Who Ever Said Black Lives DIDN'T Matter ?

Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?

I'm saying many people don't care cause it's happening to "those people" . Well don't be surprised when it happens to you!

You make no sense, cops don't go around shooting people all nilly willy. You read too much BS
if you want to show black lives matter....quit fucking killing them at every turn...why is it white men who are mass shooters...are never killed by the cops? name one go on.....the white guy either kills himself or gets arrested.....
why is that? why is it a white guy can shot up a movie theater and stand trial....a black guy selling loosies must die? why is that?

Dont resist after committing a crime and you'll get your day in court.

What if you didn't commit a crime?
Same principle.

Yeah it is but... I have been stopped twice, at night, for what I was told was weaving. In both cases I knew it was a police officer following me. I think in the second incident the cop pulled me over because I was going the speed limit and he thought that was odd, and I obviously held him up from wherever it was he was going. He told me I was weaving between the lines? He had followed me on a well traveled country road for all of about 20 seconds. Another time I was pulled over for speeding when a truck had passed me on a downgrade and was speeding, I was not. The cop swore that I was running with the truck but that was far from the truth. I had slowed down on the upgrade because I knew the truck would only pass me on the downgrade. I didn't get a ticket in any of those situations, except for the last because I had a light burned out. Seems that road was a big toll road.

Anyway the point is I now have suspicions about the motives of the police. I think in the "weaving" case they were just fishing. In the speeding case they were filling quota.

I had a police car follow me all the way home. When I pulled into my driveway, he pulled across the street in a parking lot. He watched me get out of my car, grab my bowling ball, and enter my home. When I got inside, I turned on my police scanner only to find out they were looking for a white male driving the exact same car as mine who was involved in some kind of domestic dispute. After confirming I didn't match the attire of the subject, they drove off looking for somebody else driving a car like mine.

Police have their reasons for following somebody or pulling them over.
Black votes matter. Your lesson begins in a little over 11 months
That lesson began months AGO. Example: Michael Slager was jailed in North Charleston for legally and properly shooting Walter Scott, a fleeing felon, just to appease the black voter majority of that township.
And this is exactly how black lives (or any lives) are NOT SUPPOSED to matter.. Not THAT way.

Guy sells cigarettes or steals cigars and is gunned down. White guy wastes a congregation at a church, murders a cop, a judge, and even a member of Congress and they are still alive.

You failed to mention the most important word.....resisting.

So the bloodbath you just caused and the cop you just iced is peachy keen but if you don't put your cigarette out they'll use lethal force? Got it.

You guys would have loved Germany in the late 1930s
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?

I'm saying many people don't care cause it's happening to "those people" . Well don't be surprised when it happens to you!

You make no sense, cops don't go around shooting people all nilly willy. You read too much BS
Its the narrative. Cops go around shooting young black men for no reason at all. You cant argue with the narrative.
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Once again, there is no law that states the only time an officer (or citizen) can use deadly force is against a person with a weapon. A subject doesn't need to have a weapon. He (or she) only needs to be a threat to the officer(s).

Guy is running away , so he's not a threat .

Cops have no more right to shoot anyone than you or I .

Yes they do have that right. If a police officer believes the subject that is running away is a potential harm to the public, yes, he can use his firearm to stop him.
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?

I'm saying many people don't care cause it's happening to "those people" . Well don't be surprised when it happens to you!

I would take the liberal left wings side a little bit more seriously if they gave a crap about those who died at Waco. The ATF showed up with guns blazing and those at Waco defended themselves.
if you want to show black lives matter....quit fucking killing them at every turn...why is it white men who are mass shooters...are never killed by the cops? name one go on.....the white guy either kills himself or gets arrested.....
why is that? why is it a white guy can shot up a movie theater and stand trial....a black guy selling loosies must die? why is that?

Dont resist after committing a crime and you'll get your day in court.

What if you didn't commit a crime?

Than why would you be resisting?
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?
He doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about. That much is clear.
No one is coming for blacks. Police are coming for black criminals. Whose victims are largely other poor blacks. Police are helping honest poor blacks by getting rid of criminals who prey on them. Shouldnt they be getting medals for this?

Not according to blacks.

Look at what happened in NY with Stop and Frisk. It was a program that lowered the murder rate of blacks on the streets of NY. They had the program stopped because other blacks didn't like the "profile" aspect of it. Now more blacks are getting killed and they are happy about it apparently.
Black votes matter. Your lesson begins in a little over 11 months
That lesson began months AGO. Example: Michael Slager was jailed in North Charleston for legally and properly shooting Walter Scott, a fleeing felon, just to appease the black voter majority of that township.
And this is exactly how black lives (or any lives) are NOT SUPPOSED to matter.. Not THAT way.

