evidence of their attacks. Both groups also used their online platforms to unveil rockets and drones not seen in previous clashes.

Smaller factions such as Humat al-Aqsa and Jihad Jibril Brigades also published footage depicting their militants launching rockets and mortars towards Israeli communities near the Gaza border.

Furthermore, salifist-jihadist groups such as Jaysh al-Umma and Katibat al-Sheikh al-Emireen published claims of responsibility and footage of attacks against Israel.

Other notable groups involved in the conflict were, Mujahideen Brigades, Abdul al-Qadir al-Husseini Brigades and two splinter groups from al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

(full article online)


Thanks for the link........

Palestinians in Lebanon have tried to stay under the radar since the end of the 1975-1990 civil war, which some blamed them for starting.


Lebanese laws discriminate against Palestinians, who are not allowed to become citizens, and are banned from most white-collar jobs and buying land.

Sounds like apartheid
Apartheid is so much a part of Islamism.

The lebanese treat their Pallys like Hamas treats the Mahmoud'istanians and neither Gaza nor the West Bank will allow those Pallys in Lebanon a right of return to the 'country of Pal'istan', which, as we know, was invented by the Treaty of Lausanne.

Those poor, oppressed Pallys lanquish in Lebanese 'open air prisons'.

It's apartheid I tell ya'.
[ Just maybe......UNWRA can stop using their organization as a way of having a job, since most Arabs living in Gaza are not refugees from where Israel stands, and cannot claim refugee status.
And also, maybe UNWRA can stop teaching Muslim/Nazi hatred of Jews to any and all of the population of Gaza, and start working on teaching them to live in peace next to Israel.
Just, maybe..... ]


The recent conflict in Gaza was primarily fought between Hamasā€™ military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). However, a total of 17 Palestinian militant groups have been identified by FDDā€™s Long War Journal as active participants in the eleven day conflict.

The conflict began May 10 when the spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, published a statementsaying Israel had until 6:00 pm local time to withdraw its forces from al-Aqsa Mosque and to release those who were arrested in clashes with Israeli police. Israel did not fulfill the demand and subsequently the militant group firedrockets towards Jerusalem.

FDDā€™s Long War Journal was able to identify militant activity during the conflict through previously established media channels operated by the various Palestinian factions.

Al-Qassam Brigades, and Palestinian Islamic Jihadā€™s Saraya al-Quds were the most active groups in publishing evidence of their attacks. Both groups also used their online platforms to unveil rockets and drones not seen in previous clashes.

Smaller factions such as Humat al-Aqsa and Jihad Jibril Brigades also published footage depicting their militants launching rockets and mortars towards Israeli communities near the Gaza border.

Furthermore, salifist-jihadist groups such as Jaysh al-Umma and Katibat al-Sheikh al-Emireen published claims of responsibility and footage of attacks against Israel.

Other notable groups involved in the conflict were, Mujahideen Brigades, Abdul al-Qadir al-Husseini Brigades and two splinter groups from al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

(full article online)

The conflict began May 10 when the spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, published a statementsaying Israel had until 6:00 pm local time to withdraw its forces from al-Aqsa Mosque and to release those who were arrested in clashes with Israeli police. Israel did not fulfill the demand and subsequently the militant group firedrockets towards Jerusalem.
Indeed, Israel could have avoided that war. They preferred the rockets.

The recent conflict in Gaza was primarily fought between Hamasā€™ military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). However, a total of 17 Palestinian militant groups have been identified by FDDā€™s Long War Journal as active participants in the eleven day conflict.

The conflict began May 10 when the spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, published a statementsaying Israel had until 6:00 pm local time to withdraw its forces from al-Aqsa Mosque and to release those who were arrested in clashes with Israeli police. Israel did not fulfill the demand and subsequently the militant group firedrockets towards Jerusalem.

FDDā€™s Long War Journal was able to identify militant activity during the conflict through previously established media channels operated by the various Palestinian factions.

Al-Qassam Brigades, and Palestinian Islamic Jihadā€™s Saraya al-Quds were the most active groups in publishing evidence of their attacks. Both groups also used their online platforms to unveil rockets and drones not seen in previous clashes.

Smaller factions such as Humat al-Aqsa and Jihad Jibril Brigades also published footage depicting their militants launching rockets and mortars towards Israeli communities near the Gaza border.

Furthermore, salifist-jihadist groups such as Jaysh al-Umma and Katibat al-Sheikh al-Emireen published claims of responsibility and footage of attacks against Israel.

