Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Concept in America
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, That is something great about America. Even the little guy has a voice and can be heard.

Meet the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost School Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel, Anti-BDS Oath

BTW, She won her case. The law was ruled unconstitutional.


Do you think there is something equivalent in the Arab Palestinian culture → let's say for instance HAMAS? Is it possible in the Gaza Strip, for instance, for the average citizen to publically take an opposing view to that of HAMAS
(Islamic Resistance Movement)?

View attachment 495015

OH, I forgot, that GAZA is so much better than either Israel or America.

Most Respectfully,

Holy sidestepping, Batman!

Why don't you address my post?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Concept in America
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yeah, That is something great about America. Even the little guy has a voice and can be heard.

Meet the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost School Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel, Anti-BDS Oath

BTW, She won her case. The law was ruled unconstitutional.


Do you think there is something equivalent in the Arab Palestinian culture → let's say for instance HAMAS? Is it possible in the Gaza Strip, for instance, for the average citizen to publically take an opposing view to that of HAMAS
(Islamic Resistance Movement)?

View attachment 495015

OH, I forgot, that GAZA is so much better than either Israel or America.

Most Respectfully,

Holy sidestepping, Batman!

Why don't you address my post?

You have been using that same cut and paste bit of spam for years.
Believing they could pretend to be a uniformed military, the Hamas posers held another silly fashion parade where they pretended to be something other than a joke.

Thousands of Hamas fighters held a military parade Friday in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, a week after a ceasefire with Israel took effect in the devastated coastal enclave.

a man in a military vehicle: Fighters of the Hamas military wing Ezzedin al-Qassam Brigades display military hardware during a parade in the Gaza city of Rafah a week after Hamas and Israel agreed a ceasefire ending a deadly and devastating 11-day confrontation
Gee, whiz. A rather embarrassing gaffe from the head of the UN sponsored Islamic terrorist welfare agency. Effective precision airstrikes by the IDF tends to conflict with the Islamic terrorist propaganda of indiscriminate bombing.

The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) apologized for acknowledging the precision of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) strikes in the Gaza Strip during the most recent escalation between Israel and Hamas.
Interesting to read about the cartoonish, bumbling antics of the Islamic terrorists in Gaza.

21% of the Hamas misfits killed in the early days of the recent scuffle were a result of Iranian rockets that malfunctioned. Well, either the rockets malfunctioned, were poorly made and intended to malfunction or the Hamas terrorists are even more incompetent than earlier assumed.

The Mullocrats are laughing.

In First Two Days of Conflict, Over 70% of Gaza Casualties Caused by Israeli Strikes Were Combatants: Analysis​


A study of the first two days of the recent clashes between Israel and Hamas showed that more than 70% of the casualties caused by Israeli airstrikes were militant operatives, and that 21% of the total deaths on those days were caused by errant Hamas rockets.
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hezbollah coordinated with Hamas on the recent fighting in Gaza between Palestinian terrorists and Israel, according to the editor-in-chief of a Lebanese daily affiliated with Hezbollah.

Ibrahim Al-Amine, editor of the pro-Hezbollah Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, told Hezbollah’s Al-Manar network over the weekend that during the 11-days of fighting in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, officers from the IRGC, Hamas and Hezbollah set up a joint military operations center in Beirut.

The commander of the IRGC’s overseas Quds Force, Esmail Ghaani, visited the operations center twice during the military hostilities, according to Al-Amine.

(full article online)

While these numbers are still quite suspect, it reveals two things that the UN does not want to say explicitly.

One is that they admit that at least 11 Gazans were killed by Hamas rockets. There is practically no one in Gaza actually investigating the sources of each incident; as we've seen, hundreds of Hamas and other terror group rockets landed in Gaza but since the first couple of days no one wants to admit that any of them caused damage. Evidence shows that there was indeed plenty of damage from terrorist group rockets falling short.

The other is that out of the 245 "seemingly" killed by Israeli airstrikes, 117 (128-11) are believed to be civilians, meaning that at least 128 were terrorists. (This is a higher number than the totals admitted by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah.)

This means that the UN, hardly an objective source when it comes to Israel, is admitting that Israeli airstrikes were startlingly effective, given that the terror targets were often surrounded by their families.