Guy sells cigarettes or steals cigars and is gunned down. White guy wastes a congregation at a church, murders a cop, a judge, and even a member of Congress and they are still alive.

You failed to mention the most important word.....resisting.

So the bloodbath you just caused and the cop you just iced is peachy keen but if you don't put your cigarette out they'll use lethal force? Got it.

You guys would have loved Germany in the late 1930s

Again you failed to mention the magic word....
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?

I'm saying many people don't care cause it's happening to "those people" . Well don't be surprised when it happens to you!

You make no sense, cops don't go around shooting people all nilly willy. You read too much BS
Its the narrative. Cops go around shooting young black men for no reason at all. You cant argue with the narrative.

Wrongfully shooting . Then lying about it, then having it covered up.

If they did nothing wrong. Why the coverup ?
if you want to show black lives matter....quit fucking killing them at every turn...why is it white men who are mass shooters...are never killed by the cops? name one go on.....the white guy either kills himself or gets arrested.....
why is that? why is it a white guy can shot up a movie theater and stand trial....a black guy selling loosies must die? why is that?

Dont resist after committing a crime and you'll get your day in court.

What if you didn't commit a crime?
Same principle.

Yeah it is but... I have been stopped twice, at night, for what I was told was weaving. In both cases I knew it was a police officer following me. I think in the second incident the cop pulled me over because I was going the speed limit and he thought that was odd, and I obviously held him up from wherever it was he was going. He told me I was weaving between the lines? He had followed me on a well traveled country road for all of about 20 seconds. Another time I was pulled over for speeding when a truck had passed me on a downgrade and was speeding, I was not. The cop swore that I was running with the truck but that was far from the truth. I had slowed down on the upgrade because I knew the truck would only pass me on the downgrade. I didn't get a ticket in any of those situations, except for the last because I had a light burned out. Seems that road was a big toll road.

Anyway the point is I now have suspicions about the motives of the police. I think in the "weaving" case they were just fishing. In the speeding case they were filling quota.
Are there cops who do that stuff? Sure. Way too often. But as you point out you didnt get a ticket. ANd you probably didnt reach in your glove box and pull out a flashlight as the cop came up to your door.

My incidents were relatively minor. But I know black young men who made good money who told me that it was routine for them to be pulled over because they were driving a nice car. That might have changed but never the less..... And I am sorry but I don't believe that cops should pull people over on a fishing trip. I also believe that they should only use their weapons in the case of self defense.

When i served on Council I would interview police officers. i would always ask what situation they would use their weapon and when they would pursue someone at high speed. We had one officer fire at a car for pulling out from a traffic stop, he said they tried to run him down. Which I called BS but he was well liked and now is a state policeman. Fact is, I did like him and he made a mistake, I hope he learned from it.
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?
He doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about. That much is clear.
No one is coming for blacks. Police are coming for black criminals. Whose victims are largely other poor blacks. Police are helping honest poor blacks by getting rid of criminals who prey on them. Shouldnt they be getting medals for this?

Not according to blacks.

Look at what happened in NY with Stop and Frisk. It was a program that lowered the murder rate of blacks on the streets of NY. They had the program stopped because other blacks didn't like the "profile" aspect of it. Now more blacks are getting killed and they are happy about it apparently.

Well there's that crazy constitution again!

We could take everyones guns away . That would lower murder rates . What do you think about that ?
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?
He doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about. That much is clear.
No one is coming for blacks. Police are coming for black criminals. Whose victims are largely other poor blacks. Police are helping honest poor blacks by getting rid of criminals who prey on them. Shouldnt they be getting medals for this?

Not according to blacks.

Look at what happened in NY with Stop and Frisk. It was a program that lowered the murder rate of blacks on the streets of NY. They had the program stopped because other blacks didn't like the "profile" aspect of it. Now more blacks are getting killed and they are happy about it apparently.

Well there's that crazy constitution again!

We could take everyones guns away . That would lower murder rates . What do you think about that ?

That crazy constitution says it's not happening
The damn fools at Black Lives Matter have been running around, causing trouble, and achieving nothing more than making utter fools out of themselves. They have no basis for any of their harebrained actions. They have no purpose, and no reason for existence.