Other notable groups involved in the conflict were, Mujahideen Brigades, Abdul al-Qadir al-Husseini Brigades and two splinter groups from al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

(full article online)

The conflict began May 10 when the spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, published a statementsaying Israel had until 6:00 pm local time to withdraw its forces from al-Aqsa Mosque and to release those who were arrested in clashes with Israeli police. Israel did not fulfill the demand and subsequently the militant group firedrockets towards Jerusalem.
Indeed, Israel could have avoided that war. They preferred the rockets.
Indeed, your conspiracy theories are a hoot.
I'm afraid this is more of the sickness that defines Pal-Arab'ism.

I'm afraid the young lady doesn't understand that as a propaganda tool for her daddy, others will die so her daddy can steal welfare money being donated by foreign nations.

Hamas will do very well financially from the dead Pallys as a result of their starting a conflict.

Hamasā€™ abuse of kids in Gaza: ā€œIf we die, weā€™ll die as Martyrsā€ - Hamas spokesmanā€™s young daughter​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 6, 2021

  • "Our land [is] Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Seaā€¦ Israel will be destroyedā€

  • Children in Gaza taught to seek martyrdom-death, chant: ā€œMillions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalemā€

Meet Lama. She is the young daughter of Hamasā€™ Ministry of Internal Affairsā€™ spokesman Iyad Al-Buzum. He posted this video of her amid Hamasā€™ rocket barrage against Israel last month.

Child abuse? Deside for yourself:
I'm thinking that both islamic terrorist franchises; Hamas and Fatah, are feeling pretty good about the money they expect will roll in after the beatdown they took during the recent scuffle with Israel. Mahmoud will splash some cash around to keep the minions placated.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has ordered to pay close to $43,000 to the family of a terrorist who murdered two Israelis in Jerusalem about six years ago, Kan 11 reported Sunday
Last week I reported that Hamas had an awards gala to recognize journalists in Gaza who did everything the terror group wanted them to.

Today it was Islamic Jihad's turn.

The awards show was held at the luxury Reef Al Madina restaurant.

Islamic Jihad honored media professionals for "reporting Israeli crimes."

(full article online)

Article 22 shows that the PLO considers all of Israel to be "occupied." And Article 24 shows that the PLO did not consider the West Bank or Gaza to be part of the Palestinian state that they said they wanted.

Here's a photo of a PLO meeting in Gaza before 1967, with a map of "Palestine" in the backdrop showing that they didn't consider the West Bank and Gaza to be the same as the part of Palestine they sought:

Only after the Six Day War did the PLO decide that the West Bank and Gaza were part of the Palestinian state they sought.

To summarize: The PLO only wants the parts of Palestine that are controlled by Jews.

(We've discussed many times that "historic Palestine"includes parts of Lebanon and Jordan which the PLO never claimed.)

Another interesting fact is that the Palestinian claim on Jerusalem started well after 1967!

The 1968 PLO Charter does not mention Jerusalem once.

Have you ever noticed that Palestinian officials love to put a photo of the Dome of the Rock as a backdrop in all their offices? Here's Mahmoud Abbas with Secretary of State Blinken last month.

Palestinian claims on Jerusalem seem to have been carefully coordinated with other Arabs (for example, in an Arab meeting in 1982) but it seems that only after 1988 when Jordan renounced its claim to the West Bank did the PLO make Jerusalem a key demand.

(full article online)

As anti-Israel activists try to bring Sheikh Jarrah back in the forefront of the world's attention, a simple question comes up.

According to Israeli legal rulings, if the residents of the homes that are in the news would just pay rent to the Jewish owners, they cannot be evicted, ever.

If people are really concerned about three families perhaps becoming homeless, then why doesn't anyone just pay the rent?

The reason: Honor. By paying rent, it would be admitting that Jews own the homes, which has been proven time and time again over four decades of legal rulings.

But the people who are making the decision not to pay the rent don't appear to be the residents. According to a Jewish Press article, the entire case has been taken over by the PLO and they are the ones who are deciding what is best for the residents - meaning, no compromise, no accepting deals, no paying rent.

To the PLO, it is more honorable for the residents to be homeless than to admit that Jews own the homes.

Of course, Palestinian leaders don't have to pay the price for making a decision like this. They are forcing the hapless residents to adhere to the Higher Principle of Palestinian Honor: Sacrifice yourself for our principles.

This is a pattern.

(full article online)

Sinwar admits that Hamass has been putting its military headquarters among high rise buildings and residential buildings.

Of course, this was done deliberately, so the only reasons that Hamas might be saying it is moving them now is that it is being pressured to - either quietly from Hamas-friendly NGOs, or Arab states, or perhaps even from Gazans themselves who are homeless because Hamas chose to use them as human shields.

(full article online)

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