The UN won't say that, of course.

(full article online)

The most infamous university in Palestine has a new president, and, surprisingly, he is an American professor at an Ivy League school. Starting in the Fall 2021 semester, Beshara Doumani, director of Brown University’s Center for Middle East Studies, will take a two-year leave of absence to become the fifth president of Birzeit University, located in the West Bank town of Birzeit, just a few miles from Ramallah.

I refer to Birzeit as Terrorist University because its history is one with the history of anti-Israel terrorism and because the school is controlled by terrorist organizations. The first sentence one reads about Birzeit on its website is that it has transformed “Palestinian higher education through its impact on community awareness, culture and resistance.” If “resistance” is not clear enough, the second sentence announces that the institution “has been a thorn in the side of the occupation, insisting on playing its role of enlightenment and creating a multicultural Palestinian society on the campus grounds.” One wonders what “multicultural” means on this campus.

Perhaps the former Birzeit Girls’ School (which became Birzeit College in 1942) really did contribute something positive to Palestinian society long ago, but from the moment it changed its name to Birzeit University in 1975, it has functioned as the educational wing of the Palestinian “resistance.”

The first president of Birzeit was Hanna Nasir, who oversaw the school’s transition from college to university. He was also a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee and was one of many PLO members Israel exiled to Lebanon in 1974.

(full article online)

Using the well-known Palestinian slogan “from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea” to define the area of “Palestine,” the Deputy Secretary of Fatah’s Shuafat and Beit Hanina branch, Musa Al-Rajabi, vowed that Palestinians will continue to fight Israel until “the liberation of Palestine”:


(full article online)

In the early days of the Gaza operation, Refaat Alareer wrote an op-ed in the New York Times about how hard it is to be a good parent during wartime.

He mentioned that the lost his brother in the 2014 war along with many relatives:
In 2014, during the last war, Israel killed my brother Hamada; it destroyed my apartment when it brought down the family home that housed 40 people. It killed my wife’s grandfather, her brother, her sister and her sister’s three kids.
Why would Israel target his apartment?

Well, because Refaat Alareer's brother was a Hamas operative, and he was holed up in the apartment with a fellow Hamas terrorist - effectively holding the family hostage as human shields.

Here is Mohammed (Hamada) Alareer, still memorialized on Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades website:

(full article online)

Heh. Another usual fraud. No “national” rally.

A few hundred Islamic terrorist wannabes
Long overdue. There is some bipartisan support so I would hope that more of the radical leftists can get on board.

WASHINGTON – A group of 16 Republican senators led by Marco Rubio (R-Florida) reintroduced the Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act on Friday. It aims “to prevent Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or any affiliate or successor thereof from accessing its international support networks.”

The bill aims to oppose Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad from attempting to use goods, “including medicine and dual use items, to smuggle weapons and other materials to further acts of terrorism.”
Too bad for the Islamic terrorists occupying the West Bank. If only they had used up some of their excess population in a scuffle with Israel, they could be singing the "Mo Money, Mo Money'' song.

Palestinians gather as Hamas militants parade at a rally just over a week after a cease-fire was reached in an 11-day war between Hamas and Israel, Sunday, May 30, 2021, in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip.
1of27Palestinians gather as Hamas militants parade at a rally just over a week after a cease-fire was reached in an 11-day war between Hamas and Israel, Sunday, May 30, 2021, in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip.Felipe Dana/AP

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt and Israel held high-level talks in both countries Sunday to shore up a fragile truce between Israel and the Hamas militant group and rebuild the Gaza Strip after a punishing 11-day war that left parts of the seaside enclave in ruins.
Now that it’s safe to come out, Sinwar ‘what’s his name’, the leader of the Gaza territory of Shia’istan, is making speeches.

“We are ready for the great battle, if the enemy commits a great folly in Jerusalem and the holy sites," Sinwar said in his first speech since Operation Guardian of the Walls.

Gaza’s Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar claimed on Wednesday that Hamas has 500 km. of tunnels in the Gaza Strip and that only five percent of the tunnels had been damaged in recent clashes.
Translated from Islamo-terrorist speak, “I have a lot of maintenance costs for my presidential jet so I’m entitled to some of that reconstruction welfare money”.