This brainless "movement" was co-founded by three black community organizers: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi. According to Wikipedia's write-up, they began to question how they were going to respond to the devaluation of black lives after George Zimmerman's acquittal. Trouble is, there never WAS any devaluation of black lives from that, and if anything, from the Zimmerman case, there might have been a devaluation of white and Hispanic lives, due to the baseless railroading of George Zimmerman, engineered by Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, and all done to appease blacks and the threat of rioting.

These loons have protested the killing of blacks from Trayvon Martin to Michael Brown, to Eric Garner, to Freddie Gray, and in each case, the killings were justified, as they repeatedly show off their stupidity, by protesting and sometimes disturbing citizens, (of all colors) by blocking traffic and entrances to stores.

Who ever said black lives don't matter ? These people have nothing to complain about, and if anyone does have, it is all the people these jerks are inconveniencing, as well as White people who have been suffering racial discrimination in affirmative action for 50 years, which these foolish black people in BLM have been the beneficiaries of.

Protesting against something is one thing, but hurting others is not ok...
You will love what this mother does to her son after catching him at a protest riot..:lol: I had this on my facebook page a year ago, so funny.

VIDEO: Angry mom beats son suspected of rioting in Baltimore
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?
He doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about. That much is clear.
No one is coming for blacks. Police are coming for black criminals. Whose victims are largely other poor blacks. Police are helping honest poor blacks by getting rid of criminals who prey on them. Shouldnt they be getting medals for this?

Not according to blacks.

Look at what happened in NY with Stop and Frisk. It was a program that lowered the murder rate of blacks on the streets of NY. They had the program stopped because other blacks didn't like the "profile" aspect of it. Now more blacks are getting killed and they are happy about it apparently.

Well there's that crazy constitution again!

We could take everyones guns away . That would lower murder rates . What do you think about that ?

You dont see the irony in your post do you?
if you want to show black lives matter....quit fucking killing them at every turn...why is it white men who are mass shooters...are never killed by the cops? name one go on.....the white guy either kills himself or gets arrested.....
why is that? why is it a white guy can shot up a movie theater and stand trial....a black guy selling loosies must die? why is that?

Dont resist after committing a crime and you'll get your day in court.

What if you didn't commit a crime?

Than why would you be resisting?

Like I said, if I felt I was wrongly being targeted because I was a white guy then I think I might be a little outraged at the system. Much like Waco made me rethink what I thought about the ATF.
if you want to show black lives matter....quit fucking killing them at every turn...why is it white men who are mass shooters...are never killed by the cops? name one go on.....the white guy either kills himself or gets arrested.....
why is that? why is it a white guy can shot up a movie theater and stand trial....a black guy selling loosies must die? why is that?

Dont resist after committing a crime and you'll get your day in court.

What if you didn't commit a crime?

Than why would you be resisting?

Like I said, if I felt I was wrongly being targeted because I was a white guy then I think I might be a little outraged at the system. Much like Waco made me rethink what I thought about the ATF.

I would think resisting would pretty much confirm the cops suspicions.
Black lives is totally right . At least once a week theres a story (wh video )of police shooting unarmed Americans in the streets . And it's not just black people either .

"First they came for the Jews, and i said nothing .."

Are you insinuating there is a movement to rid America of blacks through police shootings?
He doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about. That much is clear.
No one is coming for blacks. Police are coming for black criminals. Whose victims are largely other poor blacks. Police are helping honest poor blacks by getting rid of criminals who prey on them. Shouldnt they be getting medals for this?

Not according to blacks.

Look at what happened in NY with Stop and Frisk. It was a program that lowered the murder rate of blacks on the streets of NY. They had the program stopped because other blacks didn't like the "profile" aspect of it. Now more blacks are getting killed and they are happy about it apparently.

Well there's that crazy constitution again!

We could take everyones guns away . That would lower murder rates . What do you think about that ?

I think about that the same as I think of illegal narcotics: the people who want them get them.

That means we would end up with a society where only the police and bad guys have guns. The rest of us would be targets.
if you want to show black lives matter....quit fucking killing them at every turn...why is it white men who are mass shooters...are never killed by the cops? name one go on.....the white guy either kills himself or gets arrested.....
why is that? why is it a white guy can shot up a movie theater and stand trial....a black guy selling loosies must die? why is that?

Dont resist after committing a crime and you'll get your day in court.

What if you didn't commit a crime?

Than why would you be resisting?

Like I said, if I felt I was wrongly being targeted because I was a white guy then I think I might be a little outraged at the system. Much like Waco made me rethink what I thought about the ATF.

I've been targeted because I'm white. Didn't bother me one bit.

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