Who In Their Right Mind -

A lot of politicians are like this. They're despicable people. Some hide it well, others no so well.
yeah yeah yeah, we heard all of this 20 years ago....sounds like political posturing bull crap to me, just like it did first time around.... ;)
Why are you wasting time defending Hillary? She doesn't give a damn about you.
No. That's the job. And rightly so. If Hillary Clinton was elected and I was a Secret Service Agent I would protect her and take whatever came at her.

This is the beauty and I mean beauty of the agency.

ETA: I'd do it as a private citizen too because she would be the President.
Any Secret Agent or even any Private Security person, that runs their mouth off, after their job is over, bashing the people they were paid to be guards for... to make an almighty buck, are NOT worth the time of day, in my book.

And were not qualified to even hold the position.

so, pardon me, for having ethics and using my brain....
No. That's the job. And rightly so. If Hillary Clinton was elected and I was a Secret Service Agent I would protect her and take whatever came at her.

This is the beauty and I mean beauty of the agency.

ETA: I'd do it as a private citizen too because she would be the President.
Hitlery? A total waste of votes.
Any Secret Agent or even any Private Security person, that runs their mouth off, after their job is over, bashing the people they were paid to be guards for... to make an almighty buck, are NOT worth the time of day, in my book.

And were not qualified to even hold the position.

so, pardon me, for having ethics and using my brain....
I met the retired Secret Service agent from Rock Hill,SC a couple years ago who was on Hitlery's detail. When he retired he made a statement on Charlotte's local ABC news about his additional duty while he was assigned to Hitlery. The next day he was back on the news, saying he had lied and apologized profusely. That clip of news was then played on all the national news cable channels so that everyone would hear the message.
The sad truth is that he lied about lying. He was threatened and bullied by the SS and the Hildebeast's goons. The only reason he is alive today is because he has documented, notarized proof of his charges. I am hoping they will be used to thwart any possibility of the Hildebitch becoming POTUS.
Funny that the writer's a Faux News contributor.

I am so sick of this shit. It is juvenile to keep attacking the source unless you Grandma can best the source. Can you best the source Grandma?

Faux "news" has been caught lying on a daily basis. They lie daily. Every day they lie.

How do you not get that they're not a good source for information?

I met the retired Secret Service agent from Rock Hill,SC a couple years ago who was on Hitlery's detail. When he retired he made a statement on Charlotte's local ABC news about his additional duty while he was assigned to Hitlery. The next day he was back on the news, saying he had lied and apologized profusely. That clip of news was then played on all the national news cable channels so that everyone would hear the message.
The sad truth is that he lied about lying. He was threatened and bullied by the SS and the Hildebeast's goons. The only reason he is alive today is because he has documented, notarized proof of his charges. I am hoping they will be used to thwart any possibility of the Hildebitch becoming POTUS.

It's pretty clear that you're biased in favor of the report.

Even though the former agent is clearly a liar.

I believe that any "threats" he may have received center around his questionable grasp on honesty.

Does that paint Mrs. Clinton as a saint? No. Not at all.

But stop and actually think about this story. ONE person, a confirmed liar, said she was horrible. The literally thousands of others that have worked for or around her said nothing.

That they said nothing tells us that the was average, nothing out of the usual.

Thanks for playing.
Gad, she's an uppity bitch isn't she?
"Uppity"? NO, thats a racist code word for blacks. "Ambitious" is the misogynist code word for women.
She is neither. She is a conniving dishonest sociopath like her husband but without his charm. Thoroughly criminal the thought of her as president makes me shudder.
I've heard similar stories myself second hand from people in law enforcement.
Yeah, I bet you have.

You know lots of people that worked with Hillary.

Yeah, I bet you have.

You know lots of people that worked with Hillary.

Did you see the broadcast from Charlotte that the agent described his extra duties for Hillary? I've known the guy for years and he doesn't lie. Except for the lie he told when he said he reported a lie. You have no idea what it's like inside the beltway. Or the degenerate animals in the government like Hitlery.
Buzz Patterson, "Dereliction of Duty" 2003 had a few comments on her temper as well

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