Any reconstruction plan for the Gaza Strip must be carried out in coordination with the Palestinian Authority, PA President Mahmoud Abbas told Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate Director Abbas Kamel on Sunday.
What a complete farce. It seems the Pal terrorists have aligned with the farcical ICC to coordinate on a farcical investigation and beg for real kuffar welfare dollars.

The PA met 80 times with the ICC – mocking and violating conditions for US funding​

Itamar Marcus | May 31, 2021
  • US law prohibits economic support to the PA if the PA “initiate an International Criminal Court judicially authorized investigation, or actively support such an investigation, that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians.”

Whereas the United States has made statements promising renewed financial support to the Palestinian Authority, the PA is ineligible for US funding. According to US law to be eligible for funding from the Economic Support Fund (ESF), the PA must not “initiate” or “actively support” any International Criminal Court investigation “that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians.”

Palestinian Media Watch can now report that this week, the Head of the PA Attorney’s Office for International Legal Cooperation Jamil Sajadiyeh admitted that the PA, ignoring the above US condition, is very actively supporting investigations against Israelis at the ICC:

“Around 80 meetings have been held between Palestine and the ICC, of course with the office of [ICC] General Prosecutor [Fatou Bensouda]. There are nearly 60 cases and letters that have been submitted, all of them telling about the Israeli violations. Monthly reports are being submitted to the ICC via the general prosecutor through the [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, May 25, 2021]
Whereas the United States has made statements promising renewed financial support to the Palestinian Authority, the PA is ineligible for US funding. According to US law to be eligible for funding from the Economic Support Fund (ESF), the PA must not “initiate” or “actively support” any International Criminal Court investigation “that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians.”

Palestinian Media Watch can now report that this week, the Head of the PA Attorney’s Office for International Legal Cooperation Jamil Sajadiyeh admitted that the PA, ignoring the above US condition, is very actively supporting investigations against Israelis at the ICC:

(full article online)

Last week, Gaza UNRWA director Matthias Schmale told Israel's Channel 12 news, “I’m not a military expert, but I would not dispute that. I also have the impression that there is a huge sophistication in the way the Israeli military struck over the last 11 days, so that’s not my issue. I’ve had many colleagues describe to me that they feel that, in comparison with the 2014 war, this time the strikes felt much more vicious in terms of their impact. So yes, they didn’t hit – with some exceptions – civilian targets, but the viciousness, ferocity of the strikes was heavily felt.””


Schmale made the cardinal mistake of deviating from the groupthink that Israel randomly targets and kills civilians for no reason whatsoever. And when someone goes against the official line, there is hell to pay.

Hamas - which literally targets civilians and brags about it - condemned Schmale and was soon joined by the other groups in Gaza who send rockets indiscriminately towards Israel (and often Gaza itself.)

Obviously, Schmale spoke the truth. Israel's airstrikes were more precise than in any previous war. The ratio of combatants to civilian casualties was higher than in any urban war in history. It is literally impossible to avoid killing children when the terrorists deliberately hide themselves, their weapons and their command centers among children, which has been proven over and over again.

Schmale has apologized over and over for telling the truth. His latest linked to the New York Times photo essay of children killed, saying, "Looking at this harrowing documentation, I deeply regret that my comments about the precision of IDF strikes are being misused to justify what cannot be justified. Killing children breaks the rules of war and must be independently investigated. There must not be impunity!"

(full article online)

Pally terrorists are their own worst enemy. It would not surprise me to learn that Iranian money has an influence on locations selected for Islamic terrorist attacks and those locations are intended to inflict casualties on Israelis and Sunni Pals as well.

Terrorist organizations carry out terrorist attacks at civilian sites that contribute greatly to the welfare of the Palestinian population, such as crossings, while taking advantage of easing of restrictions on the Palestinian population, in order to sabotage the normal Palestinian daily life and any co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians.

Furthermore, by striking at Palestinians’ ability to earn a living, the terrorist organizations attempt to present Israel as responsible for the suffering of the Palestinians.
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